Sunday, December 09, 2007

2007 Playboy Bunny Calendar

Yes, we know it is already December and we're just getting around to viewing and posting the 2007 Playboy Bunny Calendar. But if you haven't already seen it, it's a must-view.

Take a deep breath and ... voila. Just click on pictures to enlarge for better viewing.

Okay, I've heard from folks who can't view the photos. I heard from one that the phtos can be viewed but not enlarged. I checked Google Web Albums and the photos are gone - poof. So how I or anyone else is able to view them is beyond me. I am replacing the photos. Hope Blogger lets me. It's a fun calendar.

We hate it when people remove identifying information from photos and stories. Does anyone know who created this calendar so we can give credit?


  1. No idea who created it, but it's quite funny. You should let Orlando and Fiona know about it -

  2. oh yeah, Fiona and Orlando would love this!

  3. Oh-oh, I see something for our Sammy to take pleasure in! Those naughty bunnies - honestly! ;P

  4. I can't see the pictures either. Is there a link to the source?

  5. That's OK now, the pictures have re-appeared. Thanks for sending them earlier!

  6. Oh that is so kyooooot!

    Luf, Us


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