Percy: We are bad kitties.
Sam: You heard that right from Percy, the head bad kitty. It's so refreshing to hear, bad kitties, not bad woofies. For once!
Dead silence ..... more silence .... sound of paw tapping on desk.
Cameron: Hello, anyone home here? Some of us are still waiting to find out why we're bad kitties.
Percy: Oh, sorry. Sam interrupted my train of thought and I completely forgot the subject. As I was saying, we are bad kitties Be quiet, Merci! Don't you interrupt too. Where was I? Oh, yes, we were bad kitties. **glares around the room, daring any to interrupt again** We were going to learn to post to Mousebreath before today but Jan has been hogging our computer and we never had a chance to learn. So late last night we had to ask Skeezix's Food Lady if she would post for us again.
Cyndi: And now ..... **G-L-A-R-E!** Uh, sorry, Percy.
Percy: And Skeez's Food Lady has now posted the Funny Farm Felines' interview with petite Miss Gracie of the Goodness Gracie blog. We hope you will stop by to read it - The Adventures of Goodness Gracie. And then drop by her blog to tell her what great reporters we are. Buddy, don't snicker. I meant you should tell her what a fun blogger she is. It's the Food Lady you should mention our great reporter talent to.
Click here for "Buddy has a Sad," our tribute to Sparky Fuzzypants and Blackie. We posted it earlier today.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Buddy has a Sad
We haven't been posting often for a while. Life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes. We did have a happy post planned for today, but we'd like to acknowledge the most recent blogosphere losses we're aware of. What would we do without the Cat Blogosphere to post the news for us? We aren't aware of anything similar for dogs, so it's harder to keep up with the woofie news.
Well, do the fun post separately later today. Meanwhile, we'll let Buddy post the sad news for all of us.
Buddy: I am very depressed today. If you remember, I recently declared a moratorium - no blogging pets or humans are allowed to leave for the bridge for two (2) decades. But they're not paying attention to me and they're still leaving. If my head gets any lower to the ground, my ears will get dirty and Jan will want to scrub them, so Cotton says I've got to keep my chin up. I decided to just crawl into Merci's basket bed to keep my ears clean while I mourn.
Yesterday we lost Sparky Fuzzypants of DaisyMae Maus and the Feline Americans. Sparky, you handsome dude, we understand you were ready to go, but your family wasn't prepared to say good-bye. (They never are.)
graphic by Mo (NTM)
Blackie of Whippy Curly Tails left on Tuesday. We tried to leave a comment but we just can not do word verification on blogs any more! Not even for sad news. We went back today and there is now one picture and a one word hieroglyphic to decipher. We don't have an email address for them, so we'll just hope they come across this post so they know we do care about their loss.
We send {{{hugs}}}, purrs and pawhugs for both blogging families.
We have finished the happy post for today. Click here to read it.
Cat Blogosphere,
rainbow bridge
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
Today is Memorial Day in the United States. We are posting a video titled "True Meaning of Memorial Day." We offer it with no other comment, except to say thank you to all who gave everything and to all those they left behind.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
If the video doesn't play, click here.
memorial day,
Friday, May 25, 2012
Frankie Friday
We've only been back for 3 days and the first two were pretty sad because of all the furries sick or new at the bridge. So we're glad to celebrate today. In case you haven't heard yet, it's Frankie Furter Friday.
What do you mean, who's Frankie Furter? Sooner or later everyone knows Frankie. He's got a title and everything - Hiz Honor, the Mayor of Blogville.
Don't be fooled by those short legs. He's tall where it's most important.
Buddy: Yep, Frankie's brain is tall and well-oiled. (What did you think we were referring to?) Sorry for butting into the conversation but I'd like to thank Clooney for his comment on our last post. He not only remembered I'm actually Dr. Buddy, the famous brain surgeon, but, contrary to certain rumors, I've got a lot going on in my upstairs. Just saying. Now back to Frankie's post.
Thanks for all you do, Frankie. We've noticed you're receiving an award here and there. You deserve them. Had we remembered in time we would have made you a plaque giving you the key to our wine cellar. (It's empty, but it makes a great place to hide out and contemplate a furry's animal magnetism on occasion.) Keep up the good work.
You can visit Frankie at the Franly and Ernestly Speaking blog.
We're going to head over to join Roo's Frankie Friday Blog Hop before our morning nap. See you there.
What do you mean, who's Frankie Furter? Sooner or later everyone knows Frankie. He's got a title and everything - Hiz Honor, the Mayor of Blogville.
Don't be fooled by those short legs. He's tall where it's most important.
