Our computer went down yesterday and don't know when we'll be able to get back online. Check JFF for updates, if we can manage any.
That little plug fell out again and windows became so corrupted it wouldn't start. So we'll likely be a while.
You all take care and we hope to see you soon. And if you think of it, you can vote Merci. Info is in lots of posts or you can click on her photo in sidebar.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Our computer has a new home
Sam: Remember this computer cart? (That's me in the photo.) Jan bought the cart a couple of months ago so she would have a pull out drawer for the keyboard,but she returned it after 3 days because it was rickety and already coming apart.

Crystal: Not only has Jan had to stretch to use the keyboard on the desk, but our Percy reeeeeeally had to stretch.
Cameron: Yes, he must be at least two inches longer by now.
Sam: Well, yesterday Jan got a surprise. She was talking to a neighbor who mentioned she was moving to help her elderly mom and had some furniture she wasn't taking with her because there wasn't enough room for it. And she gave Jan her computer desk.
Crystal: Jan locked the dogs in the bedroom so they wouldn't run out the door, but we kitties got to watch the move through the back screen door. It was hilarious.
Cameron: Yes, it was fun to watch two women lifting that heavy desk down the two steps at the neighbor's. And then Jan rolled it a couple feet, hit a snag in the walk, maneuvered, rolled another couple feet, hit a snag ...
Crystal: But the best part was when she tried to roll it across the lawn. No way! She had to bring it all the way around to the front. And then they had to lift the desk over that high step for our front walk. That took a while.
Cameron: And then they had to figure out how to get it on the front porch. The porch was too high to lift it so that meant they had to carry it up the steps.
Crystal: But they made it. And here it is.

Crystal: Of course, when they came in the door, I took the opportunity to trot out the door. But Jan caught me just over the sill. I only wanted to sit in the rocking chair on the porch. What's wrong with that?
Sam: Jan has to put in the shelves. She decided not to put the monitor shelf on. Something about fearing the cats would knock it off.
Cameron: Geeeeeeze, as if! And what's with the plywood panel Jan stuck behind it? Does she think we're going to dump the whole desk? Well, maybe, if she rescinds permission to use the computer.
Crystal: We tested the shelves last night but then Jan said she is going to fill them with comptuter-related junk, so we refused to pose on the desk this morning. The shelves should be filled with cats. Period!
Sam: So now Jan has her pull out keyboard drawer. And she's excited because this drawer has enough room on it for the mouse. Humans get excited over the strangest things. But offer one a bone ....
Crystal: If you would like to vote for Merci, her voting page in the Cutest Dog Competition is:

Crystal: Not only has Jan had to stretch to use the keyboard on the desk, but our Percy reeeeeeally had to stretch.
Cameron: Yes, he must be at least two inches longer by now.
Sam: Well, yesterday Jan got a surprise. She was talking to a neighbor who mentioned she was moving to help her elderly mom and had some furniture she wasn't taking with her because there wasn't enough room for it. And she gave Jan her computer desk.
Crystal: Jan locked the dogs in the bedroom so they wouldn't run out the door, but we kitties got to watch the move through the back screen door. It was hilarious.
Cameron: Yes, it was fun to watch two women lifting that heavy desk down the two steps at the neighbor's. And then Jan rolled it a couple feet, hit a snag in the walk, maneuvered, rolled another couple feet, hit a snag ...
Crystal: But the best part was when she tried to roll it across the lawn. No way! She had to bring it all the way around to the front. And then they had to lift the desk over that high step for our front walk. That took a while.
Cameron: And then they had to figure out how to get it on the front porch. The porch was too high to lift it so that meant they had to carry it up the steps.
Crystal: But they made it. And here it is.

Crystal: Of course, when they came in the door, I took the opportunity to trot out the door. But Jan caught me just over the sill. I only wanted to sit in the rocking chair on the porch. What's wrong with that?
Sam: Jan has to put in the shelves. She decided not to put the monitor shelf on. Something about fearing the cats would knock it off.
Cameron: Geeeeeeze, as if! And what's with the plywood panel Jan stuck behind it? Does she think we're going to dump the whole desk? Well, maybe, if she rescinds permission to use the computer.
Crystal: We tested the shelves last night but then Jan said she is going to fill them with comptuter-related junk, so we refused to pose on the desk this morning. The shelves should be filled with cats. Period!
Sam: So now Jan has her pull out keyboard drawer. And she's excited because this drawer has enough room on it for the mouse. Humans get excited over the strangest things. But offer one a bone ....
Crystal: If you would like to vote for Merci, her voting page in the Cutest Dog Competition is:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Vote Cyndi Best Model & Merci Cutest Dog
Have you voted for your favorite Catwalk Caturday model yet? Our Cyndi is one of the models.
You can vote on your favorite model on Misha's blog. The voting box is in the sidebar. There are a lot of great models to choose from.
If you haven't seen Merci's second video, click here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:
Stop by Alasandra, the Cats & a Dog to read about Sophie the kitty who needs a home ASAP.
And Talk To The Paws blog posted a warning about the potential dangers of 3rd party applications on Facebook (or anywhere else), because you have to give them permission to access your account information and if they contain spyware your privacy and computer are at risk.
Jan didn't let us join Facebook so we could play games, so this isn't a problem we would have. We have already checked out a few 3rd party applications and denied them permission, but it is hard to know which applications one can trust sometimes.
This, That & the Other thing blogposted on the dangers of Facebook applications a while back too. It would be good to review it.
Have a good Wednesday.
Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Cyndi on the Catwalk
You can vote on your favorite model on Misha's blog. The voting box is in the sidebar. There are a lot of great models to choose from.
If you haven't seen Merci's second video, click here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:
Stop by Alasandra, the Cats & a Dog to read about Sophie the kitty who needs a home ASAP.
And Talk To The Paws blog posted a warning about the potential dangers of 3rd party applications on Facebook (or anywhere else), because you have to give them permission to access your account information and if they contain spyware your privacy and computer are at risk.
"Whatever you do, do NOT sign up for any online games with GAMEVANCE.com.. Here's the full explanation of why, as I sent it to Face Book under 'report an ad':
"There are some 3rd-Party applications and games running on FaceBook, and then there are those which come up as ads. I believe this complaint falls into that category, and this is an ad/company that FaceBook should block/disallow in order to retain its credibility as a safe venue. " (You can read the rest here.)
"There are some 3rd-Party applications and games running on FaceBook, and then there are those which come up as ads. I believe this complaint falls into that category, and this is an ad/company that FaceBook should block/disallow in order to retain its credibility as a safe venue. " (You can read the rest here.)
Jan didn't let us join Facebook so we could play games, so this isn't a problem we would have. We have already checked out a few 3rd party applications and denied them permission, but it is hard to know which applications one can trust sometimes.
This, That & the Other thing blogposted on the dangers of Facebook applications a while back too. It would be good to review it.
Have a good Wednesday.
Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Vote Merci Video 2
Today is Opus' 14th birthday, so we would like to send special wishes for a happy, healthy year. Sassy, Olive and the gang are throwing a surprise party for Opus at the Roman Coloseum, so be sure to stop by Opus & Olive's Cat Naps in Italy for a piece of cake and some sightseeing.

