Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our computer has a new home

Sam: Remember this computer cart? (That's me in the photo.) Jan bought the cart a couple of months ago so she would have a pull out drawer for the keyboard,but she returned it after 3 days because it was rickety and already coming apart.

Crystal: Not only has Jan had to stretch to use the keyboard on the desk, but our Percy reeeeeeally had to stretch.

Cameron: Yes, he must be at least two inches longer by now.

Sam: Well, yesterday Jan got a surprise. She was talking to a neighbor who mentioned she was moving to help her elderly mom and had some furniture she wasn't taking with her because there wasn't enough room for it. And she gave Jan her computer desk.

Crystal: Jan locked the dogs in the bedroom so they wouldn't run out the door, but we kitties got to watch the move through the back screen door. It was hilarious.

Cameron: Yes, it was fun to watch two women lifting that heavy desk down the two steps at the neighbor's. And then Jan rolled it a couple feet, hit a snag in the walk, maneuvered, rolled another couple feet, hit a snag ...

Crystal: But the best part was when she tried to roll it across the lawn. No way! She had to bring it all the way around to the front. And then they had to lift the desk over that high step for our front walk. That took a while.

Cameron: And then they had to figure out how to get it on the front porch. The porch was too high to lift it so that meant they had to carry it up the steps.

Crystal: But they made it. And here it is.

Crystal: Of course, when they came in the door, I took the opportunity to trot out the door. But Jan caught me just over the sill. I only wanted to sit in the rocking chair on the porch. What's wrong with that?

Sam: Jan has to put in the shelves. She decided not to put the monitor shelf on. Something about fearing the cats would knock it off.

Cameron: Geeeeeeze, as if! And what's with the plywood panel Jan stuck behind it? Does she think we're going to dump the whole desk? Well, maybe, if she rescinds permission to use the computer.

Crystal: We tested the shelves last night but then Jan said she is going to fill them with comptuter-related junk, so we refused to pose on the desk this morning. The shelves should be filled with cats. Period!

Sam: So now Jan has her pull out keyboard drawer. And she's excited because this drawer has enough room on it for the mouse. Humans get excited over the strangest things. But offer one a bone ....

Crystal: If you would like to vote for Merci, her voting page in the Cutest Dog Competition is:


  1. I must tell Alex about your new computer desk. I am sure he will want to drop by and hear the story.

  2. That was a lucky find for you - looks very nice and lots of storage. The kitties need to stake their claim before they all get filled up.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  3. That looks really cool!
    We just voted for Merci! :)
    PLay bows,

  4. That was wonderful of the neighbor to give Jan the desk! I am sure it was quite a show watching them move it.

  5. That is a very nice desk! I am glad that you got one.

  6. This new table is fantastic !

  7. That is a great computer desk. It's always good when neighbours can help each other out.

  8. That is a mighty fine desk.. what a lovely givaway for your mum. I am sure you will be climbing on the desk and making it your own.. Hugs GJ xx

  9. Hooray for a more comfortable desk. That should work out well for all of you!

  10. That's really nice :-D I know she'll enjoy that a lot!

    Um, but maybe she should put the monitor shelf on it. The cats have to have something to play with ;-)

  11. Great computer desk! It looks kind of like a kitty playhouse. :)

  12. Wow! That desk will be purrfect for all of you!

  13. That desk is pawsome!! But I agree...the shelves should be filled with kitties...not computer stuff!

  14. That looks like a very nice desk, we are excited for Jan. It is so nice with good things happen to nice people like Jan.

    We tried to give our Mommy a real mouse and she screamed. We thought it was much nicer then the plastic thing she uses. ~S,S,C & F

  15. Dat iz a bery nice deskie. I wishez MY hommin bean & ME had one likez dat. OK?

    It be hardz to gets dat deskie dere. I gladz dat I dunt haz to do dat.

    Waz U woofie doggiez unhappyz in da bedroom? I would hav takenz a kitty kat nappie! OK?

  16. Hi, friends!
    The computer new home is pawesome!
    Votes: 195!
    Kisses and hugs

  17. Yet another time when woo khritters needed thumbs to REKHORD that!

    It looks great!

    PeeEssWoo: 196!

  18. Sweet! It's important to have a good home for your computer. My old computer desk came from before the days when we all had mice, so I had to build a mouse platform attachment for the slide-out keyboard drawer and figure out how to make it stay on when the drawer was rolled in.

  19. We exist for the entertainment of our feline and canine overlords!

  20. That is a very cool computer desk that you got! I'm sure you'll fill it up with lovely things soon...*grins*

    Sorry for not visiting your blog sooner...we hope that everyone is doing great and you all have a great weekend!


  21. i can just picture all that. looks worth it in the end though- the desk looks nice.

  22. That was certainly a great find for you guys. Bet the dogs cannot knock this desk down if they tried. Saw you at the party and wanted to say that it was nice meeting you. Hope to see you again.

  23. That musta been very fun watching Jan an the neighbor woman struggle an fuss with the desk! It looks very nice though...

  24. Hey Gang,
    The new desk looks a heck of a lot better than the rickety one. We suspect that they'll still be cats on it.
    - TBH&K

  25. It sure looks like the wood computer desk is a lot better than the other one. Guess Mom Jan will appreciate it more since it took so much effort to get it where it's suppose to be. We used to have a computer desk like that but got rid of it when we moved. Mom was going to get a new one but improvised instead with a desk she already had. She put a board on an open drawer to put the keyboard on and it works quite well.



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