Friday, May 29, 2009
A Sad Day
We did our traditional Memorial Day video post last weekend, as the day is commonly celebrated now on the last Monday in May. (If you missed our Memorial Day 2009 video, the video has the first song written for Memorial Day and it is worth watching.) But it was originally celebrated on May 30th and the local VFW will be out today and tomorrow distributing the famous Buddy Poppies as is their tradition.
So our Jan walked the 2 blocks this morning to her twice a year post at the local Ingle's supermarket. Ingle's is the only American-owned supermarket chain left, so there is certainly no conflict of interest with American veterans. But at 12:30 PM, 2 1/2 hours into her 4-hour shift, and as traffic was picking up, the manager, Chris, came outside with the bad news.
Yesterday it was okay to distribute Poppies outside Ingle's. But today Chris received an email from Corporate through his District Manager. No more solicitations. No Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, etc .... and no veterans organizations. The VFW permission was rescinded and Jan was politely "evicted" from her post, with apologies to the VFW from the local manager.
Now Jan doesn't blame Chris. To be blunt, Chris has to do what he is told or he will lose his job. Whether he agrees or disagrees, he has to follow the dictates of Corporate Ingle's. She understands his dilemma. But what was Corporate's rush? Something about "potential liability" and one incident at one Ingle's, location unknown. Who was involved in the incident? Wasn't Jan! Probably wasn't the VFW either. But now no one can solicit contributions outside any Ingle's supermarket throughout six southeastern states.
Bob Ingle, you used to have a heart. We understand that times are changing but some of your stores are located in small rural towns where selling donuts for church projects or raising funds for small organizations in front of local supermarkets has long been a part of community life. Goodness, even the small fire departments have had "Boot Drives" outside of Ingle's over the years. And the VFW ... where would you and your corporation be without American vets, Bob?
There are a lot of vets in this town. Jan always runs into those who donate small change or a dollar or two -- with tears in their eyes for those who served and are no longer with them.
A woman going into the store almost broke down because she recently lost her father, a vet, and is going through a tough time financially. On the way out, trying to smile, she asked Jan, "Could I have a Poppy for my daughter in the car?" She started digging in her purse, " I might be able to find some change." Jan handed her one and said, "Don't worry, everyone gets into a financial bind sometimes." The tears started, "That's just what he would have said." And Jan got a hug. That's the type of interaction Jan says makes standing/sitting around a parking lot for several hours worthwhile.
Cutting Jan off during the busiest time of the shift hurt donations, but the VFW will survive. Tomorrow, instead of walking to her post at Ingle's, Jan will have to drive to Wal-mart. That irks her, since she has been penny-pinching to try to make ends meet.
But Jan isn't angry, she's sad. Sad that an American-owned company has forgotten why they prospered. Loyal customers. Small town community involvement. But now, Ingle's stores are no longer allowed to donate any item to an organization for a door prize. Jan learned that back in early April when the word came down from Corporate, just as the local Humane Society was seeking small door prizes for the benefit car show. Now Ingle's wont allow any organization to do a fundraiser outside their stores.
So, Bob Ingle, if we knew you would read the messages, we would ask readers to send you an email asking why this sudden (sudden is an understatement!) radical change in policy and whether you would consider restoring good public relations with the communities where you have stores. One bad experience killed the program? Must have been one he** (we're not allowed to use that word) of an incident. This is Ingle's Markets website.
Yes, this is a very sad day. We should honor our veterans, not chase them off in the middle of a fundraiser. (To clarify, Jan is not a vet, her brothers are. She's with the VFW Auxiliary so she can help the local VFW. ) So if you see a vet distributing poppies tomorrow -- anywhere other than Ingle's, of course -- we hope you will give a donation to help the organization.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flappy Toy Fun
Whoopee! New toys for us woofies. Jan hasn't bought us any new toys in ages, so we jumped at the chance to test some Flappy Toys. All we have to do is have fun playing with them and blog about our experience. This should be interesting and Jan can't complain about it costing her an arm and a leg or a gallon of blood.
Guess even the ktities are feeling deprived on our no-frills budget. Notice Cyndi is the the first one to check out our new toys.
Cyndi: I'm just checking out the box. The box is mine!

Buddy: Sniff, sniff. This passes the sniff test.

We received one Tuffy Flappy (green) and one Fleecie Flappy (orange).

Sam: Okay, let's trade. (Notice Cyndi watching from the safety of a scratching post.)

Sam: Wait a minute. Buddy always gets the best of everything. Maybe I should trade him back again. Just in case.

Sam: As you can see, Buddy wouldn't trade again.

Buddy: Ha, ha, ha, ha! I fooled Sam into thinking I have the better toy.

Sam: Okay, Buddy finally traded again. He looks happy with this one. So, what's wrong with the green one?

Sam: I got the Fleecie back!
Buddy: Give me that back! It's mine! You traded the Tuffy for it.

Merci: Those two are too big for me to play tug with any more, so Jan brought me outside so I can have a turn. Whoo hoo, I can play rough with it. Shake, whap. Oh, sorry, Jan.

Merci: Take this. And that.

