Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tweet Week - Snowball

Cotton: Fin of Housecat Confidential has declared this Tweet Week in honor of our feathered friends. So we thought we would do a bird post. But we don't know any birds.

Cameron: Yes, we do! We know Snowball of Bird Lovers Only Rescue Service.

Sam: Right. Let's post about Snowball.

Percy: Here we go. A video of Snowball (TM) in Taco Bell commercial. It's short but sweet. You'll enjoy this.

If the video doesn't play -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pCoSwbcBNU

Buddy: And don't forget to vote for Merci daily. We mean literally, don't forget. Jan signed in one day and wandered off to the CDC blog and very nearly forgot to go back and vote. Pack your memory, travel to Cutest Dog Contest, sign in, and vote before you forget why you're there, Jan.

Merci's personal voting page is: :

Last night we tried to view a blog we haven't visited in a few weeks and found a Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page instead. We were not aware there were a number of blogs unavailable for reasons which you can read on Blog missing due to malware classification in the Blogger help forum
. Be careful what 3rd party widgets and goodies you (and us too) add to your blog.

And on a similar subject, we have been finding a number of blogs lately which open a pop up advertisement when we click on "view my complete profile." This should not happen.

Safe blogging and have a barking/meowing great day!

JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Samaritan


  1. Snowball is very cute! Makes me want to dance too.

  2. We are going to vote for Merci now before our silly Mommy forgets. ~S,S,C & F

  3. This video is so adorable =)

  4. We have voted.
    Snowball made us laugh.
    It is worrying when Blogger shuts you down. This sounds similar to what happened to us last year. It wasn't because of a widget though, but they told us we were a spam blog, which obviously we aren't. Turned out it was a Blogger mistake and they did it to a lot of people, but luckily they put it right after 2 or 3 days.

  5. Huh, we'd never heard of that malware blog problem before. Good to know about, just in case, so thanks for the heads-up!

    off to vote...

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  6. Ha roo roo roo! What a cool bird! And now Mom's got that song stuck in her head! Oh... I hope she doesn't start singing....
    Play bows,
    PS: Go, Merci, go!

  7. What a cutie that Snowball is!!! And a great song too.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  8. Oh that is funny! Thanks for joining in, and we are off to see about blogger.

  9. Voted...

    and even returned to tell woo that!


  10. Oh I LOVE IT!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing it! Your blog always shares the BEST videos! My human is so excited now at the thought of a "dancing bird" - she's gabbling about getting one of those in the future...hmm, think you've started something there...!!

    Honey the Great Dane

  11. I have been voting wherever I can.

    Huffle Mawson

  12. For some reason I always thought this was a Barry Manilow song, but then I found out it was some guy named Rupert Holmes who is actually evidently a bird!


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