Hey, Sam here with today's post. It's going to be a quick one while Jan takes a short break from yelling at the monitor and threatening to beat up the Zazzle employee who came up with the dumb idea to make us reclassify everything in our store.
She's only finished two folders so far and the problem is that all the designs in them are - not a dog and not a cat, but a dog AND a cat. But there is no dog AND cat category, so she puts them in animals/pets and omits that dog or cat step and then finds that most are "dog" and a few are "cat." She's hopping mad at this ridiculous waste of her time, so we're all in hiding till she stops for the day.
Enjoy the video on Jack the sheep who thinks he's a sheepdog. Yep, he even herds his relatives like a dog. We really enjoyed the video and think you will too.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
If you give your dog Milk Bone, you might want to check this "voluntary pull" of certain boxes due to mold. http://www.truthaboutpetfood.com/articles/milk-bone-dog-biscuit-product-pull.html
And now, if you'll excuse me, I hear footsteps. Bye.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Rusty Ponders Cats and Water
Hey, Rusty here. I've been sitting here thinking ever since I watched today's video and I've come to a conclusion.
Who said all cats hate water? Wasn't me or the other Funny Farmers. Even though none of us want to get wet.
Enjoy these throwbacks to the feline species.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Who said all cats hate water? Wasn't me or the other Funny Farmers. Even though none of us want to get wet.
Enjoy these throwbacks to the feline species.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Buddy Intros Dog and Ginger
Hey, Buddy here. We just had a t-storm pass through. We don't like lightning but we did need the rain. I just came out from where I was hiding uh, napping under the desk to do today's post.
We have another fun video for you today. A goggle-wearing, motorcycle riding dog named Dog. His human friend traded a beer for him. Guess who got the best of that deal? Yep!
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We'd like to mention 2 things we've read about lately but can't remember where to find the info. We'll just recap them for you.
1) We hope you are not storing your blog photos or personal photos in Picasa without having a backup copy elsewhere, either on your computer, on CDs or DVDs, or on a separate drive. If something goes wrong or if your gmail or google blog is closed, your photos will go with them. And even if your account is reinstated by you or google, you might not get your photos back.
(The same goes for gmail. We can remember about 3 or 4 years or so ago when Jan opened a gmail account and a blog for the local Humane Society. When she tried to send the officers the new email address, she found the new account had already been flagged for "suspicious activity." She was dumbfounded. There hadn't been any activity yet, except for a couple of test emails to herself to make sure the account was set up correctly. It turned out there had been a glitch and all new accounts were locked as "suspicious." It took Google a couple of days or so to take the lock off the account.)
Mistakes do happen. So please don't depend solely on Picasa to store your photos.
2) Sooner or later Blogger is going to end support of the old HTML templates and there are still a number of Blogger blogs using them. The new templates are so much easier to work with and to make changes to. We like the new ones because we're not techies but we can create our own background and change the look of our blogs at whim. So if you haven't updated your template since opening your blog a few years ago, we suggest you go to the Design page, click on Template Designer, and check out the new system. don't wait till the last minute and end up in a panic.
3) UPDATE: Okay, better make that 3 things. Ayla, Iza & Marley just left a comment reminding us before long Blogger will be switching everyone to the new interface. And we still haven't figured out how to maneuver around that so we keep reverting to the old one. We do need to remember to check it out occasionally so we can let Blogger know what we do or don't like, what does or doesn't work about it.
Well, how about this. Zoolatry just sent out this graphic this morning for poor Ginger and just now we discovered her problem has been resolved. But she could still use purrs and wags that this doesn't recur. Ginger is from the Cory Cat blog.
We have another fun video for you today. A goggle-wearing, motorcycle riding dog named Dog. His human friend traded a beer for him. Guess who got the best of that deal? Yep!
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We'd like to mention 2 things we've read about lately but can't remember where to find the info. We'll just recap them for you.
1) We hope you are not storing your blog photos or personal photos in Picasa without having a backup copy elsewhere, either on your computer, on CDs or DVDs, or on a separate drive. If something goes wrong or if your gmail or google blog is closed, your photos will go with them. And even if your account is reinstated by you or google, you might not get your photos back.
(The same goes for gmail. We can remember about 3 or 4 years or so ago when Jan opened a gmail account and a blog for the local Humane Society. When she tried to send the officers the new email address, she found the new account had already been flagged for "suspicious activity." She was dumbfounded. There hadn't been any activity yet, except for a couple of test emails to herself to make sure the account was set up correctly. It turned out there had been a glitch and all new accounts were locked as "suspicious." It took Google a couple of days or so to take the lock off the account.)
Mistakes do happen. So please don't depend solely on Picasa to store your photos.
2) Sooner or later Blogger is going to end support of the old HTML templates and there are still a number of Blogger blogs using them. The new templates are so much easier to work with and to make changes to. We like the new ones because we're not techies but we can create our own background and change the look of our blogs at whim. So if you haven't updated your template since opening your blog a few years ago, we suggest you go to the Design page, click on Template Designer, and check out the new system. don't wait till the last minute and end up in a panic.
3) UPDATE: Okay, better make that 3 things. Ayla, Iza & Marley just left a comment reminding us before long Blogger will be switching everyone to the new interface. And we still haven't figured out how to maneuver around that so we keep reverting to the old one. We do need to remember to check it out occasionally so we can let Blogger know what we do or don't like, what does or doesn't work about it.