Cotton: We decided to try another video to help promote Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition. The winning dogs get votes in the thousands.
Cameron: Oh good, that means Merci has a very good chance to win this week.
Cyndi: Only if she gets several thousand votes more than she's been getting.
Cameron: Oh, you mean she's not even close?
Cyndi: Not even close! We're sure grateful for her loyal voters, but she could use several hundred new friends to vote for her every day.
Buddy: Well, maybe this video will reach a few more voters. It can't hurt.
Sam: Yeah, by the time this contests ends, we might be able to make a halfway decent video.
Rusty: We already make a halfway decent video. Now, if Jan could just figure out how to make the other half, we'd have a whole one.
Percy: Some days I'm not sure I want to admit being related to you guys. Let's just let the video roll.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:

Cotton: We decided to try another video to help promote Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition. The winning dogs get votes in the thousands.
Cameron: Oh good, that means Merci has a very good chance to win this week.
Cyndi: Only if she gets several thousand votes more than she's been getting.
Cameron: Oh, you mean she's not even close?
Cyndi: Not even close! We're sure grateful for her loyal voters, but she could use several hundred new friends to vote for her every day.
Buddy: Well, maybe this video will reach a few more voters. It can't hurt.
Sam: Yeah, by the time this contests ends, we might be able to make a halfway decent video.
Rusty: We already make a halfway decent video. Now, if Jan could just figure out how to make the other half, we'd have a whole one.
Percy: Some days I'm not sure I want to admit being related to you guys. Let's just let the video roll.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Melvin and Merci
Sam: We started setting up a FaceBook account Friday night and we're still trying to figure things out there. Like how to get our blog posts and Twitter tweets to appear on our wall. And how to make a page for our blog. Let's face it, we live with an old human .... OUCH! Buddy, you poked me in the ribs with your elbow!
Buddy, whispering: Be quiet and don't look, but Jan is standing right behind you.
Sam: As I was saying, we live with this beautiful human who helped us sign up. And she's a whiz at figuring things out.
Buddy: She's gone now, Sam.
Sam: Actually, Jan is worse than we are at figuring things out, so we have to keep correcting her mistakes, which is why it's taking us so long to get our FB set up.
Cotton: We're so exhausted we couldn't think of anything to post today, but we voted on Melvin.
Crystal: Many of you know Melvin. He's an adorable teacup Himalayan with multiple health problems which translates to high vet bills.
Cyndi: Yes, and he tried to do what many bloggers have done -- sell something online for a pressing financial need -- in this case, a move across country. And some commenter raised a ruckus about it and caused problems for Melvin, so Melvin stopped the sale.
Cameron: But other bloggers supported him, so the sale is back on. As the Treasurer for the Funny Farm (not that these guys ever pay their dues!), I can tell a good deal when I sniff one.
Merci: He is selling Melvin sketches. You can pay him or you can donate to Suncoast Animal League or you can pick one of the other options he lists to get a sketch.
Rusty: We hope the move goes well for Melvin and his humans.
Percy: Visit Melvin Mouchois' blog for details.
Buddy: Last Thursday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:
Buddy, whispering: Be quiet and don't look, but Jan is standing right behind you.
Sam: As I was saying, we live with this beautiful human who helped us sign up. And she's a whiz at figuring things out.
Buddy: She's gone now, Sam.
Sam: Actually, Jan is worse than we are at figuring things out, so we have to keep correcting her mistakes, which is why it's taking us so long to get our FB set up.
Cotton: We're so exhausted we couldn't think of anything to post today, but we voted on Melvin.
Crystal: Many of you know Melvin. He's an adorable teacup Himalayan with multiple health problems which translates to high vet bills.
Cyndi: Yes, and he tried to do what many bloggers have done -- sell something online for a pressing financial need -- in this case, a move across country. And some commenter raised a ruckus about it and caused problems for Melvin, so Melvin stopped the sale.
Cameron: But other bloggers supported him, so the sale is back on. As the Treasurer for the Funny Farm (not that these guys ever pay their dues!), I can tell a good deal when I sniff one.
Merci: He is selling Melvin sketches. You can pay him or you can donate to Suncoast Animal League or you can pick one of the other options he lists to get a sketch.
Rusty: We hope the move goes well for Melvin and his humans.
Percy: Visit Melvin Mouchois' blog for details.
Buddy: Last Thursday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition again today. Every vote is important. Her direct link is:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ham Tour Surprise & Facebook
Crystal and Buddy were on the Hams of the World Tour, which ran from JFF posts September 2 - 9. Sammy Meezer drove the Weiner Mobile. Miles Meezer and Victor Tabbycat were the tour guides. Victor & Nina's mom designed the toy souvenir pigs for sale to benefit a blogger in need. We had no idea when we sent Buddy & Crystal on the trip that JFF would be voted the recipient.
Thank you to the Meezers, Victor & Nina, and all who were involved, including those who bought a Ham Tour souvenir pig! We always try to volunteer Jan's time to help where she can since she won't give us an allowance to make donations. But we never expected this.
Photos from the Ham Tour by the Meezer Mom.

You all recognize Buddy - 2nd from left -- at Auntie Deb's house for breakfast on Day 1.

Crystal is on the lower left of the Weiner Mobile.

And here's our handsome Buddy again. Notice Khyra on the right giving him a second glance.
Buddy: Thursday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Every Saturday midnight all votes are reset to zero and a new week's voting begins. Her direct link is:
Thank you to the Meezers, Victor & Nina, and all who were involved, including those who bought a Ham Tour souvenir pig! We always try to volunteer Jan's time to help where she can since she won't give us an allowance to make donations. But we never expected this.
Photos from the Ham Tour by the Meezer Mom.

You all recognize Buddy - 2nd from left -- at Auntie Deb's house for breakfast on Day 1.

Crystal is on the lower left of the Weiner Mobile.

