Thursday, April 21, 2011

Merci with Correct Address

Merci here to help some who lost us to find us again.

Our correct url is Anyone who still has us listed anywhere in their records as jansfunnyfarmDOTcom, please delete that url from any of your records. Our blog remains but it's not forwarded from our own url any more.

In February of this year Jan lost two of her DotCom addresses. Jan's Funny Farm was one of them. She tried to use the same method she used for six successful years and her payment was denied. She was given excuses: it's the bank's fault, you've purchased too many products from us within a short period.... There was no problem with the bank. An annual renewal is too many products in a short period? After being given a runaround for more than a week, she was given a contact number to reach a human.

But first, she did her homework online and was already aware what would happen. Sure enough, she was read a script about how she does NOT have any bad history but if she'll just fill out one of the forms for the company that has to approve payments and submit it online, her payment MIGHT be accepted.

No company needs to know the kind of detailed financial information the company demanded on their form. Jan refused to be "bullied" into divulging so much personal information, especially to a company whose employee sold what little information they had of hers back in 2007.

The domain registration company called her to "help." They suggested she get a prepaid credit card for the exact amount of the fees and then cancel the card. She rejected that idea on several grounds, one being she would have ended up paying twice as much for the urls. She had tendered a perfectly good payment and it had been rejected, so they don't need her business.

The domain names were canceled and she waited to see what would happen. Two or three weeks ago she was contacted by a company offering to sell each of her domain names to her because she has blogs by those names. Recently, while changing the url in different locations, she found the old DotCom is now an advertisement page. Who knows what it could be tomorrow? There are those who buy up domain names for sites still posting current content to try to sell them for inflated prices.

So, please, do use Don't help the new owner of our old DotCom make any money off the domain name. And we hope those who thought we closed the blog when the DotCom address stopped working will find us again.


  1. hello lovely Merci! I checked and I have your correct url link! Yay!!!

    Yay for Jan for not being bullied into giving out more information than necessary!!

    Take care x

  2. That is nutty Merci. Glad it's straightened out
    Benny & Lily

  3. We checked too, and have the correct URL!

    Happy Easter weekend to you all!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  4. We've got the right link. Hey, was that Verio? I've had horrible problems with them in the past. Never again!

  5. Got it! You are not lost to me. I don't like those billies and were mean to you. If I were a doggie I would look them up and show them my canine toothies, right in their . . . well you know where.

  6. I do have the correct URL : )

  7. That company was nutty and obviously trying to pull a scam of some kind. Glad to hear that you dumped them.

  8. WE have never had that happen to us, no matter how many domains the Woman renews at once. She only uses paypal though on her namecheap account.

  9. I has da correct one too!
    Jan is very smart! Mum and dad say NEVERS give out financial or personal info likes dat.


  10. Humans always have so many complications in their lives. Good for Jan not giving information. Humans are also nosy.

  11. Got you covered Hon. Bravo for not giving in to the money grubbing BA$#$%#s.

    Have a great Holiday Weekend. Love to all the critters, and the Beans as well.

    Lisa, Roy, and the 6 Kitties!

  12. Well we got the right link - How dare those scuzzy peeps wanting to know all your financial information.
    Glad Jan was to smart for them.

    Happy Easter Weekend to all of you Funny Farmers.


  13. Sorry you lost your .com domain. It sounds like such a hassle!

  14. That's awful! My mommy wants to know which company you had your domain registered with?

    Good for you for not giving out your personal information!

    Woofs & hugs,



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