Sunday, November 30, 2014

Neighborhood Fruitcake

Cyndi:  It's the start of another week.  We hope this Sunday will be quiet and uneventful, unlike last Sunday when we had the scary weather.

 Micah:  This is the black and white version of this weekend's art.  We posted all the versions yesterday at We Are Better Artists.   Our favorite is the pencil sketch and it seems to be readers' favorite too.

Black and white Sunday blog hop is co-hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola.

Buddy:  We just have to tell this story on Jan.  She has earned the title of Neighborhood Fruitcake, in our eyes anyway.  We think the neighbors might be calling her something on the bad word list.

Merci:  Yesterday we dogs were outside in the pen.  We started barking and when Jan heard an itty bitty bark, she came running to the door to see if there was a small dog loose.

Sam:  A man and a woman were walking by at a slow pace.  Each had a puppy on a leash.  Jan started telling us to stop barking and be quiet.

Cameron:  But you guys paid no attention to her and what happened is all your fault because you wouldn't be quiet.

Rusty:  I was taking my mid-afternoon bath after my mid-afternoon nap and missed it.  What happened?

Marcus:  Jan yelled, "STOP! YOU'RE NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO ME!"  The man and woman stopped and turned around slowly to look at Jan, who got very flustered knowing they thought she was yelling at them.  She didn't know what to do so she smiled and waved.  They stared, then turned and walked away.  We figure that couple will take a different route next time they walk their dogs.

Percy:  We have a fun video for your Sunday Smile.  Jan used to try to do exercises on the floor but gave it up and if you have a furry in your home, you know why.  Here is a fun video of dogs and cats interrupting  yoga exercises.  Happy Sunday.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

We Are Better Artists

Micah: It has been two or three weeks since we have been able to do our weekend art. 

Cameron:  We're happy to be back among the artists.  We aren't flowery or wild but we have fun with a photo.

Merci:  So go get a drink of whatever you prefer, make a potty stop if necessary, and prepare to be amazed.

Sam:  Amazed?  I'm amazed you actually said that.  But we're better artists than Jan is, so -

Cyndi:  But Jan made the pictures for us.  How does that make us better artists?

Rusty:  She just does what we tell her to do.  Wait, scratch that.  She doesn't actually do anything we tell her to do.  We tell her anyway.  That makes us better artists. 

Buddy:  I was very small when this picture was taken.  The strange thing around my neck is one of my toys.  Jan thought it made me look like a court jester.  I'm glad she didn't try to make me wear one of those weird hats to go with it.

This is our photo for Sepia Saturday blog hop co-hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Earl & Ethel.

Percy:  Jan turned the sepia picture into a pencil sketch, warmified it and added a drop shadow frame.  Doesn't Buddy look sad-eyed here?

The Caturday Art blog hop is hosted by Athena.

Buddy:  This is the original picture.  Wasn't I adorable?  Jan said my coat was like velvet to the touch. I was an all masculine pup, though.  Boy, could I ever get into trouble!

Marcus:  For comparison purposes, here is a preview of tomorrow's black and white version.  Have a great Saturday.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Better Late Than Lost Forever

Rusty:  Well, here we are late again.  This was supposed to be part of our Thanksgiving post.  Jan says it's better to be late than lost forever, but we figure she had a little too much nip in her eggnog. even though she claims she didn't have any at all.

Micah:  We even started a post so we wouldn't forget.  But we forgot to check our drafts and only found it last night.

Merci:  We're feeling very ashamed; however, we decided that although we missed THE "Thanks, Blogville" day, we can just be who we are - LATE! - and post anyway.

Cameron:  Murphy and Stanley, the recently elected Mayors of Blogville, put this together and even hosted a bloghop yesterday.  Sigh.  It would have been such fun to participate.

Buddy:  Even though we are late, we would like to thank Blogville for accepting us and including us (whenever we remember to show up).  We can be a bit absent-minded but we can't forget the love they have shown or the fun we have had since we began to meet some of the residents.  They are a fun-loving, caring group of blogging furries and we are grateful to know them.   

Sam:  We were able to participate in Pip's bucket tour with Puddles. Pip was a very popular dog and will never be forgotten.  (BTW, Puddles has finally returned ... well, sort of ... after her serious injury and surgery.)  But we always seem to miss the Blogville Olympics and most of the other fun stuff.

