Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Skeezix Pink

Today is turn your blog pink Wednesday to honor Skeezix.  Our blog has been pink for a while, so we didn't need to change it.

On June 18 we wrote a Farewell Skeezix post and created an original graphic to go with it.

And we made another graphic in his honor for his Mousebreath Skeezix Interview last Friday.

So we've pretty well covered anything we would write for today.  Yes, we could write more, but there are so many tributes posted to him today, we suggest you visit and read their Skeezix stories.  Unless, of course, you haven't already read ours; then just click on either or both links to see what we had to say. 

We might have already mentioned this, but it won't hurt to repeat it:  Skeezix, you will not be forgotten. You are missed by so many and our hearts hurt for your Food Lady and Mr. Tasty Face. 


  1. Purring fur your birthday!

    And remembering Skeezix

    Katie and the Katz Gang.

  2. Happy Birthday Jan.

    We are remembering Skeezix today as are so many other bloggers.

  3. Jan, I didn't know it was your birthday...I am happy to say have a happy one and a joyful one. xoxoxox

  4. Happy Birthday Jan!! Have a wonderful day.

    Very nice tribute to Skeezix by the way, he will be missed.

  5. Skeezix was indeed so very special and will live in our hearts forever.

  6. We stopped by to wish Jan a very happy birthday.

    We didn't follow Skeezix, though we knew of him and were terribly saddened by his passing. A big loss around the CB.

  7. Happy Birthday to Mom Jan!

    Skeezix was a very special ManCat! We will really miss him. All of your tributes were great.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. We hope that the Food Lady is touched reading all the tributes that have gone out to Skeezix. He was a very loved cat.

  9. Happy birthday to Jan! We send you love and hugs, and hope your day is as special as you.

    Skeezix touched so many lives, and he is loved and missed by so many.

  10. We wish to say happy birthday to you, and to also express our sadness at the news of the passing of Skeezix.

    Our Daddy Kiril, as you know, has had surgery for cancer in one of his eyes recently.

    I have posted our tribute, and Elvira has decided to taken on a mission in his honor. :-D

    Mr. Nikita
    Elvira Mistress of Felinity
    Kiril Kundurazieff

    The Opinionated Pussycat

  11. thanyew fur honorin' our best frend wif your lovely posts!! you did him proud!

  12. Skeezix lead quite an enormous life, and we wish there had been more.
    But Jan, "they say it's your birthday" must be rolling around your house today, so we stopped in to say we hope the Funny Farmers treat you well today and that you enjoy all the love from all of us, too.

  13. My blog is pink today... although my human forgot the ORANGE menu tabs! I will have a little post up later.

    BTW... happy birthday!

  14. guys, a total lee awesum tributes poter for skeezix..we NOE him iz lovin it...he IZA flat cat fashioneesta :)

    oh, N we see sum bodee by de name oh jan beez havin a birth day ta day...a verree happee day two yur food service purrson FFF...we hope she gets lots oh cake & mice creem & flounder & trout N grazz & catnip N sharez it with everee one

    happee day jan !!

  15. Beautiful! So wonderfully pink! We're sures he loves it! Sending happy birthday purrs!

  16. Happy, healthy birthday, Jan. The girls send you many purrs.

  17. Happy Birthday Jan!
    Skeezix will be greatly missed.

  18. Awww Happy Purrthday!
    We are all one and we all hurt for Skeezix's humans. May our love and memories help us to all heal together.

  19. A most pawsome tribute.

    If you visit our blog we have an award for you.

    Essex & Sherman

  20. A wunnerful tribute to a wunnerful cat!

    And Happy Birfday to Jan...

  21. You did a wonderful job with the interview and the graphics. Skeezix will be missed.

    Happy Birthday to Mom Jan!


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