And here's our handsome Buddy again. Notice Khyra on the right giving him a second glance.
Buddy: Thursday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Every Saturday midnight all votes are reset to zero and a new week's voting begins. Her direct link is:
Oh, and by the way, we have joined Facebook. And as usual, we have no clue what we are doing. We have already run across a few of you there and hope to meet more soon.
Oh, and by the way, we have joined Facebook. And as usual, we have no clue what we are doing. We have already run across a few of you there and hope to meet more soon.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cyndi Catwalk Caturday
Cyndi on the Catwalk
We voted for Cyndi have a day of fame on the catwalk to celebrate Catwalk Caturday. We don't think she needs a fancy gown or expensive jewels to be beautiful, so she's strutting the catwalk with only her gorgeous calico floof.
She's being photographed to help publicize that Misha is a finalist in New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model.
Misha states his reasons for entering: Not only is this my chance to realise my dream, but it’s also about raising money for the SPCA and Lonely Miaow. If you’d like to donate to these great causes, visit Give a Little to help them continue to care for abused, mistreated, abandoned and unwanted kittys.
You can vote for Misha at www.topcatmodel.co.nz. Voting is on for all of September and you can vote once per email address.
Misha's dream of raising funds for the SPCA and Lonely Miaow is coming to pass. We wish him good fortune in winning the contest. Visit him at The World According to Misha.
And speaking of voting -- don't forget to vote today and every day for Merci in the Cutest Dog Competition! Her voting link is http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
If you missed Merci's video, you can watch it here.
A quick update on Carrol Crocker's dogs. We posted on them again the other day. As of Friday, one dog will be sent to a foster home next week. There is a POSSIBLE foster home for a second dog. The last of the male dogs (3) are being neutered so they will be ready for adoption or to be fostered.
So 6 or 7 dogs will still need a safe place to go ASAP. If you can help as an individual or as a rescue, contact information is on this web page -- http://forgottenpaws.com/greenacres.htm.
These dogs have been listed for a while as needing a home. They are good dogs. Please help save them.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fun Cat Video
Percy: Jan says we won't get much time on the computer today because she has a lot to do.
Merci: But what, we ask, could be more important than us updating our journal and keeping up with our friends? Anyway, that means this will be a short post.
Buddy: Yesterday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Her direct link is:
Merci: But what, we ask, could be more important than us updating our journal and keeping up with our friends? Anyway, that means this will be a short post.
Buddy: Yesterday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.
Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Her direct link is:
Sam: And to give you a laugh, we dug up a funny cat video with a mix of old and new cat antics. Personally, I voted for a funny dog video but was outvoted 6-3. Buddy, Merci and I can't quite figure out how the cats keep winning when we take a vote.
Cameron: I don't understand it either, Sam. You all make fun of me not being able to count past my toes, but it does seem unfair we always win. However, we do have good taste in videos.
Cyndi: Yes, we do. So enjoy the video. It's called "The Best Cat Video You'll Ever See."
Buddy: If the video doesn't play, click here.
Rusty: Thanks for voting for Merci. We'll remind you again tomorrow.
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Sam: And to give you a laugh, we dug up a funny cat video with a mix of old and new cat antics. Personally, I voted for a funny dog video but was outvoted 6-3. Buddy, Merci and I can't quite figure out how the cats keep winning when we take a vote.
Cameron: I don't understand it either, Sam. You all make fun of me not being able to count past my toes, but it does seem unfair we always win. However, we do have good taste in videos.
Cyndi: Yes, we do. So enjoy the video. It's called "The Best Cat Video You'll Ever See."
Buddy: If the video doesn't play, click here.
Rusty: Thanks for voting for Merci. We'll remind you again tomorrow.
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Thursday, September 17, 2009
JansFunnyFarm, Merci & YouTube
Cyndi: Well, we did it. We lost what was left of our combined mind. Yes, we made a slide show/video and posted it on YouTube for all the world to see -- if they care to.
Sam: We think it would be neat to see Merci win the Cutest Dog Competition. Even a weekly competition. Or the semifinals. Or... dare we mention the finals?
Cameron: But we believe Merci is the cutest dog entered. Even if Jan does oooh and aaaah over some of the other photos.
Cyndi: Let's face it, furries are all just so darned cute. Who can resist us, even if when we're in competition with one another.
Crystal: We still intend to donate $50 to a blogger or animal group in need at the time if we win a $500 weekly prize. We see all these folks promising to donate most or all of it to a shelter or rescue group if they win, and it's great they can afford to do that -- actually, we would love to do that -- but the reality for us is that funds are low and Jan has 9 of us to provide for. So we pretty much have a mini "rescue" of our own here.
Cyndi: And since no one would hire employees with 4 left paws and no opposable thumbs, we have to be creative -- or in Merci's case, be cute.
Buddy: Jan took some video snippets of Merci yesterday that we were going to combine into one video, but they would only download from the camera as Quick Time .mov files and no other program we have can read them. So we ended up trying to learn Jan's new PSE6 to make a slide show of photos from scratch.
Percy: That's a hoot. Jan is still trying to figure out their organization page and we've made a movie -- sort of. Not a good one, but, hey, we're cats and dogs.
Rusty: Then we discovered we could turn the slide show into a video to upload to YouTube.
Cameron: Anyway, this is our movie debut. You'll be able to tell who the director was when you watch it. (He's kind of in disguise.)
Cotton: If the video won't play or you'd just like to laugh at our YouTube video page, click here.
Buddy: Hopefully, the Cutest Dog Contest has worked out the kinks or at least most of them and the voting will go smoother. We have been asked what the contest is for but we didn't know the answer. The CDC has now posted a good explanation on their blog. You can read it here.
And while we're on the subject, Merci's personal voting page is:
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Sam: We think it would be neat to see Merci win the Cutest Dog Competition. Even a weekly competition. Or the semifinals. Or... dare we mention the finals?
Cameron: But we believe Merci is the cutest dog entered. Even if Jan does oooh and aaaah over some of the other photos.
Cyndi: Let's face it, furries are all just so darned cute. Who can resist us, even if when we're in competition with one another.
Crystal: We still intend to donate $50 to a blogger or animal group in need at the time if we win a $500 weekly prize. We see all these folks promising to donate most or all of it to a shelter or rescue group if they win, and it's great they can afford to do that -- actually, we would love to do that -- but the reality for us is that funds are low and Jan has 9 of us to provide for. So we pretty much have a mini "rescue" of our own here.
Cyndi: And since no one would hire employees with 4 left paws and no opposable thumbs, we have to be creative -- or in Merci's case, be cute.
Buddy: Jan took some video snippets of Merci yesterday that we were going to combine into one video, but they would only download from the camera as Quick Time .mov files and no other program we have can read them. So we ended up trying to learn Jan's new PSE6 to make a slide show of photos from scratch.
Percy: That's a hoot. Jan is still trying to figure out their organization page and we've made a movie -- sort of. Not a good one, but, hey, we're cats and dogs.
Rusty: Then we discovered we could turn the slide show into a video to upload to YouTube.
Cameron: Anyway, this is our movie debut. You'll be able to tell who the director was when you watch it. (He's kind of in disguise.)
Cotton: If the video won't play or you'd just like to laugh at our YouTube video page, click here.
Buddy: Hopefully, the Cutest Dog Contest has worked out the kinks or at least most of them and the voting will go smoother. We have been asked what the contest is for but we didn't know the answer. The CDC has now posted a good explanation on their blog. You can read it here.
And while we're on the subject, Merci's personal voting page is:
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Carrol Crocker...Urgent Need
You might remember Carrol Crocker's dogs. Carrol is not a hoarder. She was the unofficial county "shelter" for a long while. We posted about her a number of times this last year. Most of the dogs were taken in by rescues or fostered or adopted into a new home. But there are 8 left and the judge declared Carrol can only have 3 dogs on her property. The rest of the county and the neighbors can have as many as they want, though. Things have been peaceful for a while, but the neighbors are causing problems again.
These 8 dogs need a home or somewhere where they can be safe until they are adopted. But for them to stay on Carrol's property is a death sentence. There is no shelter there, so we are talking about a non-humane means of death.
So, please, if you can possibly take in one or more of these dogs, the time to step up is now! They must be moved IMMEDIATELY, if not yesterday.
We are posting this as it was received in an email from the rescuer overseeing the adoptions. And we're hoping these shy, sweet dogs have a chance at a loving forever home.
NOT ONE OFFER HAS COME IN TO HELP TAKE ANY OF THE REMAINING 8 DOGS ! These dogs are wonderful and deserve a chance at life. Please help!
FINAL COUNTDOWN HAS BEGONE - we knew this day would come
**Please Cross Post**
Rainsville, AL - Carol Crocker's farm
The police came to do a "head count" of the dogs on Carol's property. As you may recall, Carol went to court with her neighbors and the local Judge rules that she could only have 3 dogs on her 4 acre farm!
Carol held off the police and called for help. We have been biding our time with those dogs still up there and watching as the neighbors stalked her property line and took notes on all movements at her house.
We have been working on this since October of last year ('08) and we placed over 100 dogs but these poor babies have never had a chance at a real life!
There are ONLY 8 dogs at the farm that need to be placed !
To see pictures and new descriptions of each dog please go to http://forgottenpaws.com/greenacres.htm
If you have specific questions about each dogs temperament or the situation needed for them please contact me directly.
Movement of all dogs from Carol's still goes through me so
contact Morgan at Forgottens@yahoo.com
if you can take a dog or any any questions
Morgan Chadwick
These 8 dogs need a home or somewhere where they can be safe until they are adopted. But for them to stay on Carrol's property is a death sentence. There is no shelter there, so we are talking about a non-humane means of death.
So, please, if you can possibly take in one or more of these dogs, the time to step up is now! They must be moved IMMEDIATELY, if not yesterday.
We are posting this as it was received in an email from the rescuer overseeing the adoptions. And we're hoping these shy, sweet dogs have a chance at a loving forever home.
NOT ONE OFFER HAS COME IN TO HELP TAKE ANY OF THE REMAINING 8 DOGS ! These dogs are wonderful and deserve a chance at life. Please help!
FINAL COUNTDOWN HAS BEGONE - we knew this day would come
**Please Cross Post**
Rainsville, AL - Carol Crocker's farm
The police came to do a "head count" of the dogs on Carol's property. As you may recall, Carol went to court with her neighbors and the local Judge rules that she could only have 3 dogs on her 4 acre farm!
Carol held off the police and called for help. We have been biding our time with those dogs still up there and watching as the neighbors stalked her property line and took notes on all movements at her house.
We have been working on this since October of last year ('08) and we placed over 100 dogs but these poor babies have never had a chance at a real life!
There are ONLY 8 dogs at the farm that need to be placed !
To see pictures and new descriptions of each dog please go to http://forgottenpaws.com/greenacres.htm
If you have specific questions about each dogs temperament or the situation needed for them please contact me directly.
Movement of all dogs from Carol's still goes through me so
contact Morgan at Forgottens@yahoo.com
if you can take a dog or any any questions
Morgan Chadwick
Animal welfare,
Carrol Crocker,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tweet Week - Snowball
Cotton: Fin of Housecat Confidential has declared this Tweet Week in honor of our feathered friends. So we thought we would do a bird post. But we don't know any birds.
Cameron: Yes, we do! We know Snowball of Bird Lovers Only Rescue Service.
Sam: Right. Let's post about Snowball.
Percy: Here we go. A video of Snowball (TM) in Taco Bell commercial. It's short but sweet. You'll enjoy this.
If the video doesn't play -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pCoSwbcBNU
Buddy: And don't forget to vote for Merci daily. We mean literally, don't forget. Jan signed in one day and wandered off to the CDC blog and very nearly forgot to go back and vote. Pack your memory, travel to Cutest Dog Contest, sign in, and vote before you forget why you're there, Jan.
Merci's personal voting page is: :
Last night we tried to view a blog we haven't visited in a few weeks and found a Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page instead. We were not aware there were a number of blogs unavailable for reasons which you can read on Blog missing due to malware classification in the Blogger help forum. Be careful what 3rd party widgets and goodies you (and us too) add to your blog.
And on a similar subject, we have been finding a number of blogs lately which open a pop up advertisement when we click on "view my complete profile." This should not happen.
Safe blogging and have a barking/meowing great day!
Cameron: Yes, we do! We know Snowball of Bird Lovers Only Rescue Service.
Sam: Right. Let's post about Snowball.
Percy: Here we go. A video of Snowball (TM) in Taco Bell commercial. It's short but sweet. You'll enjoy this.
If the video doesn't play -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pCoSwbcBNU
Buddy: And don't forget to vote for Merci daily. We mean literally, don't forget. Jan signed in one day and wandered off to the CDC blog and very nearly forgot to go back and vote. Pack your memory, travel to Cutest Dog Contest, sign in, and vote before you forget why you're there, Jan.
Merci's personal voting page is: :
Last night we tried to view a blog we haven't visited in a few weeks and found a Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page instead. We were not aware there were a number of blogs unavailable for reasons which you can read on Blog missing due to malware classification in the Blogger help forum
And on a similar subject, we have been finding a number of blogs lately which open a pop up advertisement when we click on "view my complete profile." This should not happen.
Safe blogging and have a barking/meowing great day!
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Samaritan
Monday, September 14, 2009
Vote Merci
Don't forget to vote for Merci again today. But one thing -- once you register, you only have one vote per day. CDC might not stop you for voting for several dogs each day, but only one vote counts! So if you vote for a dog someone else is promoting and then vote for Merci, your vote for Merci won't count. We need your vote!