Merci: Ooops. Dropped it. Oh, come on, Jan. Take a hint! Play tug with me. I could beat you!

As you can see, we've been having a lot of fun with our new Flappy Toys. We woofies love to play tug and we love to chew. Jan is happiest when we're not chewing on the furniture or destroying toys. We've had them for nearly a month now and they're -- believe it or not -- still in one piece.
There are 5 types of Flappy Toys: Tuffy, Fleecie, Fluffy, Flossy and Floatie. Jan says she likes that they are all machine washable, except for the Floatie. We don't understand what her problem is. We think toys taste better when they're wet with saliva, covered in fur and you can't tell what color they used to be.
You can read about them on the Flappy Dog Toys site.
(s) Buddy, Merci & Samaritan,
Toy Testers
PS: There is a contest going on through the month of May, where you might be the daily winner of a Flappy Toy. We just tried half a dozen times and even though we typed in the correct code(s) to validate our submission and prove we're not a robot, it kept telling us the code was wrong. Maybe it only works with Internet Explorer. There are still a couple of days left in May, so try it, woofies. You might win yourself a Flappy Toy.
Guess even the ktities are feeling deprived on our no-frills budget. Notice Cyndi is the the first one to check out our new toys.
Cyndi: I'm just checking out the box. The box is mine!

Buddy: Sniff, sniff. This passes the sniff test.

We received one Tuffy Flappy (green) and one Fleecie Flappy (orange).

Sam: Okay, let's trade. (Notice Cyndi watching from the safety of a scratching post.)

Sam: Wait a minute. Buddy always gets the best of everything. Maybe I should trade him back again. Just in case.

Sam: As you can see, Buddy wouldn't trade again.

Buddy: Ha, ha, ha, ha! I fooled Sam into thinking I have the better toy.

Sam: Okay, Buddy finally traded again. He looks happy with this one. So, what's wrong with the green one?

Sam: I got the Fleecie back!
Buddy: Give me that back! It's mine! You traded the Tuffy for it.

Merci: Those two are too big for me to play tug with any more, so Jan brought me outside so I can have a turn. Whoo hoo, I can play rough with it. Shake, whap. Oh, sorry, Jan.

Merci: Take this. And that.

Merci: Ooops. Dropped it. Oh, come on, Jan. Take a hint! Play tug with me. I could beat you!

As you can see, we've been having a lot of fun with our new Flappy Toys. We woofies love to play tug and we love to chew. Jan is happiest when we're not chewing on the furniture or destroying toys. We've had them for nearly a month now and they're -- believe it or not -- still in one piece.
There are 5 types of Flappy Toys: Tuffy, Fleecie, Fluffy, Flossy and Floatie. Jan says she likes that they are all machine washable, except for the Floatie. We don't understand what her problem is. We think toys taste better when they're wet with saliva, covered in fur and you can't tell what color they used to be.
You can read about them on the Flappy Dog Toys site.
(s) Buddy, Merci & Samaritan,
Toy Testers
PS: There is a contest going on through the month of May, where you might be the daily winner of a Flappy Toy. We just tried half a dozen times and even though we typed in the correct code(s) to validate our submission and prove we're not a robot, it kept telling us the code was wrong. Maybe it only works with Internet Explorer. There are still a couple of days left in May, so try it, woofies. You might win yourself a Flappy Toy.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
Our good friend Mr. Doug (and Jan's other brothers too) is a veteran so vets have a special place in our hearts. And this year, we didn't have to go looking for a special song to post. We've been saving it for this weekend.
Tony Mullins wrote a song specifically for Memorial Day and we'd like to share it with you. He sent the link to Jan and asked her to share it. So we appropriated it for our journal too. You know how that goes, what's hers is ours and not vice versa!
Tony can't sing and he can't read music, but this is a demo recording of a song he wrote a few years ago for his church. It's sung by Cary Rutledge from Virginia and the video was shot in Waterloo, NY. We think you'll like it.
If the video won't play for you, you can use this link.
Click here to read more about the origins of Tony's Memorial Day song.
Have a safe and thoughtful Memorial Day.
Tony Mullins wrote a song specifically for Memorial Day and we'd like to share it with you. He sent the link to Jan and asked her to share it. So we appropriated it for our journal too. You know how that goes, what's hers is ours and not vice versa!
Tony can't sing and he can't read music, but this is a demo recording of a song he wrote a few years ago for his church. It's sung by Cary Rutledge from Virginia and the video was shot in Waterloo, NY. We think you'll like it.
If the video won't play for you, you can use this link.
Click here to read more about the origins of Tony's Memorial Day song.
Have a safe and thoughtful Memorial Day.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Happy Birthday, ML
Everyone who visits the Cat Blogosphere knows mom ML of Missy, KC & Bear. She helps KC post to the CB daily and makes changes and additions as needed. ML has lots of responsibilities at home, yet she works hard at her CB volunteer job.
We would like to extend hearty wishes to the birthday gal! So, we're going to sing now. Don't worry if you aren't wearing your hearing aid. You won't have a bit of trouble hearing us!
We would like to extend hearty wishes to the birthday gal! So, we're going to sing now. Don't worry if you aren't wearing your hearing aid. You won't have a bit of trouble hearing us!
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday, Auntie Deb's friend ML -ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound. That's his singing voice.
We're so happy Charlie cat is home from the vet's in time to celebrate with his new family. Charlie is an older cat who was rescued by ML and Auntie Deb after his owner went into hospice, and he has been at the vet's for a while because he has been very sick. Thank you, ML, for giving Charlie a chance to spend some time with his new family, whether it be a couple of weeks or a number of months. Even though Charlie has spent most of his time "with you" at the vet's, we know he has a special place in your heart.
Visit ML and leave your own birthday wishes.(Link at beginning of this post.)
We're so happy Charlie cat is home from the vet's in time to celebrate with his new family. Charlie is an older cat who was rescued by ML and Auntie Deb after his owner went into hospice, and he has been at the vet's for a while because he has been very sick. Thank you, ML, for giving Charlie a chance to spend some time with his new family, whether it be a couple of weeks or a number of months. Even though Charlie has spent most of his time "with you" at the vet's, we know he has a special place in your heart.
Visit ML and leave your own birthday wishes.(Link at beginning of this post.)
Friday, May 22, 2009
3 Cheers for Barb and ML