Well, how about this. Zoolatry just sent out this graphic this morning for poor Ginger and just now we discovered her problem has been resolved. But she could still use purrs and wags that this doesn't recur. Ginger is from the Cory Cat blog.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Archives, Twix and Smeagol
Hey, Cyndi here. It's my turn to do the news report today. Or at least it is since I won the race to the typing chair. So here goes.
We want to thank Chancy the Gardener for giving us this lovely award.
Chancy has been visiting blogs and reading hidden nuggets - something all bloggers have. So when you stop by a blog, check out the archives. Or for those blogs that use LinkWithin (we use it), click on one of the older posts pictured or listed below the current one..
And thank you, Amber DeWeenie, for sharing this lovely graphic of Twix from a Wiener Dog Blog, who was helped to the bridge Saturday morning.
And Smeagol of Tails of Two Kitties blog suddenly and unexpectedly ran off for the bridge last Tuesday, Sept 20. Graphic by KC/ML of the CB.
Both Twix and Smeagol will be missed. We send hugs, purrs and tail wags to their families.
We want to thank Chancy the Gardener for giving us this lovely award.
Chancy has been visiting blogs and reading hidden nuggets - something all bloggers have. So when you stop by a blog, check out the archives. Or for those blogs that use LinkWithin (we use it), click on one of the older posts pictured or listed below the current one..
And thank you, Amber DeWeenie, for sharing this lovely graphic of Twix from a Wiener Dog Blog, who was helped to the bridge Saturday morning.
And Smeagol of Tails of Two Kitties blog suddenly and unexpectedly ran off for the bridge last Tuesday, Sept 20. Graphic by KC/ML of the CB.
Both Twix and Smeagol will be missed. We send hugs, purrs and tail wags to their families.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Fawn Rescue and Asta's Birthday
One morning there was a deer in a yard frantically looking for something in a pile of rocks that form a wall on the property line. When the owners first went out, they didn't see anything but the deer wouldn't leave the yard.
Later they went out to the area the deer was concentrating on and heard a fawn crying. They moved some large rocks and saw the fawn was trapped. The large boulders were too heavy to move.
They called the fire department and a team came out and moved the rocks with the Jaws of Life, then reached in and pulled out the fawn.
This is a neat video and we'd like to send kudos to the B Shift team of the Clark County Fire District 3 for reuniting the fawn with its mother.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Today is Asta's 5th birthday. We are trying to get to the party on time with some friends but we're stuck in a taxicab traffic jam.
We hope this traffic jam clears up soon. Buddy says he's tired of climbing in and out of the cab to pee.
Don't miss Asta's 5th birthday party. She's having a commentathon and will donate 50 cents a comment. She will draw a winner's name from the comments who will get to pick which rescue/shelter will receive her donation.
Just a reminder that Gracie's mom has sinusitis and pneumonia in one lung and can use your prayers. Despite her illness, she worked on the above graphic for Asta's party..
Later they went out to the area the deer was concentrating on and heard a fawn crying. They moved some large rocks and saw the fawn was trapped. The large boulders were too heavy to move.
They called the fire department and a team came out and moved the rocks with the Jaws of Life, then reached in and pulled out the fawn.
This is a neat video and we'd like to send kudos to the B Shift team of the Clark County Fire District 3 for reuniting the fawn with its mother.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Today is Asta's 5th birthday. We are trying to get to the party on time with some friends but we're stuck in a taxicab traffic jam.
Graphic by Gracie, Socks & Jan's Funny Farm
Left to right: 1st row - Ollie, Gracie, Opus( back seat), Momo, Karl
2nd row - Rusty, Merci, Cyndi, Buddy, Ruis (back seat), Socks
3rd row - Cameron, Sam, Cotton, Percy
We hope this traffic jam clears up soon. Buddy says he's tired of climbing in and out of the cab to pee.
Don't miss Asta's 5th birthday party. She's having a commentathon and will donate 50 cents a comment. She will draw a winner's name from the comments who will get to pick which rescue/shelter will receive her donation.
Just a reminder that Gracie's mom has sinusitis and pneumonia in one lung and can use your prayers. Despite her illness, she worked on the above graphic for Asta's party..
Friday, September 23, 2011
Asta, Link and Gracie's Mom
Hey, Cameron here, stopping by with a few tidbits of breaking news.
To celebrate her 5th birthday tomorrow, Asta is having a commentathon. Any comment left today or tomorrow will benefit a rescue shelter of one lucky commentor's choice.
Asta's mom is an artist. Road Dog Tales has posted an interview and some of Ami's lovely paintings. So be sure to drop by Asta's blog for the link and to leave a comment.
Gracie's mom threw a great 16th birthday party yesterday for Gracie's niece, even though she was sick. Today she went to the doctor and learned she has sinusitis as well as "surprise" pneumonia in her left lung. We hope she will quickly recover. Feel free to use the graphic if you'd like.
Link Bartholomew's mom is preparing for her wedding, so Link was sad he wasn't able to participate and post Monday, September 19 for Meow or Woof Like A Pirate Day. So we sent his mom proof that Link sailed on the same ship we did. This is Link, Scoundrel of the Seas, and if you haven't met him yet, be sure to stop by and share a glass of grog.
To celebrate her 5th birthday tomorrow, Asta is having a commentathon. Any comment left today or tomorrow will benefit a rescue shelter of one lucky commentor's choice.
