Friday, October 31, 2014

Marcus Chews Again

Buddy:  Happy Howl-oween from all of us Funny Farmers.  We told Jan if she tried to dress us up again, we'd do more than howl.

Rusty:  Jan finally finished finding everything she could think of that was not backed up when the hard drive died.  But you know her memory.  She hopes whatever is missing isn't important.

Percy:  As we mentioned yesterday, there will not be a Mousebreath interview again this week.  Perhaps next.  If any of you were corresponding with us about your interview, please re-send your information.

Merci:  Marcus has been eating Jan out of house and home - literally.  He has been into everything.  The things that came out of her car are boxed up in the living room. A few weeks ago, Jan found this on the carpet.

Cyndi:  What in the world is it?  Oh, wait, it's the travel water bowl Jan kept in the car in case one of you dogs needed water.

Cameron:  I can't imagine how Marcus thought the bowl would hold water after he chewed a hole in the side.

Sam:  And then to be absolutely certain we would have to bury the bowl, he found it again and chewed a bigger hole in it.  Inside and outside this time.  Guess it didn't taste as good as the first snack since this time some scraps were found with it.

Micah:  I don't know why.  Micah usually likes seconds.  He chewed up a pot holder Wednesday night and then swiped it from where Jan "hid" it to chew on it again for a late night snack.

Marcus:  I don't know why you're all tattling on me.  I could tell some tales on all of you and from what I've heard from Jan, Buddy and Sam, you two have chewed up your share of dish cloths, dish towels and even clothes if there was even a whiff of food around them.  So, don't pick on me.  I'm normal.  You're old. 

Check out this week's Featured Favorite at our Pet Parade host's blog, Rascal and Rocco.

Co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking from the bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

There are two parts to the blog hop - linkz and social media, so be sure to enter both.

We are unable to get the code today but you can enter the blog hop at Rascal and Rocco's.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marcus Chews

Micah:  We're not anywhere near back to blogging or anything yet but we're going to try to make a quick post.

Cyndi:  Jan is working on trying to reconstruct our data for October so we can do a backup before something else goes wrong.

Buddy:  At least Jan had not deleted any of the photos from either camera, and she has finally finished recovering  and sorting them.  It was slow going, starting with trying to figure out which ones survived the crash and which ones were added after the last backup date.

Cameron:  She hasn't been feeling up to par so progress is extra slow.  We'd nip at her heels to get her moving faster but you know how that would go.  She's break a finger or something. 

Percy:  Today is Thankful Thursday so we thought we'd let Jan pick what we're thankful for today.  She picked this photo of a broken leash.

Marcus:  Wow!  I'm touched.  She's thankful I chewed through Buddy's leash while we were walking her last week.  I'll have to do that again.

Sam:  I wouldn't advise it.  Jan is NOT thankful you chewed through Buddy's leash before we even reached the sidewalk.  She's thankful Buddy didn't run off but stayed with us until she noticed he was walking without a leash.

Merci:  I wouldn't be proud of chewing up leashes, if I were you, Marcus.  Or for chewing up the pot holder tonight.

Marcus:  But it smelled so good.  Like food.  I know she left it on the counter for me to taste test her dinner.

Buddy:  We're also thankful for the friend who surprised us with a 35 pound bag of dog food and a 7 1/2 pound bag of large dog biscuits tonight.    

Rusty:  We cats won't have a Mousebreath interview again this week.  Jan needs to get our data updated ASAP.  After whatever changes Microsoft made to our backup, we don't even have the old one to fall back on if the new disk fails.  So sorry but we aren't visiting or participating for a time.

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Pepi Smart Dog.

Thoughtless Thursday is co-hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Love is being owned by a husky.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Breaking Windows

Old pic of Buddy wearing cone while ... um, springing a leak.

Marcus:  I don't always agree with Buddy but this time I think he's right to pee in public.

Cyndi:  It's never nice to pee in public unless you're a furry, so I guess it's okay to post this.

Cameron:  Well, it's more polite than what Jan said about the weekend.  She didn't say pee.  It sounded more like ... um, can I say crap?

