Thursday, February 28, 2013

Squillions, Gracie and Snoopy

Today is Squillion Day.

Gracie, VSquillion Shelter Keeper, has reported that February has been a good month for adoptions.  Adoptions are closing temporarily, but they will be available again in the near future.  These are a nice way to remember a loved furry who has gone to the bridge.

And speaking of Gracie, her mom should be home today to recuperate from her surgery yesterday.  We send lots of purrs and pawtaps to her.

We adopted Squillion Angel Cotton in memory of our dear tortoiseshell Cotton who left us so suddenly last June. Cotton, Crystal, and Jenny will always be in our hearts, as will all those who came before our time be in Jan's.

Don't forget to go by tomorrow and enter the raffle to help Dashies with Moxie adopt Snoopy, the dog they've been fostering.  It will run March 1 through 15th.  And doesn't every dog and cat need a Frankie Furter quilt? 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Purrs and Prayers

Gracie's mom is having surgery today.  She should be home from the hospital tomorrow and will give an update whenever she can.  But she will be away from Gracie's blog and other activities for a few days.

We're sending lots of purrs and pawtaps to her, as well as a prayer for everything to go well so she recuperates rapidly.

Like all of you, we were shocked and saddened to learn Queen Mother Rose died suddenly.  ML posted about it on the Giggleman Gang's blog.   It is so like ML to be helping whenever and wherever she can, even with a barely working phone and computer.

She posted a tribute to Rose on The Royal's blog.

We understand Angel Junior, Orion & Sammy will be adopting Emily, and they are checking on transport for Emily from NJ to UT.  We so hope a home will be found for Brutus and Marigold together.  We are thankful Beau is at peace and not having to go through the loss of a second human and all the trauma that goes with it. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Herding Ducks and Saving Pets

Hey, remember me?  I'm Merci, the short woofy.  I kinda get overlooked when the big guys are around.  But it's my turn to post today. 

* Yes, Buddy, I know it's not marked on the calendar, but you guys do not get 3 turns to each one of mine, like Sam claims.* 

I have a fun video of neglected ducks having fun in water for the first time. Have you ever see humans try to herd frightened, stampeding ducks? We think the humans need more practice, but all was well in the end.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

We read this short article today and want to be sure to mention it.  Some humans are abusive to other humans, as well as to furries, and threaten the abused person's pet(s) to keep them from leaving.   There are some areas that have set up a program to foster pets while the abused human stays at a shelter and works on plans for the future.  We hope you will read Safety for Abuse Victims and Their Pets. You never know when someone you know - even a fellow blogger - might need this information.  And it could save lives - of a human and pet(s).

Paws for Courage  is a good resource for information.  You might even want to volunteer in some capacity.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Smile

This story will have you smiling through your tears.  It's a story of love, 68 years of patience, and forgiveness.  It is also a story that transcends a language barrier between new friends.

You will not regret watching this video.You will meet a very special woman.  It made our day when we watched it. Our hope is it will make yours too.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Madi Speaks and Buddy Drives

This week we interview Madi from the blog Madi & Mom.  She's cute, sassy and full of fun.

If you have ever aspired to being a diva and been unsure where to begin, Madi explains. Which mancat turns her head?  How did she become Mayor?  Well, you'll just have to read her interview, Madi, Mayor Diva Cougar Khat, on Mousebreath.

As you know, Buddy has been having a sad, painful time for a while, but now that he's doing better, he decided it is time to have some fun.  He got his Georgia driver's license, something he has aspired to since he was a puppy.  Jan isn't happy about this. Buddy has been trying to figure out where she hid the car keys since yesterday and she has serious doubts about letting him behind the wheel of her pile of junk ... um, her car.

How did he manage this?  He stopped by The Philly Dog blog yesterday and entered the Subaru drawing.

