Merci, Sam, Buddy |
Hey, Merci, Sam and Buddy here to tell you about an exciting breakfast we had recently. You don't think breakfast can be exciting? Well, we usually get kibble with something "good for us" (Jan's words) mixed in and if we're really, really, really lucky, we get some canned meat mixed in with it.
Percy is attracted by the smell of food. |
The day began like any other. But then Jan got out the camera and opened a package.
Buddy: Hey, Percy, get away from there. That's for us, not you kitties.
Percy inhales deeply. Hmm, smells good. |
Percy: Hmm, this smells good. What is it?
Merci: It's the Orijen Tundra dog food we're supposed to taste test for
Chewy.com. It's called "whole prey diet" and that's why it smells good enough to eat.
Sam: This is made with venision, elk, bison, quail and steelhead trout and it's preservative free. I guess that's because they figure it will disappear so quickly there's no need to preserve it.
Merci: Could it be it doesn't need preservatives because it's freeze dried?
Sam keeps one eye on his breakfast. |
Sam: Can we stop the chatter and shoo Percy away so we can have breakfast before dinner today?
Buddy: If we want to eat, we have to help Jan figure out how much to serve each of us. You know how bad she is at math when there are fractions involved. Let's see, there are approximately 12 medallions in a package.
Sam: What's a medallion?
Merci: Something you wear around your neck. But I don't think we're supposed to wear these.
Buddy: Quiet! I'm trying to think. Merci weighs about ...
Merci: Don't you dare tell everyone my weight! A lady never tells.
Buddy: ...mumble, so she should have 4 medallions a day. I'm about 35 pounds, so I should get 7. Sam is a Brick Butt so he should get 7 plus 1 1/2 for each 11 additional pounds which equals - Good grief, Sam should get about 13 medallions a day? That can't be right. I'm in charge here. I should get the biggest portion.
Merci: We eat twice a day, so I'll get two medallions for breakfast?
Buddy: Right. I'll get 3 1/2 and Sam will get 6 1/2. That adds up to ... mumble, mumble ... 12. So this package will feed us one meal.
Sam: Now can we eat?
Buddy: As soon as Jan soaks our portions in warm water to soften them.
Merci, Sam and Buddy wait impatiently for permission to eat. |
Sam: Come on, Jan. We have our kibble softened in water. How hard is it to press the camera button so we can eat our food?
And Merci, Sam and Buddy dig in. |
Did we like it? Yes, we did! We love good food and Jan loves food that is good for us.
Buddy and Sam licking their bowls clean. |
Orjen is made in Canada and uses fresh regional ingredients. We had some of their no grain freeze dried
Ranch Raised Lamb treats a while ago and we really enjoyed those too.
There are three Orijen freeze dried dog food flavors:
Tundra, Adult Dog and Regional Red.
Thank you, Mr. Chewy, for providing us with a dog food sample to review. We were not paid to write this, and any opinions expressed are our own.
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