Sunday, July 07, 2013

Comics and Music

Sam:  We have another Sunday Smile for you. Why are there Dalmatians on fire engines?
Buddy:  *raises paw*  That's easy. To help the firefighters find the nearest fire hydrant.

Merci"  Please forgive the guys.  They think they're comedians.  I'd ... I mean, we'd like to share something appropriate for the humans today, and since Jan likes this song, we'll post it.  Perhaps it will  help get us back in her good graces after the failed photo session the other day.

It's a song titled On My Father's Side and it's easy to follow, as the words are printed on the page.

Have a peaceful Sunday. And if you've changed readers after Google's closed, you might want to check to be sure our blog feed transferred.  Some blog feeds were dropped and we'd hate for you to lose contact with our handsome faces


  1. Golden laughs on the photos as the 3 dogs are looking at different direction. Happy Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. I am using Old Reader and your feed transferred. Apart from losing all the unread posts the last 2 days and nearly doing the same today I am getting the hang of it. Must remember NOT to refresh the page though like I used to on GR.

  3. Ha ha ha. That did make us smile, you guys!

    We like that song very much. The words are beautiful and so hope-inspiring.

    We're using Feedly, and your feed definitely transferred. :)

  4. Hey guys! I have a joke for ya. Why did the chicken to go the seance? To get to the "other side." Oh, I kill myself! woo woo!

  5. Our bloglovin' reader has picked up your feed no problem...Have a serene Sunday!

  6. I didn't hear a song but I read the words, and enjoyed that. Happy Sunday to you all!

  7. Happy belated 4th of July! I hope you guys had a really nice time.

  8. Lovely song!!

    I transferred all my blogs to Bloglovin in the end and I hope they all made the trip ok!! I think they did! But there could be one or two lost on the way!! :(

  9. Hahaha, what a brilliant Sunday smiler for me!
    Have a super week,
    Pippa :)


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