If you would like to put Merci's photo on your sidebar, you can use this photo with her personal voting url. Thank you.
Merci's personal voting page:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Gift Box from KC & ML
Photo posts take longer for us to put together since we're behind in downloading and sorting photos, so we haven't yet thanked all those who auctioned something to help JFF. ML & KC, Auntie Deb & The Taylor CatSSSSS, Karla & Miss Peach, and Peggy & the cats. Plus we'd like to thank a blogger we won't embarrass by name for a paypal gift.
Percy: See all the goodies from the package behind me that KC & ML sent us. They sent a check to cover the auctions with a few extra green papers thrown in = $150. And there's a card with Charlie Cat's picture on it. We are sad Charlie went to the bridge shortly before this.
Sam: Blah, blah, blah, blah. Can you get to the part where we eat?
Percy: I'm sorry, the eats from the box are for kitties. None for woofies.

Sam: Well, phooey! Now I understand why Buddy turned his back to the camera.

Rusty: What's the matter, Sam? You look a little discouraged.
Sam: I'm starving and Percy tells me there's nothing in all this for me to eat.
Rusty: Well, maybe the eats are for cats, but there are a few things included for Jan. Maybe Jan will let you wear the t-shirt ML sent her.
Sam: No, thanks. Why would a t-shirt saying, "A house is not a home without a cat" make me feel better?

Rusty: Well, there's some cat grass seed in here. We'll share our grass with you. How's that?
Sam: Oh, yeah, something else for Jan to kill. It will never grow.
(Jan: Ha, ha, I planted some, it did grow, and they've all been munching on it.)

Crystal: The cat cans were a special diet for Charlie Cat, so Jan mixes them with regular canned food and feeds us kitties, especially me because I'm the oldest. Mmmmm goooooffff. Oh, sorry, I'm not supposed to talk with my mouth full.
Rusty: Is it my turn yet?

Percy: Nom, nom, nom.
Rusty: Is it my turn YET?
Sam: Can one of you get Jan's attention for a moment so I can taste it?

Cotton: Mmmmff, this is thooooo goooood.
(Jan: Yes, Rusty had a turn.)
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Today begins week 7 and all points have been set back to zero. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
Percy: See all the goodies from the package behind me that KC & ML sent us. They sent a check to cover the auctions with a few extra green papers thrown in = $150. And there's a card with Charlie Cat's picture on it. We are sad Charlie went to the bridge shortly before this.
Sam: Blah, blah, blah, blah. Can you get to the part where we eat?
Percy: I'm sorry, the eats from the box are for kitties. None for woofies.

Sam: Well, phooey! Now I understand why Buddy turned his back to the camera.

Rusty: What's the matter, Sam? You look a little discouraged.
Sam: I'm starving and Percy tells me there's nothing in all this for me to eat.
Rusty: Well, maybe the eats are for cats, but there are a few things included for Jan. Maybe Jan will let you wear the t-shirt ML sent her.
Sam: No, thanks. Why would a t-shirt saying, "A house is not a home without a cat" make me feel better?

Rusty: Well, there's some cat grass seed in here. We'll share our grass with you. How's that?
Sam: Oh, yeah, something else for Jan to kill. It will never grow.
(Jan: Ha, ha, I planted some, it did grow, and they've all been munching on it.)

Crystal: The cat cans were a special diet for Charlie Cat, so Jan mixes them with regular canned food and feeds us kitties, especially me because I'm the oldest. Mmmmm goooooffff. Oh, sorry, I'm not supposed to talk with my mouth full.
Rusty: Is it my turn yet?

Percy: Nom, nom, nom.
Rusty: Is it my turn YET?
Sam: Can one of you get Jan's attention for a moment so I can taste it?