If you hear snoring coming from the direction of the Funny Farm today that will be Jan.  She didn't get much sleep last night because of Sam's terror of thunderstorms.  He started crying about 2 1/2 hours before the thunder actually arrived, so it was a long night.  Or a short one, depending on the point of view.  So, shhhh.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Dogs and Cat Post

Uh, remember us? We're the good-looking woofies that live here - Merci, Sam & Buddy.  Well, you probably remember Buddy.  He was the guy wearing the lampshades in our last post.  But Sam and I get overlooked since we don't get to post as often and the Funny Farmer Felines hog our Friday post.  Well,  anyway, take a good look.  It might be a while before you see us again.

You can probably guess we're the dogs in the title.  We'll introduce you to Cat after a short, cute video.

We fell in love with the cat in this video.  He has such spirit.

Caffrey is a black Persian with only 2 legs, both on the same side, yet he enjoys life.  He even runs, unlike a two-legger we know and have to share this computer with.  We don't think she even knows how to spell the word run.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

We recently met a new human.. Her cats and dogs have been blogging since 2010, but they are new to us. . Her name is Cat (short for Catherine, so don't confuse her with her blogging cats) and the blog is Weez Da Bad Cats & Da Meen Dawgs. She hails from Geneva, Switzerland and also has an Etsy shop called Hamlin Design that sells some kitty items -among them little zipper cats in different colors she sculpts out of polymer clay ..

**Oh, Jan is grumbling someting about they are NOT zipper cats, they are key fobs/zipper pulls.**

Cat makes other animals too - dogs and rabbits, for example - and sends them all over the world, so there might be some living in your country already. 

You can read about the zipper pulls here. And you can check out other items while you're there.

We're not doing a review.  We're just introducing you and Cat to each other, if you haven't yet met.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thankful Buddy and Funny Farmers

Remember Buddy in his ecollar to try to keep him from licking and chewing so his skin could heal?  The collar is heavy and a very thin layer of non-soft material wears off, the plastic and digs into the dog's neck.  This happened with the last one but this is the only ecollar sold in this area. And the only size that covers Buddy's nose so he can't reach any part of his body.  It wraps about 1 1/2 times around his head.  Can you imagine walking around with that heavy thing dragging your head down?  Jan asked the manager at Petsense why they don't carry a softer collar and she said she'd never heard of one.  ????

After walking into things for a time, this is what the outside edge of the collar looks like.

And this is what the part that goes around Buddy's neck looks like. The edge that's all scruffed is not soft. But even though his skin was getting better while he wore this,  his neck and the back of his ears became raw and bloody while waiting for Cardinal Pet to keep their word and send Buddy an inflatable collar to prevent this from happening again.  He has been waiting since January 28th.  .

Of course the moment Buddy was out of the collar, he chewed himself raw and bloody everywhere he could reach. Jan tried pinning him in a towel or in a t-shirt - nothing worked.  He'd pop the pins or get a leg through.

So imagine Jan's surprise when she opened a package Saturday and found this inside.

 It's not a hard plastic and not too thin/soft. It's thick, sturdy and uses velcro.  Can you see how happy Buddy is to be modeling it?  hehehe

Percy:  Buddy, is that you in there?

Buddy:  Of course it's me.  Who else would Jan make wear one of these?

And this arrived with it.  It's a post surgical suit with rows of snaps.  Neat!  Jan asked Buddy to model it but he said not if he has to put his feet through the legs!  (He does not like to be "dressed.") He's been through so much lately Jan didn't make him model it.  But if he was doing as poorly as he was a week ago, he'd have been in the ecollar while his feet were slid though the legs. 

We are grateful to the Slimmer Pugs & Purrs for sending these items.  They will be so useful for Buddy's recurring skin problems.  Buddy isn't happy about it but Jan now has an ecollar to put on him for a bit after she puts the Zymox on his skin so he can't lick it off immediately.

This is supposed to be a photo of all the items we received last week.  You will have to imagine 3 6-pound bags of Whiskas cat food included.  Jan forgot them because they are well-hidden. to keep Percy from opening all the bags and throwing food to the rest of us. 

We are so thankful for each of the items, as well as the funds deposited into PayPal.  Jan was able to order some items which should help Buddy internally.   Buddy doesn't mind Jan putting the Zymox on his skin, as it doesn't burn or make him itch more.  Hopefully, he is on his way to healthier skin.