Merci:  Whoa!  Just because Jan said it doesn't mean we should repeat it.  That's on our bad word list and she'll wash your mouth out if she hears you repeat it.

Percy:  Actually what she said referred to windows, not the weekend. 

Marcus:  What's the matter with the windows?  Did Jan break them?

Buddy:  No, not the windows, Marcus.  Windows, our computer's operating system.

Marcus:  Our computer has windows?

Sam:  If it does, it won't if Jan sees them.  She'd probably put a rock through them.  They belong to someone named Microsoft and Jan isn't happy with him either. 

Rusty:  Dare I ask what Microsoft did?

Micah:  As you know, our hard drive crashed and we were offline for a week.  Mr. Doug came over Wednesday to install a new one and Murphy's Law kicked in.  It was quite a pain, but he got the backup image drive copied to the new drive and we got to post Thursday and Friday. 

Rusty:  I remember that.  I still don't understand why we haven't posted since. 

Sam:  Because when the hard drive died, we lost all data that wasn't on the backup image drive, so Jan has to remember what we've all done since October 2nd and recover it from here, there and wherever it's hiding. 

Merci:  She waited two days to be sure the computer would act nice, then she installed the 18 important updates Windows kept telling her we needed.

Percy:  Everything went well.  Windows was finishing the installation.  Jan walked into the kitchen for a glass of water and returned to find a black screen telling her to pick from a boot list it wouldn't let her access. 

Cyndi:  She called Mr. Doug in a panic!  He knows how to access the forbidden regions of the computer.  Our hard drive was there, it was working, but Windows refused to recognize it and it would not let us access our operating system.

Cameron: I got a bit dizzy watching Mr. Doug go around in circles trying to find a way to access our hard drive again.

Buddy:  He finally found a way, but it took a repair disk and reconnecting the backup image drive to reach our new one.  He again set it as the default.  And before disconnecting the backup image drive again, he ran a new backup.  Windows, however, says it did not make a backup, it reverted to earlier settings and the backup image is no longer any good.  We actually have no idea what Windows has done where.

Micah:  Jan was so stressed, she couldn't sleep Friday night.  Is this going to become a regular thing whenever she has to do a Windows update?  She hasn't done anything this weekend, didn't even have the energy to dress yesterday morning.  And she didn't want anything to do with the computer!

Percy:  Mr. Doug sent us a link today.  Evidently some have had a problem with four of the latest 18 updates and one non-security one. (Link included in case you are interested -   

Marcus:  Jan just finished breakfast at 2 pm Saturday when Mr. Doug dropped off half a pepperoni pizza on his way home. Did she share it?  Nope!  She ate it for breakfast "dessert".  It sure smelled good, but all we got was a little piece of crust each.    

Buddy:  Jan is still wiped out but she did turn on the computer so we can do a post.  This doesn't make up for her pigging all the pizza, though.  I think one of you should tell her that!

Marcus:  Why don't you tell her, Buddy?

Buddy:  I ... uh, she ... Mind your own business, Marcus!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Oven Incident

Merci:  Uh-oh, who are we giving the Fractured Paw Award to this time? 

Micah:  You need to ask?  Who do we usually give it to?

Rusty:  Someone klutzy.  Who do we know who has been klutzy this time?

Sam:  I'm surprised you need to ask.  Jan, of course.

Percy:  So what did she do this time?  Or should I ask what particular accident deserves this award?

Cameron:  I know.  It has to be for Wednesday when Mr. Doug told her to set up his old monitor with her old computer in case he needed it when he worked on the new one.

Buddy:  Oh, yes, I remember that.  It was stored on a table in a corner with a sheet over it.  It weighs a ton, but she picked it up, backed up through the room, maneuvered around to put it on another table and realized the monitor needed to be on the filing cabinet where the printer was or no one could see it.

Cyndi:  Since the computer was down, she was moving things around and cleaning, so there she was wandering around with this heavy monitor trying to figure out where she could set it down.  She finally set it on our typing chair on wheels but it was too big for the chair so she rolled the chair up to the desk and used furniture to keep it from rolling while she moved the printer.  .

