Do you recognize this photo?
This is a female black cat from Henry County Animal Shelter in McDonough, GA. She has been all over Facebook, Twitter, blogs and emails. If she is not rescued by 4:30 pm today, June 30, she will be euthanized. (Be sure to read to the end of this post.)
I am here at the shelter, lonely, and without a home. I am one of the many kitties here at the shelter in need of a lifetime companion that will give me the love that I so deserve. If you would like to meet me, you can visit me here at the shelter or call my friends at (770) 288-PETS. My ID# is 6/22-2455 and I hope to see you soon.
Lost and stray animals are held at the Henry County Animal Care and Control Shelter for four business days in order to give their owners a chance to reclaim them. After that time period, adoptable animals are held as long as space allows.
Our blogging friend Sparkle has been determined to make one last miracle happen for Adopt A Shelter Cat Month. She enlisted the help of KC and mom ML of the Cat Blogosphere. Since I live in Georgia, they hoped I might know someone who could save this cat until they could find her a home. I didn't. But then I thought of Carolyn from ALL C.A.T.S. But she just had a medical procedure. Yet this morning Carolyn emailed and volunteered, "I'm not about to let a cat die if I can help."
Carolyn has the heart of a true rescuer. Health problems don't stop her. Yesterday she rescued six dogs and 2 cats from a lodge. Every one of the animals was microchipped and thus reunited with it's owner.
She requested I call her with the info. She said she would get her son to drive. I admitted I didn't think to call the shelter to verify the cat is still there. Carolyn did and called back with very good news. The cat was adopted but the new owners didn't have the cash on them, so they were to return today at 3 pm. However --
However, in the event the new owner doesn't show up this afternoon, the shelter will hold the black cat until tomorrow when Carolyn can pick her up. So one way or another this black cat will not die July 1. And they're holding a white cat for Carolyn to pick up tomorrow, so at least one other animal will owe his/her life to Sparkle's persistence.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Dictated by Jan. Typed by Percy
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Injured, Sick and Broken
We're late posting this because of limited computer time, and Windows went berserk in the heat again when we tried to post this earlier, so we were forced to shut down suddenly. But we want Momo to know we are thinking of her.
Tomorrow is Purrs for Neala Day. She is headed to Salt Lake City today for her surgery tomorrow. This is the same rare surgery Maxie needs but her problem is a birth defect. Mom Trish will keep the Cat Blogosphere updated.
And Sammy Meezer broke a tooth. He has to go back to the vet Thursday to stay overnight and have surgery to have the root taken out Friday. Meezer Mom is short of funds unless they give up the internet or something. Can you imagine a whole month without a Meezer update? Or Billy Sweetfeets dancing videos? . She is always helping others so if you can donate a dollar or two toward Sammy's surgery, it would help. We don't want that "crazy" bunch off the internet for a month or two. Readers requested a tip jar be put up so there is one in the Meezer's sidebar.
We're still not officially posting. Being forced to shut the computer down for hours at a time is actually helping us get some work done. Unfortunately, we're rushing like crazy while the computer is on. So, bye for now.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hot Computer Break
We're going to have to take a break from blogging for a while. Our computer can't take the heat, especially since the power supply cooling fan has been going off repeatedly all week -- much more often than "normal" for this machine. It doesn't help the temperature goes up to 94 very humid degrees in the room, even with the ac on and blowing toward the back of the computer. Adding a fan doesn't help. Windows is having spells of heat prostration.
So computer time is going to have to be very limited now and only early in the day or perhaps in two short "bursts."This won't allow us time to post or to visit other blogs. As long as the computer will start, we'll be checking our email, so if you know of any news -- in particular, illnesses or losses -- we hope you will email us.
We'll be back as soon as we can. :)
Oh, we almost forgot, Jan wants us to be sure to thank you all for the happy birthday wishes.
Have a purring and tail wagging time until we get back.

We're going to have to take a break from blogging for a while. Our computer can't take the heat, especially since the power supply cooling fan has been going off repeatedly all week -- much more often than "normal" for this machine. It doesn't help the temperature goes up to 94 very humid degrees in the room, even with the ac on and blowing toward the back of the computer. Adding a fan doesn't help. Windows is having spells of heat prostration.
So computer time is going to have to be very limited now and only early in the day or perhaps in two short "bursts."This won't allow us time to post or to visit other blogs. As long as the computer will start, we'll be checking our email, so if you know of any news -- in particular, illnesses or losses -- we hope you will email us.
We'll be back as soon as we can. :)
Oh, we almost forgot, Jan wants us to be sure to thank you all for the happy birthday wishes.
Have a purring and tail wagging time until we get back.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Up the Hill and Bionic Feet
Well, it's about time I get a turn to host a post again.
As a quick update, we do have water and we don't have to boil it any more. Hurray! We can all go back to flopping around the hot house and napping without feeling guilty for not helping Jan haul water.
It's Jan's birthday today and since she's huffing and puffing up the hill (getting old, in case you wonder which hill), we thought we would give her a day off to rest and catch up to her age.
But we wanted to share this amazing story with you.
A cat that had its back feet severed by a combine harvester has been given two prosthetic limbs in a pioneering operation by a UK vet.The new feet are custom-made implants that "peg" the ankle to the foot. They are bioengineered to mimic the way deer antler bone grows through the skin.The operation - a world first - was carried out by Noel Fitzpatrick, a veterinary surgeon based in Surrey.
Read the rest of the story and even watch a video of Oscar taking his first walk on his new bionic feet --
Bionic Feet for Amputee Cat
Have a purring and tail wagging day.

As a quick update, we do have water and we don't have to boil it any more. Hurray! We can all go back to flopping around the hot house and napping without feeling guilty for not helping Jan haul water.
It's Jan's birthday today and since she's huffing and puffing up the hill (getting old, in case you wonder which hill), we thought we would give her a day off to rest and catch up to her age.
But we wanted to share this amazing story with you.
A cat that had its back feet severed by a combine harvester has been given two prosthetic limbs in a pioneering operation by a UK vet.The new feet are custom-made implants that "peg" the ankle to the foot. They are bioengineered to mimic the way deer antler bone grows through the skin.The operation - a world first - was carried out by Noel Fitzpatrick, a veterinary surgeon based in Surrey.
Read the rest of the story and even watch a video of Oscar taking his first walk on his new bionic feet --
Bionic Feet for Amputee Cat
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Over Which Hill
Happy Birthday, Gracie's Dad!
