Wow. Sassy sure is generous and full of surprises. We received a humungus package from her via email and we can't wait to share it with you.
She sent us -

Cat toys! Whee. We love cat toys, at least when the dogs don't eat them before we play with them.

And a cat stocking with TURKEY treats. Jan ate the lion's share of the Thanksgiving turkey, so we're keeping these for ourselves.

A doggie DVD. That looks like fun. We felines hope you canines will let us watch it with you. What? Oh, thanks. We can pop some corn and drink some catnip tea while we watch.

And, of course, a doggie stocking. We aren't going to tell you what's in there. We'll let it be a surprise, just in case the stockings don't all have the same presents inside.

And she even remembered Jan. Isn't this neat? A Cats Rule t-shirt. Humungus, just her size. (Sorry, Jan, just kidding. Please don't hide our presents till February.) But the dogs aren't happy about the message. They admit to drooling but .... cats rule? But Jan has a solution.

She went to the cedar chest and brought out one of her two Dogs Rule t-shirts. "Remember these?" she asked the dogs. "You guys thought it was neat when I wore this t-shirt. Turnabout's only fair. So we're going to compromise. Any time I wear a Cats Rule t-shirt one day, I will wear a Dogs Rule t-shirt the next. And vice-versa."
Well, that sounds fair, the dogs have to admit. So now everyone is happy - except us cats because if you were paying attention, you will remember Jan has
two Dogs Rule t-shirts. And she's already worn them fifty jillion times. We think she should do the same for our t-shirt before she wears theirs again.
Although we have not fully resolved the issue of whether dogs or cats rule around here, we would like to move on to where we give away some presents. Sassy sent our gifts x 10. That's why the email box was humungus.
It's really hard to decide who to pass these on to, but we think we made some good choices.
We would like to give these to
Asta (A proper but fun dog who speaks English better than we do.)
Momo & Pinot (Momo is such a good big sister to her new brother.)
Chase (What an inspiration to the rest of us.)
Poppy Q (She has a kind heart and introduces a weekly Friday Friend.)
Chance Bond (Because he's just moved into his forever home and he has a canine brother.)
Forty Paws (They're a large family too.)
Jeter &
Mickey Mantle (Their squabbling reminds us of our own.)
Charlie (A proper lady who just celebrated her 14th barkday.)
Hammer Beau's Brother (blog closed) Nothing can replace Beau but Hammer fills a void in his family's heart.)
5 Happy Hounds (Buddy chose this one. He thinks they might be hound relatives.)
Now, if any of you can't come by to pick up your gifts before Christmas, don't worry. We'll save them for you. (Except the munchies might be missing.)
We hope all of you are as richly blessed as we are.
(s) Percy, for Jan's Funny Farm