Marcus:  We did remember to vote for the new Mayor(s) earlier this month.  We considered seeking a position on Murphy and Stanley's staff but we figured  our computer might break down on the way to work and we'd be fired for showing up a week late.

Percy:  Before you guys go into overtime with this, how about if we just say the obvious:  Blogville, we love you and are thankful for each one of you! 

Cyndi:  We are not posting a Mousebreath interview today.  It's a holiday weekend and readers are distracted, so we will wait another week.  If you haven't read Max and Buddah's interview from last week or if you have missed any of the others, go by and catch up.  Here is the link for the Author Archive: Funny Farmer Felines.

The Pet Parade is hosted by Rascal and Rocco.  It is co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking From the Bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

Who is this week's Featured Favorite?  Check it out at Rascal & Rocco's. 

There are two parts to the blog hop - your blog url and social media.

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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

We wish you all a blessed day filled with family, friends, joy and an attitude of gratitude.

Pepi Smart Dog is holding the Thanksgiving edition of Thanksful Thursday blog hop.

And Ruckus the Eskie's Thoughtless Thursday blog hop is up and running with co-hosts Love is being owned by a husky and Barking From the Bayou.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Playing Favorites

Merci:  The Sibe Tribe (Love is being owned by a husky) made Buddy this card for his birthday. 

Cameron:  They said we don't need to post about it because it was late arriving.

Rusty:  Ha, ha, ha, ha.  It was late arriving because we were late posting about Buddy's special day.

Marcus:  Why are we making such a big fuss over Buddy's birthday?  Aren't we ever going to celebrate me for anything?  I'm special too.

Cyndi:  Yes, Marcus, we're all special.  Your time will come and we will celebrate you.

Buddy:  Ahem.  We were discussing my card.  I'd like to thank Mika, Lexus and Koda for the lovely card.

Micah:  Don't forget their mom.  I bet she helped them make this.

Buddy:  And mom Jenna.

Rusty:  Did any of you notice that Buddy's birthday is going on and on while the rest of us are lucky to even get a mention on our special day because Jan doesn't read her calendar?

Micah:  Do you think she's playing favorites?

Merci:  No, I think Jan is just feeling guilty because our computer was down on Buddy's birthday and she didn't get to post till a few days later.

Sam:  We also want to be sure to update our post on the Catzenpup Auto Feeder.  We don't have one and we didn't do a review on it.  We just thought it was neat and posted on it.

Percy:  And the humans behind the feeder read all your comments - and those of other pet owners' left on Twitter, etc. - and then left us a comment of their own, which we thought might interest you.  We hadn't thought of some of the helpful uses for this feeder.

From Catzenpup:

Hiya Anipals! We see that most of you have multiple pets! It just seems to end up that way no matter how it starts out! We hear you! While future versions of the Catzenpup may certainly service multiple pets, the current version is intended for single pet use with 3 oz plastic containers with foil topped seals.

There are several times in the course of pet parenting where isolating one of your fur babies from their sisfurs and brofurs is a necessity. A happy occasion might be for a nursing mother cat or dog who may be enjoying quiet time from the rest of her siblings while the little ones are young and nursing. Or for when you have a pet who may be on a temporary dietary restriction like veterinarian assisted weight loss, for instance. Or there may be medication that the pet is on that requires the pet to be fed on a schedule separate from the other pets in the house. These are just a few of the reasons where a Catzenpup could come in handy in a multi-pet family. We are sure there are many others! We invite you to keep asking questions and voicing your concerns. We are getting them all answered and addressed on our FAQ on the Kickstarter page. We can't do it without your help! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tiki Noms

Cyndi:  We are finally able to start this post and all our paws are crossed that nothing else happens, computer or weather-wise, to delay it again.


Micah:  Here I am cleaning up the last of my breakfast.  Mmm, mmmm good.

Rusty:  It's tuna and crab. This is what it looked like before Jan spooned it into our bowls. 


Percy:  It's good.  I'm licking up the last of my portion. 