We learned today that we were supposed to get an email address for each of the items shipped, but we didn't get a single one.  We did get a few pieces of paper ("gift cards") with a name, some with a message, and a couple with the name on the packing slip, but we received 4 boxes with no name and no paperwork at all.  One box had broken open at the bottom.  If there was a "gift card," it was lost.  So if you have not received a thank you email from us, it's only because we aren't aware of your name.  Please let us know if this is the case.  We are not ungrateful.  And we would like to thank you.

Pete was too young to die from thoracic thrombosis, but he did.  And Mo is missing him terribly.  Stop by Purrchance to Dream to leave a comment.

Sanjee of House of the Mostly Black Cats has mouth cancer and Mom Robyn is sad.

Selina of One Eye on the also sick and could use some encouragement.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bugs and Barney Speak

This week we interview Bugs and Barney from Catself.  Perhaps you haven't met them yet?  Be sure to stop by Mousebreath to read Bugs Plus Barney Make Up Catself.  Meet the entertaining, sassy guys with unusual feline names and read the exclusive announcement of what their Staff is planning to do that might interfere with their blogging. 

Rainbow VSquillions are up for adoption at the renovated Offishul CB VSquillion Shelter.  They are in need of loving homes and adoptions are taking place now until February 28. This is a great way to pay tribute to a furry you loved and lost to the bridge. You can adopt more than one.

We're going to put in to adopt one in memory of our dear Cotton who left us last June.  We know many of you have also lost a furry since the shelter was last open.  Drop by to check them out.

And while you're there, note the new blog design and the new pages.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cat Out Of Bag At Circus

We don't have any paper bags so we don't have any paper bag shots, especially not of Jan in a bag. Thus we had to borrow a public domain cat in the bag pic.

This was Jan on Saturday.  Lazing in a paper bag.  (Metaphorically speaking, of course.  Jan wouldn't fit in a paper bag.)  Then strange things began to happen.  By Monday boxes she hadn't ordered started arriving.  Jan might be a bit dense at times but even she figured out something was up,. And now the cat is out of the bag, although she's been told she doesn't know everything yet.  (We've been telling her she doesn't know everything for years, but she doesn't pay any attention when we say it.)

If you have no idea what we're referring to, that's okay.  We're accustomed to that.  We live with Jan. 

But if you were aware of the secret, hush-hush, don't tell Jan plot, we can only say THANK YOU!  Thank you, Laure, for initiating it.  Ann, for helping her with a mailing,  And those of you who have participated in any way.  We are fortunate to know such a warm community of bloggers.

We won't embarrass anyone by specifics.  We've emailed our thanks to everyone we're aware of, except where there was no name in the box.  We've been told that's because you want to be Anonymous. 

We never heard of Zymox topical cream before but Jan liked what she read on the box about enzymes so she is trying it on Buddy's skin.   She ordered something natural to give, which has been recommended by another blogger.  So we hope Buddy will finally be on the road to nirvana.  (Any place of complete bliss and delight and peace.).

On another note, the circus is coming to Blogville. It's a fundraiser to help 3 other bloggers Turien's heartworm treatment, .Sallie's medical bills and Marg's Animals.  You can find details on Frankie Furter's blog.  Be sure to tell all your friends.  It should be a lot of fun.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fish and Gifts

 You know those little edibles with fins that swim around in tanks all day to tease us?  When one became disabled and couldn't remain buoyant, the owner fashioned a little fishie harness for it.  What a caring heart this person has!

If the video doesn't play, click here.

We're way behind on posting, so we'll share a couple of things with you today.

An anonymous (not to us) human sent us a Pawalla box 
We kitties have been enjoying this and the treats can even be shared wit the dogs.

Here is Percy checking out the bag we won in a drawing at Brian's Home.

And we got a similar one from Mousebreath.

The back is the same on both of them.  (Sorry it's a bit wrinkled.  Jan hid them until she could take the photos but we found them and took turns napping on them. 

