"Buddy's Hog Wallow has been destroyed," Merci claims, after cleaning their room. "Long live Merci's Mansion!"
Copyright 2005 Janice Price
Oh, Buddy - what a doofus he is! He actually believes a Scruffy Award is a housekeeping medal. I have to share my den with him so I'm well aware of his idea of housekeeping. And it's still Merci's Den, not Mr. Buddy's Bed.
Okay, Jan says it is now Merci's Den/Buddy's Bed. I guess that's okay, as long as my half is listed first, but Merci's Mansion/Buddy's Hog Wallow would be more appropriate.
Anyone can plainly see my bedmaking far surpasses his idea of neat. Unless the definition of "neat" is "rip it up, drag it round, dunk it in the waterbowl, and chuck it up in my (Merci's) half of the den.
Buddy butts his way into every picture Jan tries to take of me. He's even in this photo Jan took after I cleaned up Buddy's mess, but he's not happy about the loss of his pigsty, so he won't show his face. I can honestly say Jan captured his best side in this photograph.
As to Buddy helping around the house, I was Jan's assistant long before he arrived. I am the best tail-wagging, dust-stirring, gas heater pilot light putter outerer in this house! Perhaps in this state. (Jan's says there is no such thing as a gas heater pilot light putter outerer, but this is my story, not hers. And if there hasn't been any such thing until I came along, then I must be the best one in the world.)
Please remember that Buddy asked you folks to vote for him for the Scruffy Award. Please do! More than once, if you can possibly get away with it. I want him to win that award. I'm even willing to have a yard sale, sell my luxurious dollar toys and pay for his medal.
On the other hand, since Buddy wants a challenge, we can take an additional vote, this one to see which of us is the neatest bedmaker. That's "neatest," spelled trim and spruced and minus the shredded tree bark Buddy buries in our blanket.
So, for the Scruffy Award, vote for Buddy.
For the neatest bedmaking contest, vote for me. I'm Merci, remember?
You can send your votes to Jan's Mercy And Percy email address listed below.
And don't forget to visit her site at http://mercyandpercy.blogspot.com/ She doesn't write as well as Buddy and I do, so she can really use the readers.
Till next time.
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