We're a little late posting about the Iams 2008 Home 4 the Holidays shelter adoption program, (big surprise, right!) but you know how close to our hearts this subject hits. Rusty and Merci came from the same shelter where Jan takes photos of shelter animals for newspaper exposure.
Unfortunately, more of these animals are euthanized than adopted. There are just not enough homes for all of the animals that, one way or another, end up at the shelter.
Everyone has a different way of posting the same story. There are facts, videos and photos available, so we would like to make our post a bit more personal.
This is one of several photos taken July 19, 2003 by another member of the Humane Society, who suggested this would be a good dog for Jan to adopt. She was right. Merci was a very good choice!

This is Merci today.

Jan saw this photo of Rusty in the paper and when she read he was declawed, she knew he would be a perfect pet to keep her mother company after her dogs died. She passed away less than a year later and Rusty moved in with us.

This is Rusty today. He is a huge ball of fluff with feet nearly as big as a dog's.

This is one of the shelter cats Jan photographed Monday. He is a handsome dude and very sweet. He would probably make a good mouser and lap warmer.

Each week, Jan photographs three dogs and two cats for the newspaper ads. When she went in Monday, she learned there weren't three dogs in the shelter. They had all been euthanized because of Parvo -- except this Border Collie mix.

It's really sad when all the dogs or cats are killed because of something contagious. The longer an animal remains in a shelter, the more likely it is to be exposed to something that could kill it.
So we are pleased that Iams is again partnering with a large number of shelters in Home 4 the Holidays.

2008 shelter program Spokesperson Felicity Huffman, her shelter dog Tucker and an unidentified cat.
Starting with only 14 partner shelters in 1999, Iams Home 4 the Holidays has grown to nearly 3,000 partner shelters in 15 countries around the world, and has helped place more than 2 million pets into homes.
The goal this year is to place at least 1 million pets in loving and happy homes over this holiday season -- Oct. 1, 2008 through Jan. 5, 2009. Every cat, dog, puppy or kitten that is adopted during Iams Home 4 the Holidays will go home with an Iams Adoption Starter Kit that contains food samples, coupons and important tips and information about pet care, behavior, training and nutrition.
We hope they reach their goal!
JFF: Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam --- and Jan
PS --
Alasandra made a good point in the comment she left. It is important the animals be adopted from shelters. But we also need to consider those who need help to keep the ones they have. Times are tough for a lot of folks who would never have thought of giving up their pets to a shelter.