Asta's mom is an artist. Road Dog Tales has posted an interview and some of Ami's lovely paintings. So be sure to drop by Asta's blog for the link and to leave a comment.
Gracie's mom threw a great 16th birthday party yesterday for Gracie's niece, even though she was sick. Today she went to the doctor and learned she has sinusitis as well as "surprise" pneumonia in her left lung. We hope she will quickly recover. Feel free to use the graphic if you'd like.
Link Bartholomew's mom is preparing for her wedding, so Link was sad he wasn't able to participate and post Monday, September 19 for Meow or Woof Like A Pirate Day. So we sent his mom proof that Link sailed on the same ship we did. This is Link, Scoundrel of the Seas, and if you haven't met him yet, be sure to stop by and share a glass of grog.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sweet 16 Opus and Sweet Pea
Today is Opus' 16th birthday. Since he's been under the weather a bit lately, it's going to be a low key party, held at Gracie's blog instead of Opus & Ollie's.
Graphic by Asta
Opus & Ollie popped in for a short time yesterday and almost spoiled the surprise but quick thinking Gracie convinced him we're preparing for Socks' birthday. We hope Opus doesn't think we've all forgotten about his special day.
Graphic by Gracie
Because of Opus’ recent health, special attention has been paid to the food prepared for the party. Olive (left) is overseeing the cooks: Gracie, Karl, & our own Samaritan.
Graphic by Gracie.
Surprise, Opus! Happy Birthday! We're taking him a present, a warm blankie for the coming winter cold, but we couldn't wrap it because Percy and Cameron got into a shredding contest and we didn't have any extra wrapping paper on hand.
Since you've all been given an invitation, go on over to help Opus celebrate his special day. This is the address where the party is being held - Gracie's blog.
Sweet Pea over at Mr. Pip's was very sick and had to be helped to the bridge yesterday, so we made a badge for him.. They lost Buddy less than a week ago, so this is a very sad time for them.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Adoptions, Buddy and Opus
September 17 - 25 is Petfinder.com's Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week.

We hope you will open your heart to special needs pets. Adopt the black dog or cat that is overlooked and often not adopted. Adopt the blind , the deaf, the disabled, the FIV positive, the old (even the elderly) or the much-maligned pit bull ...
They might be "different" but they can and will love and appreciate you as much as any other dog or cat would. Dare to think outside the box (doghouse or litterbox) and save a life.The pet you pick will be grateful for life!
Buddy is a feral cat that disappeared for 2 years but suddenly reappeared with a neck wound that Mr. Pip's mom wanted to get treated. Unfortunately, when she trapped him and took him to the vet, she learned his wound was much worse than thought and Buddy's pain was gently ended. Buddy was loved and his life mattered, so we made him a memorial badge. You can read his story on Mr. Pip's blog.
If you posted one of the earlier invitations, please exchange it for this updated one. The party will be held at Gracie's blog.
We hope you will open your heart to special needs pets. Adopt the black dog or cat that is overlooked and often not adopted. Adopt the blind , the deaf, the disabled, the FIV positive, the old (even the elderly) or the much-maligned pit bull ...
They might be "different" but they can and will love and appreciate you as much as any other dog or cat would. Dare to think outside the box (doghouse or litterbox) and save a life.The pet you pick will be grateful for life!
Buddy is a feral cat that disappeared for 2 years but suddenly reappeared with a neck wound that Mr. Pip's mom wanted to get treated. Unfortunately, when she trapped him and took him to the vet, she learned his wound was much worse than thought and Buddy's pain was gently ended. Buddy was loved and his life mattered, so we made him a memorial badge. You can read his story on Mr. Pip's blog.
If you posted one of the earlier invitations, please exchange it for this updated one. The party will be held at Gracie's blog.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Meow or Woof Like A Pirate
Today, September 19, is the 5th annual Meow or Woof Like a Pirate Day. This is the first time we've participated, mainly because there are so many of us. But with some help from Jan, we managed to all sail on the same ship this year.
There are a lot of fun graphics and posts around the blogosphere so enjoy the day. Arrrrrgh!
PS - We had a few friends aboard the same ship we sailed.
Peg Leg Khyra
Emily, Brutus & Marigold of Rose and the Royals.
And this hard-working deckhand is Charlie of Ten Lives & Second Chances
This is Ginger Jasper. You probably won't find this photo on his post because ... well, because you just can't trust a human to do a job right. Jan said she sent this graphic to GJ's mom, in case he didn't have one for today.
However, she didn't send it to GJ's mom, she sent it to Romeo's. (Caroline instead of Carol) At least some other furry humans were on the ball cause he has some pawsome graphics in his post. So our shipmate GJ is featured on Romeo & Pugsley's blog instead. (With permission from GJ's mom.) However, despite Jan's blunder, we won't make her walk the plank today or swing from the hempen halter. We took away her bottle of rum and she has to swab the poop deck, though.
And Ginger Jasper, we hope we aren't giving away any secrets. You did tell your mom you spent some time pirating swag with us, didn't you?
Thanks, Carol and Caroline, for your sense of fun over Jan's big oopsie. Otherwise, we pirates might have had to throw her overboard.