We're just going to link you to Not the Mama's blog since he is the one giving the award to Barb. for saving Whitey. You can read Whitey's story on Gandalf & Grayson's blog.
And Barb, we think Not the Mama made a good choice. That's a wonderful thing you did, saving Whitey and giving him a home.
And we can think of some others who deserve recognition too. Such as ML of Missy, KC and Bear, and Auntie Deb who was visiting her, taking in Charlie cat after his mom went into hospice. And then ML, in the midst of her own crises -- her own health problems and her husband having another stroke -- made the decision to give the little old fighter the chance to get well enough to come home to live the rest of his life with his new family. He won't have long, perhaps a month to a year, so the decision to vet him these last weeks has not been cheap and was not made lightly. Mom ML and Dad Charley, we would love to give you an award but we are graphically inept, so the only thing we have of value to give you -- 3 cheers of our own (Buddy, you're supposed to cheer, not howl!) and a heartfelt salute for going above and beyond to help a furry.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy BD, Auntie Deb

Graphic by Zoolatry.
Today is Auntie Deb's birthday, so we have to sing for her. If you haven't heard us sing before, we warn you to cover your ears. You'll find out why.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy 546th birthday, Auntie Deb-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.
Buddy: Uh, Percy, you can poke fun at my singing, if you want, but it might not be a good idea to give away Auntie Deb's age.
Percy: Don't worry, Buddy, Auntie Deb is a good sport. She won't mind if we tell her age.
We're all glad you are doing better, Auntie Deb, and you don't have to wear the brace any more. We hope you have a great day! Well, we just stopped by The Taylor CatSSSSS blog and you are surrounded by your kitties, so we know you're having a great day.
And any time anyone needs singers for a special occasion, just give us a call. We'll be available.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Animal Control Abuse
We have been a little distracted the past 3 weeks, after reading a news story about something that happened to a pet owner whose life has been devastated by what appears to be Animal Control abuse. We are not going to tell you who or where, just that it happened in Georgia.
For those of you who missed our earlier post on Animal Owner Abuse, we are re-posting the 2 videos.
John Stossel's ABC News Documentary 20/20.
"Cruelty to Owners," Part 1
"Cruelty to Owners," Part 2
A woman returned from work one day and all her animals were gone. According to one newspaper report, a census worker called animal control because "grass was high around the house" and there were animals outside. So this census worker walked around the house peering in windows. (She was seen by a neighbor doing this.) No one ever contacted the homeowner about there being any questions or "problem." There was no emergency and no reason to suspect a dead body -- human or animal -- in the house. No reason to enter the house or search it.
But a few days later, animal control went to the house, called the sheriff's office for backup, and went through the house with the deputy, at least one other person from animal control, the county manager, and 2 (TWO) newspaper reporters, each with a camera. We can't help but wonder why animal control called in so many outsiders and took an entourage inside with him. Well, there is the publicity factor. And could there possibly be a self-protection factor because he was overstepping his authority?
Nothing has been mentioned of a search warrant. They searched the house, took photos inside the house, seized all the animals for reasons unclear but supposedly because the house smelled bad and was messy. Now, a messy house is not the same as a filthy, overcrowded one ankle-deep in feces. They took 9 or 10 dogs and 3 (?) cats. They quickly put down an outdoor dog that needed an insulin shot twice a day and a cat with a minor age-related problem that the vet said was still healthy.
But a few days later, animal control went to the house, called the sheriff's office for backup, and went through the house with the deputy, at least one other person from animal control, the county manager, and 2 (TWO) newspaper reporters, each with a camera. We can't help but wonder why animal control called in so many outsiders and took an entourage inside with him. Well, there is the publicity factor. And could there possibly be a self-protection factor because he was overstepping his authority?
Nothing has been mentioned of a search warrant. They searched the house, took photos inside the house, seized all the animals for reasons unclear but supposedly because the house smelled bad and was messy. Now, a messy house is not the same as a filthy, overcrowded one ankle-deep in feces. They took 9 or 10 dogs and 3 (?) cats. They quickly put down an outdoor dog that needed an insulin shot twice a day and a cat with a minor age-related problem that the vet said was still healthy.
All animals were up to date on their shots and well-fed. There was no abuse, no hoarding or running an unlicensed rescue, as AC claimed in the article. The owner was single, working double shifts, exhausted and her home/yard had gotten a bit messy. She was threatened with losing her job and was "bullied" into signing over her animals. (Sign them over now or I'll file charges and take you to court.) We can only imagine how embarrassed and frightened she was.
