Sunday, March 24, 2013

Micah Shushes Kids

Shhhhh, Micah here, hiding under the bed for a very hush-hush post today.  If Jan finds out I posted her picture, I'll be in big-time trouble.

First, remember this recent picture of Cynthia holding Daphne, the two-day old baby goat? She was 2 weeks old on Friday. 

Well, Cynthia and Jan went back Thursday to see two new goats born the day before.  This is Jan holding one of them. 

There were also two newborn goats there, not even an hour old.  This is the talkative one with mama Nanny to the right..  She wasn't due till this week but guess she was jealous of all the attention the other two mothers were getting.

All five of the kids, including Daphne, were girls so they will grow up to be milk goats.

Oh, and Jan said young goats in a barn aren't much different than dogs and cats in the house.  The day-old goats were busy checking out our smell on her clothes and then we checked her out when she came home.


Jan finished the graphics Friday night for the Furriends of the CB auction for ML . ML has done so much over the years to help many of us.  Her auction will begin tomorrow, Monday.  This is the matching badge for your sidebar or a post.  The link is -

Even after the auction has begun, you can email Marg ( margaretmsa AT gmail DOT com) about any items you would like to donate.  Send her a photo of the item(s ), include a description and a suggested opening bid for each.  She also needs to know whether shipping is included, as well as whether you will ship domestic only or also international.


  1. Squee! The baby goats are adorable!

  2. Micah, me won't tell. Me thinks the baby goats is furry cute!

  3. ::whispers:: Micah, your secrect is safe with us. By the way, those bebbeh goats sure are cute!

  4. I love the little goats and mum says she just loves the picture of Jan. Its really lovely and we should see more. Hugs GJ xx

  5. My human loves baby goats! I don't think we can have them here in the city, otherwise there would probably be one or two in the backyard, keeping the dog company.

  6. hello micah its dennis the vizsla dog hay after shushing the kids yoo may want to yel at them to git off yore lawn!!! on akkownt of they wil muntch on the grass!!! ha ha ok bye

  7. oh I finks dats fine u posted jans picture... now i knohs what hur looks like so i wont go hidey infns i sees her...
    Shy Miss Bootsie Woo.

  8. i mite go hidey ifns i sees goats doh. dey am bigs!

    Miss Bootsie Woo.

    Ah Bootsie they not gonna hurt you. they might sniff you tho...
    -Katie Kitty Too.

  9. we won't tell where you are
    Benny & Lily

  10. Thank you for your kind thoughts and words when Eric had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge. We miss him very much.

  11. They are just so cute and I enjoyed the pics!

  12. Those little goats are adorable! How fun to get to know them.


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