Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Funny Dogs 5

Buddy: Jan is hogging the computer again! We're going to have to start charging her for obsessive use of our computer.

Cotton: Pssst, Buddy, it's Jan's computer.

Buddy: Oh, right. We'll have to start charging her for obsessive use of her computer.

Cotton: sigh. Maybe Buddy just needs his ears cleaned.

Merci: We thought you could all use a laugh or ten, so we found a video for you.

Crystal: Hope you like it. We have lots of things to post about but Jan hasn't emptied the camera and we can't get internet time.

Sam: Yeah, we're thinking of moving to a home with a human computer and a pet computer so we can visit our friends.

Cyndi: With our luck, the pet computer would probably be virtual and it would be hard for Percy to type on keys that don't exist.

Buddy: So let's just post the video and take the moving to a new home under advisement for now.

If the video doesn't play, click here.

Percy: See you tomorrow while Jan is taking a nap.

Rusty: What if Jan doesn't take a nap tomorrow?

Cameron: Percy was Dr. Buddy's anesthesiologist for Billy SweetFeets' brain operation. Maybe he can knock Jan over the ... uh, I mean, maybe he can put Jan to sleep too.


  1. great video !
    is very funny ^^

  2. Ooops, a PC hog!!! Funny video too!!!

  3. So many cute pics, we love the "sry" one.

    Play bows, Phantom and Thunder

  4. What a great video. Thanks for making us smile!

  5. Super funny video! Love the doggies jumping over each other!
    You all are great commentators! Keep it up, ok?

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this great video with us!!

  7. We watch the whole video and we'd like our time back!

    Just kidding. Woofies are entertaining.

  8. JFF always cracks us up. Please don't knock Jan over the head, who would feed you? ~AFSS

  9. Very cute video. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Haha! Thanks for sharing that!

  11. I loved that video!
    Lots of funny dogs and cats!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Hee hee hee! What a great video!

  13. So FURRY funny!

    I khan't begin to pikhk a favourite!

    Tank woo fur sharing!

    PeeEssWoo: Woo khould change her PW when she was out of the room and get your 'puter bakhk!

  14. Ah, yes! We do all need some fun! Hope you solve your 'puter utilization issues amicably! ;-)

  15. Cool video! Thanks for sharing it with us...I think I should charge Mom for using too much of the computer as well! *wink*


  16. Love the video.. LOL...

    It MAY be a good idea to charge Jan for hogging her computer... just think of all the extra treats the money can buy! :)


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