Hey, Rusty here. This might be a dog post but since I'm an honorary woofie and the only one who isn't afraid to enter the dog house, I have appropriated the post.
Jan says she wishes the woofies would learn to do this - put themselves to bed. In winter she gives them each a blankie for their beds but they just drag them around the room, maybe sleep on one, or dig holes through the material, but none of them have the "sense to sleep under them." (Don't blame me, those are Jan's words, not mine..) But the minute Jan goes to bed, Buddy is diving under her blankets, Sam is on top of the blankets crushing her legs, and Merci is circling the bed looking for enough room to join them..(I'm sure you've noticed Sam is a bi-i-i-g dog so weights a lot and takes up lots of room.)
So Buddy, Merci and Sam said we're not going to let Jan see this video! I can't wait to see how they intend to stop her.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Cotton Updates Beemer
Hi, Cotton here. I'm back with a quick update on Beemer. You remember Beemer. I introduced her last Saturday in Cotton Introduces Beemer. (Can I write an appropriate title or what?) You can read or re-read Beemer's story and pass it on.
Anyway, Beemer is a special needs kitty from Ohio in need of a forever home. Or at least a foster home. The nice woman who rescued Beemer rescues dogs, so she can't keep her.
Toby has provided an update -
Hi Eveyone, its Toby here: This message is from Shawna; Beemer's Rescuer: "She didn't eat the dry at first but after a week she came around to it. She generally gets the run of the mud room. She's caged at night. but it's a 2'x4' cage so it's a good size.
I take her outside with me to water plants and she is just mesmerized with the hose. She's really on the move pretty good. The only place she is not loose is in the house with the dogs. But I play for 15-20 mins every 2-3 hours during the day.
I've called all kinds of rescue groups and no one will take her. She's almost all out of medicine and her eyes look great."
We hope Beemer will soon be in her forever home, with a little help from her new friends.
blog hop,
needs a home,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Innova Winners and Huck
Hey, Sam here. Since our post on the Innova free bag of food coupon giveaway post had my name on it (Sam Broke his Biscuit), I stood on Buddy's foot until he agreed ... uh, I mean I volunteered to announce the winners.
Merci and Buddy got into a heated debate since each wanted to use a different website to pick the winners. They finally decided to compromise and each of them got to pick one winner. We had 4 entries from the US/Canada area. Each entry was assigned a number..
Merci, as you know, is a girl, so we let her pick the first winner using her choice, Truly Random Number Generator. #2 (Amber da Weenie)
Buddy used Random.org. #1 (The Chesney Cats)
Congratulations. If the winners will each email us their snail mail addresse, we can get their coupon for a free bag of Innova dog or cat food in the mail.
We'd like to thank you all for your comments. Some of our readers live outside the US/Canada and some are on a special diet or have medical problems that preclude trying a new food. We understand.
And thanks to Innova for supplying the coupons for the giveaway.
And now for a little fun for the humans today. A crazy grandma. Some of you might recognize her in your own human. We can't picture Jan doing anything like this, but she sure got a kick out of watching someone else do it.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We hope you will take a moment to stop by The Doggy Diary and leave a kind word for Huck's family. They made the painful decision to give him the peace he couldn't find in life. It's very sad and they can use some encouragement.
Merci and Buddy got into a heated debate since each wanted to use a different website to pick the winners. They finally decided to compromise and each of them got to pick one winner. We had 4 entries from the US/Canada area. Each entry was assigned a number..
Merci, as you know, is a girl, so we let her pick the first winner using her choice, Truly Random Number Generator. #2 (Amber da Weenie)
Buddy used Random.org. #1 (The Chesney Cats)
Congratulations. If the winners will each email us their snail mail addresse, we can get their coupon for a free bag of Innova dog or cat food in the mail.
We'd like to thank you all for your comments. Some of our readers live outside the US/Canada and some are on a special diet or have medical problems that preclude trying a new food. We understand.