Cotton: Mmmmff, this is thooooo goooood.
(Jan: Yes, Rusty had a turn.)
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Today begins week 7 and all points have been set back to zero. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Merci, Rocky, Ludo & Pet Tabs
We were all sad yesterday, remembering the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks in the United States. It had to be hard for the families and friends of those who lost their lives.
And Rocky's human mom lost her only sibling - a sister who has been on life support for a few days. We hope her nephew was able to make it home in time to say good-bye to him mother. If you haven't already, please stop by and leave a word of comfort. This is a very hard time for her.
Don't forget to stop at Ludo von Doggy's to vote for a non-trick (as opposed to doing a trick) dog. Voting is in the sidebar. Check out the entries and if you are so inclined, you can vote for our Sam -- #17. A chance to pose not doing a trick makes for some stffl competition. :)
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
We forgot to set this to post early this morning. Since we received a warning email about Pet Tabs, we're going to paste it here in its entirety, as the author requests. (We had a comment here about refusing to take Pet Tabs when Jan bought them for us, but this morning we googled the product, saw the bottle label, and realized we were wrong about the brand we refused to take. Evidently, they are palatable. There are a number of products on the market that have high levels of something -- Vitamin D is one we remember reading about recently. If you consider the number of product warnings and recalls the FDC puts out for humans, it stands to reason the same is true of pet food.)
by Robert Jay Russell, Ph.D., Coton de Tulear Club of America President,
(607) 693-2828
August 5, 2009
I cannot emphasize enough the extreme danger these multivitamins represent. Quixotically, they are not being recalled, and the FDA has taken no notice of the results of testing published by ConsumerLabs.com
This from the ConsumerLab's paid subscription web site: Pet-Tabs Complete Daily for Dogs was contaminated with 6.45 mcg of lead per tablet. This is several times higher than the amount of lead (1.41 mcg) ConsumerLab.com found to be in this product in 2007. Contaminations levels for dogs are not well defined, but FDA notes that children should not be exposed to more than 6 mcg of lead per day and, as noted above, California requires warning labels on supplements for human use that contain over 0.5 mcg of lead per day.
Dr. Russell continues: Pet-Tabs are perhaps the most widely sold dog and cat vitamin supplement. We've used them (albeit not for many years). Pet-Tabs are sold by PetsMart, Doctors Foster and Smith, and virtually every pet shop, and on-line pet store in the nation. Pet-Tabs are made by the giant Pfizer Pharmaceutical Corporation, one of America 's leading opponents of health care reform and industry inspection and regulation.
Pet-Tabs are sold under another corporate name: "Virbac" <<>> ConsumerLab tests mostly human products. Sadly, this report and the previous years' report confirming lead contamination in Pfizer/Virbac Pet-Tab supplements calls into serious question the safety and efficacy of these giant corporations' entire product lines.
ConsumerLab tests mostly human products. There is no other information (such as why or how this supposed animal health care product has been laced with toxic levels of lead for years).
LEAD POISONING Lead can be absorbed through the skin or, in the case of these supplements, ingested and absorbed. Clinical signs can be gastrointestinal and/or neurological. Many dogs or cats who are chronically ill, have upset stomachs, anorexia (food avoiders), blood disorders, kidney disorders (degeneration of the glomeruli and tubules), immunological problems, reproductive problems, or are suffering abnormal behavioral signs could have suffered chronic, catastrophic lead poisoning through supplements.
Before this revelation of supplement poisoning, the most common known cause of lead poisoning in people and dogs was contact with lead based paint or old car batteries. Other common causes of lead poisoning include ingestion of lead shot (fatal to many wild birds and sometimes served up in food that is hunted) and handling lead painted toys and ceramic ware. During the past 6,000 years humans have mined and redistributed lead on the planet to the extent that each of us has approximately 1,000 times the lead in our system (as measured in our bones) than prehistoric North American Indians.
Puppies absorb lead more readily than adults and are at greatest immediate risk for signs of lead poisoning, but lead poisoning can prove debilitating, even fatal for mature pets as well.
If your dog suffers from the diffuse signs of lead poisoning or if your dog or cat have been exposed to Pet-Tabs, the CTCA recommends you have its blood tested for lead concentration. Children in the household should also be tested should your pet prove contaminated.
CTCA RECOMMENDATIONS I would avoid all vitamin and mineral supplement products sold under labels by either Pfizer or Virbac. These include labels such as "Pet-Tinic," and "Lixotinic," and "Liqui-Tinic," which are generally sold for large animals.
Save any bottles of these products in a sealed Zip Loc bag. Label the bag well, stating "DO NOT USE - POISON!" You may need a sample of this product should your dog or cat become symptomatic. You will need to save the original packaging and product should Pfizer/Virbac be subject to a Class Action suit.
REFERENCES FOR VETS Veterinarians normally do not first associate gastrointestinal, immunological or even neurological signs with lead poisoning. Given America 's current largely untested, unregulated food, supplement, and pharmaceutical supply, perhaps they should.
Should your vet need additional information about lead toxicity, its diagnosis and treatment, I suggest the following available, up-to-date references:
Michael E. Peterson, Patricia A. Talcott (editors), "Small Animal Toxicology, Second Edition," Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis , MO. 2006
Ramesh G. Gupta (editor) "Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles," Academic Press, New York , NY . 2007.
WHAT VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS ARE SAFE? That question is analogous to asking: "what food is safe?" It's a crap shoot to be sure. ConsumerLab tested only three pet supplements; one was "Halo Purely for Pets VitaGlo Daily Greens." It did not contain lead, but it contained less than half its advertised vitamins. "21st Century Pet Nutrition Pet Chews Plus" was "approved" since it did not contain lead and its ingredients were as labeled.
Our veterinarian believes that one-half a Centrum Senior (human vitamin) is safe and effective for a dog the size of a Coton de Tulear. But without widespread government tests of our food, drug and supplement supply, who knows?
We have been using ProPet 8-in-one Vitamin supplements without problems, but chronic, gradual poisoning is not something we'd necessarily see. As noted: it is a gamble. And one that no one in this country should have to take.
NOTE: you have permission to cross post this article. If you do so, please leave the article intact.
Copyright 2009 Dr. R. J. Russell & the CTCA
And Rocky's human mom lost her only sibling - a sister who has been on life support for a few days. We hope her nephew was able to make it home in time to say good-bye to him mother. If you haven't already, please stop by and leave a word of comfort. This is a very hard time for her.
Don't forget to stop at Ludo von Doggy's to vote for a non-trick (as opposed to doing a trick) dog. Voting is in the sidebar. Check out the entries and if you are so inclined, you can vote for our Sam -- #17. A chance to pose not doing a trick makes for some stffl competition. :)
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
We forgot to set this to post early this morning. Since we received a warning email about Pet Tabs, we're going to paste it here in its entirety, as the author requests. (We had a comment here about refusing to take Pet Tabs when Jan bought them for us, but this morning we googled the product, saw the bottle label, and realized we were wrong about the brand we refused to take. Evidently, they are palatable. There are a number of products on the market that have high levels of something -- Vitamin D is one we remember reading about recently. If you consider the number of product warnings and recalls the FDC puts out for humans, it stands to reason the same is true of pet food.)
by Robert Jay Russell, Ph.D., Coton de Tulear Club of America President,
(607) 693-2828
August 5, 2009
I cannot emphasize enough the extreme danger these multivitamins represent. Quixotically, they are not being recalled, and the FDA has taken no notice of the results of testing published by ConsumerLabs.com
This from the ConsumerLab's paid subscription web site: Pet-Tabs Complete Daily for Dogs was contaminated with 6.45 mcg of lead per tablet. This is several times higher than the amount of lead (1.41 mcg) ConsumerLab.com found to be in this product in 2007. Contaminations levels for dogs are not well defined, but FDA notes that children should not be exposed to more than 6 mcg of lead per day and, as noted above, California requires warning labels on supplements for human use that contain over 0.5 mcg of lead per day.
Dr. Russell continues: Pet-Tabs are perhaps the most widely sold dog and cat vitamin supplement. We've used them (albeit not for many years). Pet-Tabs are sold by PetsMart, Doctors Foster and Smith, and virtually every pet shop, and on-line pet store in the nation. Pet-Tabs are made by the giant Pfizer Pharmaceutical Corporation, one of America 's leading opponents of health care reform and industry inspection and regulation.
Pet-Tabs are sold under another corporate name: "Virbac" <<>> ConsumerLab tests mostly human products. Sadly, this report and the previous years' report confirming lead contamination in Pfizer/Virbac Pet-Tab supplements calls into serious question the safety and efficacy of these giant corporations' entire product lines.
ConsumerLab tests mostly human products. There is no other information (such as why or how this supposed animal health care product has been laced with toxic levels of lead for years).
LEAD POISONING Lead can be absorbed through the skin or, in the case of these supplements, ingested and absorbed. Clinical signs can be gastrointestinal and/or neurological. Many dogs or cats who are chronically ill, have upset stomachs, anorexia (food avoiders), blood disorders, kidney disorders (degeneration of the glomeruli and tubules), immunological problems, reproductive problems, or are suffering abnormal behavioral signs could have suffered chronic, catastrophic lead poisoning through supplements.
Before this revelation of supplement poisoning, the most common known cause of lead poisoning in people and dogs was contact with lead based paint or old car batteries. Other common causes of lead poisoning include ingestion of lead shot (fatal to many wild birds and sometimes served up in food that is hunted) and handling lead painted toys and ceramic ware. During the past 6,000 years humans have mined and redistributed lead on the planet to the extent that each of us has approximately 1,000 times the lead in our system (as measured in our bones) than prehistoric North American Indians.
Puppies absorb lead more readily than adults and are at greatest immediate risk for signs of lead poisoning, but lead poisoning can prove debilitating, even fatal for mature pets as well.
If your dog suffers from the diffuse signs of lead poisoning or if your dog or cat have been exposed to Pet-Tabs, the CTCA recommends you have its blood tested for lead concentration. Children in the household should also be tested should your pet prove contaminated.
CTCA RECOMMENDATIONS I would avoid all vitamin and mineral supplement products sold under labels by either Pfizer or Virbac. These include labels such as "Pet-Tinic," and "Lixotinic," and "Liqui-Tinic," which are generally sold for large animals.
Save any bottles of these products in a sealed Zip Loc bag. Label the bag well, stating "DO NOT USE - POISON!" You may need a sample of this product should your dog or cat become symptomatic. You will need to save the original packaging and product should Pfizer/Virbac be subject to a Class Action suit.
REFERENCES FOR VETS Veterinarians normally do not first associate gastrointestinal, immunological or even neurological signs with lead poisoning. Given America 's current largely untested, unregulated food, supplement, and pharmaceutical supply, perhaps they should.
Should your vet need additional information about lead toxicity, its diagnosis and treatment, I suggest the following available, up-to-date references:
Michael E. Peterson, Patricia A. Talcott (editors), "Small Animal Toxicology, Second Edition," Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis , MO. 2006
Ramesh G. Gupta (editor) "Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles," Academic Press, New York , NY . 2007.
WHAT VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS ARE SAFE? That question is analogous to asking: "what food is safe?" It's a crap shoot to be sure. ConsumerLab tested only three pet supplements; one was "Halo Purely for Pets VitaGlo Daily Greens." It did not contain lead, but it contained less than half its advertised vitamins. "21st Century Pet Nutrition Pet Chews Plus" was "approved" since it did not contain lead and its ingredients were as labeled.