However, she didn't send it to GJ's mom, she sent it to Romeo's. (Caroline instead of Carol) At least some other furry humans were on the ball cause he has some pawsome graphics in his post. So our shipmate GJ is featured on Romeo & Pugsley's blog instead. (With permission from GJ's mom.) However, despite Jan's blunder, we won't make her walk the plank today or swing from the hempen halter. We took away her bottle of rum and she has to swab the poop deck, though.
And Ginger Jasper, we hope we aren't giving away any secrets. You did tell your mom you spent some time pirating swag with us, didn't you?
Thanks, Carol and Caroline, for your sense of fun over Jan's big oopsie. Otherwise, we pirates might have had to throw her overboard.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Cyndi Meets Cricket
Hey, Cyndi here. I'll be with you in just a second. I was just taking a whiff of catnip when this photo finally arrived from Picasa. It takes "forever" to get a photo to download any more. The other day it not only took what seemed like hours, but we ended up having to delete 38 - yes, 38! - copies of the same photo. They just all appeared at once.
We asked Jan to help us with our Meow or Woof Like a Pirate graphic for Monday and it took her alllllllll day to make it so we never got to post yesterday. While she was at it, she turned it into a design. Sam makes the silliest faces so he is a perfect pirate. **Oh, sorry, Sam. I mean you make a realistic pirate.**
I have one of those awwwww videos for you today. Short but sugary. We think you're going to enjoy meeting little Cricket.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Today is the Saturday blog hop but I don't feel like fighting to add another photo, so we'll just tell you we're taking part. :)
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It's cool here, which is a welcome change.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Rusty on Miss Mother
Hey, Rusty here with a short post for today.
A form of respect in the South is to call an elder Miss or Mr. (insert first name here). So we always refer to Jan's mother as "Miss Mother." The last time we did this some thought we were saying we miss her. Yes, we do, but it's not a case of poor punctuation. To us she will always be Miss Mother.
We all met her at one time or another. Before Jan had the car, she took Crystal and Cotton (a year apart) down in a PTU inside a personal size shopping cart. As they came along, Cyndi, Percy and Cameron rode in a PTU in the car. The dogs got to visit frequently.
And, of course, I lived with Miss Mother for a time. I was her last Thanksgiving dinner. Not the main course. I was a present from Jan instead of a big Thanksgiving meal, and much more appreciated at the time. I was Miss Mother's companion for less than a year but the last words she spoke to Jan were, "Take care of Rusty!" Jan brought me home to become an official Funny Farmer.
We can not believe today is the 5th anniversary of her passing. Jan has been busy lately (mainly stealing our computer time) and the date just kind of hit her this morning. So we're going to take the day to remember the nice lady who encouraged and made it possible for Jan to give us all a home. Miss Mother loved animals and taught her children to love and respect us too.
Thank you, Miss Mother. Without your assistance, Jan wouldn't have been able to help us and we really prefer living here to the other option - dying at the shelter.
A form of respect in the South is to call an elder Miss or Mr. (insert first name here). So we always refer to Jan's mother as "Miss Mother." The last time we did this some thought we were saying we miss her. Yes, we do, but it's not a case of poor punctuation. To us she will always be Miss Mother.
We all met her at one time or another. Before Jan had the car, she took Crystal and Cotton (a year apart) down in a PTU inside a personal size shopping cart. As they came along, Cyndi, Percy and Cameron rode in a PTU in the car. The dogs got to visit frequently.
And, of course, I lived with Miss Mother for a time. I was her last Thanksgiving dinner. Not the main course. I was a present from Jan instead of a big Thanksgiving meal, and much more appreciated at the time. I was Miss Mother's companion for less than a year but the last words she spoke to Jan were, "Take care of Rusty!" Jan brought me home to become an official Funny Farmer.
We can not believe today is the 5th anniversary of her passing. Jan has been busy lately (mainly stealing our computer time) and the date just kind of hit her this morning. So we're going to take the day to remember the nice lady who encouraged and made it possible for Jan to give us all a home. Miss Mother loved animals and taught her children to love and respect us too.
Thank you, Miss Mother. Without your assistance, Jan wouldn't have been able to help us and we really prefer living here to the other option - dying at the shelter.
Funny Farmers,
Miss Mother,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Austin Pets Alive Fire Rescue
Hey, Merci here. We've been having some fun with recent keywords used to find our blog. I'd like to share a few with you so you can have a smile too.
Gangrene: Huh? None of us remember writing on gangrene but since we share one short memory between us, we might have written a series and just don't remember it.
Dog drinks: Guess 3 visitors were interested in what modern dogs drink at house trashing parties - niptinis. They're quite tasty, actually. We just don't climb the walls after drinking 3 or 4, or even 8 or 10.
Animals with lampshades on their heads: Okay, this one we understand. It must be from the Christmas party. No, we didn't have one. Oh, yeah, Buddy wore the lampshade to keep him from scratching. Not that it kept him from scratching. He's a contortionist.
Cat stuck in the fridge magnet: I'm sorry. I must have slept through that Funny Farmer incident.
Farming knock knock jokes: Oh, we must have told a ton of them. After all, we're the Funny Farmers. Too bad we don't remember any, though. Feel free to remind us of any you might remember.
Happy Birthday farm song: Does anyone remember this song? We hope we weren't singing Happy Birthday to the peas and squash after the cats had too many niptinis. However, if we were singing it to Joe the donkey over at Marg's Pets, that's okay.
Percy Foster: Sorry, there's no Percy Foster here. Only Persevering Percy the handsome Mancat.
