Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Devil Dogs

Merci:  I don't know what Jan did but she sure made us look like devil dogs today.

Buddy:  This is an old photo of Merci and me in the back seat of Jan's car.  Or it was before Jan accented the edges.

Merci:  I believe this was was taken just before Buddy climbed into the front seat so he could learn to drive.

Buddy:  Yes, I wanted my driver's license and I would have gotten it too, if Merci hadn't wimped out on me.

Merci: Wimped out?  You tried to kill me.  And that was without the motor running.

Buddy:  I did no such thing.

Merci:  You wanted to drive sitting backwards in the seat so your ears would tan evenly or some such dumb idea. 

Buddy:  Merci, you have the worst memory.  I have never tried to kill you.

Merci:  Let's let readers decide for themselves with a link to The Driving Lesson.


  1. That sure is a cool photo. Just need some glow sticks. :)

  2. Now that is one super spooky pic guys...but not as spooky as the ear tanning incident hahahaah :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx

  3. OMD! You are so silly! This is a really cool photo!

  4. OMD that is a very ODD picture...

    Driving lessons... BACKWARDS... Even Ear Tanning.... We just don't know about this. Sort of Worrisome if you ask us...
    Maybe you should Sign up fur some classes at the Blogville school of Driving... we hear that GUSSIE might be teaching that class.

  5. It's like outer space dogs, BOL
    Lily & Edward

  6. Very cool effect!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. :-) COOL photo effect. Happy Wednesday. Golden Woofs

  8. Did you get your driver license? You can get one from Subaru.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  9. Cool effect ! It makes Mum think of a chalkboard (yes, she's a little bit obsessed by school as it's back to school on Monday for her) ! Purrs

  10. We love the photo. What a cool effect. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. That's a pretty neat rainbow-psychedelic look, Buddy and Merci. We never read about that driving lesson ... did you really write it in 2005? That was before we were blogging, so it was new to us. :)


  12. * helpless giggles * Devil Dogs indeed you two have mischief written all over you #CantHideThat.

    Harvey, Miranda and Silver

  13. What a gweat and cool foto. Weez luv what Jan did to it. And of course y'all look gweat too. Hav a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi n Lexi

  14. Psychedelic!

    What a tail about the driving lesson...OMD!

  15. We don't think you look devlish or spooky, you look kind of like those chalk drawings on menu boards at coffee shops. Kind of kool, really!

  16. Very funny I like to ride shotgun! Love Dolly

  17. Excellent photo! But Buddy we has to agree with Merci. It's a good think you didn't get the keys 'cuz you were an accident waiting to happen, MOL!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  18. We, the WeBeesSiameezers, have nominated you fur an award!
    You can find out about it, and grab it here:

    Don't feel hurried or obliged, just have fun!

    Pipo & Minko

  19. Neat photo work. But they ain't "devil dogs." :)


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