Our veterinarian believes that one-half a Centrum Senior (human vitamin) is safe and effective for a dog the size of a Coton de Tulear. But without widespread government tests of our food, drug and supplement supply, who knows?
We have been using ProPet 8-in-one Vitamin supplements without problems, but chronic, gradual poisoning is not something we'd necessarily see. As noted: it is a gamble. And one that no one in this country should have to take.
NOTE: you have permission to cross post this article. If you do so, please leave the article intact.
Copyright 2009 Dr. R. J. Russell & the CTCA
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Nowzad Dogs
Pen Farthing lives in Scotland but he has spent time in Afghanistan with the Royal Marines. And while there, he fell into rescuing dogs. There are certainly enough dogs in Afghanistan in need of rescue, but those that found Pen were among the lucky ones. And not only did he help them while he was there, he spent months "plotting" with his wife by phone to save them, rather than just abandon them when he left.
We highly recommend Pen's book, One Dog at a Time, Saving the Strays of Helmand. It took us from teary-eyed to laughing to teary again. Any serviceman in a no-pets-allowed situation who can turn his love of animals into a rescue operation for multiple dogs under impossible conditions deserves not only credit but support. His wife Lisa has been involved from the beginning. She was instrumental in making the long distance calls to search for someplace safe for the dogs, if Pen could manage to find them transport.
We found a news video of Pen visiting Nowzad while he was still in quarantine in the UK. We think you'll enjoy hearing some of the story from Pen himself. And then stop by Nowzad Dogs's website.
Nowzad Dogs is a registered charity and donations are welcomed.
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
We highly recommend Pen's book, One Dog at a Time, Saving the Strays of Helmand. It took us from teary-eyed to laughing to teary again. Any serviceman in a no-pets-allowed situation who can turn his love of animals into a rescue operation for multiple dogs under impossible conditions deserves not only credit but support. His wife Lisa has been involved from the beginning. She was instrumental in making the long distance calls to search for someplace safe for the dogs, if Pen could manage to find them transport.
We found a news video of Pen visiting Nowzad while he was still in quarantine in the UK. We think you'll enjoy hearing some of the story from Pen himself. And then stop by Nowzad Dogs's website.
Nowzad Dogs is a registered charity and donations are welcomed.
And don't forget to vote for Merci again today. Thank you. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Ham 4 Funny Farm, Merci & Huffle
Crystal and Buddy have returned from the Hams of the World Tour. Shhhhhhhh, we have to type quietly. They're sleeping it off in a corner. Too much excitement -- not to mention too much ham -- in a short time.
As to Buddy's suitcase of ham for the Funny Farm, when the weinermobile litter room and vehicle were cleaned, the suitcase was left out of the fridge (what would you do if you found a suitcase in the fridge?) and all the ham ripened. It nearly hit Sammy in the head as it sailed out the window when Sammy drove around a curve on two wheels.
But the Meezers saved Buddy's day. They sent Buddy and Crystal home with extra hams for the Funny Farm.
Yesterday we read the blog post for the Cutest Dog Contest. Seven times we're told not to worry, cheaters won't win. And whoever wrote it is starting to take offense? Gee, golly, gosh, you think his (her?) feelings are really hurt?
What about all of us who were unable to vote or be voted for so much of the time these last weeks? What about our "feelings" when we post a comment on their blog about ourselves and our friends being unable to access Merci's page to vote and our comments are removed? So, hey, whoever you are that wrote that, we aren't the least bit concerned about your feelings.
The first week Merci was entered, she had 180+ votes the last time we checked. The next week she had 200+ the last time we checked. So, they're not particularly impressive numbers, but she was picking up voters.
And then...... we couldn't get through; Merci's voters couldn't get through. So Merci dropped down to 59 or whatever. And then they changed the rules so folks had to register and Merci's voters ran for the hills because they didn't want to give out their paid email addresses to what they thought might be someone collecting addresses to sell, and non-blogging folks don't want to be bothered with having to remember another password.
You can read their blog entry here. We sure hope they can stop cheaters and that no cheater wins. What surprised us is the remark that sometimes it isn't the entrant doing the cheating, it's a competitor padding the votes to get their rival disqualified. Why don't some of these folks put all that brain power they invest in cheating to a positive and honest use?
We hope many of you will resume voting for Merci daily and the CDC site will be accessible so voting won't raise voters blood pressure as it has been doing. That's been our big complaint -- not being able to access the CDC site to vote much of the time.
And with that said, vote MERCI. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
On another subject, please pop over to Angus Mohr's to vote on what color Huffle Mawson's new parsley pot should be. We hope this means the petition worked and Huffle's parsley pot is forthcoming.
As to Buddy's suitcase of ham for the Funny Farm, when the weinermobile litter room and vehicle were cleaned, the suitcase was left out of the fridge (what would you do if you found a suitcase in the fridge?) and all the ham ripened. It nearly hit Sammy in the head as it sailed out the window when Sammy drove around a curve on two wheels.
But the Meezers saved Buddy's day. They sent Buddy and Crystal home with extra hams for the Funny Farm.
Yesterday we read the blog post for the Cutest Dog Contest. Seven times we're told not to worry, cheaters won't win. And whoever wrote it is starting to take offense? Gee, golly, gosh, you think his (her?) feelings are really hurt?
What about all of us who were unable to vote or be voted for so much of the time these last weeks? What about our "feelings" when we post a comment on their blog about ourselves and our friends being unable to access Merci's page to vote and our comments are removed? So, hey, whoever you are that wrote that, we aren't the least bit concerned about your feelings.
The first week Merci was entered, she had 180+ votes the last time we checked. The next week she had 200+ the last time we checked. So, they're not particularly impressive numbers, but she was picking up voters.
And then...... we couldn't get through; Merci's voters couldn't get through. So Merci dropped down to 59 or whatever. And then they changed the rules so folks had to register and Merci's voters ran for the hills because they didn't want to give out their paid email addresses to what they thought might be someone collecting addresses to sell, and non-blogging folks don't want to be bothered with having to remember another password.
You can read their blog entry here. We sure hope they can stop cheaters and that no cheater wins. What surprised us is the remark that sometimes it isn't the entrant doing the cheating, it's a competitor padding the votes to get their rival disqualified. Why don't some of these folks put all that brain power they invest in cheating to a positive and honest use?
We hope many of you will resume voting for Merci daily and the CDC site will be accessible so voting won't raise voters blood pressure as it has been doing. That's been our big complaint -- not being able to access the CDC site to vote much of the time.
And with that said, vote MERCI. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
On another subject, please pop over to Angus Mohr's to vote on what color Huffle Mawson's new parsley pot should be. We hope this means the petition worked and Huffle's parsley pot is forthcoming.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Ham Tour, Last Day
Buddy: We're kind of sad to see this Hams of the World Tour end. It has been so delicious .. and so much fun. And I got to drive -- uh, fly -- I was a co-pilot. Oh, what fun to actually fly. Thanks, Daisy, for letting me have a turn.
Crystal: Hey, guys, who took Buddy's suitcase of ham out of the fridge? I think this is the smell Khyra is complaining about. Peeeeeeee-u! Someone toss this out the window before we all pass out. Noooo, not in the open bed truck we're passing. Aim at a garbage can. Surely there's one along the road! What do you mean, there are posted signs warning, No stinking!
Buddy: Anyone have a doggy bag we can collect new ham in for the Funny Farm?
Crystal: Yeah, we promised we'd bring some home for them.
Buddy: We're not sure where we're going today. Either to MrsSkittlesMom's or if she is still sick, then we're going to the Meezer's for our last pork pigout. Burrrp. Sorry, I think I need a little yogurt on my next slice of ham.
Be sure to visit Sammy, Miles & Billy Meezer's for the latest photos and news.
And if you can spare a moment, perhaps you will vote for Merci in the cutest dog contest. You can vote once a day for her. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
PS -Sam is feeling kind of lonely over at Ludo's contest. The voting list is in the sidebar. You can only vote once for him. Sam is # 17.
Crystal: Hey, guys, who took Buddy's suitcase of ham out of the fridge? I think this is the smell Khyra is complaining about. Peeeeeeee-u! Someone toss this out the window before we all pass out. Noooo, not in the open bed truck we're passing. Aim at a garbage can. Surely there's one along the road! What do you mean, there are posted signs warning, No stinking!
Buddy: Anyone have a doggy bag we can collect new ham in for the Funny Farm?
Crystal: Yeah, we promised we'd bring some home for them.
Buddy: We're not sure where we're going today. Either to MrsSkittlesMom's or if she is still sick, then we're going to the Meezer's for our last pork pigout. Burrrp. Sorry, I think I need a little yogurt on my next slice of ham.
Be sure to visit Sammy, Miles & Billy Meezer's for the latest photos and news.
And if you can spare a moment, perhaps you will vote for Merci in the cutest dog contest. You can vote once a day for her. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
PS -Sam is feeling kind of lonely over at Ludo's contest. The voting list is in the sidebar. You can only vote once for him. Sam is # 17.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Hams in Space & Ludo's Contest
Day 5 of the Hams of the World Tour. We are now Hams in Space.
There has been a change of plans, due to Skittles' mom being sick. So we are off to London by alternate transportation.
Buddy: I get to drive, I get to drive, I get to drive, I get to .. uh, co-pilot. Well, that's okay. I get to do something. Maybe Daisy will let me take the controls for a while?
Crystal: Buddy gets to drive, Buddy gets to drive, Buddy gets to stop complaining about driving. Just hope Daisy keeps a good eye on him so he doesn't whap the wrong control with his big paws.
Buddy: We hope Skittles mom gets well real quick. Do you think we should drop off some ham tea on our way to London?
Crystal: Sorry. You have no clue what we're babbling about, do you? Visit Sammy, Miles & Bill Meezer (but don't forget to come back) to read the latest on our adventure.
On another note, we need to find Jan's missing memory ASAP!
Crystal: Buddy gets to drive, Buddy gets to drive, Buddy gets to stop complaining about driving. Just hope Daisy keeps a good eye on him so he doesn't whap the wrong control with his big paws.
Buddy: We hope Skittles mom gets well real quick. Do you think we should drop off some ham tea on our way to London?
Crystal: Sorry. You have no clue what we're babbling about, do you? Visit Sammy, Miles & Bill Meezer (but don't forget to come back) to read the latest on our adventure.
On another note, we need to find Jan's missing memory ASAP!
Jan was visiting Ludwig von Doggy (Ludo) and looking at the photos in his not doing a trick (as opposed to doing a trick) contest when she saw a dog that looks EXACTLY like our Sam. Then she noticed it was lying on Sam's winter bed. THEN she looked up at the name. It IS our Sam. She had forgotten all about this contest (actually, we had too), figuring it was all over and we'd lost. But we were all wrong. It's time to vote now.
Stop by Ludo's (link is above) and check out the entries. And maybe you'll vote for #17 Sam. The voting box is in the sidebar. Good luck to all the contestants.
And if you would like to vote for Merci in the cutest dog contest, this is her direct link. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Ham Tour, Day 4
Crystal: We are on our way to Texas to eat pulled pork sammiches at Angus Mohr's.
Buddy: Can't wait! Sure hope he hasn't forgotten we're coming.
Crystal: Uh-oh. There might be a problem. You better check out Angus' blog post today.
Buddy: We understand some of the motorists behind the Weinermobile have complained we've been tossing out clumps from the litter boxes. But as we have stated before, they are flying out the windows on their own when Sammy takes the corners at eleventy seven miles an hour. Eric drove yesterday (Oops, it was Flynn), but he's been taking lessons from Sammy, so ... enough said. I still think they should let me drive. I can fly too. AND I can see over the steering wheel.

