Hello again, this is Cotton, and it's that time of year again. A time when Jan should be on pins and needles, dancing to our every whim and generously doling out the treats she's so stingy with. I have been designated - since I am the oldest of the Funny Farmers and the most tactful - to post Jan's 2010 Purr-fur-mance Review.
This is the list we're supposed to work from.
Has she posted to our blog daily and made us famous? Hey, this is a joke question, isn't it? Jan is too
lazy busy to type for us, we have to do our own. She loses points for not helping us with our posts.
Yet this does allow us a bit more freedom on what we post, so we'll give her back the points we just deducted.
Are we satisfied with Jan's creative output? Um, how can we best put this? No! If our blog depended on her, it would have died long ago. Deduct points for lack of creativity.
But we are fairly creative, it's our blog and we do our own typing. So we'll have to deduct extra points for living with a non-creative human who makes us do our own work, unlike most blogging kitties who have a
slave human.to help them.
We'll give her points for giving our friends more than one way to contact us.
Jan does give us some computer time so we can enter an occasional contest or do a review. We'll give her points on this one.
But we'll take half of the points back since she's usually rushing us because she wants to hog the computer. There are 8 of us and only one of her, so how come she gets 8 shares of it and we only get one? Deduct, deduct, deduct!
If our friends are purringly pleased with what we post, it's our success, not Jan's. Sorry, Jan, you lose more points here.
Jan, we're sorry, but your overall rating in these categories is a C-.
However, we do get to make comments.
Last winter she was nursing an injured/infected toe, but she still changed our litter, fed us and did her best to walk the woofies before the nice men came by and put up a bigger dog pen so she could just open the door and let them outside. We have to give her points for reliability.
And even though she really couldn't afford it, she did buy us an area carpet when she discovered the old wood floor was splintering and Buddy's chest was in bad shape from crawling under the couch. We'll add more points for concern.
Well, she does do some nice things that help us with to be able to blog. Gives us a home, shares the computer, cleans up the vomit from the typing chair when one of us eats something we shouldn't ... And she did open our blog, so she does deserve some credit for whatever we have achieved with it. So we'll give her points for our opportunity.
We know these aren't included on the review form but we have decided to add them so we can raise Jan's score to a B.
We would make it a B+ but she truly is stingy with sharing computer time with us.
So, let's see, a B would be what ... 2 1/2 paws? Okay, Rusty says the half paw can be one of his. Even though his paws are big, he was declawed before he joined us.
And that's a wrap for Jan's Purr-fur-mance Review 2010.
Oh, and a reminder:
There is a
Love Photo Contest over at Bugsy & Gracie's to raise money for their large vet bills. And now Lucky will be going to the vet too. We hope you will go by and check out the rules, then submit an entry. The contest runs through the 20th.
And after that there will be an auction. If you have anything to donate to help raise funds, contact