Monday, December 10, 2012

We Love Happy Stories

Hey, what's better than one dog hosting a post?  Well, three dogs hosting a post, silly.  Yep, we're sharing the duty today because this post is about dogs.  (Sorry, Funny Farmer Felines.)

We've spoken of our friend Mark a number of times over the years.  He's a grouchy old six-shooting Texan (his words) who has such a soft spot for animals, we wouldn't advise standing in his way if there's an animal in need or being abused.  Yep, he's a good friend to have if you're a furry. (Jan says he's not a bad one to have if you're a human either.)

He emailed us about a new book on dogs.  It's co-created by a friend of his and includes a couple of special Mark tales.
Here's a little about the book.

Hey dog lovers and rescuers .... a brand new book on dogs will be released nationally on Dec. 11th. However, it is already available on Bookstores should have it within a few weeks.

It was Co-Created by a friend of mine, Kathleene (Kathy) Baker, who has been a friend for many years and participates in promoting dog rescue . . . along with me. I’m also very proud to say I have two stories in this book.and is the 3rd book to be published in a brand new anthology series by Publishing Syndicate.

The creators of this series were with Chicken Soup for over a decade. Becoming tired of serious and sad stories, they launched the Not Your Mother’s Book anthology series.

I'm pleased to say I have two stories in the book! It's not your typical "cry your eyes" out book. The only tears found within the pages are tears of laughter and joy. No death/dying stories! And, the majority of the stories are about rescue dogs...Kathy was thrilled as she read hundreds of stories to see that people are finally doing the right thing.

The perfect Christmas gift for the dog lovers on my mailing list! ENJOY...

You can check it out and even look inside it on Amazon.comBarnes & Noble also has it listed.  More book stores will have it soon.  Personally, we can't wait to read it.

Oh, to satisfy the federal blogging rules, we do need to mention that we were not paid to write this, it is not an ad, and a copy of the book was not provided for this post.  It really is just us telling you about our friend Mark's stories stories in his friend Kathy's new book.


  1. Well good fur them, happy stories are so much better any day!

  2. We don't like stories that make us cry but so many dog stories are mostly sad ones

  3. This sounds great, we'll have Mom check it out. Happy Tuesday, furriends. xoxo

  4. Woof! Woof! Golden Thanks ... will check it out. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. That sounds like a brilliant book and thank you for telling us about it. Your friend sounds like a really ok person.. Hugs GJ xx

  6. N in this case ya can judge a book by de cover !!!

    bulldogs ROCK !!!!

  7. It sounds like a great read!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  8. Pawsome news. Happy stories are the bestest.

    Essex & Sherman

  9. That sounds like a great book! We love happy stories, too. :)

  10. Yippee!! It's great to see a book about happy stories.

    Love -

    Hershey and Kaci

  11. Oh we love happy stories, I hate it when you get to the end, like a film and the hero dies..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  12. OH what fun! We love happy stories too. Meow from Au, Target and Guido


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