Saturday, May 25, 2013

Three Woofers Win News

Hey, the 3 Woofers here, Merci, Sam & Buddy.  The Funny Farmer Felines posted their weekly interview yesterday (click here if you missed Tommie, Gracie & Mickey Mouser of Shelter Cats.) so we figure it's our turn today.

Before we go any further, perhaps we should mention that the blog title doesn't mean we won any news.  We just prefer concise, to the point titles.  Three Woofers and their Siblings Win BlogPaws Swag and Talk About Their New News Column just doesn't have the same pizzazz, does it?

We are so excited.  We won some of the Island Cats' swag from BlogPaws. That's really nice of Wally, Ernie, Zoey and the lady with the yellow hair to share with us Funny Farmers. Um, do you think Jan will want some of ... we don't actually know what it will be yet, but if Ernie has been eating it, we figure it's edible.Well, hopefully, it won't be edibles Jan likes.

And for those of you who missed the announcement Sunday, the Blogville Chronicle is back and they are looking for columnists. Do you have furry blogging news or a hankering to write it?   K9Katastrophe posted Thursday so please go welcome Ruthie back.

We're going to be doing a column - we're thinking of calling it Meet & Greet - so we can use your help. Perhaps you have a better suggestion for a small weekly column?  Do you know of any furry - newbie bloggers you'd like us to introduce?  There are many we don't know - cat, dog, pet pig (Coccolino, for example) Are you a new furry blogger who would like to introduce yourself or, if your human has his / her own blog, perhaps he / she would like a mention.  Do you know a blogger - a furry or a rescue - you'd like to tell others about  Send us an email with a link and a little introductory information to jansfunnyfarm AT gmail DOT com.  We're happy to take suggestions since we're still trying to fashion the format. 

You can get daily news events at the Blogville Community Calendar, so be sure to send your news there too.  Sarge the Cop works hard to keep you informed.

The Cat Blogosphere posts daily cat news and Mousebreath posts the cat news you won't find on the other news blogs.

Are there any furry news blogs you know of that we missed? 

Support your furry blogging news sites by visiting and reporting news.  Blogville / blogosphere is a huge community..  Let's continue to meet new bloggers and get to know each other better. 


  1. It is great to have you as a columnist!


  2. We all love your blog!! You will be the best columnist!! Meet & Greet sounds great.

    Have a great weekend!

    Momo & Pinot xoxo

  3. Nice to meet you all and thanks for the visit. Skipper

  4. That is great news Jan we will keep our eyes and paws out for stuff to send your way!

  5. THis is FABULISHIOUS news! Wes LOVES your rep0orting!


Thanks for coming by for a visit. We love to hear from you.