Monday, October 20, 2008

Tocks N Tocktober

Today is Tocktober and even though we're joining in at the last minute, we have a few tocks of our own to post. Jan obliged a bit but she drew the line at trying to photograph 9 backsides in one day!

Sam was up as soon as he heard the camera click on, so he lost his chance to participate. But Buddy knows a warm napping spot when he has one. Looks comfy, doesn't he?

Crystal is napping in one of the winter beds Jan fixed for us kitties yesterday.

Percy paraded up and down while Jan tried to get a pic of Crystal's butt, ruining one good effort with an extremely blurry close-up of his backside. That done, he claimed a bed for himself but instead of lying down in it, he posed. Jan got even with him for ruining Crystal's shot by cutting off the top of his head. But still, who can look at this tocks when those gorgeous green eyes are in the same frame?.

Rusty was lounging in his king size laundry basket bed. At least in this shot, he has a reason for closing his eyes.

Toctober 2008 is in Derby's honor. Today is his 5th birthday. We're headed over there now to raise a toast to the handsome ginger with a Meowgarita or three.

Happy Birthday, Derby!


  1. Ha ha - it's hard to get good 'tocks pictures - you guys all look great! We had a heck of a time finding them :-)

  2. Outstanding tocks on the JFF gang. ~S,S & C

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog! We have never had so many comments!
    Skye the crittermaster

  4. Absolutely adorable photos of your tocks! so sweet all of you. I hope you had a delightful day

  5. Excellent camera work on Jan's part! But, when you've got such delightful subjects...makes the job look easy!

  6. Yea, we weren't purrpared for 'tocks day! You sure do have some lovely 'tock shots! Kiss Buddy for me please! ;o)

  7. Nice looking tocks, thanks for coming by my blog. Good to see you!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my purrthday party. You did good on the 'tocks pictures.

  9. Those are some pretty spectockular 'tocks.

  10. Those are some nice `tocks!!

  11. Nice pictures. Photographing cat butts??? Weird idea. going to try it!

  12. Yoo got da 'tocks down good! Dem meowgaritas wuz good huh!

  13. That's a lotta 'Tocks!

  14. Good job on the tock photos.I tried to get one of Ariel yet she bit and scratched me.

  15. Great job on getting the tocks photos. It is hard to get our backsides, because that usually means we are moving.

  16. Yoo all has cute tocks!

  17. Many tocks at your place and I must say all of the ones I have seen are cute.
    I think Rusty has the most comfortable spot of them all.

  18. guys, how about you stand up and cooperate.

  19. Quite the adventure to capture the 'tocks!
    We've had lots of stories about Ratchet since his girl and her family live in Minnesota. He was front page yesterday & today! Hooray!

  20. We've never heard of Tocktober before: this is fabulous!

  21. We love Tocktober too!

    And we have an award for you on our bloggie!

    Love Lola & AppleJack

  22. Those are all such great pictures! Everyone looks so peaceful!

  23. Hi everypup and everykitty

    oh dear I seem to have upset you!
    Cats don't like me thats the bottom line, every cat i have met face to face has attempted to remodel my nose with swiping claws or rearrange my ears with sharp teeth... even my Uncle Jasper hisses and spits at me and he is family! Living with a cat would probably make me very miserable... but any cat that doesnt want to give me plastic surgery is fine by me.. Huffle and JB love me and have never threatened to clawk or nibble me so i'm good with them.. since Ive never been threatened with violence from any of you kittys then I assume we can be friends.. if I didn't offend you too much!

    Ben xxxx

  24. Hi everypup and everykitty again.

    no idea why DOJA referred to not being the funny farm.. but.. just in case you didn't know (and don't shoot the messenger i come in peace) here in the UK "The Funny Farm" is a commonly used term meaning "Mental Institution"

    as in... "stop doing that or the men in white coats will cart you off to the Funny Farm"

    I kid you not.. It's true!

    I'm just saying!! BOL!!

    Ben xxxxx


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