Rainbow Bridge

Pepi Smart Dog welcomes our furries to the Rainbow Bridge.

Each month Our Rainbow Friends pays tribute to all who have passed the previous month.

Since we opened our blog, we have lost several members of the Funny Farm.







Jenny (Aug 1988 - Aug 2005)

And Mr. Doug's Fraggle (Jan's rescue)..

And our friends.  So many of our friends have passed to the bridge we can't possibly post them all - there have been too, too many - and it makes us too sad to try.  So we're just posting a few. But all our friends who have passed on will be forever in our hearts.


Mickey Mantle from Jeter Harris.

 Eric from Eric & Flynn

Poppy Vic from Zoolatry.

Gracie's nephews, Opus

and Opus' brother Roscoe

Sweet Prainline

Miss Peach

Candle of Remembrance for Crystal, Cotton & friends at the bridge

1 comment:

  1. Jan, Was really sorry to hear about Cameron. Ann is nice enough to keep me on her email list. So I am still in touch in a way. You have lost three furry loves since you started blogging and I also lost three furry loves when I started my blog. There have been so many new bloggers in the past three years. It has been that long since I stopped blogging. Your blog has been special throughout the years. Keep it up.


Thanks for coming by for a visit. We love to hear from you.