We were sent a link to a short inspiring article called Into the Fire. While others were fleeing the Austin, Texas fires, Austin Pets Alive learned Bastrop Animal Shelter was threatened. They mobilized volunteers and with a 9-car caravan, they loaded and rescued over 60 dogs. Many of them are already adopted.
Take a moment to read what Austin Pets Alive accomplished and how the public responded to their request for help. You can read the article here.
Gangrene: Huh? None of us remember writing on gangrene but since we share one short memory between us, we might have written a series and just don't remember it.
Dog drinks: Guess 3 visitors were interested in what modern dogs drink at house trashing parties - niptinis. They're quite tasty, actually. We just don't climb the walls after drinking 3 or 4, or even 8 or 10.
Animals with lampshades on their heads: Okay, this one we understand. It must be from the Christmas party. No, we didn't have one. Oh, yeah, Buddy wore the lampshade to keep him from scratching. Not that it kept him from scratching. He's a contortionist.
Cat stuck in the fridge magnet: I'm sorry. I must have slept through that Funny Farmer incident.
Farming knock knock jokes: Oh, we must have told a ton of them. After all, we're the Funny Farmers. Too bad we don't remember any, though. Feel free to remind us of any you might remember.
Happy Birthday farm song: Does anyone remember this song? We hope we weren't singing Happy Birthday to the peas and squash after the cats had too many niptinis. However, if we were singing it to Joe the donkey over at Marg's Pets, that's okay.
Percy Foster: Sorry, there's no Percy Foster here. Only Persevering Percy the handsome Mancat.
We were sent a link to a short inspiring article called Into the Fire. While others were fleeing the Austin, Texas fires, Austin Pets Alive learned Bastrop Animal Shelter was threatened. They mobilized volunteers and with a 9-car caravan, they loaded and rescued over 60 dogs. Many of them are already adopted.
Take a moment to read what Austin Pets Alive accomplished and how the public responded to their request for help. You can read the article here.
Animal Shelter,
Funny Farmers,
key words,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Cameron on Cocoa, ML and Beau
Cameron here with a quick post. Jan thinks Cocoa the dog (puppy?) in this video is so adorable because she can entertain herself. So Buddy told her - he told Jan, not the puppy - if she wants my sibling woofies to entertain themselves, she should get us all a set of stairs to play on. and when she does, to not protest when she trips over our toys.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Graphic by Gracie.
The latest update from the Sherwood Bunch's Mom ML: The second round of antibiotics seems to be doing a good job on cat bite, a puncture wound from Missy “The Mouth” Blue Eyes. I’ve lost use of three fingers on my right hand, and there is nerve damage, but was told the nerves probably will grow back? If this treatment doesn’t work, I’ll need surgery on my hand. Yikes! Please keep sending purrs & purrayers. ~Mom MLWe have some non-CB members who read our blog so we're posting this for Cathy's gentleman blogging cat Beau. Cathy recently passed away and Beau is in need of a new home, hopefully with one who blogs or will start a blog so we can all keep up with how he is doing. Contact information is posted on The Sherwood's blog.
dog video,
needs a home,
prayer request,
Monday, September 12, 2011
Kujo Come Home
Hey, Sam, Merci & Buddy here. We were going to take the day off after a busy weekend but we came across something we thought should be posted. We made Jan do the full circuit, even though it's still quite warm, so while she's catching her breath, we're typing as fast as our paws can manage.
Kujo disappeared nearly a year ago but his owner is still diligently searching for him within a 60-mile radius. We met Debbie this afternoon while we were walking Jan and decided we would post his Missing flyer here. As she said, a dog taken from one side of town is often taken to the other which is why she is searching in our area too. And one never knows how far a dog might travel in 11 months, whether on its own or in transport by humans.
We hope Kujo will be home before long.
Kujo disappeared nearly a year ago but his owner is still diligently searching for him within a 60-mile radius. We met Debbie this afternoon while we were walking Jan and decided we would post his Missing flyer here. As she said, a dog taken from one side of town is often taken to the other which is why she is searching in our area too. And one never knows how far a dog might travel in 11 months, whether on its own or in transport by humans.
We hope Kujo will be home before long.
lost dog,
Nat Hairball Awareness Day
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 Year Anniversary of 9/11
Today is the ten-year anniversary of 9-11. We would like to honor all those who lost their lives that day - civilians in the twin towers, passengers and personnel on the four airplanes, firemen, police officers, port authority, Pentagon workers, etc - as well as the thousands of rescue workers - human and canine - who worked tirelessly under intense and highly emotional conditions.
Our tribute is short. We hope you will take a moment to watch the video.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Budweiser filmed this commercial as a tribute and only aired it once. No words or description are necessary.
Watching it always makes us teary.
Our tribute is short. We hope you will take a moment to watch the video.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Budweiser filmed this commercial as a tribute and only aired it once. No words or description are necessary.
Watching it always makes us teary.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Sad Farewell to Beau's Mom Cathy
We are shocked and saddened to learn Beau's mom, Cathy passed away September 1 and was buried Saturday the 3rd. She has been fighting health problems and a stubborn infection for some time but we thought she was getting better.
Rest in peace, Cathy. You are safe and pain-free at last..
Mary Catherine Davis .........4/14/1962 – 9/01/2011...... Obituary
Cathy will always be remembered as being the kind and friendly woman behind Beau's blog and his Sunday sermons. Beau, ever the gentleman cat, has been well-known for his bow tie.
