Thursday, November 04, 2010

Dona Nobis Pacem

Peace requires humans and furries working together in harmony, helping one another. We received help from friends and strangers to make this post. Fellow blogger Gracie kitty allowed us to use the group graphic of us she made for the CB auction, and Mimi, founder of Blogblast for Peace, sent some kind Facebook strangers to offer help. Dawn made the graphic transparent for us so we were able to use it to make our peace globe. Thank you, Gracie (whose mom had surgery on her finger this week) and Dawn.

And we'd like to thank Terica who made this lovely peace globe for us. Evidently she must know us very well.  She wrote, Grant us Peace at Jan's Funny Farm.  Funny, that's what Jan keeps saying.  But we think we're very peaceful for a houseful of furries.  :)

Seriously, Blogblast for Peace is an annual, international event, so whoever you are and wherever you live, we wish you peace.


  1. We love your Peace Globes Jan & The Funny Farmers!!
    Peace & Hugs from your TX furiends,

  2. Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Purrs and Peace to you. With lots of puppy licks thrown in.

  5. Awwwwww this is lovely!! Wow!! Big hugs to everyone! Take care

  6. Those are terrific peace globes with those cute pictures of all the animals.

  7. Those are great peace globes!

    Purrs and peace to you all!

  8. Your peace globes are so nice, we only have the plain one up, but we wholeheartedly support peace everywhere on earth.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. Peace to all of the Funny Farm residents!!
    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  10. What a beautiful post!!! The Globe is beautiful!

  11. I am so glad YOU found my blog two years ago because you are a special and wonderful person. Dona Nobis Pacem to you and your furries today and always.

  12. Great globes - we did a collage to make ours - not very creative! Peace to you all.

  13. We love your graphics - and the crew of the Funny Farm too.
    We hope you have a peaceful day.

  14. Beautiful! May peace follow you today and every day!

  15. Beautiful!

    Purrs 4 Peace

  16. The furries look right at home... just sitting on top of the world! Love it!

    Here's the fanpage if anyone needs it. Once you join you can post your peace globe there.


  17. Purring for Peace today, and every day.

  18. Peace and love from your friends in California!

  19. Hi Jan , your blog is great , we may have been strangers before this began but now we are Peace Partners.
    Love the critters sitting on the globe! peace and happiness to you all.

  20. Peace to all at your place. Love all of your peace globes. Oh if only the humans would listen to us!

  21. lol...I can just imagine Jan's 'Grant us Peace at the Funny Farm', raised eyebrows 'n all!

    Peace to you and yours xx

  22. Wow that was a great post, and your peace globe looks pretty darn cool.

    Purring for peace,

  23. Peace to you, Funny Farmers!
    We love your peace globes!

  24. The world is a beautiful place when there are peaceful humans and furries in it...


  25. I am a huge dog and animal-lover so your site and your peace globe spoke especially to me......I love to see well loved and well cared for animals. I wish the same for all animals. Blessings to you. When one knows how to love an animal, one knows how to love the world.

  26. Purrfectly Woofderful.

    Dreadful puns, but I'm sure the furry folk will forgive me. ;-)

    Peace blessings to you all!

  27. Isn't it wonderful to have peace lovin' friends who put peace into action and help you. They both did a splendid job with your lovely images. What a delightful peace post!

    Thank you for blogging for peace and joining the many voices today.

    Peace to you and yours,
    You are #1955 and #1956 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at


Thanks for coming by for a visit. We love to hear from you.