Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ham Tour Surprise & Facebook

Crystal and Buddy were on the Hams of the World Tour, which ran from JFF posts September 2 - 9. Sammy Meezer drove the Weiner Mobile. Miles Meezer and Victor Tabbycat were the tour guides. Victor & Nina's mom designed the toy souvenir pigs for sale to benefit a blogger in need. We had no idea when we sent Buddy & Crystal on the trip that JFF would be voted the recipient.

Thank you to the Meezers, Victor & Nina, and all who were involved, including those who bought a Ham Tour souvenir pig! We always try to volunteer Jan's time to help where she can since she won't give us an allowance to make donations. But we never expected this.

Photos from the Ham Tour by the Meezer Mom.

You all recognize Buddy - 2nd from left -- at Auntie Deb's house for breakfast on Day 1.

Crystal is on the lower left of the Weiner Mobile.

And here's our handsome Buddy again. Notice Khyra on the right giving him a second glance.

Buddy: Thursday we debuted the amateur video we made to promote Merci for the Cutest Dog Competition. If you missed it, you can view it here.

Crystal: We hope you will take a moment to pop over and vote for Merci again today. Every Saturday midnight all votes are reset to zero and a new week's voting begins. Her direct link is:

Oh, and by the way, we have joined Facebook. And as usual, we have no clue what we are doing. We have already run across a few of you there and hope to meet more soon.


  1. We are pleased to be your friends on Facebook already, although Whitey is our "front mancat" as Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey was not allowed as a name. Neither was Gandalf. Hmmmmph.

  2. We will have Mommy search for you on facebook. ~S,S,C & F

  3. I loved watching that tour unfold. You guys had a lot of fun! P.S. My human is on facebook. She said she would look for you.

  4. That's a great vehicle, we almost missed it amongst all the beautiful creatures surrounding it.

    Abby & Stygia

  5. Congratulations on being a recipient!!!

  6. Mums on that face thing, she will look for you.. Allthough mum did say she has enough trouble keeping up wth my blog.. MOL Hugs GJ xx

  7. We just voted!
    Our mom is on FB. Please look for her - you should have her name from the email exchanges!?
    Play bows,

  8. I hope you have fun on Facebook! You can do as much or as little there as you like!

  9. hello jan its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a ham toor??? is that like a wine toor??? ware do i sine up?!?!? ok bye

  10. The tour was fun after I made it known the litter boxes MUST be changed!

    So, we drew her to the darkside of FB -


  11. Congratulations! Mom is on face book, too has has no idea what she is doing, either!

  12. It sure looked like everyone had a really good time on that ham tour.


  13. Mum got us a Facebook account too but hasn't used it apart from voting in a competition. She doesn't know what she is doing cuz when someone says they want to be our friend and she clicks on them, it tells her to open an account which she has, and then she can't find the person. Secretly we are glad she doesn't use it cuz that's more blogging time.
    Concats on being the ham donations recipient.

  14. I couldn't find y'all on FB. Let me know how to find you. I just posted a link to my email on my blog for that reason!

    Miss you guys!

  15. Congratulations on your surprise! How wonderful. The Ham Werld Tour looked like great fun!

  16. I miss so much with my mom being busy! Now I missed a ham tour?? I am upset.
    We have been trying to use FB too, but it even takes more time from my blogs......good to find you there too!


Thanks for coming by for a visit. We love to hear from you.