Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cyndi on Permethrin

Hey, Cyndi here with a short PSA.  It's past my nap time. Actually, in this humidity, it's always nap time.

Years ago, Jan tried the "flea killing" products sold in stores but didn't like them and they didn't work so she stopped using them. One of the ingredients in a number of them is permethrin. She has seen folks buying flea collars, flea shampoo and spot-on products from Wal-mart or other stores, with no idea or any interest in what the products contain or whether they could harm the animal.  Thus, a number of cats have died because consumers knew nothing about the ingredients and the product didn't provide a clear warning that permethrin should not be used on cats. Or that a dog flea product should never be used on a cat.

Many might not have heard of permethrin. But we hope you will all remember the word. You never know when this tiny bit of information might come in handy.

FAB (Feline Advisory Board) has an article, Feline Permethrin Poisoning, by Lara Boland of Australia.

"Cats are highly sensitive to permethrin and are more likely to develop signs of toxicity than dogs. Permethrin is metabolized (broken down by) the liver. It is suspected that cats may be more likely to develop permethrin toxicity because they have different liver metabolic pathways to other species"...

We hope you will read this article or an article on another site, if you prefer. There are many warnings online.

The reason this is on our mind is because Jan often sits on the steps or walks around the pen to scoop poop or cut the grass with a swing blade when the weather is nice, and she is being driven crazy with itchy bites all over her legs and feet. The bites are most likely from fleas, so she will be spraying the backyard with a product containing permethrin, and the dogs will not be allowed outside until the spray dries. Rusty will have to wait a little longer.

UPDATE:We barely posted this when we got a Facebook message to please include Tiny Timmy's Healing Journey. We're glad he caught our post right away and reminded us of his story!  What he has to say is important.. Please go read his story: Life & Times of TT, neurologically damaged from exposure to toxic OTC flea & tick products.

We apologize for not being around as often as we'd like lately but Jan says working toward green papers for food and shelter takes priority over blogging. She's been working hard on new designs for our store and wants me to sign off so she can have the computer back.

We have been trying to keep up with special occasions, illnesses and bridge departures, though. Be safe and healthy!


  1. We will pass this along to our kitty friend
    Benny & Lily

  2. My Dad and Mom made that mistake many moons ago and it killed their kitty. Pay attention everyone.

  3. Thanks for posting such important information... I'm gonna tell mommy, 'cause we have lots of kitties in our family. :)

    Hope you're having a very happy Tuesday!

    Woofs & hugs!

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  4. Its good to passs on imformation as important as this because there will be lots that dont realise. If its sold freely in the shops they will think its safe. Jan we understand about the work. Mum says she will check out your new designs when they are done.. Hugs GJ xx

  5. Mom hates to use anything on us, she even hates to have us vaccinated. The only reason she does the 3 year rabies shot is because it's the law in Florida and to keep up going to a vet she must. Sometimes less is more!
    Thanks for the PSA!


  6. Thank you for helping to spread the word about the dangers of OTC flea treatments. Hugs and nose kisses

  7. Excellent post. As a collie owner dog dad has to watch out for ivermectin and loperamide (imodium).

  8. Thanks for the info...I've never had flea treatment, but now Marmie knows in case I need some in the future!

  9. Thank you! Good to know about this!

  10. Cyndi, this is good info to know for sure, wow. We loved your video, pretty cool and cute (you guys gots a great sense of humor with theese subtitles!). We are late to Percy's B-Day so apologies from us. Happy Belated Birthday Percy! And many more...I'z got my jazz paws goin' for ya! Hope it was a good one! And good luck to Jan for all her new designs.

  11. TBT never touches even stuff like that. So we are OK. But it is good to tell others.

  12. Cool ! and Thanks for the info.
    I passed it on too
    Thank You

  13. Thanks for spreading the word. Lots of people don't know that cats can not use dog products, that our metabolisms are different. ~The Cats

  14. We had heard about that before and how dangerous it can be to some pets.

    Thanks for blogging about it!

  15. It's so scary the chemicals used in such things as flea sprays! Oh dear!! Thank you Jan for all this important info! Hello lovely Cyndi - enjoy your snooze! Take care

  16. This was a very important post. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with us.

    Take care - we love ya.


  17. A timely post Cyndi! Many people in the UK use OTC flea treatments. The labelling on these products is usually dodgy and doesn't make it clear how dangerous permethrin is for cats. We'd like to see such products banned.

    Gerry & Oliver


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