Marcus:  And then Mr. Doug arrived and asked if it was hooked up.  She said no and he said, "Good, I won't need it."

Merci:  But she didn't break the monitor so why does she need this award?

Rusty:  It was fun to watch her stagger around with the monitor, but that wasn't klutzy, so it can't be for the monitor incident.

Marcus:  Is it because Jan dropped the bucket of cat toys and all the balls went rolling around the room?

Cyndi:  No.  That's klutzy, but not award winning.

Micah: I know, it was the oven incident. 

Cameron:  Yes, that has to be it.  Jan tried to roast a chicken a few weeks ago and not only did the chicken start turning black before it was cooked, but the smoke detector went off.  She hadn't used the oven all summer and at first she thought it was burning off dust, but the oven was way hotter than it should have been.

Buddy:  When she tried to use the oven Monday, she thought it was way too hot again, so she tried to balance an oven thermometer on the rack using a pair of tongs so she wouldn't burn herself.

Sam:  Only she isn't all that coordinated and she bumped the top of the overheated oven with her hand.  A number of tea tree oil applications stopped it from blistering, but it sure has been painful.

Percy:  The stove is so old we don't think the landlord will be able to fix the oven even if he wants to spring for a new part, so there goes all hope of eating hot roast beef or ham or turkey.

Buddy:  We didn't get roast beef or ham when the oven worked.  Why are you mourning it now?

Percy:  Because now all hope of ever eating any is dead. 

Rusty:  So let's take back the award.  If Jan hadn't burned herself, our oven wouldn't be broken and we could at least dream of succulent meals.

Merci:  My head is spinning.  Your logic defies ... logic.  I think I need a nap. 

Percy:  We apologize but there is no Mousebreath interview this week.

The Pet Parade is hosted by Rascal and Rocco.  Stop by to see who is this week's Featured Favorite blogger.

It is co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking from the Bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Peace and Quiet

Cyndi:  Wow, if you want to be humbled, just disappear for a week and a half and then discover no one has noticed you were gone.

Buddy:  Yes, sad to say, the only ones who missed us were two non bloggers.  We must be doing something wrong.

Micah:  Perhaps we should start passing out peanuts with each post.

Merci:  Peanuts, why peanuts?  Furries don't eat peanuts.

Percy:  Well, how about candy?  We could pass out candy?

Sam:  Yes, I can see it now.  Come read our post and we'll give you your choice of -   Wait, furries don't eat candy either. 

Cameron:  What about cat treats?  And some old soft shoe for entertainment?

Marcus:  Not unless you pass out dog treats too!  Hold it.  Why would we hand out soft shoes?

Rusty:  No, not soft shoes, some soft shoe.  Dance.  You do know how to dance, don't you?

Marcus:  Yes, but I'm not going to dance unless there are peanuts and candy and pet treats being passed out .. to me.  I'm still a growing boy, you know.

Buddy:  It's been a strange couple of weeks.  First Jan was flat on her back demanding to be waited on by us poor overworked furries, and then last Saturday we finally found out why our computer has been having fits for a while.

Percy:  Yep, we had a bad hard drive.  Barely six months old and it dropped dead.  Yesterday was a long day but Mr. Doug installed a new one and got us back up again.

Cyndi:  Jan is going to be very busy for a while, though.  She needs to rebuild three weeks worth of lost data and we all know how keen her memory is.

Cameron:  If you have sent us anything of importance since Oct 2nd and you haven't received a reply, you might want to re-send it.

Micah:  If you know of any good jokes, you might want to send them too.  Laughter is good for the memory.

Sam:  It is?  Perhaps we should tickle her while she works.

Merci:  I don't advise that.  She's liable to hit the wrong key and delete everything we've done.

Rusty:  How about some soothing music?

Merci:  How about some peace and quiet so she can think?  We'll nap while she works.

Buddy:  Sounds good to me.  Let's practice.

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Pepi Smart Dog.