We're sorry you're over the hill but we're happy you're still "this side of the green," as Gracie calls it.
Gracie, thanks for the party glasses. Do you mind if we give a pair to Jan for her birthday? We're not sure what hill she's over since she can't climb hills any more.
UPDATE: Oh, dear, we forgot to link to Gracie's blog. Well, today we have a link to the actual post, so please drop over to Gracie's surprise party for her dad.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
PS --We managed to steer Jan through Thursday without any mishaps -- well, she did spend 40 minutes on the phone with our ISP tech support after our browser and email went dead. But she wasn't responsible for killing them, so that doesn't count. We are hoping the boil water notice will be lifted as we sleep instead of waiting until noon today, Friday. Can there possibly be good news on the way? You can read the latest news on our city water story here. We all have our paws crossed.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Washing Steak and Dogs are not Trash
I'm Rusty
and I'm hosting today's post.
Yesterday was one of those days! Sam was barfing, Jan had to go out in the horrendous heat to lug several gallon water jugs home, the computer cpu fan kept going off and the mouse died, Jan kept forgetting what she was doing .....
As we told you a couple days ago, the water in our town was off Monday, the second major problem in five months. Last time we were two days without water and 5 days boiling water. Well, it was 6 days for Jan since it ended Sunday afternoon but as hard as we tried, we couldn't find out until the next day.
This time, we still have some of the donated bottled drinking water left but our boiled water lasted us just up to 11 pm Tuesday, the end of the 24 hour boil your water advisory. Jan then washed two days worth of dirty dishes and filled our water bowls right from the tap. We have big water bowls and we all drink a lot of water in this heat and humidity.
We were shocked to hear on Wednesday morning's news that this had been changed at some point. It was extended to at least noon Friday -- "if all goes well." So we all started worrying whether Jan has poisoned us. And then the mailman delivered the newspaper: " people can shower and wash clothes but should not drink the water or wash dishes in it." NOW THEY TELL US! After all us furries have lapped gallons of tap water and most of the dishes Jan owns have been washed in water that might contain "viruses, parasites and some bacteria." Well, at least we found out before Jan washed the salad veggies she bought Monday.
Jan also bought a small reduced steak Monday. By Wednesday it was looking kind of iffy, so it was either cook it or toss it. So Jan grabbed the bottle of apple cider vinegar to clean it and sprayed it well, then rinsed it with a paper towel dampened in boiled water. She tenderized it, added spices, and then noticed the apple cider vinegar bottle where she left it this morning. She had grabbed a bottle of Spic N Span and water to clean the steak. Ewwwww. ( For those who haven't heard of SNS before, it's a household cleaner. Jan cleans the floors and other things with it.)
Meat is not in her budget so she was not about to toss it. Even reduced, it wasn't cheap. So she washed it under running water -- you know, the water that might contain the bad germs. And then she wiped it with boiled water. And then she beat the crap (probably not the word to use here) out of it with a tenderizing tool. And threw it in a HOT skillet.
If we disappear suddenly for a while, it might be the computer overheated and died. Or it might be Jan's culinary skills need improving and we have to nurse her. Or it could be she's fine but she really did poison us with the tap water and she's getting payback on multiple vomit duty.
Now to our regularly scheduled post.
Yesterday we read another story of a human who had to leave a pet behind -- in this case because of Alzheimer's -- and the family's first response was to kill the pet. Wednesday was our Cotton's 11th birthday and also Bella's, the soon to be sibling of The Monkeys. Fortunately, instead of killing Bella, the vet called a rescue and she ended up being fostered at Samson & Delilah's.
After Katrina, we were heartsick when we read of a family who returned to their home and found their dog emaciated and weak after an extended period without food or water. So they carried the suffering, still-living dog out to the road and dumped her on the trash pile. Someone picked up the dog and got it medical help, but it was too late. It died shortly after rescue.
And now we have someone who threw their puppy out with the trash. An obviously unloved and uncared for dog with an unset broken leg was put it in a crate covered with a blanket without food or water and put out with the trash. But Dillinger is getting care and is sweet as can be. We hope he gets a terrific home when he's healthy and up for adoption.
Click here to read the story and/or if the video doesn't play.
Have a purring and tail wagging day. And don't drink the water. At least not if you live here.

Yesterday was one of those days! Sam was barfing, Jan had to go out in the horrendous heat to lug several gallon water jugs home, the computer cpu fan kept going off and the mouse died, Jan kept forgetting what she was doing .....
As we told you a couple days ago, the water in our town was off Monday, the second major problem in five months. Last time we were two days without water and 5 days boiling water. Well, it was 6 days for Jan since it ended Sunday afternoon but as hard as we tried, we couldn't find out until the next day.
This time, we still have some of the donated bottled drinking water left but our boiled water lasted us just up to 11 pm Tuesday, the end of the 24 hour boil your water advisory. Jan then washed two days worth of dirty dishes and filled our water bowls right from the tap. We have big water bowls and we all drink a lot of water in this heat and humidity.
We were shocked to hear on Wednesday morning's news that this had been changed at some point. It was extended to at least noon Friday -- "if all goes well." So we all started worrying whether Jan has poisoned us. And then the mailman delivered the newspaper: " people can shower and wash clothes but should not drink the water or wash dishes in it." NOW THEY TELL US! After all us furries have lapped gallons of tap water and most of the dishes Jan owns have been washed in water that might contain "viruses, parasites and some bacteria." Well, at least we found out before Jan washed the salad veggies she bought Monday.
Jan also bought a small reduced steak Monday. By Wednesday it was looking kind of iffy, so it was either cook it or toss it. So Jan grabbed the bottle of apple cider vinegar to clean it and sprayed it well, then rinsed it with a paper towel dampened in boiled water. She tenderized it, added spices, and then noticed the apple cider vinegar bottle where she left it this morning. She had grabbed a bottle of Spic N Span and water to clean the steak. Ewwwww. ( For those who haven't heard of SNS before, it's a household cleaner. Jan cleans the floors and other things with it.)
Meat is not in her budget so she was not about to toss it. Even reduced, it wasn't cheap. So she washed it under running water -- you know, the water that might contain the bad germs. And then she wiped it with boiled water. And then she beat the crap (probably not the word to use here) out of it with a tenderizing tool. And threw it in a HOT skillet.
If we disappear suddenly for a while, it might be the computer overheated and died. Or it might be Jan's culinary skills need improving and we have to nurse her. Or it could be she's fine but she really did poison us with the tap water and she's getting payback on multiple vomit duty.
