You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.
What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
Well the first one is easy. We would drive Jan's car again and this time we'd actually drive it on the road instead of into the bushes - with headlights instead of a flashlight.
We felines would like to have a huuuuuuuge, humungous, giant litterbox with low scalloped sides so we could pee outside the box without having to work so hard at it. Okay, we have peed outside the box before (that's why Jan keeps newspapers under the boxes) but this time we wouldn't have to try so hard - and we'd get away with it.)
And we canines would like to roll in the mud, then come inside and wipe it all off on the Jan's bed and the sofa. (A dog can dream.)
We tag Karen Jo of Kitty Limericks, Lacy Lulu and Archi Ann.

And Asta gave us the thinking blogger award.
=Jan's Funny Farm., who's deep cawing fow fellow animals always moves me.
Asta, thank you so much. We appreciate this. You also care deeply for fellow animals.
We passed this on before and we're getting as bad as Jan about not remembering who, what and when, so we'll wait.
We have met so many wonderful kitties and woofies and enjoy keeping up with their blogs. But we are finding it harder to do this because more of them are changing the templates and/or adding so many outside extras that the loading time has become prohibitive.
We're disappointed to see this becoming a trend among bloggers because not all readers have an ultra-fast Internet connection. Some of us have regular DSL and there are some who still have dial-up. Plus, we have heard from bloggers in other countries that they frequently have trouble with their service and just getting on the net can often be frustrating. So, those of us who are blessed with good service might want to be aware that not everyone shares those blessings.
We personally need to spend more time updating our links. We are way behind on that. So for those blogs we have been reading and commenting on for a while that are not listed on our links list, we want you to know we haven't forgotten you. We're getting to it.
We are glad to report that Bruno is doing well after his surgery to remove the tumor. You can read his update here.
The family of Mr. Hendrix the cat is grieving the loss of Sonny. His cancer was too far along. Even thought they are sad, they have some good news.
There news is still good about Tia, though she isn't home from the vet's yet. Perhaps tomorrow.