As far as we know, two of her dogs were adopted out, but knowing the reputation of that shelter, we imagine the rest of the animals have already been put down. We don't know all the facts because we haven't spoken to the party personally, but Jan has spoken to someone who knows the woman involved. The thought of a bunch of strangers ever invading our home and carting us off to prison to be executed like animal criminals is frightening. And for Jan, the thought of ever coming home to find us gone and to learn a bunch of strangers were traipsing through taking photographs is terrifying.
As far as we know, two of her dogs were adopted out, but knowing the reputation of that shelter, we imagine the rest of the animals have already been put down. We don't know all the facts because we haven't spoken to the party personally, but Jan has spoken to someone who knows the woman involved. The thought of a bunch of strangers ever invading our home and carting us off to prison to be executed like animal criminals is frightening. And for Jan, the thought of ever coming home to find us gone and to learn a bunch of strangers were traipsing through taking photographs is terrifying.
Don't think it can't happen to you or someone you know. Humans are not like us. They don't just want to be the alpha of the household, they want to be alpha of the office, city, county, state .... A little authority can easily short-circuit the common sense part of the human brain.
We are glad humans are passing laws to help protect us. But what kind of protection is it when those in authority go after the responsible pet owners (the animals were vetted, well-fed and the one dog was receiving twice daily injections for diabetes) instead of the abusive ones? Were those cats and dogs really being protected when they were snatched from their home and executed for no reason except the grass was tall and the house was messy? Every human gets a bit overwhelmed at one time or another.
So today we're going to honor and mourn all woofies and kitties that have been executed after being snatched away from their homes by overzealous, lacking common sense, power-hungry animal control officers, who need a heavy dose of their own abuse.
For those of you who missed our earlier post on Animal Owner Abuse, we are re-posting the 2 videos.
John Stossel's ABC News Documentary 20/20.
"Cruelty to Owners," Part 1
"Cruelty to Owners," Part 2
Animal Control,
Animal welfare,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Carrol's Dogs
We hoped we were done with Carrol's dogs, as they got down to the final 7 needing homes -- all shy black & white dogs, the hardest to place -- and things stayed quiet. But we have just received an urgent email message. Jan needs the computer which only gives us a few minutes, so we're just going to post the email with links. Someone please rescue these dogs. The big publicity hounds at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary bragged about how they were helping by letting the locals take care of it, but as far as we are aware, all they did was to reap publicity. Forgotten Paws has done the work and they, along with all those that helped them, deserve the credit for rescuing most of those 100 dogs.
You can view the dogs at Green Acres. This link will be updated periodically if anything changes. Please bookmark it so you can refer back to it.
Can anyone foster or rescue any of these dogs?
Carol Crocker - Rainsville, Alabama
The neighbors are at it again. They have recognized that Carol has not gotten down to the court stated 3 dogs and now the dogs are back in danger.
We have 7 dogs left at Carol Crockers in Rainsville, Alabama. All of these dogs are special needs. 2 are older, the others are shy. Please take a moment to look at the remaining dogs and also to watch the video of them and of their sister Sissy in her new home so you can see the great potential behind these babies.
I know each of these dogs very well as I have spent tons of time with them. Please feel free to ask me questions.
from Morgan of Forgotten Paws
Morgan's email address is on the Green Acres page
You can view the dogs at Green Acres. This link will be updated periodically if anything changes. Please bookmark it so you can refer back to it.
Can anyone foster or rescue any of these dogs?
Carol Crocker - Rainsville, Alabama
The neighbors are at it again. They have recognized that Carol has not gotten down to the court stated 3 dogs and now the dogs are back in danger.
We have 7 dogs left at Carol Crockers in Rainsville, Alabama. All of these dogs are special needs. 2 are older, the others are shy. Please take a moment to look at the remaining dogs and also to watch the video of them and of their sister Sissy in her new home so you can see the great potential behind these babies.
I know each of these dogs very well as I have spent tons of time with them. Please feel free to ask me questions.
from Morgan of Forgotten Paws
Morgan's email address is on the Green Acres page
Animal welfare,
Carrol Crocker,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Buddy's Chair
We kitties want you to see where our beautiful Orange Crush Gizzy quilt is. Our kitty Gizzy! Jan really is letting Buddy use it on his chair. Does he look like a kitty to you?

