Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cotton with Wonders

Hey, Cotton here. At least I think I'm here. Blogger was a pain again about refusing to post a photo and then posting a half dozen of the same one.  I have as much ego as the next cat but one photo of me at a time is enough!

I have a Sunday music video for you today.  We all think it is a pretty song with lovely graphics.  It's "God of Wonders" by Third Day.  Enjoy.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Well, this was set to auto post but somehow Blogger took it off the schedule again.  Good thing I'm still up or you'd have to wait a while to see my pretty tortie colors.

Have a good day. We're all going to curl up in front of the gas space heater and nap. That's about as exciting as it gets around here.


  1. Blogger needs to get its act together but we would be okay with seeing more than one picture of you sweet Cotton. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs and nose kisses to all.

  2. This is one great super model pose, Cotton! Purrs!

  3. Blogger does things like that to mum sometimes, too.
    But thats a nice pic of you!

  4. Oh! That bad blogger drives my mom crazy sometimes! We do likes your picture!

  5. Think blogger might like cats .... or not! Cotton you look pretty fab in all your tortieness!

    Liked the song :)

  6. Awww who needs excitement when y'all can just curl up together and take things easy! Yay!! :-)

    Hello lovely Cotton! Take care

  7. Looking good Cotton! Hey, warm and snoozy sounds pretty exciting to me too!

  8. We love the song. It puts us in the mood for the day.

  9. Cotton, you are a knockout! So pretty! But I feel that way about Torties. MOL.

    Yours and my mommy like the same musics.

    Fanks you for the birfday wishes and the kitty pile is waiting. Come on over.

  10. Blogger was mean to us too this morning. All our reader list had disappeared. We only had the subscriptions that we did direct through google reader (about 6 or 7)The subscriptions we did through "follow" on blogger have been coming back bit by bit through the day and we think they are all back now. Mum was having a bit of a panic because we removed our linkslist when there was problems with them a few months ago and she had no way of knowing who we follow without google reader too.

  11. Oh Cotton Mr. Blogger could be a pain in the hiney
    Benny & Lily

  12. Oh Cotton, we sure are glad that picture got up there of you. You sure do have pretty tortie hairs. That video is very very nice.Hope Blogger gets straightened out. Take care.

  13. Bummer about your having so many problems with Blogger! I hope it gets better for ya.

  14. A gas heater and a nap is the highlight of your day? Sounds as exciting as mine. The whole house was at rest today, catching up from all the excitement and travel the last week. Glad you could come over and visit!


    pee ess: we don't auto do anything.

  15. We wouldn't' mind a few more pics of you :-)

  16. I think that Blogger should be on Santa's Naughty List!


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