Friday, September 18, 2009

Fun Cat Video

Percy: Jan says we won't get much time on the computer today because she has a lot to do.

Merci: But what, we ask, could be more important than us updating our journal and keeping up with our friends? Anyway, that means this will be a short post.

Buddy: Yesterday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.

Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Her direct link is:

Sam: And to give you a laugh, we dug up a funny cat video with a mix of old and new cat antics. Personally, I voted for a funny dog video but was outvoted 6-3. Buddy, Merci and I can't quite figure out how the cats keep winning when we take a vote.

Cameron: I don't understand it either, Sam. You all make fun of me not being able to count past my toes, but it does seem unfair we always win. However, we do have good taste in videos.

Cyndi: Yes, we do. So enjoy the video. It's called "The Best Cat Video You'll Ever See."

Buddy: If the video doesn't play, click here.

Rusty: Thanks for voting for Merci. We'll remind you again tomorrow.

JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam


  1. Great video, we laughed lots

  2. Updates -- Daisy was adopted to a family that we thought was a good one but they didn't take care of her so we took her back and found another family. She is in a good home now. We are going to update Clint's blog this next week. He still needs another hip done and now his needs are going bad. Poor boy--he's just a year old and such a sweet personality. We are going to the county fair to raise money and will put up pictures. Thanks for asking!!

    River's mom

  3. Wow not enough sleep--Clint's KNEES are going bad. We will keep working on him.

    River's mom again

  4. We have laughed at that video many times, always good to see it again.

    Have a good weekend, the OP Pack

  5. very entertaining video.

  6. Oh my God! I loved this video!
    It is very cute =)
    Mom and I are having a lot fun =)
    Cats are all good ^^

  7. This is one of our favourite videos. We have voted again.

  8. Hi, friends!
    Merci's votes: 133!
    Thanks for sharing the video! It gave us a good laugh!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. OK, that is fer sur the best cat video we will ever see! WOW... We will be laffin til nex week!


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