One of the saddest things for cat rescue humans doing TNR {Trap Neuter release} for population control is the "Friendly" Ferals. Most of the time these sweet cats once had a warm home and were well fed. With so may shelters and rescues full, The cats owners for whatever reason, dump their unsuspecting animals behind restaurants or farms, old country roads. Most of these animals can NOT survive and are left lonely and starving to slowly die. Other feral colonies will reject and drive off these stray unwanted animals.
Below we have the story of Widget cared for by my rescue friend Toby ::::::::::::::::::: PLEASE open your heart , Look at her sweet face ~ Will someone please give this little lady a chance to feel safe, warm and loved in a new forever home. {She is the look alike of my shy feral Shadow who disappeared into the darkness one night last summer and never returned} Please help Widget before it is too late!
WIDGET ~~~~~~ {Toby's words} ~~ I need to find a mature, patient & understanding adopter for Widget. She’s a young cat currently living with a feral colony. She was abandoned there when she was about 10 weeks. She was feral at the time so I TNRed her. Now 8 months later, she’s becoming more & more friendly. She’s not happy living outdoors with the colony, she’s not thriving. She’s one of those in-betweeners; not exactly feral & not really tame. But I truly believe with some patience & love she would blossom into a wonderful cat & lifetime companion. Widget is spayed & up to date on vaccinations. She’s healthy & content. But she’s not truly happy where she is.
Again, I am looking for maturity & patience. I think Widget would do fine with other cats. But not dogs & not small children. She’s going to need a calm, quiet home.
If interested, please email Toby.
Or leave a message for Toby ~ 330-452-4449 x202
Thank you,
UPDATE 2/2/2011: Widget is still in need of a home. But as you know, 1/3 of the United States is having freezing temps, snow and ice. This is the latest -
I did go get her from the feral colony, I could not sleep at night knowing she was out there. So she is in my garage with 4 other foster cats right now. She’s safe & warm, but she needs to be in real home. She is beginning to trust. I know she will blossom into a wonderful companion for the right person. She is so incredibly sweet & beautiful.
Please help spread the news about Widget so she can get a home of her own.
NOTE: Do not post Widget or any animals in need of a home on Craig's List or any similar website! It is not safe for the animals! But please pass along a link to this blog post. Thank you.