Cameron:  We're taste testing Tiki Cat.  They have a nice variety of flavors to choose from.  For example, there is Tuna on rice with talapia.  It's 5% rice.  What is talapia, you ask?  (We didn't know either.)  It's freshwater fish from the cichlid family. We're glad we're not from that family since we would forget how to spell our name.

Rusty:  Do you need some help eating your portion, Cameron?

Cameron:  No!

Rusty:  This is what sardine cutlets look like. They were good too.

Micah:   According to the company, Tiki Cat Premium Food formulas are made with the highest quality human-grade, all natural ingredients and do not contain any compromised inferior nutrition sources.

Made without  Corn, Wheat or Soy.  Gluten Free. Limited Ingredient Diet.  Low Glycemic.  Grain-Free. Commonly recommended for cats with UTI, CRF, IBS, or diabetes.  Can be fed on its own or used to add hydration and protein to kibble.

Cyndi:  Move the camera, Jan, I'm eating!


Rusty:  I've been cleaning my bowl for each flavor we've tried.  So have the others.

Cameron:  We're glad we got to taste test Tiki Cat. Jan should feed us like this every day.  

Percy: provided us with the Tiki Cat.  We were not paid for this review, nor influenced in what we posted.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Hungry But Polite Kitty

Cameron:  Thanks for letting me use you as a pillow, Merci.

Merci:  No problem.  I think we're going to all be doing a bit of cuddling today.

Rusty:  We were going to do a proper post but the Southeast got hit with tornadoes and bad storms Sunday so we decided we wouldn't worry about one while we calm our frazzled nerves.

Cyndi:  Our weather radio chattered, beeped and made strange noises for a couple of hours.  Jan turned off the computer when the severe weather sirens sounded. 

Marcus:  I thought we were supposed to gather somewhere safe, like a hallway, a bathroom or a closet when there is a tornado warning?

Buddy:  We are but we don't have a hallway or a cellar.  Our two closets and bathroom are on the severe weather side of this rickety old house.

Micah: Oh, I thought it was strange it was business as usual around here, except for the lack of a computer.

Percy: Jan decided if there wasn't anywhere safe, she might as well do something useful with the time  So she washed our litter pans and changed the litter while she watched the wind whip the tree branches. 

Sam:  We are sorry not everyone in our area came safely through the storm.  We'll probably learn more  today, but we know at least one local business was reduced to rubble. And the electric company was very busy restoring service to some. We are praying for those in the severest storm areas across the US.

Cyndi:  We thought we could all use a relaxing moment, so we're sharing this ultra polite kitty saying, "I'm hungry!"

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Buddy 10 Years and Nandi 11 Weeks

Buddy:  Have you missed us since we were offline a few days last week?  Well, in case you have, here is a picture of me doing one of my favorite things in the world - getting ready to eat a treat. 

Micah:  Yesterday we posted that Buddy turned 10 last Thursday.  Or somewhere thereabouts.  We don't know the exact day he was born, just that he was dumped when he was only three or four weeks old.

Merci:  There might be snow on the nose but he's still handsome and hasn't lost his appetite.

Cameron:  Merci, you're talking about him like he's old and you're young, but you're two or three years older than he is.

Marcus:  I hope I look as good when I'm her age.

Sam:  With the trouble you get into, Marcus, you can only hope you live to her age!

Percy:  On a safer note, we have a very short Sunday Smile for you.  This is Nandi, an 11-week-old elephant at the Reid Park Zoo.  Can you imagine arriving to work every morning and being greeted with such enthusiasm?  She's adorable!

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Cyndi:  Oh, Jan, can I have an elephant calf for Christmas?  I promise to stay out from under his feet.

Rusty:  We hope we are finally out of computer hell and on the road to accomplishing something worthwhile.  So much to do and so little computer time to do it.  :)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Buddy Is 10

Buddy  In case you haven't noticed, we have been missing for several days.  First our DSL modem died, then our ISP wreaked havoc on our computer and the next day while online, our computer locked, crashed and ... it broke the mouse  - or mouse driver!  We had 3 working mice (is the plural of mouse still mice for computers) and suddenly not a one would do more than right click. 

Marcus:  Suffice it to say, there have been a lot of tears, some HBO thoughts, if not words, and nightmares. 