See how comfy it is. Buddy is deep in sleep. Percy was jumping back and forth to get Jan's attention as she took these photos and had to whack Jan's arm to get her to notice him.
Percy: Helloooo, Jan, the one on the right (that's me, Percy) is what a kitty looks like. Not like the brown blob on the left, the one sleeping on our Gizzy.

Buddy, can you hear me or is that ear just for decoration? That's our Gizzy quilt!

Buddy is deaf, dumb and snoring.

He looks a little sheepish, doesn't he? Just before Jan clicked the pic, Buddy's head was under the sheet and resting on top of the couch arm. (Jan claims she has to keep the couch and her chair covered because we shed. What's she talking about?)

Oh, did we wake you, Buddy? Too bad.

Poor Rusty. While Buddy luxuriates on our Gizzy, Rusty is reduced to sleeping on a hard wood stand.

(Pssst, wake up, Rusty! You look too comfortable there. You're not helping our Gizzy-back-rebellion here.)
Buddy: Can you keep it down, guys! I need to finish the nap Jan interrupted. And stop whining about this Gizzy. You have 3 others to sleep on. And you can use this one when I'm not in my chair.
Percy: Well, it's our chair too. If we hadn't used it for a scratching post, you wouldn't have a chair.
Buddy: Go ahead and bring that up with Jan. I dare you to remind her of why she almost threw it out. It's just my size. And it's my chair. Any arguments? I didn't think so. Wake me when it's dinner time.
Zeus reminded us that some of you are new and don't know what a Gizzy quilt is. A couple of years ago, Darling Millie's mom Lynne made a few quilts to pay for Gizzy cat's vet bills. (That's why it's called a Gizzy.) He passed away in 2007. You can see a picture of Gizzy in the upper right sidebar of Bizzy for Gizzy Quilts blog, where many of the kitties have posted pictures of themselves with their Gizzies for mom Lynne.
Since then mom Lynne has made nearly 200 quilts, mostly kitty, but some human size quilts, some woofie size. The one made with the most love and tears was the one mom Lynne made for her goddaughter Violette's casket. It was made with blocks of material with bloggers' names hand written on the fabric and little Violette, affectionately called Sprout, was laid to rest wrapped in it. The quilt mom Lynne made earlier for Sprout covered the casket during the funeral service.
Many of you remember Monty Q's baby bean Sprout and that sad time. And speaking of Sprout, yesterday would have been her first birthday. Drop by Monty's and leave a note, if you haven't already.

See how comfy it is. Buddy is deep in sleep. Percy was jumping back and forth to get Jan's attention as she took these photos and had to whack Jan's arm to get her to notice him.
Percy: Helloooo, Jan, the one on the right (that's me, Percy) is what a kitty looks like. Not like the brown blob on the left, the one sleeping on our Gizzy.

Buddy, can you hear me or is that ear just for decoration? That's our Gizzy quilt!

Buddy is deaf, dumb and snoring.

He looks a little sheepish, doesn't he? Just before Jan clicked the pic, Buddy's head was under the sheet and resting on top of the couch arm. (Jan claims she has to keep the couch and her chair covered because we shed. What's she talking about?)

Oh, did we wake you, Buddy? Too bad.

Poor Rusty. While Buddy luxuriates on our Gizzy, Rusty is reduced to sleeping on a hard wood stand.

(Pssst, wake up, Rusty! You look too comfortable there. You're not helping our Gizzy-back-rebellion here.)
Buddy: Can you keep it down, guys! I need to finish the nap Jan interrupted. And stop whining about this Gizzy. You have 3 others to sleep on. And you can use this one when I'm not in my chair.
Percy: Well, it's our chair too. If we hadn't used it for a scratching post, you wouldn't have a chair.
Buddy: Go ahead and bring that up with Jan. I dare you to remind her of why she almost threw it out. It's just my size. And it's my chair. Any arguments? I didn't think so. Wake me when it's dinner time.
Zeus reminded us that some of you are new and don't know what a Gizzy quilt is. A couple of years ago, Darling Millie's mom Lynne made a few quilts to pay for Gizzy cat's vet bills. (That's why it's called a Gizzy.) He passed away in 2007. You can see a picture of Gizzy in the upper right sidebar of Bizzy for Gizzy Quilts blog, where many of the kitties have posted pictures of themselves with their Gizzies for mom Lynne.
Since then mom Lynne has made nearly 200 quilts, mostly kitty, but some human size quilts, some woofie size. The one made with the most love and tears was the one mom Lynne made for her goddaughter Violette's casket. It was made with blocks of material with bloggers' names hand written on the fabric and little Violette, affectionately called Sprout, was laid to rest wrapped in it. The quilt mom Lynne made earlier for Sprout covered the casket during the funeral service.
Many of you remember Monty Q's baby bean Sprout and that sad time. And speaking of Sprout, yesterday would have been her first birthday. Drop by Monty's and leave a note, if you haven't already.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
A Gizzy from Parker
This lovely Gizzy quilt arrived November 24, 2008. At that time our computer was down, so we're a bit late (what an understatement!) making this post.
But first and foremost, we want to tell you what a wonderful surprise it was to receive this -- last year. Millie's mom Lynne made this Orange Crush Gizzy to help raise medical funds for Moki. Perfectly Parker won it, but asked Millie's mom to send it to us. Wasn't that sweet? We were thrilled. It was cold in November, December, January, February, and much of March. We could have used another Gizzy. But Jan said, noooooo, not yet, we need to keep it clean and in the original package so you don't forget to post the photos.
We were going to show you how beautifully it was folded and wrapped in lace ribbon, but Jan suddenly decided it was time to start catching up and .... Well, she cut the ribbon and laid out the Gizzy so she could take photos to add to the ones she took when it arrived.