Things have been a bit hectic and we haven't been able to post very often, but we're still here.  Timid Micah is slowing blending into the family since his illness. He moved himself from his perch in the living room to the kitchen once he was up and around, but Jan still closes him in the bedroom at night to be sure he gets enough to eat and has a chance to play. 

Buddy's skin was healing nicely until last week when Jan discovered the plastic cone (ecollar) had torn up the underside of his neck again so he's chewed himself bloody since the cone came off.  The company that made the collar was supposed to send an inflatable collar since their "padding" is inadequate for a big dog running into things, but it has not arrived.  So things are not great with Buddy but Jan is working on him.  Thanks for the suggestions and help some of you have given. 

We think Jan's leg is healing but since she's not screaming when anything touches her, we're wondering if she's still alive.

Enough news.  Have a good day.

Friday, February 08, 2013

JB & Siblings Tell All

Today we interview the handsome kitties of JB's Small World - JB (JellyBean, Chester, CocoBean, Armani, Gaia & Charli. In the fur, they are quiet and laid-back, but mischief does lurk behind the curtain.. 

If you haven't already, stop by Mousebreath to read JB's Small World and Siblings to find answers to those questions you've always wanted to ask but didn't dare.  Such as, what is the funniest thing JB has ever done?  (Boy, will that surprise you!)

Oh, and today is the day Asta has her surgery.  We don't know the time difference between here and Budapest, so we're not sure if it's finished or hasn't started yet.  We are hopeful she will be okay.  All our paws are crossed.

Monday, February 04, 2013

6 Flags and 5 Fruitcakes

As many of you know, Mr. Pip has been unwell for some time and has decided to live his bucket list on a world tour with his nurse Puddles. We are privileged they agreed to come to our small Georgia town for a visit. We didn't think just a tour of local historic buildings would be of much interest to world travelers, so we decided to do something fun.

They arrived very early, as we dogs had a full day planned and we wanted to miss the morning rush hour traffic.  They came bouncing over the curb onto the lawn with big smiles and a trunk full of munchies. 

We piled into the car, bounced over the curb, and headed for Six Flags over Georgia, about 75 miles (1 3/4 hours) away.  It was a very uncomfortable trip, as huge Sam and big Buddy had to ride with their heads out opposite windows with little Merci squashed between them in the back seat. (The cats wisely declined to ride in the little car with all of us.)

However, Puddles' reputation as a .... a ... what is the word?... driver preceded her, so we figured we could make it there in less time.  Were we ever right! We only caused two accidents that we know of.  One as we were rolling to a stop at a light next to a couple in a heated argument and Buddy stuck his nose in the passenger window to suggest they get counseling.  The other when ... no, you really don't need to hear that story. Let's just say, Sam nearly swallowed a big bug but manged to spit it at a passing motorist instead.  (We were passing the motorist, not .vice versa)

When we arrived, we had to wait a few minutes for Sam and Buddy to unfold from the back seat and stretch.

We took a quick look around, then decided to start off with a tame ride, the Superman Ultimate Flight, which riders take lying on the stomach traveling head first.

Puddles:  This is too tame.  What do they have more daring?

Pip:  Well, we could let you drive it, Puddles.  That would certainly be daring.

We tried the Ninja  Rollercoaster next. Whee-hoo!

Disclaimer: The following 2 videos were not taken by us but by two-leggers who shared their rides with the world.  

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Puddles: That's more like it but it's still too tame.

Merci:  Are you out of your mind?

Pip:  It wasn't too bad, Merci.

To make Puddles happy, we then rode the Georgia Cyclone, a wooden roller coaster.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Puddles:  Whee!  That was bone-jarring fun.  Let's do it again.

Pip:  I think it jarred my bladder into my tailbone.  I need to find a tree.

Actually, after that ride, we all needed to find a tree.  And then a smiling Japanese tourist snapped a photo of us in front of the Ninja Rollercoaster as a memento of this day.  As if we ever could forget it.

