l-r Trixie, Yao-lin, Sanjee, Percy, Asta, Momo and Tigger Photo by Sassy. Fashion by Ruis
Darling Millie gave Jan an award yesterday. This is our journal, but we don't mind. She did rescue all of us too. So we accepted it for her.

Millie wrote: We would like to give this award to Jan, who this week rescued a dog named Barkley, who was dumped at an old mill nearby. We think this makes Jan a Hero.
We'd - um, we mean, Jan would like to pass it on to Parker and to Daisy. They were such good sports as the final two in the wozog competition. Each requested the cat blogosphere vote for the other. And whichever won would donate the prize money to Churchill's medical fund. Parker won and followed through. Had Daisy won, she would have done the same.
Congratulations on your award. You passed it on to some fine cats.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on Jan's award! Thank you for passing it on to Parker and me, too. It was Parker's idea first to use the winnings for Churchill, so I am really happy that she won.
ReplyDeleteCancatulations on your award! And thank-you so much for awarding Daisy and I!
ReplyDeleteWe're gonna' go read about Pepper...
Well we are behind in our reading and just read about Barkley and Pepper and everything else...... We are glad you got that award WEll deserved!! Love A+A
ReplyDeleteThat's a most toadally cool award! Congrats!
Congrats! And a special thanks for visiting my blog! I think we will get to be great friends.
ReplyDeleteI hope you find my news reviews informative!
Percy is looking mighty handsome. Congratulations on your award. It is very well-deserved.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award, so exciting for all. Was so much fun working with you on the CCSI and am looking forward to working again with you!
ReplyDeleteOops, congrats on your other award too.!! You all work so hard at your place and deserve all the awards that come along your way.
ReplyDeleteConCATulations on your awards!