Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bike Acrobatics

No, we're not going to do any acrobatics. We're going to go snuggle under some blankets to get warm. But we do have a fun video of girls doing bicycle acrobatics. No way do we intend to try anything like this! The girls have perfect timing. Buddy and Sam would stop to sniff the stage, throw off our timing and we'd crash.

If the video doesn't play for you, click here.

Have a good night's rest and if you're in an area where it's winter right now, keep warm and well.


  1. Pretty amazing. Must be fixed front wheels.... Couldn't imagine trying that!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  2. I'd rather be snuggling under the covers!

  3. I enjoyed watching the video... under my covers too!
    Have a nice and warm night!
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Wow! They have a lot of hours into training and have had several bruises in the process. Stay warm. We have had upper 50's and 60's in Vegas. Come visit.

  5. Pish Posh, I can do that!

    (in my dreams....)

  6. Way too much activity.
    Give us a blankie and a sunny patch on the bed any day.

  7. That was incredible but scary too. Some of those girls look so young. Just imagine the training - we pups wonder if they get tasty treats when they do the trick correctly:)

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder from the chilly Midwest where it has warmed up to the 20s today.

  8. My mom was never limber enough to do THAT!



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