Friday, November 30, 2018

Marcus the Friendly Feline

Marcus: Hey, Marcus the friendly feline posing pretty for the camera. .

Percy: You aren't a feline. You're a canine.

Marcus: Today I am a feline.

Percy: You're just trying to steal our post.

Marcus: Steal it? That's a bit harsh. How about "borrow" it?

Percy: Why?

Marcus:  I wanted everyone to see how strong and handsome I look when I hold Jan's hand.

Percy:  You mean when Jan holds your paw because you're nervous about something.

Marcus:  I'm never nervous.  It's a form of communication.  Such as when I leap into the back seat of my suv, Jan holds my paw for a moment while I reassure her she doesn't have to be nervous about driving.

Percy:And when you grab her hand when she opens the door to let you out of the back seat?

Marcus:  That's my way of thanking  her for bringing me home in one piece.

Percy:  How many pieces do you expect to be in when you get home?

Marcus:  You should hear the traffic.  Horns blaring, tires squealing, sirens screaming.  And that's before we roll off the curb into the street.  It's gotten so bad I ride curled into a ball with my paws over my ears to keep me calm. 

Percy:  I think you're exaggerating, but is that why she rushes you in the front door and out the back - because you're calm?

Marcus:  No, she rushes me out the back door because I have to pee.

Since Marcus insists he is a feline, we are joining Feline Friday at Comedy Plus.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Not Your Apartment

Percy:  This is my latest apartment.  I've been living in it since the weather turned cold and wet.

Micah:  It's a laundry basket, Percy, not your apartment!

Percy:  It's a very cozy apartment with a widow view.  And sometimes there is sunshine.

Micah:  I can enjoy the same sunshine from my latest apartment.

Percy:  That's not your apartment.  That's Jan's bed.

Micah:  Yes, I have it to myself all day.  Jan puts the gates on to keep Marcus off the bed in the daytime.  If she forgets, he sneaks in here and makes himself at home. 

Marcus:  Jan, that's MY top sheet.  It isn't fair.  If I'm not allowed on MY top sheet during the day, Micah should be evicted until bedtime too.  Please let me chase him off MY sheet!

Taylor:  Cyndi, why do the guys have such a hard time with living arrangements?

Cyndi:  It must be a guy thing.  You and I seem to the the only ones around here that actually sleep in the beds Jan gave us. 

Taylor:  Have you ever considered spreading your wings and sleeping somewhere different?

Cyndi:  If I did, I would  be squashed.

Taylor:  How would that happen?

Cyndi:  Marcus would mistake my wings for his new pillow.

We are participating in Happy Tuesday blog hop. Stop by Comedy Plus to see other posts or to join the fun.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Shooting the Bull

Micah:  Angel Rusty and I used to have such fun hanging around shooting the bull together on a cold, lazy day like this one. 

Taylor:  Why would you want to shoot a bull?

Micah:  We didn't shoot a bull.  We'd shoot the bull.

Taylor:  Whose bull?  We don't have a bull.  And we don't have a gun either.

Micah:  No, no, SHOOT THE BULL!

Taylor:  It's against the law to shoot anything within the city limits.  What if we had gotten evicted because you guys took aim at some poor bull's eye?

Micah: There was no bull's eye.  There was no bull. Shooting the bull is not against the law.  It means to chatter, gab, talk aimlessly, shoot the breeze..

Taylor:  Do I want to know where you shot the breeze?

Micah:  **sigh** Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway.  We shot the breeze right in the -

Taylor:  **paws over ears**  I can't hear you.

Micah:  Right in the living room. 

We are joining Feline Friday at Comedy Plus. 

 We are joining Flashback Friday.  (They don't usually post till later in the day.)  To see other blog entries and/or to enter your own blog, visit the Five Sibes

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

Taylor:  I thought Thanksgiving was last month.  Why are we celebrating it again?

Micah:  It wasn't last month.  It was last year.

Cyndi:  It doesn't seem that long ago.  Where has the time gone?

Percy:  Marcus eats everything.  He probably ate it. 

