Opus has declared today, their 13th birthday, to be a day of celebrating his brother Roscoe’s life. We’re here as a family, but Percy and Rusty would like to say a few words first.
Percy: When I joined the CCSI cast of “The Santa Caper” last year, I wasn’t aware there would be a formal cast party. Jan couldn’t afford to buy me a suitable wardrobe for the trip, so I wasn’t going to attend. Opus and Roscoe generously offered to lend me whatever I needed, including one of their spare tuxedos.

Opus, Percy and Roscoe
When I got home, I found their tuxedo at the bottom of my suitcase. I offered to return it, but the guys told me it was a gift. Opus might not know that before I left, Roscoe offered to give me the orange tux he originally purchased for the party.

Roscoe had a special flair for wearing flamboyant outfits. Nothing was too outlandish for him, but Opus and I both lack the ability to carry it off with Roscoe’s panache, so I didn’t accept the gift. I really admired Roscoe for being comfortable with himself and not letting others deter him from living his life with zeal and passion.
Rusty: I still chuckle at the memory of Opus yelling, “Shark, shark,” as Sassy, Momo, Charlie and the rest of the group on a cruise around the bay watched a fin slowly approach the boat.When Opus’ voice rose several octaves and he started screaming, “Seriously, get out of the water, there’s a real shark coming,” we rolled on the deck with laughter as Roscoe’s body suddenly sprang from the water and he started cat paddling as fast as he could for safety. When he caught his breath, he chased Opus around the boat for spoiling his joke.
JFF: At Karl’s party, after a few too many “BBQ’d lizards,” Roscoe dared Buddy to go off the high dive into the hot tub. A hot tub does not have a high dive. The only high diving that day was Buddy trying to climb the tree limb that stretched above the tub. (In case you haven’t met Buddy yet, he’s a 50+ pound hound dog.
We all really enjoyed Roscoe’s sense of humor and adventure.We have seen so many pictures of Roscoe, some serious and some in jest.We all agree that this is one of our favorites.

Roscoe, we wish you were here today celebrating your birthday with Opus and your folks, wearing your bathing cap, drinking a niptini, and playing pranks on your guests. We all miss you, but we have wonderful memories, and we will see you again one day at the bridge.
And Opus, allowing Roscoe to have the limelight is just your nature, but you also deserve special recognition today. We know Cyndi and Danilo are giving you extra attention, but we want to wish you a very special Happy Birthday! – and many more to come.
Photos are courtesy of Sassy, Opus & Roscoe
we will really miss Roscoe.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Roscoe.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful tribute. I didn't know Roscoe well, but it looks like he was a neat kitty.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lovely tribute to Roscoe. We enjoyed reading about your adventures with him.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very beautiful tribute to Roscoe. Sadly we only got to know Roscoe a very short time before his journey to the Rainbow Bridge, but we will be stopping by to leave a comment and remember him.
ReplyDeleteBen xxxx
What a wonderful tribute to Roscoe. He liked all of you a lot and tried to make sure at least one of you were along on a trip.
ReplyDeleteStill hard to believe that he isn't here.
Too sad today to think about. I miss him.
That is a great tribute to Roscoe. I am sure he can look down and see how much he was loved and still is!
Happy Birthday, Roscoe. I loved the picture.
ReplyDeleteThose are such lovely memories. I didn't ever meet Rosco, but he sounds like he was an amazing kitty.
ReplyDeleteThat a lovely tribute, JFF!!! Really brings back the good times we had together. We will all miss Roscoe.
ReplyDeleteGentleanie2 here,
ReplyDeletewishing Roscoe a happy B'day!! we keep up tru JFF with all of the fun things and have enjoyed the great things this past year with all the parties and fun-we will miss him..but..
" Sweet memories live forever Roscoe "
Annie, Gypsy,and Mollie
and our Bean MOM KC
It's sad but a great memorial for his birthday
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to post without a date - i used a 3rd party template for a while that screwed several things up and now i can't get the date back... don't know how it disappeared ;-)
We will miss Roscoe - such fun to be around and a really good cat. We shall always drink a toast to him at all of the parties from now on.
Touching base with you all to let you know I am thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteHope Jan's head ace is gone by now. You all will have to keep things quiet while she is resting.
Had a visitor at my place today, made a post about it. Think you will find it interesting.
Roscoe sure had an exciting and adventure-filled life with Opus and furriends. We love this tribute to him.
Oh Miss Jan and the gang,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your wonderful post about Roscoe. I just love to read the stories about him. Makes me smile. We always treasured the time we got to spend with Pearcy during the cast party. We hope that every time he puts that suit on that he thinks of Roscoe. Maybe pearcy and I can get dressed up together for another adventure.
Thank you for remembering my brother.