Sam:  We are finally back and trying to throw a post together for tomorrow (Saturday).   

Merci:  We missed Buddy's 10th birthday on Thursday, so first we want to congratulate him.

Cameron:  We know you didn't get your daily walk or a celebration Thursday, but you did get to see Mr. Doug two days in a row, so we hope that made your day a little special, Buddy.  (Mr. Doug rescued Buddy.)

Cyndi:  Friday was supposed to be our first Mousebreath post in over a month and we missed it.

Micah:  Thankfully, we were able to post and schedule it earlier this week and it published without us. 

Rusty:  We interviewed Max from The Psychokitty Speaks Out and his "brother" Buddah.  They are very interesting characters.

Percy:  You'll enjoy this dueling duo who actually get along better than they claim in public.  Stop by Mousebreath to read their story, Psychokitty Max and Buddah Pest.

Buddy:  Oh, and we also missed the Pet Parade yesterday, but it isn't too late to join the fun, so if you haven't already, go ahead and sign up and check out some new blogs. 

Cyndi:  We're sorry but we won't be able to do our regular weekend art. 

The Pet Parade is hosted by Rascal and Rocco.  It is co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking From the Bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

There are two parts to the blog hop - your url and social media.

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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST: @RascalandRocco  16. Summer on Facebook  31. Talent Hounds (Facebook)  
2. HOST: Rascal and Rocco Pinterest  17. Summer on Pinterest  32. Talent Hounds (Pinterest)  
3. CO-HOST: @JansFunnyFarm  18. Florida Furkids Facebook  33. Talent Hounds (Tumblr)  
4. CO-HOST: @BionicBasil  19. Ellen Pilch  34. The Island Cats (FB)  
5. CO-HOST: Bionic Basil Pinterest  20. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  35. The Island Cats (Twitter)  
6. CO-HOST: @HuskyCrazed  21. TXpups on Facebook  36. The Island Cats (Pinterest)  
7. CO-HOST: HuskyCrazed Pinterest  22. NC on Facebook  37. @DezizWorld twitter  
8. CO-HOST: @MK_Clinton  23. NC on Twitter  38. Deziz World (Pinterest)  
9. CO-HOST: MK Clinton Pintererst  24. NC on Pinterest  39. Deziz World (Facebook)  
10. Traveling Cats (Twitter)  25. NC on G+  40. Deziz World Flickr  
11. Traveling Cats (Facebook)  26. CREATE WITH JOY - Twitter  41. Samantha & Socks  
12. Traveling Cats (Pinterest)  27. Angel AbbyGrace  42. Catzenpup Blog  
13. Traveling Cats (Google+)  28. Kitty Par-TAY (Mom's Twitter)  43. Catzenpup Facebook  
14. Traveling Cats (Bloglovin)  29. Talent Hounds  44. Catzenpup Kickstarter Link  
15. Summer on Twitter  30. Talent Hounds (Twitter)  45. Catzenpup (Twitter)  

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Picture Is Worth

Rusty:  Well, yesterday we were going to write a proper post for today, but life happened and now Jan is hopping mad!

Marcus:  Hopping mad?  I haven't seen her hopping.  Creaking and groaning in this too-cold weather, yes, but not hopping.

Sam:  That's just an expression, Marcus.  It means Jan is very upset about something.  She's not actually jumping up and down, red-faced and shouting swear words.

Marcus:  She's not hopping mad because I ripped a hole in the brand new mattress for my crate and pulled out the stuffing while she was gone yesterday, is she? 

Cameron:  Let's just say you are lucky she has something else to concentrate on.  She is very unhappy with you.

Marcus:  So what is she hopping mad about?

Percy:  After she started the computer and downloaded email yesterday, she left the room, came back and our DSL modem was dead.  She did everything to revive it but it had lilies growing out of its chest.  It was that dead!

Marcus:  Why would she be hopping because the modem died.  It wasn't faking, was it?  I mean, when it's your time, it's your time, whether you're a lamp or a modem.

Micah:  Jan knows things die all the time.  Usually when you need them the most, but she's not hopping mad because it died.