Marcus:  Is this all I'm getting to eat?  I thought we were supposed to get portions we're thankful for.

Cyndi:  Stop whining.  You pulled out an old canned food review photo so everyone will feel sorry for you.  You've never been starved in your life!  At least not since you came here.

Marcus:  What about the time Jan forgot to feed me until midnight?  Midnight!  I could have died of starvation before then.

Percy:  I don't think you'll ever have to worry about starving to death.  You're too full of baloney.

Marcus:  Hey, that sounds good.  I should check to see if we have any baloney in the fridge.  I could use a snack.

Taylor:  It means nonsense, Marcus, You're full of nonsense.

Micah:  We hope all of you in the United States (or wherever you might be then) have a wonderful Thanksgiving Thursday..  And don't give a thought to poor Marcus.  His definition of starving and your definition of starving are most likely not related. 

We are participating in Happy Tuesday blog hop. Stop by Comedy Plus to see other posts or to join the fun.

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Pilot is Warm

Taylor:  Why is Jan photographing your butt, Micah? 

Micah:  Because it's warm here and I don't want to move.

Taylor:  You have a warm bed in the living room.

Micah:  It's warmer here close to the pilot light.

Taylor: Is there any room up there for me? 

Micah:  Sure,on the other side,  if you move the kettle and the skillet to the floor.

Taylor:  This skillet is iron!   Can you give me a paw here?  

Micah:  Sure.

Taylor:  **waits impatiently**  I thought you were going to help me move this skillet. 

Micah:  Oh, you mean now?  I thought you meant when the weather warms up in April.

You might remember Micah and his Warm Butt, Warm Brain skillet sitting to stay warm.

We are joining Feline Friday at Comedy Plus. 

We are joining Flashback Friday.  (They don't usually post till later in the day.)  To see other blog entries and/or to enter your own blog, visit the Five Sibes

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

For Aggressive Chewers

Marcus:  Jan bought me this new toy last month.  Isn't it pretty?

Micah:   For how long?

Marcus:  For how long what?

Micah:  For how long will it be pretty?  For that matter, how long will it be at all?

Marcus:  Jan let me play with it in the dog pen.

Micah:  One time. 

Marcus:  It's supposed to be for aggressive chewers.  I'm not aggressive.

Micah:  No, you're delusional.

Marcus:  That isn't a nice thing to say to your brother!

Micah:  But it's the truth.  Look!

Marcus:  Okay, so it's not so good-looking there.

Micah:  That picture was taken less than an hour after Jan gave it to you.

Marcus:  Maybe Jan got the toy for sissies.

Micah:  I don't think there is a toy for sissies.  I think you have razor sharp teeth.

Marcus:  Not really.  It looks as good today as it did then.

Micah:  Your toy is so dirty and shredded Jan refused to take a picture of it for your post.

Marcus:  I can't help it because Jan has a dirt and thread phobia.

Micah:  And who gave it to her?

Marcus:  I don't know. Who?

Christmas card exchange (2) -  .

Blogville:  deadline Nov 16th

Cat Blogosphere: deadline Nov 17th  

We are participating in Happy Tuesday blog hop. Stop by Comedy Plus to see other posts or to join the fun.

Friday, November 09, 2018

The Big Zoom Groom

Percy:  Run, Marcus, Run!  It's the sucker monster.

Marcus:  Oh, you cats are such wimps.  I have graduated from the little machine to the big one with the hose.  This one has more power and it gives a better massage.

Percy:  **hollers from top of the door**  It will swallow you, Marcus.  Good-bye.  It was nice knowing you!


Marcus:  I miss Rusty.  He was the only cat here who enjoyed a good zoom groom massage.  After I had my first vacuum massage, he said I was brave.  Of course I'm brave.  I'm Marcus the Sucker Monster Protector.  (Morning Zoom Groom)

Jan:  You're also a sucker for attention.

Marcus:  That too.

We are joining Feline Friday at Comedy Plus.  (Oops.  We just now noticed that last Friday we joined the Happy Tuesday blog hop instead of Feline Friday. Micah Heats His Villa)   Did anyone notice?)

