As many of you know, Mr. Pip has been unwell for some time and has decided to live his bucket list on a world tour with his nurse Puddles. We are privileged they agreed to come to our small Georgia town for a visit. We didn't think just a tour of local historic buildings would be of much interest to world travelers, so we decided to do something fun.
They arrived very early, as we dogs had a full day planned and we wanted to miss the morning rush hour traffic. They came bouncing over the curb onto the lawn with big smiles and a trunk full of munchies.
We piled into the car, bounced over the curb, and headed for Six Flags over Georgia, about 75 miles (1 3/4 hours) away. It was a very uncomfortable trip, as huge Sam and big Buddy had to ride with their heads out opposite windows with little Merci squashed between them in the back seat. (The cats wisely declined to ride in the little car with all of us.)
However, Puddles' reputation as a .... a ... what is the word?... driver preceded her, so we figured we could make it there in less time. Were we ever right! We only caused two accidents that we know of. One as we were rolling to a stop at a light next to a couple in a heated argument and Buddy stuck his nose in the passenger window to suggest they get counseling. The other when ... no, you really don't need to hear that story. Let's just say, Sam nearly swallowed a big bug but manged to spit it at a passing motorist instead. (We were passing the motorist, not .vice versa)
When we arrived, we had to wait a few minutes for Sam and Buddy to unfold from the back seat and stretch.
We took a quick look around, then decided to start off with a tame ride, the Superman Ultimate Flight, which riders take lying on the stomach traveling head first.
Puddles: This is too tame. What do they have more daring?
Pip: Well, we could let you drive it, Puddles. That would certainly be daring.
We tried the Ninja Rollercoaster next. Whee-hoo!
Disclaimer: The following 2 videos were not taken by us but by two-leggers who shared their rides with the world.
If the video doesn't play, click
Puddles: That's more like it but it's still too tame.
Merci: Are you out of your mind?
Pip: It wasn't too bad, Merci.
To make Puddles happy, we then rode the Georgia Cyclone, a wooden roller coaster.
If the video doesn't play, click
Puddles: Whee! That was bone-jarring fun. Let's do it again.
Pip: I think it jarred my bladder into my tailbone. I need to find a tree.
Actually, after that ride, we all needed to find a tree. And then a smiling Japanese tourist snapped a photo of us in front of the Ninja Rollercoaster as a memento of this day. As if we ever could forget it.
Back: Sam & Buddy
Front: Puddles, Merci & Pip
We rode the Mindbender, Batman, Goliath, the Log Jamboree and even visited the Haunted House. Pip didn't want to miss anything and Puddles couldn't get enough of the exciting rides. Amazingly, none of us barfed on any of the rides or riders, although Puddles did manage to spill a bag of Cheetos on the head of a guy in the seat ahead of us. (We were racing straight downhill at the time.)
The ride back was .... well, eventful. But we survived. And so did the cow. She is likely traumatized for life, though, and will never try to cross a road again.
Our next adventure was a leisurely ride down the Flint River.
At least it was leisurely while Buddy was driving. Then Puddles said she has always wanted to drive a boat. Merci protested, but too late. Puuuuuuuuuuudles, slow down, you'll get us arrested! Poor Sam is so tall and top-heavy he nearly fell overboard.
We returned the boat and headed to our last stop - Riverbend Restaurant. Surrounded by woods and with a beautiful view of the river we had just survived, we sat down to an all you can eat catfish dinner. We had a few strange looks. Our napkins were neatly tucked into our collars and we used our claws to de-bone the fish.. Seriously, you'd think the diners had never seen dogs eat in the restaurant before.
Boy, were Pip and Puddles surprised and happy to find as long as they kept eating, plate after plate of piled catfish would keep appearing on the table. Pip put a stop to a rather loud disagreement at the next table. Two boys were arguing over who got the last catfish on the plate. Pip walked over over, grabbed it and tossed it to Puddles. End of problem.
Then we headed home so they could visit with our cat siblings, the Funny Farmer Felines. We stopped on the way for some primo nip so they would soon forget about missing the catfish deal.
All too soon, Pip and Puddles had to leave. We traded sniffs and pawtaps and then waved good-bye as Puddles hit the gas pedal and the low car spurted across the lawn, bounced over the curb and raced up the street.
Pip and Puddles, thank you for visiting us on your world tour. We wish you could have stayed longer, but we know you have so many other places to travel.
Mr. Pip, we hope you have lots and lots of time to complete your bucket list. We love you - and Miss Puddles too.
Nurse Puddles, thank you for not driving up a wall or off a cliff while you were here. (We'll keep mum about some of the events of the day so you won't be arrested.) Please continue to take good care of Pip. We know you will, but have you considered hiring a chauffeur? We're not sure a dog with a heart condition should be riding with you. On the other hand, Pip has evidently become so accustomed to your driving, he barely noticed those wild, heart-stopping rides we went on today.
We hate to end a fun post on a sad note, but our dear friend
Asta will be having surgery Friday.
Asta can use your prayers for a positive outcome! Her mom and dad are very worried about what the surgery might find. We hope for good news.