Merci:  Ordinarily she would have to order a new modem and wait for it to arrive so we could get back online, but, fortunately, she had a reconditioned backup available.  This one didn't have a software CD with it, so Jan was relieved she wouldn't have to install our Internet Service Provider's (ISP which shall remain nameless for the moment) software like she did in 2005.  It caused her a bunch of problems and she uninstalled it many years ago.

Marcus:  I still don't see what the problem is.  It sounds like everything worked out well.

Buddy:  Jan started to install the modem and decided to call tech support to walk her through it since she didn't have any instructions.  She reached a nice lady who told her that although our ISP  COULD set us up without their software, they won't unless the software won't install.  So Jan was forced to download their software from the internet.

Marcus:  I still don't see the problem.

Cyndi:  It opened IE.  Jan never uses IE, only Firefox and then not only did the software not install, it sent the computer into toxic shock and it went black, gray, had flashing icons in the tray, opened Firefox and Thunderbird, tried to get Jan to take her av bar off IE, etc., etc., etc.

Marcus:  So what happened then?

Percy:  The lady said, "It's locked up your computer.  You're going to have to do a hard shutdown."  (Translation - crash!)   There were problems getting it back up again since it didn't shut down properly.

Buddy:  And after it was up, the lady cheerfully said, "This has never happened before."  Really?  So why do they only do set up from their end when the software won't install?  You guessed it.  She finished the setup (without the software) while Jan checked to be sure the ISP's software was NOT installed on the computer.

Rusty:  Jan is hopping mad because she went through their software problems in 2005 with a different computer.  How up to date is their technology and why do they try to force their software onto customers' computers when it isn't necessary and can wreak such havoc?

Buddy:  Jan won't let us repeat what she said she'd like to do to our ISP for this needless terrifying experience.  But she did say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Note:  Earl and his human mom were featured in Dog's Monthly magazine in May and thus are 1 of 12 entries in the Best Friend contest regarding their special bond and story.  We all know how strong the bond is between a dog and his human.  If you would, please stop by and read his short post and vote for Earl and his human.  All it takes is a one-time short email.  The information is there.  The prize is a 6 month supply of dog food, which he will donate to a dog rescue.  His blog is Earl's World.  (He doesn't know we are adding this to our post, but we think it would be wonderful if he won.)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Catzenpup Auto Feed

Micah dreaming of wet food auto feeding.

Marcus: You know how we love to eat! We came across a neat way anyone with a single cat or dog could feed their pet.

Buddy: We keep reading these blog and Facebook posts saying Kitty wakes me up to feed him at 5 AM.  Really?  We dogs wouldn't mind being fed at that hour either.

Rusty:  We don't understand what the problem is with such an hour.  It seems more than reasonable to us.

Percy:  It's a new type of feeder called catzenpup.  The human just sets the feeding timer and Kitty or Fido is fed at the specified time - unless someone forgets to plug it in (we assume it's electric) or sets the timer for PM instead of AM, as Jan sometimes does her alarm clock.

Cameron:  Here, you can see it in action in this video.   This is Amber the cat being auto fed.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Sam:  Since some of our readers are strictly cat or dog lovers, we are also including a video of Gia the Pomeranian being auto fed.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Cyndi: It's not available yet, but it is coming.  Catzenpup has a kickstarter campaign launching today at 1 PM EST. 

Micah: Sadly, those feeding stations will be coming to anywhere but this Funny Farm.  Jan says it gives her nightmares to even think of a single container of food being opened around here because we would all rush to claim it and there wouldn't only be chaos, there would be fights. 

Merci:  I don't understand why she would think that.  Who does she think we are - animals? 

Note:  We don't want you to get the wrong idea, so perhaps we should add that this is not an ad or a review, just a discussion of something we came across on Twitter.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bambi Meets Brooke

Cameron:  Sunday is a peaceful day for us.  We have peace and quiet while Jan is at church and then finish our nap when she comes home.

Marcus: At least you have your freedom while you nap.  Jan has resumed putting me in a crate while she goes I have to behave.

Cyndi:  Marcus, you're so full of energy now that it is cold Jan can't trust you not to chew things up while she is gone.

Micah:  It is so peaceful to have you in the crate.  You don't whine and can't try to provoke all of us to play. 

Rusty:  Yes, we love your crate time.  We can't touch the computer while Jan is out and you can't chase us around the house, so we get to nap.

