Hi, this is Merci. I asked to introduce today's post since I was once a shelter dog.
Jan has gone to the new Petsense in Thomaston, GA since it opened last month. She has taken photos of the cats there but has been her usual forgetful self (she says she's "busy") and never posted them. But she has finally downloaded them from the camera and she only took them yesterday. She thinks she should get an award for being on the ball this time, but we think she deserves coal in her stocking for not posting the others.
The cats are being adopted, though, at a better rate than at the shelter. It's in the Wal-mart shopping center and there's more traffic than at the shelter. So here are the cats that Jan photographed at Petsense yesterday.

There are two handsome black cats. (We'll just post one photo.) One of the males is about 1 year old.

There are two dilute torties (tortoiseshells or calicos). One was napping and didn't want to be disturbed.

And this cute little tuxedo is an absolute whirlwind. Jan had to ask the manager to hold him so she could catch a picture that wasn't a blur. It's a male approximately 4 months of age and he can't stay still. Or quiet. He wants attention and he wants out of his cage.
These cats are available at the Thomaston Petsense store, but they would be adopted from the Upson County Animal Shelter. And they must be spayed/neutered! It's a Georgia state law.
This poor dog slipped out the door and charged a buck and two doe. The deer attacked and Daisy, a pit bull, has puncture wounds to her chest and injuries to her head, but will recover. Those docile deer can attack your pet dog just as they would a coyote, if they perceive it as a threat. Merci can remember a doe making threatening moves while they were standing still and just watching several deer in a clearing. Jan was glad Merci kept quiet for once - she's a talker. You can read the story
We only have one other pet blogger's store to tell you about today. (Let us know if you have one or know of someone who has one so we can list it here.) The other day we told you about the zazzle store for
the Creek Cats. Yesterday we learned
their mom also has an Etsy store and she donates part of the proceeds to Beauford Community Cat Project and uses the rest to foster cats.
And of course, we hope you will visit
jansfunnyfarm Zazzle store. Ginger Jasper wanted a Santa hat like Buddy has, so we made a design for his mom last night - well, actually we made two so she could choose - and she very kindly said we can also sell them. Most of you already know who
Ginger Jasper is. He's a very popular blogging kitty from the United Kingdom. And he does make a cute Santa.
Santa Buddy and both of the Santa Ginger Jasper designs are available in coasters and ornaments for your Christmas decorating.
Jasper is having dental surgery tomorrow, so he could use some purrs and tail wags.