Hey, Sam, Merci and Buddy here with today's post. We were all eyewitnesses so we decided to write this together. What were we eyewitnesses to? We're glad you asked us that.
Have you ever been in the position of explaining to police officers you saw something you knew wasn't possible, so you thought you imagined it and didn't report it? Well, Jan has joined that club.
While walking yesterday morning, we started down the hill. We turn at the bottom and retrace our route to home. Across the road is the lake where Jan made the video of the Marching Geese convention.
But there's something different about the view. What looks like the corner of a roof and back of a vehicle is sticking out of the water. But that isn't possible. The area is posted, fenced and locked. There is no way a non-work vehicle could be on the property, let alone in the lake.
Photo taken through the chain link fence.

We picked up the pace for a closer look. The object didn't move. At the corner, we waited on traffic. Jan kept a wary eye on an approaching bicyclist because we get excited and want to chase anything that moves. The cyclist stopped and we watched two vehicles drive by. The second one was a police car. We sped across the road and ... nothing. There was nothing in the water. Not even ripples.
It must have been an optical illusion, the sun playing tricks on us. So we turned around and started home.
Hours later, Jan was coming back from town and there were a lot of men and a boat down at the lake. Cars were pulled over and men were standing on higher ground for a good view of what was happening. That's when she realized she really had seen a vehicle just before it completely submerged.
This morning there was an item on the WTGA Fun101fm local news station. A man had taken a family vehicle and driven it through a fence and down the hill into the water. But the damaged fence was too far away for Jan to see. And who would have guessed? This is not a case where someone could possibly have been driving down a road and missed a curve or lost control. This was deliberate.

Photo taken from the hill across the street and cropped
So Jan emailed the chief of police and said she had seen the SUV in the water. An officer Jan knows came by to get her phone number and the investigator for the case called to talk to her. Jan doesn't know anything, except the approximate time it happened.
The "accident" was discovered when an employee noticed some items floating in the water. According to the Thomaston Times website, at this time the driver's body has still not been found. They are still searching for the body but there is a possibility he escaped through the open back hatch.
So we suggest if you see something that is so totally impossible you think you imagined it, report it anyway. No, not the little green Martians you see after a few too many, but the I stopped to cross the street and suddenly everything was back to normal sighting. You might have actually seen what you couldn't have seen.