Now to our regularly scheduled post.
Yesterday we read another story of a human who had to leave a pet behind -- in this case because of Alzheimer's -- and the family's first response was to kill the pet. Wednesday was our Cotton's 11th birthday and also Bella's, the soon to be sibling of The Monkeys. Fortunately, instead of killing Bella, the vet called a rescue and she ended up being fostered at Samson & Delilah's.
After Katrina, we were heartsick when we read of a family who returned to their home and found their dog emaciated and weak after an extended period without food or water. So they carried the suffering, still-living dog out to the road and dumped her on the trash pile. Someone picked up the dog and got it medical help, but it was too late. It died shortly after rescue.
And now we have someone who threw their puppy out with the trash. An obviously unloved and uncared for dog with an unset broken leg was put it in a crate covered with a blanket without food or water and put out with the trash. But Dillinger is getting care and is sweet as can be. We hope he gets a terrific home when he's healthy and up for adoption.
Click here to read the story and/or if the video doesn't play.
Have a purring and tail wagging day. And don't drink the water. At least not if you live here.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cotton Turns 11
Happy 11th Birthday, Cotton!

We're pretty pleased with Jan right now. For the first time in quite a while, she read her calendar in time for us to do this post instead of reading about it first on the CB.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Brains and Brawn and Water
Hi, I'm Cyndi
and I elected myself newscaster for today.
We spent yesterday without water. Another problem at the city water plant and in heat and humidity equivalent to mid-July, the city water was shut off. Jan called the water department about 1 pm and they assured her she did not need to buy any water. It would be back within 4 to 5 hours. She left after 3 to run errands and returned to a forwarded email from the city manager stating that water should be back on after 5 pm and residents should boil it for the first 24 hours.
This was not looking good. It was time to buy some drinking water. But before she could get her wallet to walk the 2 1/2 blocks to Ingles, the phone rang.
"Do you have any water?" Jan was asked.
"I'm on my way to Ingles now"
"I'm just leaving the Ingles parking lot. I'll share what I have with you." Well, the generous lady fibbed. When she pulled up, she started to open a package of 24 bottles, but gave the whole thing to Jan instead. "I think I have 1/2 a pack at home and we have a well." And she refused to accept payment. "You need water for your 'babies' too."
Whoopee, our water bowls were nearly empty and so was Jan's water cup. Thank you so much! (We don't want to embarrass her so we won't use her name.)
Jan made a few calls and a couple of stops to pass along the latest information to the neighbors who didn't have email. About 6:30 she called the water department again and asked if the rumor was true the water wouldn't be on until 5 pm today. "No, that's not true! You'll have water in about an hour." He was emphatic.
Finally,about 11 pm, we had water spitting, whistling and swearing it's way through the pipes. What a welcome sound.
We'd like to share a story with you about two pit bulls dubbed Brains and Brawn. Brains led and encouraged Brawn, an exhausted, emaciated 30-pound dog dragging a 20-pound chain, through the city until they were picked up and taken to a shelter in West Palm Beach, Florida. We sure hope they will be adopted -- together. You can read their story here.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.

We spent yesterday without water. Another problem at the city water plant and in heat and humidity equivalent to mid-July, the city water was shut off. Jan called the water department about 1 pm and they assured her she did not need to buy any water. It would be back within 4 to 5 hours. She left after 3 to run errands and returned to a forwarded email from the city manager stating that water should be back on after 5 pm and residents should boil it for the first 24 hours.
This was not looking good. It was time to buy some drinking water. But before she could get her wallet to walk the 2 1/2 blocks to Ingles, the phone rang.
"Do you have any water?" Jan was asked.
"I'm on my way to Ingles now"
"I'm just leaving the Ingles parking lot. I'll share what I have with you." Well, the generous lady fibbed. When she pulled up, she started to open a package of 24 bottles, but gave the whole thing to Jan instead. "I think I have 1/2 a pack at home and we have a well." And she refused to accept payment. "You need water for your 'babies' too."
Whoopee, our water bowls were nearly empty and so was Jan's water cup. Thank you so much! (We don't want to embarrass her so we won't use her name.)
Jan made a few calls and a couple of stops to pass along the latest information to the neighbors who didn't have email. About 6:30 she called the water department again and asked if the rumor was true the water wouldn't be on until 5 pm today. "No, that's not true! You'll have water in about an hour." He was emphatic.
Finally,about 11 pm, we had water spitting, whistling and swearing it's way through the pipes. What a welcome sound.
We'd like to share a story with you about two pit bulls dubbed Brains and Brawn. Brains led and encouraged Brawn, an exhausted, emaciated 30-pound dog dragging a 20-pound chain, through the city until they were picked up and taken to a shelter in West Palm Beach, Florida. We sure hope they will be adopted -- together. You can read their story here.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Animal Shelter,
pit bulls,
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Winner and Maxie Update
We didn't have many entries but we realize this is a busy time of the year with lawns, gardens and outdoor activities luring bloggers away from the computer. We'd like to thank those who entered the Dads and Pets giveaway. It ended last night at midnight and Sam,
our experienced winning name picker, has just drawn a winner. But first we'd like to post the links to the stories, in case you missed any of them.
The Kool~Kitty~Krew
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Artemesia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla posted their story on their grandpa's blog Stonewall's Boer Goats.
We'd like to thank each of you for participating. We enjoyed reading each tribute to a dad. (We furries didn't understand the Tom Cruise reference in the one story, but evidently Jan did. She laughed so hard she choked on her iced tea.)
Our winner is Artemesia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla.
Congratulations, AFS&S. You have won a sample of pet food from Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul. Just email us your shipping information.
The prize for this giveaway is being provided by CSftPLS. We are not being compensated for hosting it.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
PS -- Most of you are aware of Maxie kitty's recent medical problems. Things are still underway to try to help him and you'll be hearing more from his mom Laura and the CB in time. Just as we're ready to send this, we got a message from Laura. The last message on his blog said his feeding tube blocked, then cracked, and he was rushed to Tufts for a replacement tube, which would run another $1000.
The good news is that -- well, we'll let Laura tell you in her own words:
Just spoke to the vet. The cracked tube may be a blessing. She is going to send him home with the tube nonfunctional; however, it needs to stay in place because of the seal to his stomach for at least a week or we are looking at surgery. We are going to try oral feeds, no tube feeds, to see how he does. If he does well, then we will go back in a week and have the tube removed. If in two day he is not eating, we will go back and have major surgery and fix the tube. Pray for Maxi.