Buddy: Yep, Frankie's brain is tall and well-oiled. (What did you think we were referring to?) Sorry for butting into the conversation but I'd like to thank Clooney for his comment on our last post. He not only remembered I'm actually Dr. Buddy, the famous brain surgeon, but, contrary to certain rumors, I've got a lot going on in my upstairs. Just saying. Now back to Frankie's post.
Thanks for all you do, Frankie. We've noticed you're receiving an award here and there. You deserve them. Had we remembered in time we would have made you a plaque giving you the key to our wine cellar. (It's empty, but it makes a great place to hide out and contemplate a furry's animal magnetism on occasion.) Keep up the good work.
You can visit Frankie at the Franly and Ernestly Speaking blog.
We're going to head over to join Roo's Frankie Friday Blog Hop before our morning nap. See you there.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Buddy Issues Moratorium
We have been sitting here for the longest time trying to agree on something to write, but the words just won't come. So we'll just dive in.
Yesterday we posted on our Funny Farm Felines' interview with Parker for Mousebreath. Also yesterday, Parker posted a farewell message with the news she would be leaving for the bridge this morning. So with great sadness today we link to Parker's mom's post, "aeternum in corde," which means forever in my heart..
Dear Parker, you will be missed by all who knew you! Purrs and pawhugs for your family, especially Mom Helen and Scott, the dad who saved you to a life of love.
We all realize the furry personality we meet on a blog largely reflects the personality of the human "impersonating" the furry. Mom Helen's posts since learning of Parker's cancer several months ago have been quietly graceful, grateful and positive while enduring the pain of a long (but not long enough) good-bye to a well-loved family member.. Her eloquent posts are similar to those of the late Miss Peach's Mom Karla. We would love to meet so many of the humans behind the bloggers. There would be such a wonderful array of personalities. We would in particular love to meet Mom Helen and Mom Karla, in hopes some of their calmness of spirit would rub off on our Jan.
Arty Mouse of AFS&S has been missing since Monday. Her mom was out of town for a few days and got home late last night. She is likely out looking for Arty now. We sure hope to hear good news soon!
Oops. We overlooked Kudzu & Pixie yesterday and again today. Boondocks & the Love Shack Pack lost two beloved members within a week. Extra purrs and pawhugs to their family.
We didn't know Elliot from On A More Personal Note blog but many of you do. We can guess the pain his family is going through and send them purrs and pawhugs also.
Years ago, Jan took a headcount after midnight and Crystal was missing. She discovered he had squeezed under a window she had left open a "sliver," pushed out the screen and disappeared. She grabbed a flashlight and raced outside with no idea which direction he would have gone. She almost missed him. He was in the middle of the back yard, as flat as possible to the ground. He didn't move, not when she picked him up, nor for a few minutes after she put him down inside the house. Something had terrified him. Thankfully, he had frozen and not run away or she'd never have found him and we would have missed those wonderful remaining years with him. So we understand how Eliot could have escaped to his death.
Now we can all use some good news.
Growl Tiger is a member of the Tabby Cat Club. (Percy and Rusty are members.) He has been very sick lately, but is doing so much better. Keep up the healing, GT!
Buddy: Now I am issuing an moratorium which must be obeyed. There are to be no more deaths, serious illnesses, missing furries, or any bad news for a period of at least two (2) decades! Understood?
Cotton, in Buddie's ear: Whisper, whisper, whisper.
Buddy: Oh, Cotton tells me that's a terrific idea, but I don't have the authority to issue such a moratorium. Would whoever does have that authority please contact me so I can borrow theirs?
4 graphics by Zoolatry
Farewell, lovely Parker Pie. We are so glad we had an opportunity to get to know you.Yesterday we posted on our Funny Farm Felines' interview with Parker for Mousebreath. Also yesterday, Parker posted a farewell message with the news she would be leaving for the bridge this morning. So with great sadness today we link to Parker's mom's post, "aeternum in corde," which means forever in my heart..
Dear Parker, you will be missed by all who knew you! Purrs and pawhugs for your family, especially Mom Helen and Scott, the dad who saved you to a life of love.
We all realize the furry personality we meet on a blog largely reflects the personality of the human "impersonating" the furry. Mom Helen's posts since learning of Parker's cancer several months ago have been quietly graceful, grateful and positive while enduring the pain of a long (but not long enough) good-bye to a well-loved family member.. Her eloquent posts are similar to those of the late Miss Peach's Mom Karla. We would love to meet so many of the humans behind the bloggers. There would be such a wonderful array of personalities. We would in particular love to meet Mom Helen and Mom Karla, in hopes some of their calmness of spirit would rub off on our Jan.
Arty Mouse of AFS&S has been missing since Monday. Her mom was out of town for a few days and got home late last night. She is likely out looking for Arty now. We sure hope to hear good news soon!