We are joining Flashback Friday.  (They don't usually post till later in the day.)  To see other blog entries and/or to enter your own blog, visit the Five Sibes

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Happy Marcus and Taylor Day

Percy:  What's this about today being special for Marcus and Taylor?  Isn't it special for the rest of us, too?

Cyndi:  Not exactly.  It wasn't planned, of course, but it worked out that Mr. Doug delivered Taylor here from Miss Teresa's on Marcus's assigned Birthday.

Micah:  Unless he's feeling selfish, he shouldn't mind if the rest of us assign today as our birthday too.  That way we can celebrate together and the rest of us can get more treats. 

Cyndi:  It doesn't quite work that way, but you have a good idea. 

Percy:  According to the calendar Jan always forgets to read, today is Marcus' 5th birthday and Taylor's 3rd Gotcha Day.

Micah:  I guess this means we are celebrating Happy Marcus and Taylor Day.

Marcus:  And as Now Angel Khyra always used to ask, Will there be khake?  (Khyra's spelling)

Taylor:  I haven't been here as long as the rest of you, but even I know not to expect Jan to remember the day, let alone to bake a cake.

Marcus: Jan left her purse on the kitchen table.  We could borrow a dollar or two and go buy a cake.

Taylor:  Great idea!

Cyndi:  And just which one of us is going to drive to the store to pick up one?

Marcus:  I will.  I'm the tallest.

Cyndi:  What does height have to do with driving?

Marcus:  I've heard it's illegal for a vehicle to go rolling down the highway with an invisible driver.

We want to thank Pipo & Dalton and their Petcretary Ingrid for the fun cards they sent for Marcus and Taylor.  Not only are we grateful for their kindness, but if they hadn't sent them - and sent them early - we'd most likely be doing a different post today.  (Have we mentioned more than 100 times that Jan forgets to read the calendar she marks up every year?)

We are participating in Happy Tuesday blog hop. Stop by Comedy Plus to see other posts or to join the fun.

Friday, November 02, 2018

Micah Heats His Villa

 Micah:  I don't know why Percy was apartment hunting for so long this summer.  It's very easy. I just picked a spot and the apartment came to me.  I spent the summer in the kitchen with Cyndi.  Then I moved into the living room onto the medium bookcase.  I moved everything on it to the floor but it still didn't suit me, so I moved over here onto the tall bookcase.

Micah:  I wasn't here long before Jan gave me an apartment.  Rent free.  Those cardboard scratchers make great apartments.  As soon as Jan added it, I felt right at home.  I can wake from a nap, sharpen my claws, and go back to sleep without stepping out of my apartment.

And now that the weather has cooled, Jan added a private villa.  See me basking in what should be the sun (it's a rainy day) in front of the window?  My homes are so close together, I don't even need to call a cab to change residences.

Hey, who's snorting?

Percy:  That would be me.  I had to listen once I heard my name.  Your story is funny so I couldn't help but snort.  As the weather gets cooler tonight, enjoy your private villa, and think of me.  I'll be The Lump in the Middle.  Of the big bed.  Under the covers.  Where it's warm.

Micah:  Of course you will.  You're an old guy.  I'm middle-aged.  See how small my villa is?  It's one of  Angel Merci's beds. I can produce my own heat to stay warm. 

Percy:  You'd better store some in plastic bags because it is going back down to 41 degrees tomorrow night.

Micah:  Uh-oh.  If it gets too cold out here, I might have to become a second lump in the bed.

Percy:  Jan won't be happy about that.

Micah:  Why?

Percy:  If I have the middle and Marcus has one side while you have the other, where is Jan going to sleep?

Micah:  I know!  She can sleep in my villa. 

We are participating in Happy Tuesday blog hop. Stop by Comedy Plus to see other posts or to join the fun.

We are joining Flashback Friday.  (They don't usually post till later in the day.)  To see other blog entries and/or to enter your own blog, visit the Five Sibes