Monday, July 06, 2009

Crappy Cart and Contented Cows

Well, Jan just dismantled her new computer cart for a variety of reasons, including it wobbled, and she needs to stretch her legs and put her feet up or her legs spasm. And she couldn't stand trying to type on one level and stretch to use the mouse on the desktop. She says it made her bad shoulder scream. Maybe she should have screamed back at it, like she yells at us when we're bad. Not that we listen. (Usually she yells because she hears a crash in another room. Sometimes in the middle of the night.)

When she turned the desk over, she found the short screws holding the top on were already working their way out. So now she's back to her old setup typing on the desk with no pullout for the keyboard. She's going to return the cart for a refund. Rather than listen to her grumbling, we decided to post something happy.

With all of the cruelty in the news about farmers, it is refreshing to watch this video of an amazing dairy farm. And it invites visitors to tour and watch how farming can be done. Hmmmm, are you listening HSUS? Some farmers actually care about their livestock and treat them kindly. Too bad more of them just see living creatures as a commodity.

Enjoy the video. And thanks, Bill, for sending the link,


  1. This is good. We have a lot of friends in real life and on the internet who own dairy farms and they give their cows names and even have birthdays for them.

  2. I khan't imagine any of woo khausing khrashes in the middle of the night!

    Good fur Jan fur taking it bakhk...but it did make fur some interesting postings fur us!

    Hmmmm, a khow pawty! I wonder if they serve ice khream?


  3. What an awesome video! It's so nice to see

  4. w00fs, iffin me wuz a cow, me wood like to b sorry Jans desk wuzznt any good...

    b safe,

  5. Loved watching the video - but too bad about the desk. We don't think you would ever give Jan reason to yell at you.

    woos, the OP Pack

  6. Wander over to polyface farm and see a great way that this guy really farms, sustainably! I love that place. I was a little uncomfortable with that video because it was all about big agriculture--how can you keep that many cows clean?

  7. Sorry the cart didn't work out. We are sure Jan just imagines the crashes in the middle of the night and yells at you for no reason. ~S,S,C & F

  8. Poor Auntie Jan. Stupid cart! Take it back right away!!!

    The video is awesome!!!!

    Love, uSSSSS

  9. That is one awesome farm, I have not seen cows on carousel before! Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear about the crappy cart, please give Jan's lots of licks from me. Love, Dino

  10. We wish everyone would treat all their animals like the treasured family members they really are.

  11. mommy exports my blog once a month thru blogger. we hope that helps. we know that some photos will be lost if we have to redo the page because the originating photo files have moved, but at least we won't lose everything.

    the video didn't work this time. i'll try it later.

    we can't imagine you all ever doing anything that would make your mommy yell...


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