Cathy we will miss you. And Beau too, as he will be moving into a new home and will no longer be blogging. We hope he will be able to make the adjustment to other cats in the home and won't become ill from the stress of sudden loss and change.
Our hearts are sad for Cathy's family and friends. We send a prayer their hearts may be comforted and hugs, purrs and wags.
More details on the Cat Blogosphere.
We hope Beau & mom Cathy's blogs will be left online as their legacy, so we're posting these links here so we won't lose them over time.
Our regular Friday post, Mo Cats Day 2011, is below. Scroll down or click here.
cat blogger,
Mo Cats Day 2011
It's 09/09 (September 9) again. Time to celebrate cats on the internet.
First we'd like to introduce you to several non-internet cat types. Perhaps we can convince them to join the Cat Blogosphere.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
And then we'd like to introduce you to several internet kitties.Oh, wait, you've met them before.
Yep, the feline Funny Farmers. We're part of the internet cat blogging community. And we vote for mo cats - lots mo cats! - on the internet.
Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty
And Mo Cats Day is seconded by our woofie siblings -
Buddy, Merci & Sam
Cat Blogosphere,
cat video,
Funny Farmers,
Mo Cats Day
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Merci Intros Twig
Hey, it's Merci here today. Have you met Twig? I think she's wonderful. I said I'd like to learn to do the things Twig does - skateboarding, boogieboarding and skinboarding - but Jan says we don't live near the ocean so that leaves out two of the three activities. And since we have a leash law here, she's not too sure she could run as fast as I could skateboard, especially down steps.
So I guess I won't be able to have fun on a board. Unless I can convince Jan to take up skateboarding, too, so she can keep up with me. But there isn't much chance of that. I think we've mentioned before that Jan is a klutz. And ancient. But I can watch Twig's videos and dream.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
I need to mention that we added an update to our Tuesday post on deleting blogrolling and MyBlogLog because both closed a while back and are now causing problems for those who still have links to them in their sidebar.
Thursday Update: We should probably add that the easiest way to delete all links to either blogrolling or MyBlogLog, which are not the same thing, is to delete their widget from your sidebar. But we assumed that if you hadn't done that already, you don't know which widget was which. (Some of you have more than one link list in your sidebar.)
Or you could follow the instructions in The Real Blogger Status from yesterday. We read it and we're still trying to figure out what it says.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Cotton Says to Bury the Code
Hey, Cotton here. We weren't going to post today but we just found something we'd like to share with you.
Some of you are aware there has been a problem with some blogs lately. Strange things have been happening. We noticed on a couple of blogs the other day that when we tried to visit the blog was immediately switched to an error page with a really long blogrolling url.
Strange, blogrolling shut down a while back. Then last night we were looking through the code of a blog with a problem and found MyBlogLog links still in the sidebar. MyBlogLog was a Yahoo "social network" site. We belonged to it but it closed down in May and we removed all the related code from our blog. Evidently, some bloggers forgot to remove the code for one or the other site from their sidebar.
The reason we suddenly decided to post tonight is because we just tried to visit some old friends who haven't blogged in a few months and were switched to another site. And a lightbulb switched on in my head. The site we were switched to is advertising blogrolling dot com for sale.
It took a few tries but our nimble pawed Percy managed to reach the source code and check it. There were six blogrolling links left on the blog. Fortunately, we have an email address for the blogger, so we notified them. And now we'd like to notify you. If you ever had blogrolling dot com or MyBlogLog in your sidebar and haven't deleted them, you need to do so now. If you can't remember whether you had it or if you deleted it, it's easy to check and correct if you have a Blogger blog.
Go to the main page of your blog. Not the dashboard; you want to view the actual blog.
Right click on a portion of the blog that is clear - no photo or links.
Click on "View Page Source."
A new window will open.
Upper left or your screen: Click on "Edit" and then on "Find."
A little bar will appear in lower left of your screen.
In the Find box, type "blogrolling."
If blogrolling is found, click "next" to find all references.
Then repeat the search for "MyBlogLog."
If "blogrolling" or "MyBlogLog" links are found, you will need to go into your blog template and delete each "blogrolling" reference. Before you do this, be sure to save a copy of your template on your computer. Or ask someone who knows how to do this and you trust to do it for you.
I'm not a schoolteacher and I'm not a computer nerd - just the oldest sibling here - so I hope this isn't confusing. If we cats and dogs can figure it out, it must be fairly easy.
But if you've been blogging for a while and ever belonged to either blogroll group, you can save yourself and your visitors a lot of frustration by checking your blog code. Because, believe me, none of us want to come by and get switched to another page. We really don't care that blogrolling dot com is for sale. Or that MyBlogLog will probably also be soon. We just want to see your furry faces. Cause we love you.
Thursday Update: We should probably add that the easiest way to delete all links to either blogrolling or MyBlogLog, which are not the same thing, is to delete their widget from your sidebar. But we assumed that if you hadn't done that already, you don't know which widget was which. (Some of you have more than one link list in your sidebar.)
Or you could follow the instructions in The Real Blogger Status from yesterday. We read it and we're still trying to figure out what it says.
Monday, September 05, 2011
Cameron on Fun and Safety
Hey, Cameron here. After our Saturday post on the internet and cats, Buddy, Merci & Sam said they are going to do a post on the internet and dogs. So never fear rumpydog, the dogs are on the internet too.