Thoughtless Thursday is co-hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Love is being owned by a Husky.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Marcus Flashes

Rusty:  We just have to tell this story on the devil dog.  Oh, sorry.  On Marcus.

Merci:  The things this pup finds to get into often curls Jan's hair, even when the humidity is low.

Cameron:  Here is Marcus posing as if he is checking out a cat ball toy and actually behaving himself for once. 

Cyndi:  Doesn't he look innocent?  It never lasts, though. He'll do anything to get his picture taken.  Even behave.

Buddy:  Saturday morning Jan was talking to Mr. Doug on the phone.  Marcus walked up and opened his mouth a little.

Micah:  In case you aren't aware, it is dark in there.  In Marcus' mouth, I mean.  .

Sam:  So when Marcus walked up and opened his mouth, Jan almost freaked out.

Percy:  "Cause from this dark cavern bright colored lights started flashing. 

Sam:  After a slight scream and a second to blink, Jan reached in Marcus' mouth and pulled out that innocent little cat ball toy in the first photo.

Buddy:  See the cat toy flashing in the picture now that Jan has turned it on?

Percy:  It has a little button.  When pushed, colored lights flash.

Rusty:  Jan is working on deep cleaning the house, so no telling what else will show up, but Marcus found the lost toy somewhere. 

Micah:  And when he closed his mouth, he pushed the button.

Marcus:  So what's the problem?  I found the cat's ball so I should get a reward.  Instead you call me "devil dog".

Cyndi:  Marcus, you eat everything you can get in your mouth.  What if you had swallowed the ball?

Cameron:  You would be walking around flashing colors until the battery died.  Or you had to have surgery to remove it, whichever came first.

Marcus:  But I could have walked Jan to and from the human litter box so she didn't kick another door in the dark.  

Merci:  Right this moment, I'd give most anything for a video of that!

Marcus:  I would too.  I could have been an internet celebrity. 

Only a couple of more days to go with the voting.  Hang in there.

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Sunday, October 12, 2014

B&W Selfie Smile Winners

Cyndi: Happy Sunday to all our six of our readers.

Rusty: Are you serious, we only have six readers?

Merci: No, Cyndi is exaggerating. We actually have seven.

Micah: I thought exaggerating meant inflating the numbers, not deflating them.

Camreon: I think you mean depreciating the numbers, not deflating them. Unless someone stuck a pin in the numbers.

Sam: That would likely be Jan. She's in such a crabby mood since she started deep cleaning the house and cut a chunk out of her hand. If there are any numbers floating around, she's more likely to stick a pin in them than to dust or vacuum them.

Buddy:  Well, I guess we better get right to our post before she sticks a pin in that too.  This is our black and white version of a photo we published yesterday.  To see it as our Saturday art in sepia, the original, and HDR-ish, visit Today We Are Ish.  Go ahead.  Click on the link.  We'll wait.

Marcus: We promised to announce the winners of our Howloween ... um, Halloween costume giveaway today.  We used to pick the winners.  Congratulations to -

Miley from Miley's Daily Scoop.
Dory from Dory's Backyard

Please send us your shipping address ASAP and Entirely Pets will send you both a costume.  Be sure to include the costume you would like from the Entirely Pets link and the size. 

Percy: Our Sunday Smile is a very short video of a cat using sign language to ask for food from his human.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

We want to support the Kitties Blue Sunday Selfie blog hop, so we will pretend our black and white photo for today is a selfie.  (We did pretty good, didn't we?)

The Black and White Sunday blog hop is co-hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever and Nola the Dachshund.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today We Are Ish

Cyndi:  Before we do our post, we need to tell you we have not been beating up Jan.  She has been busy beating up herself..We are innocent.  See my halo?  Wait.  It must have fallen off when Marcus body slammed Sam into me.

Micah:  This is true.  Somehow Jan managed to bruise the back of one hand some days ago and now it hurts. Wonder why it has taken so long for the pain to reach her brain?  She claims it's because her brain has been too full of things to do.

Cameron:  Yesterday she was running around like a crazy person, as she started clearing and moving furniture in the bedroom.  She took a big pedestal fan apart but the pole slipped and took a chunk out of her finger.  So her left hand now sports a big bandage.