You can read updates on Maxi's blog.

The Kool~Kitty~Krew
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Artemesia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla posted their story on their grandpa's blog Stonewall's Boer Goats.
We'd like to thank each of you for participating. We enjoyed reading each tribute to a dad. (We furries didn't understand the Tom Cruise reference in the one story, but evidently Jan did. She laughed so hard she choked on her iced tea.)
Our winner is Artemesia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla.
Congratulations, AFS&S. You have won a sample of pet food from Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul. Just email us your shipping information.
The prize for this giveaway is being provided by CSftPLS. We are not being compensated for hosting it.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
PS -- Most of you are aware of Maxie kitty's recent medical problems. Things are still underway to try to help him and you'll be hearing more from his mom Laura and the CB in time. Just as we're ready to send this, we got a message from Laura. The last message on his blog said his feeding tube blocked, then cracked, and he was rushed to Tufts for a replacement tube, which would run another $1000.
The good news is that -- well, we'll let Laura tell you in her own words:
Just spoke to the vet. The cracked tube may be a blessing. She is going to send him home with the tube nonfunctional; however, it needs to stay in place because of the seal to his stomach for at least a week or we are looking at surgery. We are going to try oral feeds, no tube feeds, to see how he does. If he does well, then we will go back in a week and have the tube removed. If in two day he is not eating, we will go back and have major surgery and fix the tube. Pray for Maxi.
You can read updates on Maxi's blog.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Fathers and Pets
I'm Cameron,
and I'd like to remind you about our Dads and Pets Related stories giveaway, sponsored by Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul.
You only have two days -- until midnight Sunday, Father's Day -- left to enter.Your story doesn't have to be long. We posted a sample, which we consider short, since there are a lot of us and we all talk a lot. You can read the details in our post Dad Pet Related Stories. You don't need to have a blog to enter. So go read the rules and write your entry. Have fun.
We have a short, fun video for you today. A six week old kitten freaks himself out.
If the video doesn't play, click here.

Since we received this award recently, we won't do post on it, but we do want to thank Artemesia, Fenris, Scylla & Socks for giving it to us.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.

You only have two days -- until midnight Sunday, Father's Day -- left to enter.Your story doesn't have to be long. We posted a sample, which we consider short, since there are a lot of us and we all talk a lot. You can read the details in our post Dad Pet Related Stories. You don't need to have a blog to enter. So go read the rules and write your entry. Have fun.
We have a short, fun video for you today. A six week old kitten freaks himself out.
If the video doesn't play, click here.

Since we received this award recently, we won't do post on it, but we do want to thank Artemesia, Fenris, Scylla & Socks for giving it to us.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Miss Peach's Plate
Hi, I'm Merci.
I'm hosting today's post.
Jan worked on an important secret project yesterday so we didn't get to write a post for today. But since she's busy swinging a weed whacker through the yard, we're going to do a quick post.
Many of you know Deb and ML (of the CB). The two are old friends and they love to plot and scheme to surprise others. So we were excited when Deb contacted us about sending one of Jan's collector plates (Jan's Funny Farm Fair) to the lovely Miss Peach's mom Karla.
We responded, No problem. Ha! We should have expected that since we had to send Jan to the post office to mail the plate there would be a problem.
First, after saving cardboard boxes for months just for such an occasion, Jan tried to find a box the original packing would fit in. No luck. She checked online at the USPS website. There didn't seem to be anything the right size. She checked Wal-mart and the dollar stores for a padded envelope. No luck there either.
Finally, she went to the post office carrying a bag with everything she expected to need -- plate, tape, scissors, bubblewrap for extra protection, a paper with Miss Peach's information to address the package.. She checked boxes. The only box it might fit in was huge and way too expensive to use for a relatively small and lightweight item. She checked envelopes. With the assistance of a very nice clerk, she checked all the packaging set out for customers but none would hold a 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 2" box. Everything was rectangular. The plate package was square. Two more female clerks searched behind the counter. They finally found a very large non-padded envelope in a cupboard. The plate just barely squeezed through the opening -- without the bubblewrap for extra protection! -- and the extra length folded over.
We were so relieved to see the plate in one piece on Miss Peach's blog this morning. We were all worried she would have to glue it together when it arrived.
But the funny part of the story is the envelope. Jan brought home a couple more envelopes for (hopefully) future plate mailings. A couple of days later we noticed they read "Mili-Pac." We wondered what a Mili-Pac is so we visited USPS website and did a search. Evidently, it's short for Military Package and is to be used for APO and FPO mailings only. Oops. We don't suppose you're at least retired military, Miss Peach?
Miss Peach and mom Karla's post today is Flowers Sent With Love. We Funny Farmers left our scent on the plate so Miss Peach would know we helped mail it. And we notice she checked it out very thoroughly.
Deb and ML, thanks for allowing us to play a small part in one of your acts of kindness. If any of you know how we might mail/protect future plates without sending them by military mail, please enlighten us.

Jan worked on an important secret project yesterday so we didn't get to write a post for today. But since she's busy swinging a weed whacker through the yard, we're going to do a quick post.
Many of you know Deb and ML (of the CB). The two are old friends and they love to plot and scheme to surprise others. So we were excited when Deb contacted us about sending one of Jan's collector plates (Jan's Funny Farm Fair) to the lovely Miss Peach's mom Karla.
First, after saving cardboard boxes for months just for such an occasion, Jan tried to find a box the original packing would fit in. No luck. She checked online at the USPS website. There didn't seem to be anything the right size. She checked Wal-mart and the dollar stores for a padded envelope. No luck there either.
Finally, she went to the post office carrying a bag with everything she expected to need -- plate, tape, scissors, bubblewrap for extra protection, a paper with Miss Peach's information to address the package.. She checked boxes. The only box it might fit in was huge and way too expensive to use for a relatively small and lightweight item. She checked envelopes. With the assistance of a very nice clerk, she checked all the packaging set out for customers but none would hold a 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 2" box. Everything was rectangular. The plate package was square. Two more female clerks searched behind the counter. They finally found a very large non-padded envelope in a cupboard. The plate just barely squeezed through the opening -- without the bubblewrap for extra protection! -- and the extra length folded over.
We were so relieved to see the plate in one piece on Miss Peach's blog this morning. We were all worried she would have to glue it together when it arrived.