The dogs think they're going to help us with world domination. heheheHA!
For the fun part of this post, I have a cute leaf-diving dog video for you. My woofie siblings could never play like this because Jan is too lazy to make them a play pile. When she gets around to it, she makes a big pile on the curb. Well, what fun would it be to dive in one end and come out in front of a moving vehicle? Jan just has no sense of fun for furries.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
It's never inappropriate to have a reminder about Internet safety. Cat Patches recently posted a good piece on having gmail or blogger hacked - no, not how to do it but how to avoid being hacked - and we'd like to share the information with you. It's called Thought You'd Want to Know. If you haven't read it yet, take a minute to drop by. You might learn something helpful.
The link to "this article" in Patches' post is to Computerworld and an ad will open before you can read the article, but it's okay, you're not hijacked. :)
We're in drought here and are finally getting some rain. Our weather radio is beeping about a bad storm coming so we're trying to finish up here. Rain is expected for the rest of the week. This is both good news and bad. We need the rain. But will Jan's clunker run in this weather without leaving her stranded?
If not, I guess she can hike to Wal-mart or Petsense and carry our food home. We have to eat and she needs more exercise. What better exercise than carrying a 36 - 40 pound bag on one shoulder and a 16 - 20 pound bag on the other? Jan is soooo lucky! What would she do for exercise without us?
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Jan finally updated our jff designs blog yesterday. I don't know why she's complaining about enough hours in the day. But she added 5 posts on Halloween so visitors can get a better idea of what they look like. She's going to do some more posts today, if the weather cooperates. Just click on "Halloween" in the tag list in the left sidebar. If you like them, tel your friends.
The dogs think they're going to help us with world domination. heheheHA!
For the fun part of this post, I have a cute leaf-diving dog video for you. My woofie siblings could never play like this because Jan is too lazy to make them a play pile. When she gets around to it, she makes a big pile on the curb. Well, what fun would it be to dive in one end and come out in front of a moving vehicle? Jan just has no sense of fun for furries.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
It's never inappropriate to have a reminder about Internet safety. Cat Patches recently posted a good piece on having gmail or blogger hacked - no, not how to do it but how to avoid being hacked - and we'd like to share the information with you. It's called Thought You'd Want to Know. If you haven't read it yet, take a minute to drop by. You might learn something helpful.
The link to "this article" in Patches' post is to Computerworld and an ad will open before you can read the article, but it's okay, you're not hijacked. :)
We're in drought here and are finally getting some rain. Our weather radio is beeping about a bad storm coming so we're trying to finish up here. Rain is expected for the rest of the week. This is both good news and bad. We need the rain. But will Jan's clunker run in this weather without leaving her stranded?
If not, I guess she can hike to Wal-mart or Petsense and carry our food home. We have to eat and she needs more exercise. What better exercise than carrying a 36 - 40 pound bag on one shoulder and a 16 - 20 pound bag on the other? Jan is soooo lucky! What would she do for exercise without us?
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Jan finally updated our jff designs blog yesterday. I don't know why she's complaining about enough hours in the day. But she added 5 posts on Halloween so visitors can get a better idea of what they look like. She's going to do some more posts today, if the weather cooperates. Just click on "Halloween" in the tag list in the left sidebar. If you like them, tel your friends.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Cats and the Internet
We decided to take Nikita of Opinionated Pussycats up on his challenge today to write a blog post on What is it about the Internet and cats?
The question was asked by a contributor of the popular site (although we'd never heard of it before) The Slacktiverse.
Well, we're a bit confused (a not unusual state for us around Jan). What's not about the Internet and cats? We're everywhere! As well we should be; we're just so darned awwww cute, innocent as American pie, cute as a button, floof and fur and ... did we mention all-fired cute?
We're playful and fun, as our lovely Cyndi demonstrates with the nip-scented candy corn toy Sam the dog ate, leaving only a tiny scrap of yarn and subsequent piles of vomit as evidence of its demise.
Like Jell-o, there's always room for one more of us. Our matriarch Cotton demonstrates how little room we take up.
We're self-confident, crafty and intelligent, often mistaken for being smug. Here is Rusty celebrating with a smile after putting one over on Jan. He convinced her he was sorry he misbehaved. And she fell for it. Again.
We're inquisitive, always checking out everything that comes in the yard or inside the house. If it's edible, it's ours. If it's not edible, it's still ours. This is Percy checking out the furry intruder Jan made from our fur for National Hairball Day. We decided not to claim this messy mass. Jan made it. She had to clean up after it.
We're photogenic. Notice we're photogenic but the photographer must have been tipsy. Jan cut off the top of Rusty's handsome head as Rusty poses with his likeness on a canvas print.
Jan would probably classify Percy here as a "nosy Parker" or buttinsky. Notice how Percy managed to finagle his entire head into the foreground of Rusty's photo shoot. But, hey, we just want to be where our humans are. **wink, wink**
We're friendly, loyal and companionable. Here is Cameron snuggled next to his best friend and companion at the time Merci. Things changed a bit when hyper Buddy and then Sam arrived, but Cameron and Merci are still friends.
We're also very relaxing to hang around with. Here's Percy just chillaxing and snoozing. Doesn't this design relax you humans and make you yearn to imitate him? It does us, so it's time to wrap this up for a nap.