Sam:  This is what happens when she starts cleaning.  Any wonder cleaning is sporadic around here?  I think she needs to hire a housekeeper. 

Rusty:  I think she needs to hire a keeper.  Or at least someone with two hands to feed us.

Merci, Sam & Marcus
Buddy:  We looked soulful (glared) until Jan agreed to do a Caturday Art picture for us. This is called HDR-ish.  HDR is High Definition Range and is made with layered multiple exposures of the same scene.  This is "ish" made in Picasa of only one layer. 

Merci:  Here we are in sepia.  I don't know why Marcus is glaring.  He loves sepia.  It reminds him of dirt.

Marcus:  This is an illusion.  It doesn't exist until tomorrow, which is black and white Sunday.  I'm kidding.  We're just posting it early with the other versions.

Percy:  This is the original.  Notice how dark Marcus has become over time.  He used to have a dark face with a lighter body, but guess he's been rolling in the Georgia red clay long enough he's changed color.

Marcus:  You shouldn't tell readers that.  They'll believe you.

Percy:  Don't worry, Marcus, I was joking.  You aren't red.  You're dark dirt.

Sam:  Our dog costume giveaway entry ended at midnight last night. The winners will be announced Sunday.

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Ruckus the Eskie and Earl co-host the Sepia Saturday blog hop.

The Caturday Art blog hop is hosted by Athena.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Crash Bang Oops

Cameron:  Last Friday, October 3rd, we heard thunder rumbling closer.  All of a sudden B- A- N- G!!!!!

Micah:  Jan was sitting at the kitchen table balancing her checkbook.  She shot straight up in the air from off the stool, and ran for the back door. 

Merci:  Just as she thought, another accident. The white truck on the left and the truck in the middle of the intersection had collided.  The one on the right stopped to help.  (This photo was taken through the chain link dog pen.)

Percy:  No sooner did she snap the photo, the storm hit. Vehicles came and left, two police cars arrived, one from the county Sheriff's Dept., and a State Trooper.  It was pouring rain but due process prevailed.

Sam:  Eventually, a tow truck arrived for the smaller truck.  The rear driver's side door was caved in on the big white work truck but it drove off under it's own steam.  Is that correct?  I didn't see any steam.

Rusty:  By that time the rain had stopped.  Eventually, everyone pulled away and the neighborhood returned to normal. 

Cyndi: Yesterday (Thursday) as Jan walked home from Toastmasters Club, the mail truck was parked in front of our house away from the intersection, a usual.  A few minutes later, the mail truck was directly in front of our house behind a car with a new mail carrier (ID but no uniform yet) talking to a little old lady parked in the road in front of him.

Marcus:  Jan looked at me and asked why a little old lady would stop a mail truck to chit chat with the driver.  I dunno, I replied.  Why don't you ask her?  No, I don't want to be nosy, she answered.  Really?  Since when?

Buddy:  It took a few minutes but we all finally realized they weren't chit chatting. One vehicle had sideswiped the other and they were waiting for reinforcements.  After a bit another mail truck arrived and there was a lot of chatter.  Then a non-postal pickup truck arrived.  We guessed a postal supervisor because there was a lot more chatter.

Micah:  Finally a police car arrived.  More chatter and moving around.  And then a State Patrol Officer came.  Lots of back and forth movement and chatter. 

Caemron:  All that exercise they were getting made us tired.  We didn't think they would ever leave!

Merci:  But they did.

Buddy:  The moral of this post is to stay away from our house for a while unless you have good collision insurance.

Percy:  Well, at least we don't have to worry about there being an accident in our alley.

Marcus:  Why is that?

Cyndi:  Because we don't have alley access, silly.

Marcus:  Oh, right.  I forgot. 

Sam:  We don't have any pictures of Thursday's accident.  Jan didn't think it was a good idea to go outside to take photos of a federal truck after a minor incident, especially since she would have had to take pictures of any damage from the middle of the street. 