And thanks to Innova for supplying the coupons for the giveaway.
And now for a little fun for the humans today. A crazy grandma. Some of you might recognize her in your own human. We can't picture Jan doing anything like this, but she sure got a kick out of watching someone else do it.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We hope you will take a moment to stop by The Doggy Diary and leave a kind word for Huck's family. They made the painful decision to give him the peace he couldn't find in life. It's very sad and they can use some encouragement.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Purrs, Grrrs and Gus
Graphic courtesy of KC of the Cat Blogosphere.
Ayla is finally home. It is unbelievable that she was improperly spayed - twice! Yesterday she was spayed for the 3rd time during a different procedure and sent home. Last night she was taken to an emergency vet bleeding badly. The Big Thing is understandably irate over nearly losing her - not to mention the expenses incurred. Evidently the emergency vet personnel have the bedside manner of Dr. Martin Ellingham, the outspokenly rude doctor from Dr. Martin, a British comedy Jan likes to watch. Such behavior is barely funny in a TV comedy..
Purrs and wags for Ayla to have a total and rapid healing. You can visit Ayla at Mark's Mews.
Many of you might have already seen this video but it's so funny, we decided to post it anyway. It was fun to watch it again and again. Gus reminds us of Buddy when he was a pup.Total determination!
We guess the weather must be sweltering where Gus lives, so who can blame him for wanting his pool indoors instead of outside.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Our giveaway will end at midnight tonight (Wednesday). Details are on our post Sam Broke his Biscuit.
Sick List,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Cameron is 7
We have got to teach Jan how to read a calendar! Sorry we're late posting again, but Jan didn't have a graphic for us to post until now.
Cameron is our tuxie and he turns 7 today.
Reminder: we're having a drawing Thursday. Details are on Sam Broke his Biscuit.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sam Broke his Biscuit
Innova sent us a 26 oz. bag of small Healthbar - Baked Dog Treats and a 3 oz. bag of Cat Treats to sample. They sounded really good until Jan pulled that they're-good-for-you hat off her head again. Doesn't she understand they taste better to us furries when we think we shouldn't have them?
Does Jan really think Rusty cares the cat and dog treats are rich in important fatty acids? He wasn't even listening when she read the ingredient list to him. Cotton, Cyndi, Percy and Cameron scarfed them down too, but they don't go outside so they missed the photo session. They didn't mind, as long as they got their share of the treats.
Buddy and Jan had a tug of war over the biscuit. She was trying to hold the biscuit and take the photo and we all know how well she multi-tasks.
Merci tried to be a lady but she too tried to tug the biscuit away from Jan before the shot was taken. The HealthBars are baked using the same ingredients as the cat treats, with some barley added - chicken and turkey, whole ground grains, fruit and vegetables and cottage cheese. Oh, and some eggs, potato, rice, apple and carrot.
If Sam looks a bit perturbed, he is. He tried to wrest the biscuit away from Jan before she could snap the photo and the HealthBar snapped first. He wanted the other half too!
The biscuits passed the feline and canine taste test. Jan appreciates that they are made with healthy ingredients. Innova says they are holistic, made with high quality protein, contain glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health, and do not contain corn, wheat, soy, fillers, by-products, preservatives or colors.
Innova is currently expanding their distribution but their products will not be sold in grocery or department stores. Visit the Innova website for more information on the various cat and dog products available.
We have two coupons to give away. Each is for one free bag of Innova Dog or Cat food up to 6.6 pounds. Unfortunately, they can only be used in the US and Canada. If you are interested in receiving one of the coupons, just leave a comment that you would like to enter the drawing before 12 midnight EDT, Wednesday, July 27. We will announce the winning names Thursday afternoon.
We do have a pet store in our town but Innova isn't sold there. It is sold about 30 or more miles away, but it wouldn't be cost effective for Jan to drive that far just for a free bag of food. We suggest you click here to find out if it is sold somewhere near you.
And now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go see if Jan can remember where she hid the bags of treats so Percy can't find them and pig out.
Innova supplied the coupons for the giveaway and the two bags of treats. They did not tell us what to say or pay us for this review.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Cotton Introduces Beemer

We seniors have to look out for the kitten generation, so I'd like to introduce you to Beemer, a special needs kitten in NE Ohio. Isn't she cute?
Cat rescuer Tobin sent a message and photos today. We are just going to copy and paste it as sent -
My friend Shawna found this pretty grey tabby kitten in her yard. The kitten's eyes were matted shut & she was totally defenseless. After cleaning them Shawna found the eyes were in bad shape. She named this kitten Beemer (after the puppy in Cleveland who had starved nearly to death) & took her to the vet.
Beemer had a severe URI (upper respiratory infection) & ulcerations on her right eye. She’s recovering nicely from her URI. Beemer’s eye is improving as well, but she may end up being blind or partially blind in one eye.
Shawna rescues dogs and cannot keep Beemer. She needs to find a good home or foster to take care of this kitten. Beemer is almost done with her antibiotics.
She‘s UTD (up to date on vaccinations) but not spayed yet. She's about 7 weeks old, eats solid food & uses the litter.
Beemer in is the Akron Ohio area but we will arrange transport to anywhere.
Do you have room in your home & in your heart for Beemer? If so please contact Shawna at
seifertent AT aol DOT com
All potential adopters are screened.
We hope Beemer will soon be in a forever home, or at least in foster care. Shawna has done the hard part.
UPDATE: Shawna has offered to do a foster-swap; she will take a dog from a rescue willing to take Beemer.
blog hop,
needs a home,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Happy Birthday, Merci
Our sweet Merci is 8 or 9 now. She came from the local shelter on this date in 2003 and was thought to be a year or two old. We never heard of being gotcha'd then so Jan proclaimed today as her birthday.
And once again, Jan forgot to read her calendar and make Merci a card until it was announced on the CB.
And speaking of the CB, Merci is pleased to share her special day with KC. Today is KC's 4th Gotcha Day. She hasn't been feeling well, so we send lots of get well purrs and wags her way.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Cameron Reports

It's too hot and humid here to have any news. But I can think of some news elsewhere.
Trouble from Dennis the Vizsla's blog has left for the bridge. She had a long life and we'll miss her. She added spice to Dennis' highly unusual adventure stories. Actually, she was the "villain" who was always trying to kill him or get him killed. Dennis has only been posting occasionally as his dada is concentrating on another book.
Many of you know Amber da Weenie. She hasn't been blogging much for a while because they went on vacation in June and then they had lots of visitors. Reno, their 16 year-old Eskie, left for the bridge on June 2nd, while they were away. And now their Tucker has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is preparing to leave also. Please keep Amber, her mom and the rest of the pack in your thoughts.
We stopped by Freya's blog and enjoyed the review/demonstration video. Especially the whapping part. We figure we can use it to prove to Jan we aren't the only siblings that whap each other.
I know there's more news somewhere but my brain is on heat overload, so that's all for now. Have a great day.
Update: A happy dance for Lil Em is about all we'd be moving around for today. And we're not only moving, we're dancing. Lil Em was adopted! You can read about it on Brian's Home blog.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Graphic by KC & ML
It was as shock to drop by Tristan & Crikey's last night and read that Tristan had just been helped to the bridge, two months after her 16th birthday. She's been through some health problems and in April temporarily lost her sight after her retinas detached due to high blood pressure. We're glad her sight returned and that she was able to celebrate her 16th birthday on May 19th.
We know Tristan is greatly missed and it will be an adjustment for Crikey and their mom. Sending hugs, purrs and wags for them.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Cotton, Fishing with Bears

We all enjoyed this video so much we decided to share it. National Georgraphic photographer Michael Melford tells how he captured some of his beautiful shots of bears salmon fishing.
We figure salmon fishing would be great fun but we're not sure we'd like to compete with the bears for food. They look pretty serious and they're way bigger even than Sam.
We Funny Farmers hope Jan will sell lots of t-shirts and gifts in her zazzle store so we won't have to go fish with the bears to survive. We have Adopt A Shelter Pet, Spay and Neuter designs and our latest is Rescue Pets Rock. So if you know any rescuers, rescue groups, or animal-loving rescue supporters, we hope you will pass along the link for us.
Enjoy the video. It's really interesting.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
JFF Designs,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Rescue Pets Rock!

Jan says, One of the tough things about growing older is you can't remember where you left your memory, even though it must be nearby since it was here five seconds ago. We think that's just an excuse because she's so slow at figuring things out.
But she did finally finish another design for our store, Rescue Pets Rock.
Yes, that's our lovely Merci, but not our Percy. Jan wanted to use real shelter pets. She found the perfect cat photo right away, one of the shelter cats that was adopted through the local Petsense. But the dog posed a problem. None of her photos would work. Then she remembered Merci was a shelter dog. (Have we mentioned Jan is forgetful? Oh, right, only a few hundred times.)
We are not signed up for Google+ but we would like to share something we read this morning that is very important if you decide to join. As you know, your Blogger photos are stored in Google's Picasa. Whether or not you blog, we hope you don't store the only copy of any photos there because things can go wrong and they could be lost - forever!
We prefer to decide which photos we share with the public, so we most likely will not be signing up with Google+. If you join, your choices are to share all your Picasa photos with your circles, make all your photos public, or hit the delete button in Google+. But should you hit delete, you would not be deleting your Picasa photos from Google+. You would be deleting your Picasa account with all your blog photos. And you would not be able to recover them.
So, just in case you might ever decide to join Google+, The Real Blogger Status posted an article on this subject yesterday. Always remember, whatever you delete from Picasa will also be deleted from your blog.
JFF Designs,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Bouncing Feather Babies

Hey, Cotton here with some really cute bouncing babies for your viewing pleasure. Not bouncing on your knee babies. Real bouncing babies.
But first, Happy Birthday to Petfinder. Thanks for all the furries you've helped home over the years.
And now to the entertainment. After watching this video, we all decided we're glad we were born cats or dogs instead of ducks. Besides we're not crazy about large bodies of water and prefer our feet on solid ground.
Enjoy the bouncing feather babies.
If the video doesn't play, click here.

Happy weekend!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Rusty Intros AUDI

A friend sent us a link to a group called Atlanta Underdog Initiative, or A.U.D.I. It's an advocacy and rescue foster-based organization. Their focus is on pit bulls and mastiffs but will help any dog in need if they can. They do rescue but their primary focus is on "promoting responsible dog ownership, providing breed information of pit bulls and mastiffs, finding alternative solutions to breed specific legislation and working with communities to alleviate the pet overpopulation problem." To learn more, visit A.U.D.I. (They also have a blog there.) They have a page on Facebook.
Forgive us for being repetitive but their need is immediate and great! We want to see these folks get back on their feet so they can move forward with saving more dogs.
Our internet is as sluggish in this heat and humidity as we furries are, so I think I will go join the other Funny Farmers in a nap. All this typing was hard work.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Buddy with Doc Teaser
Hey, Buddy here taking a turn hosting today.
I'd like to share a video teaser (short video) for a documentary film being produced about the animal survivors of the floods/mudslides that occurred in the mountains of Brazil in January 2011. It's directed by Flavia Trindade.
So many humans and animals lost their lives, but for this post we're just going to discuss the dogs. Many dogs were injured and homeless. The lucky ones were taken to a makeshift shelter where volunteer vets and helpers took care of them until they could be re-homed.
If the video doesn't play click here.
Dennis Pickersgill of Kinship Circle in the US is the man who utters the words, "When you look into the eyes of an animal during a disaster, you look into the eyes of God." Kinship Circle has a page on their site, 2011: Brazil Floods & Mudslides - Field Notes, where they have posted a diary with photos of their animal rescue work in Brazil. The video on this page is long and we don't understand the language but the notes with the photos are in English, so we suggest scrolling through the notes and photos instead.
Update: When we posted this earlier today we scrolled down the Kinship Circle page and looked for Jan's name (not our Jan) but the print is small and we were in a hurry. We returned for a better look, enlarged the print and discovered she and her husband are mentioned several times as part of the Kinship Circle-IDA Team responders - Jan & Carlos Cabral. How appropriate that our "detour" to show the plight of these dogs the Dogs in Brazil humans helped would turn out to include the very humans we are writing about. But we do want to stress that this post is not about the US rescue group. It's about Dogs in Brazil.
The humans from Dogs in Brazil lost their bakery, and there was flooding and death nearby but their home sat on higher ground and was spared.They were destitute but they volunteered their time to help the rescued dogs, some dug out of the mud where their whole human family died.
Because of the flood, there is no tourist season in the area this year, and with the bakery gone, Dogs in Brazil has no income. The small rescue has 17 dogs, their home is about to go through foreclosure, and they are struggling to hang on with no idea where they will all go when they lose the house and everything they own.
We hope you might stop by Dogs in Brazil and make a donation. If you can't or don't want to, that's fine, there's no pressure. But perhaps you'll pass on a link to this post and tell others about the need. Dogs in Brazil has a Facebook page and is on Twitter as @emmydib.
I'd like to share a video teaser (short video) for a documentary film being produced about the animal survivors of the floods/mudslides that occurred in the mountains of Brazil in January 2011. It's directed by Flavia Trindade.
So many humans and animals lost their lives, but for this post we're just going to discuss the dogs. Many dogs were injured and homeless. The lucky ones were taken to a makeshift shelter where volunteer vets and helpers took care of them until they could be re-homed.
If the video doesn't play click here.
Dennis Pickersgill of Kinship Circle in the US is the man who utters the words, "When you look into the eyes of an animal during a disaster, you look into the eyes of God." Kinship Circle has a page on their site, 2011: Brazil Floods & Mudslides - Field Notes, where they have posted a diary with photos of their animal rescue work in Brazil. The video on this page is long and we don't understand the language but the notes with the photos are in English, so we suggest scrolling through the notes and photos instead.
Update: When we posted this earlier today we scrolled down the Kinship Circle page and looked for Jan's name (not our Jan) but the print is small and we were in a hurry. We returned for a better look, enlarged the print and discovered she and her husband are mentioned several times as part of the Kinship Circle-IDA Team responders - Jan & Carlos Cabral. How appropriate that our "detour" to show the plight of these dogs the Dogs in Brazil humans helped would turn out to include the very humans we are writing about. But we do want to stress that this post is not about the US rescue group. It's about Dogs in Brazil.
The humans from Dogs in Brazil lost their bakery, and there was flooding and death nearby but their home sat on higher ground and was spared.They were destitute but they volunteered their time to help the rescued dogs, some dug out of the mud where their whole human family died.
Because of the flood, there is no tourist season in the area this year, and with the bakery gone, Dogs in Brazil has no income. The small rescue has 17 dogs, their home is about to go through foreclosure, and they are struggling to hang on with no idea where they will all go when they lose the house and everything they own.
We hope you might stop by Dogs in Brazil and make a donation. If you can't or don't want to, that's fine, there's no pressure. But perhaps you'll pass on a link to this post and tell others about the need. Dogs in Brazil has a Facebook page and is on Twitter as @emmydib.
Animal Shelter,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Cyndi on Permethrin

Years ago, Jan tried the "flea killing" products sold in stores but didn't like them and they didn't work so she stopped using them. One of the ingredients in a number of them is permethrin. She has seen folks buying flea collars, flea shampoo and spot-on products from Wal-mart or other stores, with no idea or any interest in what the products contain or whether they could harm the animal. Thus, a number of cats have died because consumers knew nothing about the ingredients and the product didn't provide a clear warning that permethrin should not be used on cats. Or that a dog flea product should never be used on a cat.
Many might not have heard of permethrin. But we hope you will all remember the word. You never know when this tiny bit of information might come in handy.
FAB (Feline Advisory Board) has an article, Feline Permethrin Poisoning, by Lara Boland of Australia.
"Cats are highly sensitive to permethrin and are more likely to develop signs of toxicity than dogs. Permethrin is metabolized (broken down by) the liver. It is suspected that cats may be more likely to develop permethrin toxicity because they have different liver metabolic pathways to other species"...
We hope you will read this article or an article on another site, if you prefer. There are many warnings online.
The reason this is on our mind is because Jan often sits on the steps or walks around the pen to scoop poop or cut the grass with a swing blade when the weather is nice, and she is being driven crazy with itchy bites all over her legs and feet. The bites are most likely from fleas, so she will be spraying the backyard with a product containing permethrin, and the dogs will not be allowed outside until the spray dries. Rusty will have to wait a little longer.
UPDATE:We barely posted this when we got a Facebook message to please include Tiny Timmy's Healing Journey. We're glad he caught our post right away and reminded us of his story! What he has to say is important.. Please go read his story: Life & Times of TT, neurologically damaged from exposure to toxic OTC flea & tick products.
We apologize for not being around as often as we'd like lately but Jan says working toward green papers for food and shelter takes priority over blogging. She's been working hard on new designs for our store and wants me to sign off so she can have the computer back.
We have been trying to keep up with special occasions, illnesses and bridge departures, though. Be safe and healthy!
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Percy is 7
We forgot Percy's birthday is this week and were reminded it's today from the comments left on our last post. Thanks to the Cat Blogosphere for posting it for Percy.
And speaking of our last post, Sparkle called the video a goose convention. We wish we had thought of that because that is a terrific description. We have never seen that many geese in one place before. The next morning the numbers were back to normal.
Last night we learned for certain we're the reason the geese always disappear over the hill. Evidently, the guard goose sees us and/or catches our scent and honks, 3 antsy dogs and a shaky photographer headed this way. Move out! And they all march out of sight.
As we walked down the hill last night, the geese resting on the grass suddenly got up and started moving down the hill to the lake. We reached the road and since traffic was heavier than usual, we had to run across the street. Even though the geese were quite a distance away, they started running too. Wings were flapping. They were bumping into one another. Oh, how Jan wished she had a camera with her for that. Once across the road, we stopped running and the geese stopped running.
So if you missed our once in a lifetime opportunity to catch a goose "convention" on video, we're re-posting it today. Because we were far away, we suggest you press the 4 arrows to the bottom right to view this full screen.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Marching Geese

Jan has been trying for months to capture local geese on video. But they fly between bodies of water, so we don't often see them. A few times they have been close to the fence near the road, but either Jan has forgotten the camera or before we can hotfoot it down one hill, they waddle off down another and disappear.
Since it's too hot to carry anything extra - even a small camera - around all the time, Jan tried to catch them last night so she can leave the camera home. We're surprised our camera didn't pick up the loud honking.
Buddy, Sam and I wanted to look around and sniff everything. So we did. Jan couldn't tell us to settle down. The camera would have picked up her honking ... uh, voice. And if we moved around and tugged on the leash, Jan couldn't tug back. It was a perfect opportunity to misbehave. But if you notice, our behavior was above reproach where it counted most. We didn't bark and scare the geese into hiding.
And there were a lot of geese! We didn't realize there were that many around here. Jan only used parts of the video she took. Many were still marching downhill while those in the lead were already floating on the water when we turned to go home.
Because we were far away, we suggest you press the 4 arrows to the bottom right to view this full screen...
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We know you are already aware of this news, but we wanted to say something anyway.
We were all shocked and saddened to learn Whicky Wuudler had to be helped to the bridge Tuesday. He will really be missed. He seldom blogged but he was involved in helping the cats of the UK and elsewhere.
And Maw and Paw's sweet Annie of 40 Paws. We're using her purrs and prayers badge, but she was helped to the bridge Monday, shortly after her 12th birthday.
We are sad for both families and send hugs, purrs and wags.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Romeo's Get One, Give One

Many of you already know Romeo the cat blogger. He is hosting a contest in conjunction with Royal Canin and PETCO, and if you win, you could win a $1,000 donation to your favorite shelter/rescue. The designated shelter/rescue of the two second prize winners will each get 1/2 pallet or 3,696 cans of cat food.
You can enter the contest by leaving a comment with the name of a shelter/rescue and why you chose it. Our favorite shelter/rescue is more of a a dog rescue, therefore it wouldn't be eligible. We asked Brain of Brian's Home and Brian's Forever Home for the name of his favorite shelter/rescue. He said he has "grown very fond of Angela's Angels Cat Rescue in Columbia, NC." So, out of respect for Brian's hard work and dedication to helping cats find a forever home, we're going to submit Angela's Angels Pet Rescue as our choice, in case we win.
This weekend, July 8 - 10, PETCO is offering every customer (while supplies last) two FREE cans of Adult Instinctive or Ultra Light Royal Canin adult feline wet formula for their cats – no purchase necessary. For each can given away to you, Royal Canin will donate an additional can to the PETCO Foundation, which helps support approximately 7,000 local animal welfare groups across the country to help find homes for more than 200,000 adoptable animals every year
You can increase your entries, and thus your chances to be the grand prize winner, by helping to spread the word on the “Get One, Give One” promotion. For specific details, visit Romeo's post on the contest.
If you help promote the giveaway, don't forget to email Carolyn and tell her what you did so she can give you the earned entries.
Unfortunately, the nearest PETCO is over 40 miles away so we won't be able to participate by "claiming" our two free cans. We hope you can.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Max and Ruffy's
We three dogs had an opportunity to taste test Max & Ruffy's Natural Organic Treats for Dogs. You know how we like to eat, so you can imagine how we were looking forward to this. And then Jan had to go and spoil it for us.
Yep, she used the dreaded "h" word: "Hey, guys, have you read the labels? These look like healthy treats." It took a lot of the fun out of eating them, but we persevered so we can give you our honest opinion on the product.
They sent us six 1 oz. samples.Clockwise from upper left: W.P. Pizza with Parsley; grain free The Kelp Highway; wheat free Mother Quinoa's Pumpkin Patch; grain free Five-Star Blueberry; grain free Powerhouse(sweet potato & alfalfa flavor); and Molasses Explosion 1919 with sunflower seeds;
Okay, Jan, we're ready to taste test.
Buddy tries the Molasses Explosion 1919: Stop fooling around, Jan. You give it to me, then take it away, then offer it to me, then grab it back. Yes, I know you only have two hands. One to feed us treats and one to snap the pictures. If you can't hold the camera steady and push the button with the wrong finger, forget the photos and just feed us the treats, please.
Sam tries the W.P. Pizza: Jan, if you yank that out of my mouth one more time, I'm going to grab the bag and run. Learn to multitask!
Merci also taste tests the W.P. Pizza. Or she will when Jan lets go. When Jan finally managed to push the shutter button, Merci grabbed the treat and ran.
Jan was happy to see the treats were made from organic human-grade and healthy ingredients. No strange preservatives are used. Plus the packaging is eco-friendly. We don't know about eco-friendly; we just liked the taste. But if Jan had let him, Sam would probably have eaten the packaging too.
You can check out the products at MaxandRuffy's.com. And you can find them on Twitter as @maxandruffys.
Max & Ruffy's provided the samples for us to try but any opinions expressed are entirely our own.
Yep, she used the dreaded "h" word: "Hey, guys, have you read the labels? These look like healthy treats." It took a lot of the fun out of eating them, but we persevered so we can give you our honest opinion on the product.
They sent us six 1 oz. samples.Clockwise from upper left: W.P. Pizza with Parsley; grain free The Kelp Highway; wheat free Mother Quinoa's Pumpkin Patch; grain free Five-Star Blueberry; grain free Powerhouse(sweet potato & alfalfa flavor); and Molasses Explosion 1919 with sunflower seeds;
Okay, Jan, we're ready to taste test.
Buddy tries the Molasses Explosion 1919: Stop fooling around, Jan. You give it to me, then take it away, then offer it to me, then grab it back. Yes, I know you only have two hands. One to feed us treats and one to snap the pictures. If you can't hold the camera steady and push the button with the wrong finger, forget the photos and just feed us the treats, please.
Sam tries the W.P. Pizza: Jan, if you yank that out of my mouth one more time, I'm going to grab the bag and run. Learn to multitask!
Merci also taste tests the W.P. Pizza. Or she will when Jan lets go. When Jan finally managed to push the shutter button, Merci grabbed the treat and ran.
Jan was happy to see the treats were made from organic human-grade and healthy ingredients. No strange preservatives are used. Plus the packaging is eco-friendly. We don't know about eco-friendly; we just liked the taste. But if Jan had let him, Sam would probably have eaten the packaging too.
You can check out the products at MaxandRuffy's.com. And you can find them on Twitter as @maxandruffys.
Max & Ruffy's provided the samples for us to try but any opinions expressed are entirely our own.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Uncle Sam Sings the Oaks
Hey, "Uncle" Sam here to represent the patriotic Funny Farmers for the 4th of July Independence Day celebration. We often think about trading Jan in for another human - preferably one who would give us a weekly allowance to spend - but we've read about how animals are treated in a number of other countries and we are glad to live in the United States of America.
In keeping with the theme, we would like to share a video with the song This is America by the Oak Ridge Boys. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We suggest you turn up your sound to hear this video You know the sound is low if Buddy, our resident hound with the super acute hearing, grumbled, Turn it up, I can't hear!
If the video doesn't play click here.
We hope all Americans will have a safe and fun-filled celebration.Jan says she'll be hogging the computer again, so we're posting a little early. See you Tuesday.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Interspecies Friends
In April there was a news story about a nesting goose that had lost her mate and a deer that stayed nearby to protect her. We'd like to share the follow-up story with you.
To read the full story click here.
Friday, July 01, 2011
Elk Rescues Marmot and WBCL

Yesterday we read a surprising interspecies article on an elk rescuing a marmot drowning in his water trough. In case you doubt, there are photos.
We kitties were given an opportunity to test the new World's Best Cat Littler new lavender scent clumping litter. Unfortunately for Jan, we wouldn't use it, because the lavender scent was too strong. Jan gave us one litter box with the WBCL and one with our regular litter. Although some of us liked the regular WBCL when we tried it a couple of years or so ago, in this test, we all used our regular litter.
Jan didn't like it either because the strong scent caused her breathing problems. (We think this must have been a defective bag because other kitties have blogged about how much they love this new lavender scent product.)
We mention WBCL today because we want to let you know WBCL is having a contest.
Two cat owners will win -
A 1-year supply of WBCL.
A $200 Target gift card.
To enter:
Buy a black and red Multiple Cat Clumping Formula bag with the $1 instant coupon at your local Target store.
Take a picture to show you purchased it at Target.
Follow submission directions.
You can find more detailed information on their Clearing the Air blog. The submission deadline is July 10, 2011.
Note: The WBCL regular clumping formula is also sold at Target but is not included in the contest.
WBCL sent us a small bag of the litter to try, but we were not paid or influenced for this post, or even asked to review it. We are just sharing our personal experience with the new WBCL. We've included the contest information in case one or more of you might want to enter - and hopefully one of our readers might win.
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