Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meet & Greet Susie and Sidebite

It's time for our weekly Meet & Greet. We finally posted a link from the Blogville Chronicle to last week's post.  We'll try to remember to post a link in a more timely fashion this week.  We've just been so danged busy that Jan forgets to remind us that we've forgotten we didn't remember to do something.  See, it's all Jan's fault!

On a less confusing note, we have two good-looking, mischievous Scotties, Susie and Sidebite, today.  We'll let them introduce themselves.


Hi, Blogville, we are Susie and Sidebite, best known as “The Mad Scots.”  Why?  Because we are.  So are our Mom and our really Mad Scot Dad!

Our blog is mostly about the Adventures of ME, Susie, nut case Bites and our Dad. See, I was a very badly abused puppy mill rescue who was just about to be sent to the Rainbow Bridge, when they came along and I saved them. Heeheehee.  It took a very long and hard year for ME to become a real Scottie with the help of my bubby Sidebite, who taught me how to be a Scottie and my pal Shadow who showed ME the ropes and fun of being a dog. Now I am know as “Little Sweetie Petunia,” or as Mom calls me, “Little Miss Stubborn.” Well, after all I AM A SCOTTIE! Now life has become a bundle of happy all day long! My job is to guard the back yard.  I like protecting MY yard, barking and sleeping with Mom at Night.

Now about that Sidebite, AKA “Dude."  He really is a true Scottie from tip to tail.  See,he is an AKC registered Scottie with a real pedigree and a Krazy name of Sir Duffy Carbon “Sidebite” Bean. You would not believe he is a Sir, or AKC.  He told Dad right off that he was not a show dog and not taking training.  Nope, no way, not ever gonna happen so don't even try! His big thing in life is playing with his collection of 40 tennis balls with Dad, and taking naps in his chair with Dad, Ohhhhh, and doing zoomies with lots of BARKING!

Bites, is my real close bubby, we do everything together in the back yard, except when Dad is around and he tries to act like he doesn't know ME, but I know he loves ME. See the nut sleeps in front of MY dog house unless he can con ME into letting him in, and more than not I do! I Loves MY Bubby!

You can read more about Susie and her bubby Sidebite on their blog.  It's titled ... um, let's see, what is it called?  Oh, yeah, Susie and Sidebite.

Who would like to volunteer to be our next meet & greet blogging furry?  Send us something about yourself or a little information on a blog you enjoy - new or old.  


  1. Thank's Jan for the spot today!
    Keep up the good work

    The Mad Scots

  2. We LOVE Susie and Bites and Shadow !

    They are super SUPER Furends of all of Blogville.

    They are too MODEST to tell all that they did to help after the Tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma area..

    AND they didn't even mention all the fun they pawvided during last summer's olympics.
    Just Sayin!!!

  3. I love Susie and Sidebite!!

    Loveys Sasha

  4. We don't know Susie and Sidebite, so we really enjoyed learning about them. We'll go over and meet them, too!

  5. love the name Sidebite! Enjoyed getting to know them. Hope you have a chance to slow down!


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