Buddy:  You weren't crated when this picture was taken, Marcus.  This is the black and white version of our weekend art.

Merci: If you missed the other versions yesterday, you can find them in Old Cracked Craquelure.

Sam:  And what would today be without our Sunday Smile?  In today's video, Brooke meets Bambi and is adorably gentle.

Percy:  Brooke is a Boston Terrier and Bambi is a baby deer.  What we'd lid to know is where is this young fawn's mama?  We sure hope they were reunited.  

If the video doesn't play, click here

The Black & White Sunday blog hop is co-hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Old Cracked Craquelure

Sam:  It's the weekend again.  How should we celebrate this week?

Cyndi:  How about the same way we do every weekend?  With extra naps. 

Micah:  That sounds good to me, as long as there are lots of blankets involved! 

Rusty:  Oh, there are.  I found Jan's blanket stash in the closet.

Merci:  But first we need to take care of business and post our weekend art photos.  

Marcus:  This is the original.  In case you don't recognize me because Jan cropped off my ears, that's me

Percy:  For our Caturday Art, Jan used the Craquelure texture on the black and white version to make it look aged and cracked.  Weird, isn't it?

Cameron:  This is the sepia copy for today's blog hop.  You don't have to ask.  Yes, it's Marcus' favorite because it looks like dirt (his favorite color). 

Buddy:  We are including tomorrow's black and white copy so you can see the different versions.  Be sure to come back tomorrow for our Sunday Smile video.  Every day is a good day to smile but we only post a Sunday Smile on Sunday. 

The Saturday Sepia blog hop is co-hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Earl & Ethel.

The lovely Athena hosts the Caturday Art blog hop. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Telling on Jan

Cameron:  Mmmmfth, munff.  Oh, sorry, I was just having a late breakfast. Around here breakfast is always late.  We think Jan needs a new watch.

Micah:  Speaking of a watch, are we allowed to tell a story on Jan?

Sam:  Are you kidding?  We tell stories on Jan all the time.  What's one more?

Merci:  Okay,  Jan belongs to a club.  Yesterday it was her turn to be the timer.

Rusty:  Oh, I know where this is going.  Jan set the timer, walked off and forgot it and burned their lunch.

Percy:  No, it's not a cooking club.  It's a speaking club and the speakers are timed.

Cyndi:  Yes, she was supposed to start the stopwatch and turn lights on and off so each speaker would know when to zip the lip and sit.

Marcus:  So what was the problem?  I don't imagine Jan could handle turning lights on and off in correct sequence, but surely she could manage the timing without our help!

Buddy:  Not exactly.  The speaker started talking and Jan pressed the stopwatch.  Nothing happened.  She kept pressing and still nothing happened.  How could she time the speaker without a timer?  So she got up, walked to the president's chair, and whispered she couldn't get the stopwatch to work.

Cameron:  So what happened?  Did the president stop the meeting and make the speaker start his speech over again?

Sam:  No.  He turned the stopwatch upside right and handed it back to Jan.

Percy:  Last week we said we would post a Mousebreath interview with Max the Psychokitty today, but we decided to postpone it one more week since he and his human are finishing his latest book.

Rusty:  Oh, speaking of the interviews, we are open to volunteers or suggestions for future interviews.  . 

Come join the Pet Parade blog hop.  It is hosted by Rascal and Rocco.  Be sure to stop by to say hello and to find out who is this week's Featured Favorite.

It's co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking From the Bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

There are two parts to the Pet Parade, the blog linkz and the social media linkz. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Halloween Confusion

Micah:  Why are we posting this picture again?  Halloween is over.

Marcus:  That's okay.  I don't mind.  Don't I look neat and handsome?

Cyndi:  Neat?  You destroyed the wig because you were too busy playing soccer to pose.

Rusty:  That's water under the bridge now.  We posted the picture again because we want to tell a story about Halloween.

Marcus:  A story?  How short is the story?

Cameron:  What does it matter how short it is?

Marcus:  I have to pee.  So it matters a lot. 

Sam:  Go ask Jan to let you outside and hurry back.

Marcus:  *races for the back door*  Okay.  Don't start without me!