Cyndi:  We tried to tell her no one would notice but she wasn't fooled ... I mean, she wouldn't listen.

Rusty:  We don't have a Mousebreath interview today. Hopefully, we will next Friday.

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Oh, and we almost forgot to remind you that our Howloween ... uh, Halloweeen dog costume giveaway ends at midnight tonight.  To enter, leave a comment on Clown Soccer.

 The Pet Parade is hosted by Rascal and Rocco.  Stop by their blog to learn this week's Featured Favorite.

The Pet Parade is co-hosted by Bionic Basil, Barking from the Bayou, Love is being owned by a husky, and us (Jan's Funny Farm).

There are two parts to this hop - the linkz and the social media, so be sure to enter both.

get the InLinkz code

Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. YOUR HOST: @Rascalandrocco  18. CREATE WITH JOY - INSTAGRAM (NEW)  35. Miley's Daily Scoop (Facebook)  
2. YOUR HOST: Rascal and Rocco on FB  19. CREATE WITH JOY - Twitter  36. Miley's Daily Scoop Instagram  
3. CO-HOST: @JansFunnyFarm  20. CREATE WITH JOY - Facebook  37. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
4. CO-HOST: @BionicBasil  21. CREATE WITH JOY - Pinterest  38. Talent Hounds (Twitter)  
5. CO-HOST: Bionic Basil on FB  22. CREATE WITH JOY - Google Plus  39. Talent Hounds  
6. CO-HOST: @HuskyCrazed  23. CREATE WITH JOY - Blog Lovin  40. Talent Hounds (Facebook)  
7. CO-HOST: Love is Being Owned by a Husky on FB  24. CREATE WITH JOY - Stumble Upon  41. Talent Hounds (Pinterest)  
8. CO-HOST: @MK_Clinton  25. Sadie the Golden Pup  42. Talent Hounds (Tumblr)  
9. CO-HOST: M.K. Clinton on FB  26. The Island Cats (FB)  43. Ruckus the Eskie (Instagram)  
10. Traveling Cats (Pinterest)  27. The Island Cats (Twitter)  44. Spunky Murder Mystery Series (FB)  
11. Traveling Cats (Twitter)  28. A Pet's Life (Facebook)  45. Spunky Murder Mystery Series (Twitter)  
12. Traveling Cats (Facebook)  29. A Pet's Life (Twitter)  46. Spunky Murder Mystery Series (Pinterest)  
13. Traveling Cats (Bloglovin)  30. A Pet's Life (Pinterest)  47. @DezizWorld twitter  
14. Traveling Cats (Google+)  31. A Pet's Life (Google+)  48. Deziz World (Facebook)  
15. Summer on Twitter  32. Hannah and Lucy  49. Deziz World (Pinterest)  
16. Summer on Facebook  33. Angel AbbyGrace  50. Deziz World Flickr  
17. Summer on Pinterest  34. Miley's Daily Scoop (Twitter)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

get the InLinkz code

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Sharpen Your Mice

Buddy:  Hey, everyone, clean the wax out of your ears and listen up!  We're having a dog Howloween  .. um, Halloween costume giveaway.  So sharpen your pencil and enter.

Cyndi:  Furries don't use a pencil, Buddy.  We use a keyboard and mouse.

Cameron:  Okay, so everyone can sharpen their keyboards and mice!

Rusty:  That makes no sense, Cameron.  

Micah:  Things seldom make sense around here.

Sam:  Prepare the paw.  How's that?

Merci:  It's easy to enter.  Just visit yesterday's post, pick out the costume you would like to win and leave us a comment. 

Percy:  Go ahead.  Pop over to read "Clown Soccer" and leave a comment there.  We'll wait.

Marcus:  We will?  I was just about to sneak off for a game of soccer.  Oh, sorry, Buddy said I wasn't supposed to mention that word today.  How about if I just mention there will be two winners picked to win a costume?

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Pepi Smart Dog hosts the Thankful Thursday blog hop.

Thoughtless Thursday is co-hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Love is being owned by a husky.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Clown Soccer

Micah:  I guess you all know Halloween is this month and it's fast approaching.. 