Buddy: Can't wait! Sure hope he hasn't forgotten we're coming.
Crystal: Uh-oh. There might be a problem. You better check out Angus' blog post today.
Buddy: We understand some of the motorists behind the Weinermobile have complained we've been tossing out clumps from the litter boxes. But as we have stated before, they are flying out the windows on their own when Sammy takes the corners at eleventy seven miles an hour. Eric drove yesterday (Oops, it was Flynn), but he's been taking lessons from Sammy, so ... enough said. I still think they should let me drive. I can fly too. AND I can see over the steering wheel.

And stop by Sammy, Miles & Billy Sweetfeet Meezers' for the latest news and photos and to order your tour toys. You don't need to be on the tour to purchase. The money will go to good causes. They don't seem to have the toy info on today's post, but you can find it on Day 1 through Day 3 posts.
And if you haven't signed the petition yet, just click on the Re-pot Huffle Mawson graphic at the top of our sidebar. She would really appreciate your help to get a new Parsley Pot from her mom.
We didn't bother to remind folks to vote for Merci last week. So many of her voters dropped out because of the frustrations encountered when trying to vote and/or the change in their policy to have to register your email address. We realize some might not want to give out their email address, but having to sign in should (supposedly) help cut down on cheating. But since she is still entered and today begins a new voting week (all points back to zero), we're going to start reminding you again. At least now you are returned to Merci's entry when you sign in.
So if you'd like to vote for Merci, we'd appreciate it. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
And if you haven't signed the petition yet, just click on the Re-pot Huffle Mawson graphic at the top of our sidebar. She would really appreciate your help to get a new Parsley Pot from her mom.
We didn't bother to remind folks to vote for Merci last week. So many of her voters dropped out because of the frustrations encountered when trying to vote and/or the change in their policy to have to register your email address. We realize some might not want to give out their email address, but having to sign in should (supposedly) help cut down on cheating. But since she is still entered and today begins a new voting week (all points back to zero), we're going to start reminding you again. At least now you are returned to Merci's entry when you sign in.
So if you'd like to vote for Merci, we'd appreciate it. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=194291465301F78C17ECD3F5BA4AB250
World ham tour
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Re-pot Huffle & Day 3 Ham Tour