But the funny part of the story is the envelope. Jan brought home a couple more envelopes for (hopefully) future plate mailings. A couple of days later we noticed they read "Mili-Pac." We wondered what a Mili-Pac is so we visited USPS website and did a search. Evidently, it's short for Military Package and is to be used for APO and FPO mailings only. Oops. We don't suppose you're at least retired military, Miss Peach?
Miss Peach and mom Karla's post today is Flowers Sent With Love. We Funny Farmers left our scent on the plate so Miss Peach would know we helped mail it. And we notice she checked it out very thoroughly.
Deb and ML, thanks for allowing us to play a small part in one of your acts of kindness. If any of you know how we might mail/protect future plates without sending them by military mail, please enlighten us.
Jan's Funny Farm Fair,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tortoise Helps Friend
Friends help each other. When one is down, another helps them up. The same is true in the animal kingdom. And here is an example of one tortoise using a tow truck to help another tortoise out of a ditch and then giving it a push down the highway. Okay, there isn't actually a ditch. And there's no highway either. And actually the one tortoise left his tow truck home. But, hey, if humans can spice up their stories, so can we.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
The voting in Sparkle's shelter cat adoption contest has begun and will run through the 23rd. The winner will be announced on the 24th, Sparkle's birthday. Our Rusty is one of the entries but we're not requesting you go vote for him unless he's really your favorite. We hope you will go by, read the entries, and vote for whichever one of the kitty stories you think should win.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
The voting in Sparkle's shelter cat adoption contest has begun and will run through the 23rd. The winner will be announced on the 24th, Sparkle's birthday. Our Rusty is one of the entries but we're not requesting you go vote for him unless he's really your favorite. We hope you will go by, read the entries, and vote for whichever one of the kitty stories you think should win.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dad Pet Related Stories
Hi, I'm sure you all recognize me by now. I'm Buddy.
I don't know if it is my turn to post but I was first to the computer this morning so I'm excited to be able to introduce our Father's Day giveaway.
Yes, Father's Day is only a few days away and we're all pleased to partner with Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul to give away a sample of their pet food.
The rules are simple. Write a short father and pet-related personal story. We already know we're going to be teary over some, either laughing or crying. Photos are not necessary.
Publish the story on your blog and leave a link to it in the comments of this post. If you don't have a blog, email your story to us at and we'll post it for you.
The contest will close at midnight EDT on Father's Day, Sunday, June 20.We'll draw the winner's name on Monday and post it. The winner will then need to email us their shipping information.
You must be a US resident to enter.The prize is Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul pet food sample. If you aren't familiar with their pet food, you can check out their product here.
You can "like" Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul on Facebook and follow them as @ChickenSoupPets on Twitter.We did.
Here, we'll post a sample story to start this off, even though we're not eligible to win.
A century or two ago when Jan was living in ...
Psst. Buddy, no, if you tell everyone Jan is centuries old, we won't get to use the computer to finish the giveaway.
Oh, I thought we aren't supposed to lie, but this is for a good cause. Okay, a day or two ago when ....
Cyndi: Buddy, now you're exaggerating to the other extreme. Jan's dad died in 2005.
Okay, okay. A few dozen decades ago ...
Cyndi: Sigh!
... when Jan was living in an apartment with her dad and her cat Missy, she went out of town for a few days. Her dad promised to take good care of Missy, although he was not fond of cats.
One day, he left the apartment to walk down the hall and throw the trash down the chute. He inadvertently left the door ajar. When he couldn't find Missy, he searched the hallway and apartment several times, and then he got down on his knees and started crawling around the living room looking behind and under furniture, while calling for Missy.
Now Jan has crawled on the floor looking for one of us numerous times but her dad was not the crawling on the floor for a cat type. As he crawled toward the dining area, he came eye to eye with Missy. She was on a chair under the dining table, hidden by the tablecloth, and had been watching him the whole time.
This is one of Jan's special memories of her dad.
Now it's your turn to write a true dad and pet related story. Have fun with it.
Today is Wednesday. We're going to try to post this with Sunday's date on it so it will be the lead post.(Hmmm. Blogger used to let us do this, but not today. We're also not getting email notification when our posts publish the past few days. Any other bloggers having the same problems?)
To read today's regular post, click here and scroll down.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.

Yes, Father's Day is only a few days away and we're all pleased to partner with Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul to give away a sample of their pet food.
The rules are simple. Write a short father and pet-related personal story. We already know we're going to be teary over some, either laughing or crying. Photos are not necessary.
Publish the story on your blog and leave a link to it in the comments of this post. If you don't have a blog, email your story to us at and we'll post it for you.
The contest will close at midnight EDT on Father's Day, Sunday, June 20.We'll draw the winner's name on Monday and post it. The winner will then need to email us their shipping information.
You must be a US resident to enter.The prize is Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul pet food sample. If you aren't familiar with their pet food, you can check out their product here.
You can "like" Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul on Facebook and follow them as @ChickenSoupPets on Twitter.We did.
Here, we'll post a sample story to start this off, even though we're not eligible to win.
A century or two ago when Jan was living in ...

Oh, I thought we aren't supposed to lie, but this is for a good cause. Okay, a day or two ago when ....
Cyndi: Buddy, now you're exaggerating to the other extreme. Jan's dad died in 2005.
Okay, okay. A few dozen decades ago ...
Cyndi: Sigh!
... when Jan was living in an apartment with her dad and her cat Missy, she went out of town for a few days. Her dad promised to take good care of Missy, although he was not fond of cats.
One day, he left the apartment to walk down the hall and throw the trash down the chute. He inadvertently left the door ajar. When he couldn't find Missy, he searched the hallway and apartment several times, and then he got down on his knees and started crawling around the living room looking behind and under furniture, while calling for Missy.
Now Jan has crawled on the floor looking for one of us numerous times but her dad was not the crawling on the floor for a cat type. As he crawled toward the dining area, he came eye to eye with Missy. She was on a chair under the dining table, hidden by the tablecloth, and had been watching him the whole time.
This is one of Jan's special memories of her dad.
Now it's your turn to write a true dad and pet related story. Have fun with it.
Today is Wednesday. We're going to try to post this with Sunday's date on it so it will be the lead post.(Hmmm. Blogger used to let us do this, but not today. We're also not getting email notification when our posts publish the past few days. Any other bloggers having the same problems?)
