Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rusty, Riley and Brazil

Hey, Rusty here again.  Yesterday I said we were trying to unchill from the cold and dampness.  But today is nice and Jan let me go outside with the big boys and lounge and roll in the sun in their doghouse .. um, um, my cathouse.  That felt so good.  I didn't even want to come in but Jan started tilting my cathouse so I'd come out and go inside.  Spoilsport!

I have a cute video for you today.  Riley the dachshund waits impatiently for his Christmas stocking.  ** Note to self:  Search closets for our Christmas stockings.  We've never seen a stocking.  In fact, Jan has never mentioned them.  Is she hiding and raiding our stockings?**  Ahem,  sorry I was sidetracked.  Back to Riley.

Oh, the excitement!   Listen to Riley's low whining in the beginning.  And then ... and then ... well, see for yourself.  Whee!

If the video doesn't play, click here.

We have written a number of times in the past couple of years or so on Dogs in Brazil and we hope you will stay tuned to read about them again.  The couple who rescues the dogs fell on hard times this year but they have fought and struggled to provide for the dogs they have and to see their dream of helping more come to fruition.  They are in process of moving from one area to another, setting up new pens for the dogs, and also working on becoming a registered non profit.  This was stalled due to lack of funds but friends and fans on Facebook and Twitter are helping them raise funds.  Yesterday they posted the exciting news that someone has offered to match donations dollar for dollar up to $1000. 

If you aren't acquainted with the couple behind Dogs in Brazil, go by and read some of their posts.  We are rooting for these folks to be able to help even more dogs.  And even if you can't donate, we hope you will root for them to succeed too.  The lady's name is Jan (not our Jan) and she is a go-getter!  At least stop by and say hello and wish her and her husband success in their mission.


  1. I sure hope those dogs get the help they so deserve!

  2. Rusty
    I am so glad you got to go out and we are purring for those dogs in Brazil.

  3. That dachsy's a cutie!

    Will pop over to Brazil and take a look. Sounds like excellent work being done there.

    Nice to see you Rusty :)

  4. Awww beautiful Riley is just adorable - he was so excited wasn't he?!! Awww yay!

    Sweet Rusty - yay that you got to go outside today!

    It's brilliant news about Dogs in Brazil! Take care

  5. What can I say, we doxies are rather cute huh? Hehehehe!
    Riley I am so glad you gots to spend time in YOUR cathouse but dat darn hads to come rock your out. What up with dat? My mum would haves done da same though.


  6. Paws are crossed for Dogs in Brazil
    Benny & Lily

  7. Riley gets x-cited, jus like us!

    Prayers for the Brazil pups!

  8. It is grest ta get outside! We wish WE could. So enjoy it fer us...

  9. Thanks for telling us about the Brazil dogs. We sure hope they get some help. Loved the video. Take care.

  10. That was an adorable video! Now I want MY stocking!

  11. Thanks for sharing this video.,I hope they will get some help,

    Dog Fence
    Pet Solutions
    Its All About Bichon

  12. That Riley is sure cute! Such expressive eyes!

    We hopes that those dogs get help!

  13. Cute post today - especially the video. Will go stop by the dogs in Brazil.

  14. Just wanted to thank you for your kind words at my retirement party. They made us feel much better. We still plan on visiting friends when we can. Purrs to you!


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