We're later than the rest of you getting our post up today since our posting schedule seems to have gone wonky but we're here. Our first order of business --
Happy Birthday!!!
to Marilynn of Momma Grace & Company. We hope she has a special day.
We're sorry Pirulo left for the bridge Tuesday. His family is grieving the 8 year-old kitty.
In case any of you are wondering how Jan is doing, she appears to have survived her first klutz act of the new year but she's a bit slow and stiff. Actually, she's barely moving and complaining the whole time. Don't know what she's complaining about. She knows she can't fly without wings so she shouldn't have tried. And if she just had to try, she shouldn't have used a concrete sidewalk for the landing strip. But as was pointed out to us yesterday, it's a good thing the woofies weren't walking in front of her. She could have landed on them. And we'd be listening to Buddy, Merci and Sam whining about being in pain.
Our neighbors in Pike County, Georgia have no animal control and no shelter. Friends of Pike County Animals (FPCA) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization (currently seeking 501 (c) 3 status) We hope you can spare a minute - daily until January 31 - to vote for FPCA for the Pepsi $50,000 grant.
You can vote for them at Create an animal adoption & education center in rural Pike County, GA.
And please pass this on and ask your friends to vote. We all know how important it is that any community's animals have an advocate. They are not a well-known organization with lots of followers so they will need your help to win.
Poor Jan. Hope those aches and pains get better
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
Lots of purrs to Jan, that she feels better soon! Maybe a hot bath? Hot water bottle or heating pad? Whiskey? :-P
ReplyDeletePoor Jan! We hopes she gets better real soon!
ReplyDeleteHey Percy that was a great post today.
ReplyDeletePellie and I hope Jan starts to recover from her bumps and bruises soon.
Aww thank you gorgeous Percy for your blog post today!! Me and Charlie hope that you give Jan lots of cuddles and hugs cos she's had a bad fall and is in pain!! We hope she rests and gets better!!!
ReplyDeleteOh dear!! We shall go and vote now!!
Happy birthday to Marilyn!! Take care
Da bumpies are no fun at all. It seems I get dem all da time. Hope Jan feels betters real soon.
ReplyDeleteOur sympathy to Pirulo's family.
Be nice with Jan!
ReplyDeleteI hope she is feeling better now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Ouchie! I hate it when that happens.
ReplyDeleteOh No,,,, Hope your human feelz better soon, it'z dangerous owt dere. Feelz better Jan ~
ReplyDeleteWonky posting skhhedules are the rage!
Ooh, we hope Jan is OK. TBT walks in tiny steps on snow an ice, an he has BIG tread shoos! Cuz he has fallen before...
ReplyDeleteWe hope Jan gets better soon!
ReplyDeleteHiya, Percy! We saw that you and Jan came by and we wanted to say THANK YOU! Sometimes it's tough being the new cat on the block (blog) but we're finding friends paws over paws and we LOVE what we see here!
ReplyDeleteWe feel badly for your Jan. Our mom is a klutz, too, but we laugh when it happens to her. Opps, we shouldn't have admitted to that. Don't tell, ok? Tell Jan we hope she feels better SOON because we know how much we all need feather wand time ;)
Hi Percy. Thanks for the news update. Mom is so behind this is her first news about Pirulo - she is so leaky and just in shock to hear he went to the bridge.
ReplyDeleteAnd we hope that Jan will be better soon. We are sending her lots of purrs.