We could go on but we don't want to brag and discourage the woofies. But you put these marvelous traits together and we belong on the Internet. We should rule the Internet. We're everywhere. And we're organized. Together, via the Internet, we're plotting and planning world domination.
(s) Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty
The question was asked by a contributor of the popular site (although we'd never heard of it before) The Slacktiverse.
Well, we're a bit confused (a not unusual state for us around Jan). What's not about the Internet and cats? We're everywhere! As well we should be; we're just so darned awwww cute, innocent as American pie, cute as a button, floof and fur and ... did we mention all-fired cute?
We're playful and fun, as our lovely Cyndi demonstrates with the nip-scented candy corn toy Sam the dog ate, leaving only a tiny scrap of yarn and subsequent piles of vomit as evidence of its demise.
Like Jell-o, there's always room for one more of us. Our matriarch Cotton demonstrates how little room we take up.
We're self-confident, crafty and intelligent, often mistaken for being smug. Here is Rusty celebrating with a smile after putting one over on Jan. He convinced her he was sorry he misbehaved. And she fell for it. Again.
We're inquisitive, always checking out everything that comes in the yard or inside the house. If it's edible, it's ours. If it's not edible, it's still ours. This is Percy checking out the furry intruder Jan made from our fur for National Hairball Day. We decided not to claim this messy mass. Jan made it. She had to clean up after it.
We're photogenic. Notice we're photogenic but the photographer must have been tipsy. Jan cut off the top of Rusty's handsome head as Rusty poses with his likeness on a canvas print.
Jan would probably classify Percy here as a "nosy Parker" or buttinsky. Notice how Percy managed to finagle his entire head into the foreground of Rusty's photo shoot. But, hey, we just want to be where our humans are. **wink, wink**
We're friendly, loyal and companionable. Here is Cameron snuggled next to his best friend and companion at the time Merci. Things changed a bit when hyper Buddy and then Sam arrived, but Cameron and Merci are still friends.
We're also very relaxing to hang around with. Here's Percy just chillaxing and snoozing. Doesn't this design relax you humans and make you yearn to imitate him? It does us, so it's time to wrap this up for a nap.
We could go on but we don't want to brag and discourage the woofies. But you put these marvelous traits together and we belong on the Internet. We should rule the Internet. We're everywhere. And we're organized. Together, via the Internet, we're plotting and planning world domination.
(s) Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty
Friday, September 02, 2011
Momo, Labor of Love and Red Flags
Hey, Cyndi here. Jan is running in circles mumbling about being behind something or other (we know it isn't us because we're keeping out of her way) and needing to get the computer back to play catchup. We don't understand the rush. If she's just going to play a game, why can't we keep the computer?
Uh-oh, she's circling closer. Better hurry up and get this finished.
Today is "Granny" Momo's Birthday/Gotcha Day and she's having a weekend party at her place. She will make a donation to the Cat Protection Society for each visitor. So stop by and leave a comment to help the CPS.
Momo is at least 14 years old, so let's help her celebrate in style. Visit her at the Meow blog.
This is also Labor of Love for ML (of the Cat Blogosphere and Missy Blue Eyes' blog) weekend, so stop by and let her know you appreciate all she does.
There have been a number of blogs red flagged and blocked lately. If you see Reported Attack Page, click on "Why was this page blocked?" in the red banner. This will explain the problem. Basically, one or more blogs were hacked and distributing malware and any blog with a blogroll linked to the hacked blog also gets red flagged. Deleting the link should solve the problem but a number of us have just deleted our blogrolls at least temporarily.
After deleting the link, clear your cache (we would delete cookies too) and then go to your own blog as a visitor. If the red flag is still there, you will need to go to your dashboard to webmaster tools and let Blogger know so they can check and clear the red flag.
FYI, it's a whole lot easier to contact a blocked blog if other bloggers have your email address since your comments are blocked too. We found a means to leave a comment on a red flagged blog without actually visiting there but received no response. Folks can't let you know there's a problem if they can't contact you. So pretend you're old and feeble and need let others know how to check on you in an emergency.
Uh-oh, she's circling closer. Better hurry up and get this finished.
Today is "Granny" Momo's Birthday/Gotcha Day and she's having a weekend party at her place. She will make a donation to the Cat Protection Society for each visitor. So stop by and leave a comment to help the CPS.
Momo is at least 14 years old, so let's help her celebrate in style. Visit her at the Meow blog.
This is also Labor of Love for ML (of the Cat Blogosphere and Missy Blue Eyes' blog) weekend, so stop by and let her know you appreciate all she does.
There have been a number of blogs red flagged and blocked lately. If you see Reported Attack Page, click on "Why was this page blocked?" in the red banner. This will explain the problem. Basically, one or more blogs were hacked and distributing malware and any blog with a blogroll linked to the hacked blog also gets red flagged. Deleting the link should solve the problem but a number of us have just deleted our blogrolls at least temporarily.
After deleting the link, clear your cache (we would delete cookies too) and then go to your own blog as a visitor. If the red flag is still there, you will need to go to your dashboard to webmaster tools and let Blogger know so they can check and clear the red flag.
FYI, it's a whole lot easier to contact a blocked blog if other bloggers have your email address since your comments are blocked too. We found a means to leave a comment on a red flagged blog without actually visiting there but received no response. Folks can't let you know there's a problem if they can't contact you. So pretend you're old and feeble and need let others know how to check on you in an emergency.
Cat Blogosphere,
Gotcha Day
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