Friday, February 17, 2017

Squatters Rights

Percy:  Remember this photo from just a week ago?  then I was happy and comfy and warm.  I was also the resident of the knitted hat and scarf basket.  (Chatting With Percy)

Micah:  And then he got up and moved out and I moved in.

Percy:  I did not move out!  When I went to the kitchen for some kibble, you decided to become a squatter.

Micah:  I am not a squatter.  The bed was empty and I -

Percy:  Took advantage of my absence.

Micah:  And I checked out the residence to see if I'd like to share it with you. 

Percy:  You stole my favorite bed.

Micah: We can take turns enjoying the warmth and softness of Miss Pam's lovely knitted bed.

Percy:  Not with your scent on it, I won't!

Micah:  Okay, then, if you're vacating the premises, I'm moving in.  Would you mind cleaning up after yourself?  You've left some fur behind.

Percy:  You can keep the fur.  I'll find myself another bed somewhere.

Micah:  Oh, good.  I can't wait to see where we're moving next.

We are joining the Pet Parade hosted by Rascal and Rocco, Basil the Bionic Cat, Barking from the Bayou and Owned by a husky.


  1. Crikey Percy .... you need to be a bit more assertive, mate.

  2. Hari OM
    Seems to me there's a need for a number of wool hats in the farmhouse!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Some kitties always want what the other kitty has!

  4. It's called time-share around here, that is, if the original kitty ever comes back again!

  5. Percy, all you need to do is pretend to find a new favorite spot and when Micah steals it, go reclaim your comfy knitted bed! 😊

  6. That hat and scarf are obviously extremely comfy.

  7. guyz...on de pluz side...leest de dawgs dinna try ta take over yur bed....ya noe !!! heerz two a uaru kinda week oh end; himz act shoo a lee a prette awesum fish; see ya twoozday ! ♥♥♥

  8. Poor Percy, we understand that happens here all the time.

  9. We have HEARD that SHARING is a GOOD thingy. Just Sayin.

  10. Well, I'm pretty used to the good spots being occupied!

  11. We tend to think of that as a "time-share," Micah and Percy!

  12. Uh oh. You both look pretty adorable. Maybe it's time for a time share agreement?

  13. Humans call this "sharing"... Purrs

  14. Um...we think it might be necessary to get another set of knitted goods in an basket...then you both can be happy and cozy...

  15. You know snuggling is warmer than sleeping alone, just saying.

  16. hello funny farmers its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot??? skwatters hav rites??? in that kayse i think i own all the furnitcher heer as wel as the bed!!! thank yoo for shayring this informayshun!!! ok bye

  17. MOL! We say possession is nine-tenths of the law. We're not sure what that means but we still says it.

  18. Love the photos!

    Elvira, Sneakers and Friday are always sussing over who naps where on the futon during the day.

    At night, when I take up most of the space, Sneakers tends to sleep at the head, and Friday near the foot....Elvira finds someplace else. :-D


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