To read today's regular post, click here and scroll down.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Funny Cats
We watched this video today and thought it was funny enough to share. Jan said she hopes neither of those kittens eating from the ice cream cone were students/imitators of the black cat several frames back. (Hint: The one drinking from the toilet.) But don't let Miss Germ Freak fool you. She laughed too.
This is a collection of funny and cute bits filmed over several years of ten different cats. Have fun.
You can watch it here.
This is a collection of funny and cute bits filmed over several years of ten different cats. Have fun.
You can watch it here.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Mama and Baby Bear
We got a huge kick out of watching this mama bear trying to shake one of her baby bears out of a tree. It kind of reminds us of Jan when she's determined one of us is going to do something and we aren't cooperative.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Chapstick and Maxie
We needed a laugh today, so we were pleased a friend passed on a story to Jan. We borrowed it.
We had this great 10-year-old cat named Jack who just recently died. Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on the mat in our bathroom. We have three kids and at the time of this story, they were 4 years old,3 years old, and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli. Eli really loved Chapstick. LOVED it. He kept asking to use my Chapstick and then would lose it. Finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my Chapstick and explained he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to put it right back in the drawer after he finished.
That year on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around and trying to get ready for church with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys were fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I was trying to nurse my little one at the same time I was putting on my make-up. Everything was a mess and everyone had long forgotten that this was a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is motherhood. We finally had the older one and the baby loaded in the car and I was looking for Eli. I searched everywhere and I finally went into the bathroom. There was Eli. He was applying my Chapstick very carefully to Jack's ... rear end.
Eli looked right into my eyes and said, "Chapped." Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right -- their little bottoms do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to mind. The only question to ask at that point was whether it was the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the hundredth!?!
And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little creatures, there will always be that day when you realize they've been using your Chapstick on the cat's butt.
Author Unknown
And now that we've made you smile, we will update you on Maxie. Have a tissue handy.
Maxie is still alive after his surgery today, but the vet wants $6000 to insert a stent to hold his esophagus open. It was severely burned during a normal dental procedure due to negligence by the vet. Mom Laura tried unsuccessfully to find a way to borrow the money, so they are forced to choose the other option -- bring Maxie home for a few days so the family can say their good-byes and then have him euthanized within ten days. We are very sad for Maxie and his family.
Even if Laura does take action against the vet responsible, Maxie's need is immediate and it would not help him in time. There is a donate button on Laura's blog, should anyone care to make a donation to Maxie's care.
And as KC has posted on the Cat Blogosphere, "If anyone could help with an idea for a loan, please contact Mom Laura or even KC. They may be able to get the price of this surgery down somewhat."
You can read Laura's Friday update on Maxie's blog. We agree with the comment left by furkidsmom:"We hope that a miracle happens and that Maxie can get the operation."
See, Laura's apartment building burned in 2008 and her three cats were presumed dead. But Mu Shue, Lilly Lu and Iris were rescued a few days later. Mu Shue died of lymphoma and then Maxie joined the family.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
We had this great 10-year-old cat named Jack who just recently died. Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on the mat in our bathroom. We have three kids and at the time of this story, they were 4 years old,3 years old, and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli. Eli really loved Chapstick. LOVED it. He kept asking to use my Chapstick and then would lose it. Finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my Chapstick and explained he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to put it right back in the drawer after he finished.
That year on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around and trying to get ready for church with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys were fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I was trying to nurse my little one at the same time I was putting on my make-up. Everything was a mess and everyone had long forgotten that this was a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is motherhood. We finally had the older one and the baby loaded in the car and I was looking for Eli. I searched everywhere and I finally went into the bathroom. There was Eli. He was applying my Chapstick very carefully to Jack's ... rear end.
Eli looked right into my eyes and said, "Chapped." Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right -- their little bottoms do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to mind. The only question to ask at that point was whether it was the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the hundredth!?!
And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little creatures, there will always be that day when you realize they've been using your Chapstick on the cat's butt.
Author Unknown
And now that we've made you smile, we will update you on Maxie. Have a tissue handy.
Maxie is still alive after his surgery today, but the vet wants $6000 to insert a stent to hold his esophagus open. It was severely burned during a normal dental procedure due to negligence by the vet. Mom Laura tried unsuccessfully to find a way to borrow the money, so they are forced to choose the other option -- bring Maxie home for a few days so the family can say their good-byes and then have him euthanized within ten days. We are very sad for Maxie and his family.
Even if Laura does take action against the vet responsible, Maxie's need is immediate and it would not help him in time. There is a donate button on Laura's blog, should anyone care to make a donation to Maxie's care.
And as KC has posted on the Cat Blogosphere, "If anyone could help with an idea for a loan, please contact Mom Laura or even KC. They may be able to get the price of this surgery down somewhat."
You can read Laura's Friday update on Maxie's blog. We agree with the comment left by furkidsmom:"We hope that a miracle happens and that Maxie can get the operation."
See, Laura's apartment building burned in 2008 and her three cats were presumed dead. But Mu Shue, Lilly Lu and Iris were rescued a few days later. Mu Shue died of lymphoma and then Maxie joined the family.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Sick List
Friday, June 11, 2010
Factual Friday


Rusty: Oh, sorry. Jan has a gigantic headache and she's determined to share it with all of us. We can't think when her brain is creaking and groaning. By tomorrow her headache should be better. If not, we'll have to lock her out back in the Romper Room while we try to catch 40 winks or write a post, depending on whether we manage to get any rest tonight.
Oh, I almost forgot. Jan posted some new collector plates and a couple of music boxes last night. You can check them out at Jan's Funny Farm Fair.
This is so frightening to us we almost can't post it. But Maxie is in serious trouble. All because he had his teeth cleaned. His esophagus was badly burned -- yeah, we're wondering how this happened too! -- and his mom has wracked up a huge vet bill -- with a different vet -- trying to save him.
Maxie is having surgery today. Nothing has helped him and this is his last chance at survival. Still, the vet might not be able to save him. He might have to be euthanized while under the anesthesia. Mom Laura and her twins are very attached to Maxie and are hoping for a miracle. Please stop by his blog and support his worried family. We hate the thought he might not make it. Who would have thought getting his teeth cleaned could bring about this horror. Click to visit his blog.Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxie Tell All.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Freedom Train and Iams Recall
This is a video of the Freedom Train Animal Transport. There are some active transport drivers among pet bloggers, such as Khyra's and River's moms and others we can't remember at the moment. This is another group that saves a lot of dogs from certain death and transports them to a new life.