Buddy:  Now that there are no distractions, we would like to go back to earlier in October when we held a giveaway sponsored by Entirely Pets. (If you missed that, you can read about it in Clown Soccer.)The two winners would each get to pick a Halloween costume.

Marcus:  Hey, I thought you were going to wait for me.

Merci:  You're just in time.  Buddy was just introducing the story.

Percy:  When the giveaway ended, we used to pick two winners and they sent us their information and which costume they would like.  (B&W Selfie Smile Winners)  But they never received their prizes.

Micah:  Oh, that isn't good.  Why didn't they send the costumes to the winners?

Sam:  Do you really need to ask?  It was Jan's fault.  Entirely Jan's fault!

Cyndi:  Well, not entirely Jan's fault.  She had some help.

Merci:  Yes, that was during the period when our computer was crashing and doing strange things.

Rusty:  And then one morning Jan was working on emails, the computer crashed and the hard drive died.

Cameron:  We were without a computer for about a week.  When we got online again we were missing all of the emails on our computer for about 3 weeks. Jan emailed Entirely Pets to check on the costumes and Halloween costumes had already been shipped.

Percy:  Jan was busy trying to reconstruct those missing three weeks of work.  Just before Halloween she checked our online gmail account and could find all the Entirely Pets correspondence EXCEPT the email she wrote with the winners' information.  Evidently she wrote it and the computer crashed before she could send it. 

Buddy:  Jan felt terrible.  It was her fault so she determined she should be the one to provide different prizes.  But Mr. David from Entirely Pets insisted on providing each winner with an alternative prize. 

Merci:  Mr. David, thank you and Entirely Pets for rescuing Jan and us from this situation.  It was kind, merciful and generous.  As of last night, both winners have received an alternative prize. 

Sam:  We would also like to thank Dory's Backyard and Miley's Daily Scoop for their understanding and patience. 

Cameron:  And we do apologize to everyone for Jan.  She's hard to train but perhaps one day ...

The Thankful Thursday blog hop is hosted by PepiSmart Dog.

Ruckus the Eskie, Love is being owned by a husky, and Barking From the Bayou co-host the Thoughtless Thursday blog hop.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Late Veterans Day 2014

Merci:  Yes, we know yesterday was Veterans Day in the U.S. 

Micah:  But as you know, we are always late. 

Rusty:  This time Jan did read the calendar ahead of an event but she couldn't take the photographs until yesterday.

Buddy:  Each year Thomaston, Georgia holds a ceremony to honor our veterans for their service. Here are the speakers and the Wreath Layers.

Cameron:  Not that we were there.  Jan doesn't take us anywhere.  She just comes home and says, "You won't believe what you missed." 

Cyndi:  These are NJROTC lined up behind everyone.  This is only a portion of the group. 

Marcus:  This group is the Upson-Lee High School Marching Band.  Jan said they played music.  It's too bad they didn't have Buddy there to howl ... I mean, sing with them.  He can carry a tune really well.

Sam:  Here is a shot of some of the attendees.  Many of them were vets and their families.

Percy:  The Exhibition Drill Team did a presentation. 

Merci:  CDR Malcolm Williams, the bugler on the far right played Taps. 

Buddy:  City officials attend the ceremony.  Here is our Mayor Hays Arnold. 

Cyndi:  And Jan's favorite police officer, Chief Dan Greathouse.

Sam:  Captain Toby Hardeman, Sheriff Dan Kilgore and Gary Bedford. (l - r)

Percy:  And here we have the reason for the ceremony:  veterans!  Jan was too late to get a shot of all the vets attending, but she was in time to grab a shot of her friend Johnnie's annual photo group.

Merci:  Willie Brown, Jeffrey Hobbs, Ralph Mann, Jr., Willie Harris, Leroy Terry, Robert Jackson, and Jimmy Edmondson.  (l - r)

Rusty:  We will see all of you guys next year.  Well, Jan will.  We'll just get to see your picture.  Take care and be in health!

Cameron:  Jan says we should honor our vets and never forget they leave families behind for long deployments.

Micah:  I guess we're fortunate to have such brave men and women who serve.

Note:  Clicking on a photo sometimes enlarges it; however, we make no promises when dealing with Blogger.