Oops. We overlooked Kudzu & Pixie yesterday and again today. Boondocks & the Love Shack Pack lost two beloved members within a week. Extra purrs and pawhugs to their family.
We didn't know Elliot from On A More Personal Note blog but many of you do. We can guess the pain his family is going through and send them purrs and pawhugs also.
Years ago, Jan took a headcount after midnight and Crystal was missing. She discovered he had squeezed under a window she had left open a "sliver," pushed out the screen and disappeared. She grabbed a flashlight and raced outside with no idea which direction he would have gone. She almost missed him. He was in the middle of the back yard, as flat as possible to the ground. He didn't move, not when she picked him up, nor for a few minutes after she put him down inside the house. Something had terrified him. Thankfully, he had frozen and not run away or she'd never have found him and we would have missed those wonderful remaining years with him. So we understand how Eliot could have escaped to his death.
Now we can all use some good news.
graphic by Gracie
Growl Tiger is a member of the Tabby Cat Club. (Percy and Rusty are members.) He has been very sick lately, but is doing so much better. Keep up the healing, GT!
Buddy: Now I am issuing an moratorium which must be obeyed. There are to be no more deaths, serious illnesses, missing furries, or any bad news for a period of at least two (2) decades! Understood?
Cotton, in Buddie's ear: Whisper, whisper, whisper.
Buddy: Oh, Cotton tells me that's a terrific idea, but I don't have the authority to issue such a moratorium. Would whoever does have that authority please contact me so I can borrow theirs?
rainbow bridge,
Sick List
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Smiles and Tears
We haven't posted in several weeks and would not be posting today but we have a special purpose or two. Reason #1 is that today is ML's birthday and we couldn't let her day go by without wishing her a howling, meowling great day!
Yes ... what the graphic says. From all of us at JFF. (We love the graphic, but we're kind of curious as to why ML's kitties are on the card we're sending her.)
While we've been gone, there has been a lot of bridge activity.

The CB and Tabby Cat Club lost Captain Casper yesterday.
On May 15th Gentleman Beau left the care of Rose & the Royals to be with his Mom Cathy.
Fin of Housecat Confidential held on as long as she could but she was ready to leave on May 7th.
There were more losses, including a few woofies but we don't have a the info handy or a graphic for them. Purrs, woofs and hugs to the family of each furry. They were each loved and are all missed.
The 2nd reason we are posting today is to announce the Funny Farm Felines' first interview is now posted on the cat ezine Mousebreath. (We woofies are thinking of suing for discrimination. We could be good reporters too, but no woofies allowed.) The lovely Parker (affectionately known as Parker Pie) is their first subject. We hope you will stop by to read Parker's story and then drop by the Perfectly Parker blog to leave lots of smoochies for her and her family.
UPDATE: When we corresponded with Parker's Mom last weekend, we weren't aware Parker would be leaving quite so soon. She will be helped to the bridge tomorrow. Thank you, Mom Helen, for working with us and thank you Skeezix & Food Lady for expediting the post yesterday so we didn't have to ask Jan if she knows how to post to Wordpress. (She doesn't! Yet.) Parker, we love you and wish you a peaceful journey!
We hope to be back soon, but you all know how life can interfere with the best intentions of two-leggers and furries.
Yes ... what the graphic says. From all of us at JFF. (We love the graphic, but we're kind of curious as to why ML's kitties are on the card we're sending her.)
While we've been gone, there has been a lot of bridge activity.

The CB and Tabby Cat Club lost Captain Casper yesterday.
Sammy passed away suddenly on May 18th.
On May 15th Gentleman Beau left the care of Rose & the Royals to be with his Mom Cathy.
Fin of Housecat Confidential held on as long as she could but she was ready to leave on May 7th.
There were more losses, including a few woofies but we don't have a the info handy or a graphic for them. Purrs, woofs and hugs to the family of each furry. They were each loved and are all missed.
The 2nd reason we are posting today is to announce the Funny Farm Felines' first interview is now posted on the cat ezine Mousebreath. (We woofies are thinking of suing for discrimination. We could be good reporters too, but no woofies allowed.) The lovely Parker (affectionately known as Parker Pie) is their first subject. We hope you will stop by to read Parker's story and then drop by the Perfectly Parker blog to leave lots of smoochies for her and her family.
UPDATE: When we corresponded with Parker's Mom last weekend, we weren't aware Parker would be leaving quite so soon. She will be helped to the bridge tomorrow. Thank you, Mom Helen, for working with us and thank you Skeezix & Food Lady for expediting the post yesterday so we didn't have to ask Jan if she knows how to post to Wordpress. (She doesn't! Yet.) Parker, we love you and wish you a peaceful journey!
We hope to be back soon, but you all know how life can interfere with the best intentions of two-leggers and furries.
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