Their embed doesn't work, so visit Storyteller. Rhonda Sims. On a Mission For Dogs to watch the video.
We want to thank Gotchi for the Versatile Blogger award. We're posting it before we forget but we'll have to pass it on later.
Question: Any of you know a fun graphics program for making fun pictures instead of just the usual?
Iams is having a voluntary recall on certain cans of cat food due to a thiamine vitamin (B1) deficiency. You can read the details here.
Pepper of Paws Volunteer (Animal Shelter Volunteer Life) could use your vote for best whiskers in a photo contest. Just sign in if you're already a Petfinder member or sign up if you're not. Name, date of birth, password and email address are all that are needed to sign up to vote once -- or preferably to vote daily until June 21. Details and voting link can be found on Pepper's post.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Their embed doesn't work, so visit Storyteller. Rhonda Sims. On a Mission For Dogs to watch the video.
We want to thank Gotchi for the Versatile Blogger award. We're posting it before we forget but we'll have to pass it on later.
Question: Any of you know a fun graphics program for making fun pictures instead of just the usual?
Iams is having a voluntary recall on certain cans of cat food due to a thiamine vitamin (B1) deficiency. You can read the details here.
Pepper of Paws Volunteer (Animal Shelter Volunteer Life) could use your vote for best whiskers in a photo contest. Just sign in if you're already a Petfinder member or sign up if you're not. Name, date of birth, password and email address are all that are needed to sign up to vote once -- or preferably to vote daily until June 21. Details and voting link can be found on Pepper's post.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Some of you are already aware of know Dogs Deserve Better, an organization devoted to unchaining dogs. Their founder Tamira Thayne was arrested for trespassing in January for providing food, water and straw to 2 chained dogs. In June the dogs' owners contacted her and surrendered both dogs after realizing they deserve a better life than one on a chain. This was filmed the day Tamira picked the dogs up.
They remind us of Buddy, Merci & Sam the day Jan opened the back door and they walked outside for the first time without being attached to a leash. They were so excited when they realized they had the freedom to run and play outside.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We Funny Farmers can't understand the fascination so many humans have with confining a dog to the outer corner of a property to live a solitary life chained, hungry and thirsty, freezing or sweltering, often without shelter -- or at least a proper shelter. This is no life for a child's stuffed toy, let alone a living dog. At least that's what we think about a dog living life on the end of a chain. We're not barking and meowing about a dog that spends some time indoors with family and some outdoors. We mean those dogs who live chained outside 24/7/12, no matter what the season or whether they're sick or old and arthritic.
You can read more on the story of the two dogs on the Dogs Deserve Better website.
Before we forget, Jan received the Life is Good award from Karen Jo of Herman's Hideaway today.We just got online and we're already being kicked off, so she'll have to tell us all who she wants to pass it on to another time. Thanks for sharing this with our Jan. We think she deserves it.
Okay, Jan, do we all get a treat now? Kidding, we're just kidding.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
They remind us of Buddy, Merci & Sam the day Jan opened the back door and they walked outside for the first time without being attached to a leash. They were so excited when they realized they had the freedom to run and play outside.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We Funny Farmers can't understand the fascination so many humans have with confining a dog to the outer corner of a property to live a solitary life chained, hungry and thirsty, freezing or sweltering, often without shelter -- or at least a proper shelter. This is no life for a child's stuffed toy, let alone a living dog. At least that's what we think about a dog living life on the end of a chain. We're not barking and meowing about a dog that spends some time indoors with family and some outdoors. We mean those dogs who live chained outside 24/7/12, no matter what the season or whether they're sick or old and arthritic.
You can read more on the story of the two dogs on the Dogs Deserve Better website.
Before we forget, Jan received the Life is Good award from Karen Jo of Herman's Hideaway today.We just got online and we're already being kicked off, so she'll have to tell us all who she wants to pass it on to another time. Thanks for sharing this with our Jan. We think she deserves it.
Okay, Jan, do we all get a treat now? Kidding, we're just kidding.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Animal welfare,
unchain dogs,
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Happy Murphy and Vote Sugar
We have some good news. Remember Murphy the dog? We have written about him before -- "Murphy" and "Murphy, Mercy and Merci." Murphy was beaten over the head with a sledgehammer and left for dead by his owner in December 2008. He was saved when a man named Robert Kennedy found him, rushed him to a vet and assumed personal responsibility for the dog and his huge vet bill. However, donations poured in to cover his expenses.
Well, the trial is over and Murphy, who was evidence against the man who tried to kill him, now legally belongs to Kennedy. These two belong together. We hope they have many happy and healthy years together. You can read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about the dog "back on his paws" here.
Oh,and would you please vote for our blogging friend Sugar the Golden Retriever to be on TV. You can watch her promo video here. There's no sign up or password necessary. Voting requires only your name and email address. Sugar would appreciate your daily vote through the month of June but we imagine even a one time vote would be helpful. Click here to vote for Sugar for WCIU Top U Dog.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Well, the trial is over and Murphy, who was evidence against the man who tried to kill him, now legally belongs to Kennedy. These two belong together. We hope they have many happy and healthy years together. You can read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about the dog "back on his paws" here.
Oh,and would you please vote for our blogging friend Sugar the Golden Retriever to be on TV. You can watch her promo video here. There's no sign up or password necessary. Voting requires only your name and email address. Sugar would appreciate your daily vote through the month of June but we imagine even a one time vote would be helpful. Click here to vote for Sugar for WCIU Top U Dog.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Animal Cruelty,
Monday, June 07, 2010
A Doggy Summer and Murph
It's after midnight here and we're just getting use of the computer for a few minutes. So let's have some F-U-N at the beach!
If the video doesn't play, click here.
And after all that excitement, we're ready for a snooze.
But before we say good-night, we'd like to let you know Murph kitty has traveled safely home with his new family. It's so sad he couldn't stay with his mom until she passes away, but at least she knows he has a new family that will love and care for him in his "retirement" years and he won't die at the shelter. You can read more details in the first part of Hubble Space Paws' Sunday night post.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
And after all that excitement, we're ready for a snooze.
