Friday, August 26, 2011

Retired Military Working Dogs

It might be the last minute, but we have just learned today is National Dog Day and there was a bit of heated discussion as to what to do for it since we were caught off guard.

We finally agreed on a video about retired Military Working Dogs. 13-year-old Bino, a Dutch-Sheppard, is "1 of 8 finalists to win this year's American Hero Dog Award."

If the video doesn't play, click here.

We are very glad our retired MWDs are being homed now instead of euthanized.  They deserve it!


  1. Thank goodness they are rehomed!
    Benny & Lily

  2. WOW... we were so unaware of this "cause" or that it was an issue even. Thanks for shining the light on it. Classified as "equipment"? Sad, sad, sad.

    Thanks for sharing this today. It was THE PERFECT tribute for NATIONAL DOG DAY!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  3. We've still been casting our vote for Bino every day since we first heard about him. :o)


    Awwww beautiful Bino!! What a gorgeous doggie and what a gorgeous woman for helping out these returned military soldier doggies!

    I'm horrified these doggies when retired used to be euthanised! So sad. Glad that doesn't happen anymore!!

    I wish Bino and Debbie and all those gorgeous doggies she looks after all the best!!

    Take care

  5. We are so glad these wonderful woofies are getting the respsect and honor they so deserve. We say, yay! Way to go!

  6. WOW...We are soo pleased to hear they are being rehomed after the service they have given!

    Bino is doing a fabulous job even in retirement froma active service.

    Thanks for making us aware..we wonder what happens in the UK? hmmm

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx


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