Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Smile by Percy

Hey, it's about time I get to do another post.  You've probably all forgotten who I am by now.  I'm Percy, the handsome black and gray tabby mancat here. I have a treat for you today.  (Pun intended.)

Have you ever wondered why your dog is putting on weight for no reason?  No, no, no, no!  There is a reason.  If you want to know what it is, you need to watch the video.  Hint: one busy cat. 

I once did the same thing with the dog food bag, but Jan put a lid on it.  Seriously.  And treats?  She hides them ever since I found all her stashes and ate them all by myself.  There for a while, I was almost a fat cat. Now I'm a frustrated snack cat.

Enjoy the video.  And please don't drool all over it.  They won't return our deposit if there's drool  Or popcorn butter on the video.  Happy Sunday.

If the video doesn't play, click here.


  1. Percy, you could almost double for our Princeton. Xcept, you are probably not as destructive. Do yous have a spotted bellah?

  2. Pee Ess - that video is hilarious!

  3. Woof! Woof! Golden Thanks for the LAUGHS! Too bad my kitty friends lives in a different house. Happy SUNDAY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. We have NOT forgotten you Percy. LOVE the VIDEO.

  5. Would you like to move to our place, kitty??
    Percy, we never forget you, beautiful!

    Momo and Pinot

  6. We could never forget you Percy!!! That was a darn good video!

  7. Love the video but can't imagine our guys cooperating like that.

  8. I loved it but wonder if the cat got any herself or just enjoyed feeding the dog.. Hugs GJ xx

  9. Percy! Yous is a furry handsome Man cat! Yous should bes on more!
    That was a funny video! Reminds me of here!

  10. Percy, we could NEVER forget you, handsome mancat! That video was great. Good thing that cat doesn't live here...

  11. More proof that cats are smarter than dogs!!
    (Get the dog fat, more of a slow target for attacks).


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