Back: Sam & Buddy
Front: Puddles, Merci & Pip

We rode the Mindbender, Batman, Goliath, the Log Jamboree and even visited the Haunted House.   Pip didn't want to miss anything and Puddles couldn't get enough of the exciting rides.  Amazingly, none of us barfed on any of the rides or riders, although Puddles did manage to spill a bag of Cheetos on the head of a guy in the seat ahead of us. (We were racing straight downhill at the time.)

The ride back was .... well, eventful.  But we survived.  And so did the cow.  She is likely traumatized for life, though, and will never try to cross a road again.

Our next adventure was a leisurely ride down the Flint River. 

At least it was leisurely while Buddy was driving.  Then Puddles said she has always wanted to drive a boat. Merci protested, but too late.  Puuuuuuuuuuudles, slow down, you'll get us arrested!  Poor Sam is so tall and top-heavy he nearly fell overboard.

We returned the boat and headed to our last stop - Riverbend Restaurant.  Surrounded by woods and with a beautiful view of the river we had just survived, we sat down to an all you can eat catfish dinner.  We had a few strange looks.  Our napkins were neatly tucked into our collars and we used our claws to de-bone the fish..  Seriously, you'd think the diners had never seen dogs eat in the restaurant before. 
Boy, were Pip and Puddles surprised and happy to find as long as they kept eating, plate after plate of piled catfish would keep appearing on the table.  Pip put a stop to a rather loud disagreement at the next table.  Two boys were arguing over who got the last catfish on the plate.  Pip walked over over, grabbed it and tossed it to Puddles. End of problem.

Then we headed home so they could visit with our cat siblings, the Funny Farmer Felines.  We stopped on the way for some primo nip so they would soon forget about missing the catfish deal.

All too soon, Pip and Puddles had to leave. We traded sniffs and pawtaps and then waved good-bye as Puddles hit the gas pedal and the low car spurted across the lawn, bounced over the curb and raced up the street.

Pip and Puddles, thank you for visiting us on your world tour.  We wish you could have stayed longer, but we know you have so many other places to travel.

Mr. Pip, we hope you have lots and lots of time to complete your bucket list. We love you - and Miss Puddles too.

Nurse Puddles, thank you for not driving up a wall or off a cliff while you were here.  (We'll keep mum about some of the events of the day so you won't be arrested.) Please continue to take good care of Pip.  We know you will, but have you considered hiring a chauffeur?  We're not sure a dog with a heart condition should be riding with you. On the other hand, Pip has evidently become so accustomed to your driving, he barely noticed those wild, heart-stopping rides we went on today. 

We hate to end a fun post on a sad note, but our dear friend Asta will be having surgery Friday. 
Asta can use your prayers for a positive outcome!  Her mom and dad are very worried about what the surgery might find. We hope for good news.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Spencer Found Good Home

Just a quick update on Spencer (Spencer Seeks Someone Special), the 10 year-old tabby cat needing a new home.  We heard from Jeff just now.

I just wanted to let you know that a very nice family adopted Spencer last night.  Their 16 yr old cat passed away and they were heart broken and wanted a new cat.  I got a very nice note today that he is doing well and found a warm place on one of the beds.

We are very happy for Spencer and for his new family. We ove good news and wanted to share it.

Scroll down for our regular post for today or click here to read A Panther & 2 Tigers.

A Panther & 2 Tigers

This week we Funny Farmer Felines interviewed the happy trio of Abby Normal, Stygian Panther & Styx. A good-looking family with mischief behind those innocent faces.  You can read their story, including why Stygia's name is actually Worm, in 2 Tigers & A Panther on Mousebreath.

As to yesterday's post Casa de Buddy Has No Reverse, we'd like to thank you for your prayers.  Micah is doing well.  He went exploring again last night and climbed to some new spots.  Jan's thought this was wonderful.   He always just stayed wherever he was placed in the living room unless Percy chased him off and has only started scoping out the rest of the house since Monday.. Guess almost dying gives a fraidy cat courage.

Buddy is ... well, Buddy.  Still attacking everything with his ecollar.

Jan's leg started to drain last night and she finally got a little rest.  However, it's 12 noon and she's late with our breakfast again.  We're going to have to go see what her excuse is this time.  Have a good weekend.