Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Readers Weren't Born Yet

Percy:  Here's my breakfast ... I mean, here's the singing and dancing Frostie.

Buddy:  Percy's just kidding about breakfast.  He already ate.

Cyndi:  We've been reminiscing and thought we'd repeat an oldie but goodie post.

Marcus:  It's a newbie to me.  I wasn't even born yet.

Merci:  And that's why we're repeating it.

Cameron:  Yeah, 'cause all our readers weren't born yet.

Rusty:  You might want to clarify that, Cameron, perhaps rephrase it.

Micah:  Yes, surely, at least some of our readers were born before that posted in January of 2012. 

Sam:  It doesn't matter whether you were born before or after the post, stop by Percy Ignores Frostie.  Frostie can really shake her feathers!

Wordless Wednesday blog hop.


  1. Thanks for making me feel young this morning guys.

  2. Bet he taste like chicken
    Lily & Edward

  3. OMD LOOK what Lily and Edward said... BaaaaWaaaah...

  4. Snorts at Lily and Edward's comment. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Percy, you crack us up! Giggling purrs....

  6. Um...were were borneded afur that date, MOL!

    Maybe if burd's name were Frosting, he would be a lot more tempting...

    He sure is a brave burd!
    Was he borneded afur that date??

  7. Your conversations are great!

    Your Pals Who Will Soon Reveal The Big Mystery,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Frostie is feeling the the song deep in her little birdie soul! ☺

  9. Hahaha. Good one, Percy! We agree, who wants to watch a bird when we could be looking at your handsome mancatliness? :)

  10. We know the trout tabbies would not like da BURD! MOL

  11. Aaaaw How cute. Weez knew yous wuldn't eat da little birdy. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. BOL!
    Happy WW!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. I definitely have one or two here that do not remember 2012!!!

    Harvey Button

  14. Lots of us kits not borned yet. Ize borned last year. mom says thank you fur re-posting. I like the bird. him funny dancing to song. Now mom not stop singing, "I Fly Away"

    - Lil Bear

    Mom says our computer memory am badz... we tried to watch the bird movie all the way, but bad memory blue screen tooks it away. Oh and thanks for the idea about the note to Google+ bloggers. Mom wrote a note based on yours. We gets confused too and can't find peoples blogs. We hads to put a link on our site for sum folks just so we could find them again.

    - Joey, who helps Mom by sitting in the desk chair.


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