Only, she couldn't find the original photos. Anywhere. Not on the computer. Not on a CD. But...but...but... Her brother painstakenly rescued all her lost photos. Where did they go now?
Nowhere. After a frantic search, she then read her note on the package: Photograph & post to JFF & Lynne's Gizzy blog. Oh, yeah, that's why Jan saved it with the ribbon intact and wouldn't let us use the Gizzy. For 6 months! And it was cold most of those months.! But back then there wasn't any use to take pictures, since we didn't have a computer . Jan says she's sorry, but we're wondering if we can vote her off the computer. (That's a pretty big blooper, Jan!)

Samaritan admires the back of the Gizzy. A pretty orange.

Rusty is the first to quality test it.

Yep, comfortable to sit on and look to left or right.

No, Sam, I'm not moving so you can climb up here and sit on it. You'd collapse the stand, anyway.

Percy: Yes, Sam, I know you like your comforts, but it's my turn to test this Gizzy.

Yep, soft enough to flop onto my side from a standing position.

I vote we give it a 10 for looks and comfort.
Thanks, Parker! Now that Jan has finally stuck her pinky in the catch-up pile, we can use our "new" Gizzy.
Hey, waaaaaaaaaaaaait! Jan, that's a kitty Gizzy. Why are you putting it on Buddy's chair?
But first and foremost, we want to tell you what a wonderful surprise it was to receive this -- last year. Millie's mom Lynne made this Orange Crush Gizzy to help raise medical funds for Moki. Perfectly Parker won it, but asked Millie's mom to send it to us. Wasn't that sweet? We were thrilled. It was cold in November, December, January, February, and much of March. We could have used another Gizzy. But Jan said, noooooo, not yet, we need to keep it clean and in the original package so you don't forget to post the photos.
We were going to show you how beautifully it was folded and wrapped in lace ribbon, but Jan suddenly decided it was time to start catching up and .... Well, she cut the ribbon and laid out the Gizzy so she could take photos to add to the ones she took when it arrived.

Only, she couldn't find the original photos. Anywhere. Not on the computer. Not on a CD. But...but...but... Her brother painstakenly rescued all her lost photos. Where did they go now?
Nowhere. After a frantic search, she then read her note on the package: Photograph & post to JFF & Lynne's Gizzy blog. Oh, yeah, that's why Jan saved it with the ribbon intact and wouldn't let us use the Gizzy. For 6 months! And it was cold most of those months.! But back then there wasn't any use to take pictures, since we didn't have a computer . Jan says she's sorry, but we're wondering if we can vote her off the computer. (That's a pretty big blooper, Jan!)

Samaritan admires the back of the Gizzy. A pretty orange.

Rusty is the first to quality test it.

Yep, comfortable to sit on and look to left or right.

No, Sam, I'm not moving so you can climb up here and sit on it. You'd collapse the stand, anyway.

Percy: Yes, Sam, I know you like your comforts, but it's my turn to test this Gizzy.

Yep, soft enough to flop onto my side from a standing position.