Cyndi:  We're going to celebrate with a dog costume giveaway from our old friends at Entirely Pets.

Merci:  They offered to send us costumes but we dogs weren't too cooperative last year so Jan declined.

Cameron:  And if you think the dogs were uncooperative last year, wait till you see what happened this eyar.

Marcus:  Jan was going to get a costume for me since I'm the only furry here who doesn't mind wearing a costume, but she said my ears are too big to know whether a costume would fit them.  Why would she say I have big ears?

Sam:  Because you have big ears.  And no sense.  Look what you did when Jan put a clown costume on you.

Marcus:  I was playing soccer.  And I had an audience. You don't interrupt a guy to take pictures of a costume in the middle of a game!

Rusty:  Well, the costume didn't slow your game any.  You look like a clown with the hat hanging off the side of your head. 

Percy:  Look at the colorful hair dragging on the ground.  It's all mixed with leaves.  What a mess, Marcus! 

Buddy:  I can't believe you let Jan put that outfit on you if you weren't going to wear it properly.  It isn't a soccer uniform. 

Marcus:  It isn't?  It worked.  I played a good game.  Everyone laughed and had a good time watching.

Buddy:  That's because you looked so ridiculous.  You got the costume dirty.  Jan had to wash it.

Merci:  You look really sad, Sam.  Or were you plotting revenge?

Sam:  I was wondering what we can make Jan wear to make her look as dumb as a big male dog in a size medium pirate hat..

Percy:  Well, if I were Jan, I'd be afraid, very afraid of that look in your eyes.

Buddy:  Get this hat off my head right now or I'll take it off!

Cameron:  You wouldn't.  You didn't. 

Buddy:  Of course I did!  Would I lie?

Micah:  Well, now that we've all had a little fun, let's get to the giveaway.  We know that many of you like to dress up in a costume.  Marcus does but he was having too much fun to pose yesterday.

Sam: So check out the dog costumes at Entirely Pets  and leave a comment telling us which costume you would like to win.

Cyndi:  We're sorry but the giveaway is only open to the US and Canada.  Be sure to leave some way to contact you should you win.  If you have any problem leaving a comment, use the contact form in our left sidebar to contact us and we will post a comment for you.

Merci:  We were going to test Giveaway Tools but we've had some technical problems and  decided to stick with to pick the two winners this time.We will try it next time.

Rusty:  Entries will close at midnight Friday, October 10.  Winner will be announced Sunday, October 12.

Daily reminder:  If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Monday, October 06, 2014

I Saw You Trip Her

Percy:  I think this is an intriguing title.  How about you guys?

Micah:  What about us guys?  Is here a punch line or something?

Percy:  You didn't wait for me to finish.  The title I have in mind is "I Saw You Trip Her".

Rusty:  I beg your pardon!  You did not see me trip Jan!  I would have more sense than to trip her in public.

Percy:  I ...

Merci:  I second that.  I didn't trip her either.  If I did, I'd be hurt worse than she would, no matter what story she tries to give you.

Cameron:  Is Jan okay?  She wasn't seriously hurt when you tripped her this time, was she, Marcus?

Marcus:  I did not trip Jan!  Not lately, anyway.  And it's only her word against mine.

Buddy:  I don't know about that.  I see you constantly trying to trip her.  How badly is she hurt now?  We have 9-1-1 on speed dial.  Should I call the paramedics?

Cyndi:  I have been spending most of my time lately on top of the cooler on top of the fridge.  It would be very hard for me to trip Jan from up there.

Sam:  Being up high is no excuse, Cyndi.  Remember, Cameron once gave Jan a black eye with the cooler on the fridge.

Percy:  STOP!!!!!  I did not say anyone tripped Jan.  I asked if you think "I Saw You Trip Her" is an intriguing title.

Micah:  Why would you ask about tripping if there wasn't any tripping?

Rusty:  There must have been tripping or Percy wouldn't have accused us of it.

Buddy:  I know.  Percy tripped Jan and he's accusing us to cover his pawprints.