But before we say good-night, we'd like to let you know Murph kitty has traveled safely home with his new family. It's so sad he couldn't stay with his mom until she passes away, but at least she knows he has a new family that will love and care for him in his "retirement" years and he won't die at the shelter. You can read more details in the first part of Hubble Space Paws' Sunday night post.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Happy Cat and Hummingbirds
We love hummingbirds but we don't see many here in Georgia. Jan kills everything green so we don't have anything to attract them to feed. She once hung a feeder from the porch. Since the porch is high, that was quite a feat for her. However, as soon as she hung it, ants marched down the wire and into the feeder, so she took it down. It would have been dangerous for her to have to keep climbing to change the food anyway. But it would have been nice if the porch was lower so she could watch the birds eat.
Our friend Evelyn sent us a link to a fascinating video on hummingbirds. We thought we would share it with you. Hope you enjoy it.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We would like to thank Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches at Talk with the Paws for giving us the Happy Cat Award.
The only thing the awardees have to do is to list 5 things that make them happy, link to the blog that has given them the award so that the others can check it out, sit back and read other cat blogs ... simple!!
Things that make us happy, in no particular order:
1) The car working so Jan can haul our food and litter. Oh, yeah, and hers too. Well, her food - she doesn't use litter.
2) Napping.
3) Good news. Such as a kitty or doggy getting a forever home.
4) The computer working so we can visit our blogging friends.
5) We kitties love lounging on our new cat tree and we doggies love hanging out in our backyard pen.
We would like to pass it on to these blogs --
1) Sammy and Andy
2) Socks & Scylla
3) Gracie
4) TK & Squashie
5) Love Meow
6) Momo
And good news. Murph goes to his new home today. You can read the latest on Space Paws.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Our friend Evelyn sent us a link to a fascinating video on hummingbirds. We thought we would share it with you. Hope you enjoy it.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
We would like to thank Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches at Talk with the Paws for giving us the Happy Cat Award.
The only thing the awardees have to do is to list 5 things that make them happy, link to the blog that has given them the award so that the others can check it out, sit back and read other cat blogs ... simple!!
Things that make us happy, in no particular order:
1) The car working so Jan can haul our food and litter. Oh, yeah, and hers too. Well, her food - she doesn't use litter.
2) Napping.
3) Good news. Such as a kitty or doggy getting a forever home.
4) The computer working so we can visit our blogging friends.
5) We kitties love lounging on our new cat tree and we doggies love hanging out in our backyard pen.
We would like to pass it on to these blogs --
1) Sammy and Andy
2) Socks & Scylla
3) Gracie
4) TK & Squashie
5) Love Meow
6) Momo
And good news. Murph goes to his new home today. You can read the latest on Space Paws.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Sweet Praline Auction
We got out our pom poms to do some cheerleading for our friend Gracie, the head auctioneer at Furriends of the CB Auctions. Week one of the fundraiser for Sweet Praline is going on now and any money raised will go toward her recent surgery bill. Fortunately, the mast cell tumor removed from her face was benign.She and her mom did some spring cleaning and donated some items to auction, and so did some of her friends.
Stop by Furriends of the CB to check out the items on the block for the next week. There just might be something there you need or would like.
Stop by Furriends of the CB to check out the items on the block for the next week. There just might be something there you need or would like.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Murph has a Home
Yes, Murph has a retirement home! We couldn't ask for better news as we prepare to shut down for the night.
You can read about it at Space Paws' blog.
You can read about it at Space Paws' blog.
needs a home,
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Senior Cotton and Murph
Hi, I'm Cotton. In May we found this posted on the Cat Blogosphere.
We’ve often thought our seniors needed special attention!!! Any kitty that is 9 and older that would like a Kool Seniors Kitty Klub badge for their blog, please see ours bloggie for information. ~Sammy & Andy
Well, I'm going to be 11 the 23rd of this month, so I wanted to join. But our computer was down and we couldn't access our photos from the laptop we'd just borrowed. As soon Jan's brother returned our computer, I sent off a photo.
In no time, their mom sent me my badge, and I was officially a member of Sammy and Andy's Kool Seniors Kitty Klub. You can see the first batch of member photos here. There are more here that were posted today. If you are 9 years old or older, why don't you join too? We seniors have to stick together.
We'd like to give you an update on Murph. We posted on him yesterday.
His human is dying and her nurse is allergic to him so there is an immediate need to find him a new home or he would be euthanized. We were very pleased to find a positive update on Space Paws' blog Tuesday. You can read it here. Please go by and catch up on the news of Murph. At age 14, he's a senior kitty too.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
We’ve often thought our seniors needed special attention!!! Any kitty that is 9 and older that would like a Kool Seniors Kitty Klub badge for their blog, please see ours bloggie for information. ~Sammy & Andy
Well, I'm going to be 11 the 23rd of this month, so I wanted to join. But our computer was down and we couldn't access our photos from the laptop we'd just borrowed. As soon Jan's brother returned our computer, I sent off a photo.
In no time, their mom sent me my badge, and I was officially a member of Sammy and Andy's Kool Seniors Kitty Klub. You can see the first batch of member photos here. There are more here that were posted today. If you are 9 years old or older, why don't you join too? We seniors have to stick together.
We'd like to give you an update on Murph. We posted on him yesterday.
His human is dying and her nurse is allergic to him so there is an immediate need to find him a new home or he would be euthanized. We were very pleased to find a positive update on Space Paws' blog Tuesday. You can read it here. Please go by and catch up on the news of Murph. At age 14, he's a senior kitty too.
Have a purring and tail wagging day.
needs a home,
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Murph Needs A Home
Today would have been Crystal's 12th birthday, but we lost him in January.
It seems appropriate on this day when we are missing one of our own to post about a senior kitty that is in immediate need of a home because his owner is dying and her nurse is very allergic to Murph the kitty. If someone doesn't take him in right away, he will be put to sleep.
You can read his story at Hubble Space Paws' blog. Humans, consider how terribly sad you would feel if you were dying and your beloved pet had to be put to sleep and he wasn't even sick. If you can't adopt him, perhaps you know someone in Maryland who could take him in.
Look at this handsome kitty. He needs your help. Please pass on the information and help save his life.
It seems appropriate on this day when we are missing one of our own to post about a senior kitty that is in immediate need of a home because his owner is dying and her nurse is very allergic to Murph the kitty. If someone doesn't take him in right away, he will be put to sleep.
You can read his story at Hubble Space Paws' blog. Humans, consider how terribly sad you would feel if you were dying and your beloved pet had to be put to sleep and he wasn't even sick. If you can't adopt him, perhaps you know someone in Maryland who could take him in.
Look at this handsome kitty. He needs your help. Please pass on the information and help save his life.
needs a home,
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