I vote we give it a 10 for looks and comfort.
Thanks, Parker! Now that Jan has finally stuck her pinky in the catch-up pile, we can use our "new" Gizzy.
Hey, waaaaaaaaaaaaait! Jan, that's a kitty Gizzy. Why are you putting it on Buddy's chair?
Gizzy Quilts,
Monday, May 04, 2009
Fun Photo Contest
American Greetings, who sponsors, is holding the biggest pet photo contest to hit the ‘net! The Furry Faceoff Challenge (, also sponsored by Frontline, pits cats against dogs to see who is cuter.
The grand prize, worth $350, includes a $250 PetSmart gift card, a $50 gift certificate, a one-year membership to, and a one-year Premium Membership to Most importantly, the winning pet will be featured as the Pet Photo of the Day on at a date TBD.
The grand prize, worth $350, includes a $250 PetSmart gift card, a $50 gift certificate, a one-year membership to, and a one-year Premium Membership to Most importantly, the winning pet will be featured as the Pet Photo of the Day on at a date TBD.
There will be 10 runners up prizes as well. Runners up will each receive: a $20 gift certificate, a one-year membership to, and a one-year Premium Membership to
So be sure to enter your pet to win or vote for your favorite cat or dog pictures here.
We are posting about this contest for Their regular monthly contest is going on, so stop by to enter that contest too.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Buddy is Innocent
We had a slight incident here today. Jan hasn't yet figured out what happened, and we would prefer to keep it that way. So please keep this a secret. Just between us. Okay?
It was kind of hot today, so we were all lazing around, when Jan called Buddy to give him his allergy pill. She dips it in peanut butter and he takes it without a problem. But this time something went wrong.
Buddy: Jan, what are you doing on the floor?
Crystal: Uh-oh, I think she's fainted.
Sam: **slap, slap** That should bring her round. OUCH! Cotton, you forgot to retract your claws.
Cotton: I didn't forget! Never hit Jan. You'll leave bruises.
Sam: But she's passed out.
Cotton: Oh, so she is. Wonder why?
Buddy: It's the blood. She can't stand the sight of blood. Especially her own.
Merci: So what happened?
Percy: She stabbed herself. See the blood.
Cyndi: Oh, I feel kind of weak myself. That's a lot of blood.
Cameron: But why did she stab herself?
Sam: It's Buddy's fault.
Buddy: How is it my fault? She called me into the kitchen and I came. That hardly constitutes a fault.
Sam: But she stabbed herself trying to get your allergy pill. See, the peanut butter jar is sitting right beside the scissors she used.
Rusty: I'm confused. Jan stabbed herself opening a peanut butter jar?
Sam: No, silly. She was trying to get his pill out of the packet and it wouldn't open.
Cotton: So why is Jan bleeding?
Sam: **exasperated** Because she tried to cut the cardboard and the scissors slipped. See, she's bleeding! How can you miss all that blood?
Cameron: Uh, Jan is going to be very upset. She's making a real mess on the kitchen floor.
Percy: Yeah, that is a lot of blood. I didn't realize one finger contained so much blood.
Cyndi: I don't thing it works that way, Percy. When one finger runs out of blood, it just borrows some from another finger. Shouldn't we do something? Call 911 or something?
Cotton: Who's going to pay for the ambulance and the emergency room?
Buddy: Right. We'll have to take care of this ourselves. Percy, go find a bandage. Make it a big one. Merci, go get a wet washcloth.
Merci: Okay, how about the wet dishcloth?
Buddy: Good idea. Rusty, fetch some peroxide to wash the wound.
Rusty: But I don't have any claws. I can't open the bottle.
Buddy: I forgot. But we have to wash the wound. I know. Crystal, you like to empty anything containing liquid. Do your thing. Those water bowls are really big. Empty them on her wound to clean it.
Crystal: Okay, here. You want me to dump the other one too?
Cotton: You were supposed to dump them on her wounded finger. She's going to be very upset when she finds her hair and clothes are soaked, the floor is covered in blood, and .... Oh, my, Percy, you were supposed to just bring one bandage. But you've dropped them all into the water Crystal spilled. And --
Cameron: Rusty, you dumped peroxide all over her black t-shirt. What did you do that for?
Rusty: Because Sam opened it with his teeth. Broke the cap right off and dropped the bottle on Jan's shoulder.
Crystal: But it's her finger that's bleeding, not her shoulder.
Buddy: You know what guys. I think she's starting to come around. If we're not here when she wakes up, she might think she made this mess herself.
Merci: You don't honestly believe that, do you, Buddy?
Buddy: You guys have always blamed me for everything that happens around here. But this time I didn't make the mess. I just supervised. Now let's go! And act innocent.
It was kind of hot today, so we were all lazing around, when Jan called Buddy to give him his allergy pill. She dips it in peanut butter and he takes it without a problem. But this time something went wrong.
Buddy: Jan, what are you doing on the floor?
Crystal: Uh-oh, I think she's fainted.
Sam: **slap, slap** That should bring her round. OUCH! Cotton, you forgot to retract your claws.
Cotton: I didn't forget! Never hit Jan. You'll leave bruises.
Sam: But she's passed out.
Cotton: Oh, so she is. Wonder why?
Buddy: It's the blood. She can't stand the sight of blood. Especially her own.
Merci: So what happened?
Percy: She stabbed herself. See the blood.
Cyndi: Oh, I feel kind of weak myself. That's a lot of blood.
Cameron: But why did she stab herself?
Sam: It's Buddy's fault.
Buddy: How is it my fault? She called me into the kitchen and I came. That hardly constitutes a fault.
Sam: But she stabbed herself trying to get your allergy pill. See, the peanut butter jar is sitting right beside the scissors she used.
Rusty: I'm confused. Jan stabbed herself opening a peanut butter jar?
Sam: No, silly. She was trying to get his pill out of the packet and it wouldn't open.
Cotton: So why is Jan bleeding?
Sam: **exasperated** Because she tried to cut the cardboard and the scissors slipped. See, she's bleeding! How can you miss all that blood?
Cameron: Uh, Jan is going to be very upset. She's making a real mess on the kitchen floor.
Percy: Yeah, that is a lot of blood. I didn't realize one finger contained so much blood.
