Part of message from Cutest Dog Competition: On Wednesday at 3pm PST, hardware failure brought the server and the Cutest Dog Competition down until 5am PST. Due to this we are extending the contest an extra day. This means you have until Sunday at 12:00 am PST (Saturday night at midnight) to get as many votes as you can. This is true for all 9 remaining weeks. They will run from Sunday morning until Saturday night.
Did you understand all that? We didn't either -- not quite. But this is her direct link:
And vote for Miss Peach (she is # 113 and #131) in the rubber stamp contest - Look for the blue and white box down the page to vote.
The participants in this week's As the Paw Turns are listed on Zoolatry, who made the lovely graphics. We hope you are following it and letting the actors know you appreciate their efforts. And don't miss Khyra & Zoolatry's Maggy riding the motorcycle.
And now that we have the 'fluff stuff" out of the way, we want to update you on Eric and the Lakemore cats. The easiest way to do this is to just to let Eric tell it.
**I have been swamped with work here. 15 to 40 new emails come in each day. I am trying to go back through over 900 email I have saved about the Lakemore Cats in four weeks, plus many calls. I am going as fast as I can with little help. I own 14 special needs cats myself that need care on top of the 98 Lakemore cats I took on the rescue of. They require an insane amount of time and work.

#23 Tiger white female
*Cleaning cages at my home garage, feeding, cat laundry -- and most important, socializing frightened cats -- posting, blogs, web site, calls, photos, vetting transport, recovery time for surgeries -- this all takes hours.

#24 Tiger white female
*Driving each day to Lakemore house, feeding, cleaning & disinfecting, trapping new cats for surgery, etc. The water has been shut off at the Lakemore house, so now I have to take water in 5 gallon containers over too. We have the electric on their in our name for two weeks now.

#25 Siamese lynx with blue eyes.
*I also am starting a new gallery/shop here in Akron Ohio for my tribal arts business with remodeling a century house and painting, moving inventory and trying to open in 30 days. I have to deal with contractors each day also.

#29 Tiger white female
*44 still need homes out of 98 cats. 54 Lakemore cats are safe or in new homes within four weeks -- 30 still need to be vetted & spayed/neutered and those are still in the Lakemore house. I can't make room for more in my garage until the 14 here are gone to homes or rescue groups . That is my bottleneck. No rescue groups have taken any this week!
Many of you reading this will be unable to help, but perhaps you know of someone or some group in the Akron area -- or within driving distance of the Akron area -- you can contact that might be able to foster and socialize one or more of these cats. It is critical that all of those cats be moved out of that house because it is in foreclosure.
One thing that does need to be mentioned. Whenever there are free animals, the hoarders and dingbats show up wanting one or more, so one of the tasks Eric has but didn't mention is checking potential adopters.
Contact Eric at 330-864-2879 or email him at Ages @ (delete the spaces in the address before you send it).
Some of Eric's needs for the cats are listed in our previous post on the Lakemore cats.
I am sending so many good wishes to these special cats, it really is a wonderful thing being done. Thanks to all that are helping.
ReplyDeleteWe are sending our purrs to the Lakemore cats and Eric (he sounds as if he has his hands full and could use some purrs).
ReplyDeleteWill vote for Merci, this afternoon, when we are allowed to vote again. ~S,S,C & F
We voted with no problems today. Easy Peasy!
ReplyDeleteWe are purring for these kitties to find Forever Homes soon, and we are purring for Eric. He is a true Cat Hero!
Voted :D
ReplyDeleteHoping all the kitties find their f=orever homes soon!
We don't seem to have trouble voting. Maybe because of the time we come here.
ReplyDeleteWe are purring hard for this guy. What a heroic task he has set himself.
ReplyDeleteStill voting for Merci!!
ReplyDeleteWhat Eric is doing is so great...we are sending many many purrs to him for his thoughtfulness and generosity.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Service Unavailable right now...
ReplyDeleteANYWAY, tank woo fur the shoutout on my purrrrfurmance on ATPT!
It was sooo fun and it took so much skill and discipline not to chase and/or eat my kho-stars (BOL!)!
Those khytty pikhs and the stories about all of 'this' makes us furry leaky...
We sure hope all the cats get homes as well. Thank goodness they have Eric.
ReplyDeleteWe voted!
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
Sending good thoughts and prayers for all that need a place to hang out. You are so helpful to so many. Way to go Jan!
ReplyDeleteVoting for Merci every day, yes I did have trouble on one day but that was the only time.
Not much going on here. Moth is realizing that the summer is coming to an end as doth will start back to teaching on Monday. Arghhhhhhhhhh!
Moth saw that you visited her place. That was some cake wasn't it?!
Eric is an amazing hero! We just can't imagine how frightened those kitties are and it breaks our heart to hear they were all relatively well cared they were loved...
ReplyDeletepurrs to them all...