Please, go by and sign the petition to re-pot Huffle Mawson. Her folks stole -- um, disposed of her Parsley Pot and they should replace it with a new one!
Buddy: Do Sam & I need to swim over the pond to give Huffle's folks a good dressing down?
Crystal: Buddy, Huffle lives over the ocean. You can't swim that far.
Buddy: Okay, we'll hitch a rowboat ride. Crystal, why are you snickering?
Crystal: I'm trying to picture you rowing across the ocean. It has to be at least as far as you, Sam & Merci walk Jan twice a day.
Buddy: Aren't we headed overseas soon as part of the World Ham Tour 2009? Maybe we can chew up ... er, chew out Muffle's parsley pot stealing folks.
Crystal: We are in day 3 of the Hams of the World Tour. Quite a few more have joined us on the Weinermobile. Khyra has been begging some kitty to change the litter but we told her, not to worry, she just needs to duck when Sammy flies around corners. (As long as the windows are open.) Sammy's corners can clean out anything.
Buddy: Except the barf bags. They've been pretty popular after we chow down on ham and Sammy hits a big bump.
Crystal: Today we're off to Canada to try some Canadian bacon, or back bacon as they call it there. Be sure to go by Sammy, Miles & Billy Sweetfeet Meezer's. You can see the latest pictures, find out where we are today, and order your ham tour toys for a good cause.
Buddy: I don't understand why they won't let me drive. At least I can see over the steering wheel.
And don't forget, Huffle Mawson is celebrating her 500th post by holding a commentathon today and until the end of the week. (That's today.) Her mum will donate 25 cents for every comment she gets on that particular post to the Cat Protection Society of Victoria, which is the cat rescue that she came from. If you would like to help out all you have to do is to leave a comment!
World ham tour
Friday, September 04, 2009
Buddy's Allergies
Does anyone know a discount pet supply place that sells Dr. Goodpet products -- AND will take paypal without a hassle? I put money in PP so I could make this purchase and they won't let me unless I give them a credit card # to verify my address. There is more than enough money in myaccount so I can BUY something and not only does it tell me I have to give a cc # to verify my address, but that I don't have enough in my PP account to cover it. Bull!
I have waited 5 days for PP to transfer funds into my account so I can buy something for Buddy's allergic itching. It finally went thru this morning and I have tried ALL afternoon to purchase from VitaminLife because they have discounted products and specify they take PP.
Sending a check will add an extra week to Buddy's misery. Please, does anyone know where I can make a Dr. Goodpet discount purchase through PP ASAP?
I have waited 5 days for PP to transfer funds into my account so I can buy something for Buddy's allergic itching. It finally went thru this morning and I have tried ALL afternoon to purchase from VitaminLife because they have discounted products and specify they take PP.
Sending a check will add an extra week to Buddy's misery. Please, does anyone know where I can make a Dr. Goodpet discount purchase through PP ASAP?
World Ham Tour, Day 2
Today Crystal & Buddy will travel in the Weinermobile to visit Mr Hendrix and tour "porkopolis" and also visit the O-S-C-A-R Meyer place in Madison, WI.
Sam: They better not forget to bring home some ham for the rest of us. I'm just drooling at the thought of Buddy & Crystal porking out as they travel.
Merci: Oh, maybe that's them calling in now.
Cyndi, into the speakerphone: Hello, hello, hello. Why does this phone keep ringing?
Cotton: You have to press the button. There, you've got it now.
Cyndi: Hello, is anyone there now?
Crystal: Hey, we only have a moment before Sammy makes us load up and take off again. But we wanted to let you know we're okay and having a good time.
Buddy: You wouldn't know it. Crystal has done nothing all day but complain, complain, complain ....
Crystal: I only complained about you falling on top of me whenever Sammy flew around corners. If I hadn't eaten a lot for breakfast, I'd have been a pancake on that first curve. You're my brother, but you sure are heavy.
Buddy: Well, you won't have to worry about that now, will you? Not since Miles Meezer "borrowed" the Smithfield security guard's belt while Victor Tabbycat distracted him and super glued it to the Weinermobile's ceiling. Now I have something to hold onto when Sammy whips around those curves without slowing down.
Crystal, laughing: Well, at least you have something to hold you upright. That's more than that guard can do for his pants right now.
Beep, beep, beeeeeeep.
Buddy: We have to go. Sammy's blowing the horn impatiently. Time to get back on the road. But don't worry, I'm saving you all some ham in my suitcase. Bye.
Cameron, rolling his eyes at Merci: He's saving us ham in his suitcase? I sure hope there's a fridge on board -- with the suitcase stashed in it.
Victor's Mom is making nip ham toys to remember this trip and to also help raise money for cats and dogs and other animals in LA who are effected by the fires, and also for a CB cat (to be named at the end of the the Ham tour). The nip ham toys are $2 EACH for the first 2 and then $1 for each one after that (so 3 for $5, 4 for $6, 5 for $7, 6 for $8, 7 for $9, 8 for $10, etc). Please consider helping!You can purchase them at Sammy, Miles & Billy Sweetfeet Meezer's.
Peggy has made 3 more lovely blankies to help the Cat Blogosphere. We have one and we can tell you it is soooooo s-o-f-t! You can see the latest ones on Peggy & the Cats.
And Huffle Mawson is celebrating her 500th post by holding a commentathon today and until the end of the week. Her mum will donate 25 cents for every comment she gets on that particular post to the Cat Protection Society of Victoria, which is the cat rescue that she came from. If you would like to help out all you have to do is to leave a comment!
Peggy has made 3 more lovely blankies to help the Cat Blogosphere. We have one and we can tell you it is soooooo s-o-f-t! You can see the latest ones on Peggy & the Cats.
And Huffle Mawson is celebrating her 500th post by holding a commentathon today and until the end of the week. Her mum will donate 25 cents for every comment she gets on that particular post to the Cat Protection Society of Victoria, which is the cat rescue that she came from. If you would like to help out all you have to do is to leave a comment!
World ham tour
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
We're Going On Tour
Crystal and Buddy are going on the Hams of the Werld Tour. They will be teleporting over to Auntie Deb's where Miles Meezer and Victor Tabbycat will be their tour guides. And they'll get to ride in a wiener mobile. We all wanted to go but Jan said we should be polite and only send one since we're kind of overwhelming en masse. And then Miles asked if one of our woofies would like to go too and Buddy woofed first, so he's licking his chops and packing his bags now.

We left these instructions for Miles:
Whatever you do, don't let Buddy do any backseat driving while Sammy is going eleventy seven miles an hour. Last time he gave driving instructions, we drove Jan's car into our bushes. It wasn't exactly his fault, though.
We hope they have a good time and take lots of pictures and bring us all home some ham! And we're all chipping in our cheezburger money in case Sammy gets a flying -- um, a speeding ticket.
Stop by Junior & Orion's. They're raffling a lovely kitty-design quilt with a ruffle to help some of their needy blogger friends. It's for a good cause and only $4.
If you read this blog, you're aware of the "difficulties" we've had with Merci trying to participate in the Cutest Dog Competition. We have just given up on it, as have our voters who either gave up after numerous frustrations trying to vote or backed out when the rules were suddenly changed and voters had to register. Many don't want their names and email addresses mass collected. And we can't blame them.
But we've had a nice message from Erin:
We ran across this recently on Twitter and named Ronnie Nose's Dog then. Whether the company will like the name is yet to be decided. But we think it's cute, so we're hopeful.

We left these instructions for Miles:
Whatever you do, don't let Buddy do any backseat driving while Sammy is going eleventy seven miles an hour. Last time he gave driving instructions, we drove Jan's car into our bushes. It wasn't exactly his fault, though.
We hope they have a good time and take lots of pictures and bring us all home some ham! And we're all chipping in our cheezburger money in case Sammy gets a flying -- um, a speeding ticket.
Stop by Junior & Orion's. They're raffling a lovely kitty-design quilt with a ruffle to help some of their needy blogger friends. It's for a good cause and only $4.
If you read this blog, you're aware of the "difficulties" we've had with Merci trying to participate in the Cutest Dog Competition. We have just given up on it, as have our voters who either gave up after numerous frustrations trying to vote or backed out when the rules were suddenly changed and voters had to register. Many don't want their names and email addresses mass collected. And we can't blame them.
But we've had a nice message from Erin:
I would like to share some information about pet allergies and a new contest. I noticed that you entered the Cutest Dog Contest, so I thought you may be interested in this (and I promise, unlike the Cutest Dog Contest, you will have no problem entering). Plus the winner receives a $500 gift certificate – not too shabby.
We recently launched “Don’t Blow It,” an online game that teaches people about nasal allergies. The game stars Ronnie Nose – a cartoon nose with nasal allergies – and also features a loveable dog character. To date, the dog has gone without a name. We’re now asking pet-lovers to name Ronnie Nose’s Dog.
We ran across this recently on Twitter and named Ronnie Nose's Dog then. Whether the company will like the name is yet to be decided. But we think it's cute, so we're hopeful.
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