Cyndi: I don't thing it works that way, Percy. When one finger runs out of blood, it just borrows some from another finger. Shouldn't we do something? Call 911 or something?
Cotton: Who's going to pay for the ambulance and the emergency room?
Buddy: Right. We'll have to take care of this ourselves. Percy, go find a bandage. Make it a big one. Merci, go get a wet washcloth.
Merci: Okay, how about the wet dishcloth?
Buddy: Good idea. Rusty, fetch some peroxide to wash the wound.
Rusty: But I don't have any claws. I can't open the bottle.
Buddy: I forgot. But we have to wash the wound. I know. Crystal, you like to empty anything containing liquid. Do your thing. Those water bowls are really big. Empty them on her wound to clean it.
Crystal: Okay, here. You want me to dump the other one too?
Cotton: You were supposed to dump them on her wounded finger. She's going to be very upset when she finds her hair and clothes are soaked, the floor is covered in blood, and .... Oh, my, Percy, you were supposed to just bring one bandage. But you've dropped them all into the water Crystal spilled. And --
Cameron: Rusty, you dumped peroxide all over her black t-shirt. What did you do that for?
Rusty: Because Sam opened it with his teeth. Broke the cap right off and dropped the bottle on Jan's shoulder.
Crystal: But it's her finger that's bleeding, not her shoulder.
Buddy: You know what guys. I think she's starting to come around. If we're not here when she wakes up, she might think she made this mess herself.
Merci: You don't honestly believe that, do you, Buddy?
Buddy: You guys have always blamed me for everything that happens around here. But this time I didn't make the mess. I just supervised. Now let's go! And act innocent.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Sherwoods and Blogrolling
The Beaufort Community Cat Project is Romeo's May FURPOWER recipient! A worthy group. The Ginny Fund didn't make it. But if Romeo wi'll allow it, we'll resubmit it TGF in June. They're a worthy group too.
We join with other bloggers with purrs, prayers and woofs for the Sherwood Bunch -- ML, Charley (the humans) and Charlie, KC and the other furries. They have been snowed under with medical emergencies lately. Still, despite all the extra stress, ML has worked to keep up with the Cat Blogosphere. You can read their story and updates on Missy, KC, Bear.
Fortunately, Mom Robyn and Auntie Deb have stepped up to help KC with posting to the CB and KC's blog respectively. It's really nice to have friends, even long distance ones.
Get well wishes to ML, Charley and Charlie the cat from all of us. We love you Sherwoods!
And now to let off a little steam. Many of you have used Blogrolling on your blogs. It was out of commission for a long time, so we have ignored the list we had on the bottom of our sidebar items. Until now. We noticed the list was long and out of alphabetical order. We signed in to for the first time in ages and discovered we had 11,141 links in our blogroll list. Perhaps 41 of them were ones we had added. So where did the other 11,100 come from? There were 11 pages and we were not about to wade through 11 pages but those we read on the first page were links we are familiar with. But we didn't give those links to Blogrolling!
We tried to contact Blogrolling through their web mail form to ask what happened, but it keeps telling us there is a communication error and won't accept it. We gave up trying to contact them. But if you can't contact them one way, blog it.
Blogrolling, where did you grab those links you added to our blogroll? Honestly, 11,141 links on one blog? We're just a little-known site, not a major news site. Whatever happened, between screwing up our blogroll and not allowing us to contact you about it, we sadly felt it necessary to remove Blogrolling from JFF. We appreciate that you helped us create the list before your site went down, even though we only used you for a short time. But 11,141 links was way over the edge! And starting from scratch .... we don't have that kind of time.
We know you aren't listening Blogrolling, but we feel better now. And so we return to our regular non-schedule of postings.
We join with other bloggers with purrs, prayers and woofs for the Sherwood Bunch -- ML, Charley (the humans) and Charlie, KC and the other furries. They have been snowed under with medical emergencies lately. Still, despite all the extra stress, ML has worked to keep up with the Cat Blogosphere. You can read their story and updates on Missy, KC, Bear.
Fortunately, Mom Robyn and Auntie Deb have stepped up to help KC with posting to the CB and KC's blog respectively. It's really nice to have friends, even long distance ones.
Get well wishes to ML, Charley and Charlie the cat from all of us. We love you Sherwoods!
And now to let off a little steam. Many of you have used Blogrolling on your blogs. It was out of commission for a long time, so we have ignored the list we had on the bottom of our sidebar items. Until now. We noticed the list was long and out of alphabetical order. We signed in to for the first time in ages and discovered we had 11,141 links in our blogroll list. Perhaps 41 of them were ones we had added. So where did the other 11,100 come from? There were 11 pages and we were not about to wade through 11 pages but those we read on the first page were links we are familiar with. But we didn't give those links to Blogrolling!
We tried to contact Blogrolling through their web mail form to ask what happened, but it keeps telling us there is a communication error and won't accept it. We gave up trying to contact them. But if you can't contact them one way, blog it.
Blogrolling, where did you grab those links you added to our blogroll? Honestly, 11,141 links on one blog? We're just a little-known site, not a major news site. Whatever happened, between screwing up our blogroll and not allowing us to contact you about it, we sadly felt it necessary to remove Blogrolling from JFF. We appreciate that you helped us create the list before your site went down, even though we only used you for a short time. But 11,141 links was way over the edge! And starting from scratch .... we don't have that kind of time.
We know you aren't listening Blogrolling, but we feel better now. And so we return to our regular non-schedule of postings.
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