Percy:  I did not trip Jan and I did not accuse any of you.  I thought we could do a post on unusual  keywords and "I saw you trip her" seemed about as strange as one could get, but that is what someone was searching for who visited our blog.

Sam:  A keyword?  You had us all fearing arrest over a search engine keyword?

Cyndi:  I'm going back to the top of the fridge.

Percy:  Hey, guys, do you want to give me a hand with this?  *turns around from the computer*  Well, I sure know how to empty a room!

If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Cuff Him and Grill Him

Percy:  Yesterday we posted our weekend art.  We are re-posting the black and white version for today's B&W blog hop.

Cameron:  You can read Merci Blushes to see all the versions, including the original.

Marcus:  And then you'll see why Merci blushes.  And I had nothing to do with it, so no one can blame me.

Rusty:  Marcus, you always have something to do with whatever mischief is going on.

Sam:  That's right.  You were there.  You're in the picture.  It was all your fault whether you had anything to do with it or not!

Merci:  Guys, can we change the subject, please?  For once, Marcus really is innocent.  If Jan had opened her eyes when she took the picture, no one would ever know.

Cyndi:  Shall I laugh now or wait until Marcus confesses?

Micah:  He's already said he's innocent.  Can we grill him?  Cuff him to the chair, turn the hot lights on him, and grill him?

Marcus:  What did I do to you, Micah?

Micah:  Nothing.  I've just always wanted to say that.  It sounds like fun.

Buddy:  I know how you feel, Marcus.  They used to pick on me.  One day they'll grow up.  Meanwhile, we have an adorably cute video for our Sunday Smile.  Charlotte and her best friend Zoe the Basset Hound dance on the deck.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Micah:  Here, Marcus, we'll make it up to you for teasing you today.  We'll post this photo from when you were little.  Your legs were too short to take it yourself but we'll pretend you did so we can support the Kitties Blue.

Join the Kitties Blue at Cat on My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop.

And don't forget the Black and White Sunday blog hop with co-hosts Sugar the Golden Retriever and Nola the Dachshund.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Merci Blushes

Micah:  Hooray, it's the weekend again.

Rusty:  What's the big deal about the weekend?  We're home all week anyway.

Cameron:  Yes, but we all enjoy doing the weekend art.

Sam:  That's true.  Here is our sepia photo of the week.  You remember little Luke the Pee Machine, don't you?

Cyndi:  Jan sure does.  He stayed here a few weeks when he was a little pup and then earlier this year he came back to visit and play with us a few times.

Merci:  He had grown so big and you were still a small pup and you were afraid of him, Marcus.

Marcus:  I was not afraid of him!  Well, I was afraid if he tripped and fell on me, I'd be squashed flat.  I tried hard to stay out of his way.

Sam:  And whenever you couldn't outrun him, you'd flip on your back and squeal like a  ... I have no idea like what, but you sure could squeal.

Marcus:  I was just letting Luke know where I was so he wouldn't step on me. 

Percy:  This is our Caturday Art photo.  We turned it into a water color and framed it.

Marcus:  We're a matched set.  Luke matches the color of the tree branch shadows and I match the dirt.  Neat, huh?

Buddy:  This is our black and white version for Sunday.  We like to try to post them all together so readers can see different versions of a photo.

Micah:  This time we saved the best for last.  This is the original picture.  You shouldn't have any problem figuring out why Merci asked Jan to crop it.

Merci:  *blush, blush*  I can't believe Jan is so blind she can't see past what's in front of the camera lens. 

If you don't have a favorite shelter in the Vetericyn giveaway, please consider voting for PAWS, Norwalk CT once daily through October 15.   Many of you know of PAWS through Kevin from Animal Shelter Volunteer blog.  Your vote matters. 

1. Click on this link.  (it will open a new tab)
2. Click on "Click here to vote for a small animal organization". PAWS, Norwalk, CT will appear.
3.Click "Vote".

Ruckus the Eskie hosts the Sepia Saturday blog hop and last week Earl joined him as co-host. Welcome, Earl.  We're sorry we missed the news last week.

And Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena.