Merci: I had my first good walk in three years yesterday.
Buddy: What are you talking about? We all walk Jan just about every day.
Merci: Yes, but you-know-who goes with us.
Buddy: Marcus?
Merci: Yes. He leaps at my face and screeches in my ears. I can barely see any more and it's terrifying when he does that.
Buddy: You and I had a good walk yesterday with Jan.
Merci: Jan didn't want you to go. She wanted you to walk with Marcus since the two of you can walk faster and further than I can now. She put Marcus in his crate and you kept pushing your way out the door demanding we not leave without you!
Buddy: I think we did pretty good together.
Merci: Yes, but you didn't want to go home. And then you had to rest a while before you and Jan walked with Marcus.
Buddy: Oh, that's why we guys walked first yesterday and then she went walking with you.
Merci: Yes, it was so nice. Just the two of us, like the old days before you and Sam and Marcus came along. It was so peaceful. I didn't have to struggle to keep up or walk twice as far twice as fast because my legs are so short.
Buddy: It's hard to believe we've grown old. I guess it won't be much longer before I'll have to walk with you because I won't be able to keep up with Marcus.
Merci: And then we'll have to get a wheelbarrow for Jan because she's too decrepit to keep up with Marcus.
Buddy: I hope you mean a wagon. I can't imagine Jan riding in a tipsy wheelbarrow pulled by Marcus.
Merci: The way Marcus dashes about, anything pulled by him would be tipsy.
Buddy: I know! Do you think we could borrow the Budweiser Clydesdale wagon?
Taylor: Excuse me, Buddy and Merci, but this is Friday and we Funny Farmer Felines are on the schedule.
Rusty: We interview the kitties from the Four-Legged Furballs blog.
Micah: We love getting to meet new friends.
Cyndi: They have quite an interesting story, especially the handsome Evan.
Percy: You can
Meet the Four-Legged Furballs - Evan, Thimble and Eddy - at
We are joining the Pet Parade hosted by
Rascal and Rocco,
Basil the Bionic Cat,
Barking from the Bayou and
Owned by a husky.